Andreas Holzinger, Stefan Mayr
Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation (IMI), Research Unit HCI4MED
MedUni Graz & Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM), TU Graz, Graz, Austria
Wolfgang Slany
Institute for Software Technology (IST), Technische Universität Graz, Graz, Austria
Matjaz Debevc
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Keywords: AJAX, Usability, Web Application, CSS, XMLHttpRequest.
Abstract: In this paper we discusses some pros and cons of using AJAX for increasing the usability of Web
applications. As AJAX allows Web applications look like desktop applications, it can increase the
learnability of a Web application. Nevertheless, AJAX can also be the source of end user frustration if the
XMLHttpRequest is not supported by the browser, Javascript is not available, or an Internet connection is
missing. We also provide some workarounds for server response time gaps, for example by providing
visible user feedback messages) and enabling the back button to work properly.
The term user generated content describes many of
the phenomena which became rising stars including
MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. All of
these so called Web 2.0 sites act only as interfaces
between publishers and consumers. For both user
groups an easy to use interface has to be provided to
encourage the publisher to share their content on the
one hand and enable an easy access to the uploaded
items for the consumers. When the amount of
interactions between end users and web pages began
to rise, the usability of such websites were in the
focus of many companies. Due to the fact that a lot
of those services were copied and everyone tried not
to lose the contributors to the competitors by
improving the quality of the services. With the
appearance of the first AJAX approaches such
improvements in the field of interactions were
possible for the first time. Application programming
interfaces and mashups make it difficult to
determine between a service, an application or a web
page. These facts constitute new challenges for
HCI&UE, since every user can be a designer, every
menu can have a different behaviour, experience
outranks efficiency, and connectivity replaces
consistency (Dix & Cowen, 2007).
As stated in ISO-9241-11 usability is “the extent to
which a product can be used by specified users to
achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of
use.” This definition makes it impossible to find a
universally valid usability recipe: Usability always
depends on external factors (the context). For
example, a lot of help messages may make an
interface more usable for novice users but could
seriously disturb expert users in using the interface
Thus, all the findings in this paper have to be
seen in the context of the particular usage.
Basically, there are five dimensions of usability:
Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Error
Handling and Satisfaction (Nielsen, 1993),
(Shneiderman, 1997), (Holzinger, 2005).
Holzinger A., Mayr S., Slany W. and Debevc M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 124-127
DOI: 10.5220/0002982801240127
Example 1: The simplicity of HTML ensured that a
huge number of people were able to learn and use
the language without problems. On the other hand,
the simplicity was also its’ big disadvantage. Only a
small number of tags were available. Such a page
normally consist of all design and navigation
elements as well as content and links to refer to
other pages within the same homepage or to other,
third party resources. Even if this never really
changed, there is no consistency within different
web pages at all because web pages are designed
rather than developed. So the position of – for
example – navigation elements is up to the creator of
the webpage and follows no rules in most cases.
While it is mostly agreed that the main navigation
elements should be on the left hand site, this is
ignored by many sites. Web applications are
different due to the combination of hypermedia and
an information system and the way to access the
data. The way AJAX communicates with the server
gave the developers the opportunity to create web
applications with the same look and feel as desktop
applications for the first time. As user events like
pressing a button or dragging a item to the shopping
basked can be processed asynchronous in
background the application is not interrupted or
reloaded in any way anymore (Garrett, 2005).
As Quesenbery (Quesenbery, 2002) stated, the
learnability of a product can be increased by
transferring prior knowledge from similar products
to the new one and keeping interaction patterns
which the users may have experienced. Mochaui
(Houston, 2009) for example is an AJAX framework
and enables web designer to create web pages which
act similar to the Windows operating system. When
entering the page a desktop with clickable icons are
presented. A click on those icons opens a window
and the requested content will be loaded.
The mental model of using a Windows desktop
and opening different software programs to do
different jobs is so transferred to a web page in an
easy way since most of the functionality of desktop
icons and the desktop itself is already implemented
in the framework. AJAX is used in the Mochaui
framework specially for modifying the DOM model
and the style rules defined in the cascade style sheet
(CSS) on the fly to enable such interaction like drag
and drop and loading content into virtual windows.
Those windows are not POP UP windows but only
elements of the DOM model and therefore
accessible from all other parts of the current loaded
page. With this technique even updates to opened
windows are possible. It has to be mentioned that all
of the features described here in this section would
be also possible without Mochaui but this
framework combines a bunch of JavaScript methods
for easily creating such environments.
Another popular example and one of the first
AJAX driven web application with worldwide
attention was Google Maps where retrieving a new
part of the map is possible by simply dragging the
current map in the desired direction. While a non
AJAX page would need to reload the entire page,
Goole Maps only reloads the graphics for displaying
the new section.
The efficiency of using the map is so increased
by reducing the loading time. Especially when
focusing on memorability another big advantage of
AJAX based web applications becomes visible. As
the AJAX fundamental XMLHttprequest is a de
facto standard and supported by all major browsers
(Firefox, Safari, Opera, Konqueror and Internet
Explorer) a AJAX application will work across
many platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux).
Even when some mental models of interacting
with the operating systems differ completely the
behaviour of the web application can be the same
across those platforms. Users which have to do the
same task on different platforms – for example when
retrieving emails at home, on mobile and at work
with 3 different operating systems – the usage of one
common web based email client will always offer
the same look and feel and the same interaction
model. The time effort for a reorientation on the
other platform is so minimized or even dropped and
increases the memorability especially when one of
the platform is used not frequently. The “one
application for all platforms” approach could also
increase usability in a completely other way: as such
an application has only to be developed once,
usability tests and removing functional bugs can
fulfil the request to minimize errors.
Even if only one application has to be developed,
it is essential to test it on all target platforms due to
the fact that the XMLHttpRequest – Method is not a
standard and may be interpreted slightly differently
from browser to browser (Asleson & Schutta, 2005).
A similar problem arises when using CSS, where
some browsers interpret the CSS rules in a different
Example 2. As efficiency can be seen as a
relation between the accuracy and completeness of
achieving a goal and the resources needed for this
achievement (Frøkjær, Hertzum & Hornbæk, 2000),
all AJAX gimmicks which reduce the completion
time for a certain task can raise the level of
A further example are search queries: As search
results are always as good as the quality of the
queries (Croft & Thompson, 1987) an efficient
search system should provide help in finding
adequate search terms or phrases. Such an approach
is for example Google Suggest, where the system
delivers suggestions for expanding the entered
search phrase of the user. A drop-down offers the
suggestions, which origin from analyzing former
search queries. The user simply clicks on one of the
entries of the list to finish the search query.
As such methods increase the cognitive load
(Bruza, McArthur & Dennis, 2000) such lists are
often shorten to the best matching 10 entries; an
experiment comparing normal search to a system
which helps expanding the query phrases by
providing a suggestion list of expanded phrases
showed that the relevance of the found pages was
higher. Also the time spend on those sites was
higher so they matched the expectations more
precisely. This technique of providing suggestions is
normally done by observing events of an text input
field (key down, key up, on-change) to trigger the
data retrieval from the server. If a certain amount of
characters was typed in, the results set of possible
phrase extensions is loaded from the server and
displayed in a drop-down window, where a
suggestion can be selected. If the user ignores the
suggestions and types more words, the suggestions
are reloaded and another set is presented to the user.
Another way is to reconfigure and refill elements
of a form due to information which was filled in
previous fields. During a registration process there is
a the request to provide the region where the user
By selecting the appropriate nation, only the
regions of that country have to be loaded and placed
in the regions drop down. Such lists only consist of
alternatives which are necessary for fulfilling the
task. It is obvious that finding a term within a shorter
set of terms takes less time than going through a
huge list of possible answers.
There are two ways of providing such a form
reconfiguration: to reduce server load the possible
result sets can be loaded along with the page itself.
AJAX is only used to tack the trigger events
(selection of a nation) and to replace one element of
the DOM. This works efficiently when only a few
possibilities exists because otherwise all data has to
be loaded at once which would increase loading
The second approach is to load the data only when
the trigger announces a new event.
One of the worst cases when providing a software is
when people cannot use the software at all.
Unfortunately there are three situations where an
AJAX driven application simply does not work.
As the XMLHttpRequest was implemented for
the first time in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0,
Mozilla 1.0 and Safari 1.2 (Asleson & Schutta,
2005) all user with previous versions are not able to
use these new websites. Nowadays this group of
people is extremely small, because all the supporting
versions were published at least 5 years ago. The
second smallest group are those users where
JavaScript is not available. This can be due to a
security policy in companies, when users have
scripting turned off or when the browsers don’t
support scripting (some mobile browsers).
According to a statistic of less than
10% of the users have no JavaScript support at their
browsers. The third group is probably the biggest,
even when the size is not directly measureable: the
“offline people” (Nemedi, 2007). AJAX based web
applications always need an internet connection to
serve the desired data. Even just starting such an
application is – with exception of a local cache
version – not possible. How many people cannot use
the service because they are offline can hardly be
predicted but there are several reasons for using a
computer in offline mode. Especially in countries
where internet access is still a problem, web
applications like a online spreadsheet tool are
unavailable for those people. When data is reloaded
asynchronously and the content of the page is
changed without reloading the webpage, the link
stated in the browser’s address bar does not
represent the current state of the application.
Depending on the quality level of the
implementation a bookmark would only lead to the
initial state of the website regardless when the
bookmark was set (Kasemvilas & Firpo, 2009).
Another issue caused by not having the current state
of a website is the wrong behaviour of the back
button (Kasemvilas & Firpo, 2009). When for
example a user navigates through the pages of a
search result by an AJAX request the browser does
not recognize that a new page is loaded. Pressing the
browsers back button will not lead to one of the
previous result pages but to the page that was
opened before the entire search. The asynchronous
data transmission can also lead into problems when
there is a timely gap between the user action and the
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
corresponding result, especially if the result is
displayed on the screen at an unexpected time.
The transmission can even slow down the whole
application and confuse the user about the current
state when a lot of user interaction takes place which
has to be communicated to the server. A common
example is evaluating a form by sending every user
input to the server and displaying erroneous input. If
the location for displaying the error messages is
badly chosen, the user may not recognize where the
error occurred. Even when there is no error, a time
gap between the click and the expected result may
lead to confusion and another click on the element
so a checkbox is unselected again or an action is
executed twice. All of the mentioned problems
above may be solved by using AJAX in a well-
thought-out way. It is important to use this
technology not only by replacing some features of
the site with a corresponding AJAX function
because that is mostly the reason for site effects as
stated above. A workaround for the back-button and
the bookmark issue for example is to modify the
document location by adding an anchor point (#) to
the document.location.href variable. This will lead to
an update of the URL in the address bar which can
be bookmarked or used as for handling the back-
button event. Large web applications inlcuding
Google Mail and Facebook use this technique for
example to avoid navigation problems. A
disadvantage of inserting anchor points is that all
major search engines cut off such anchor points and
index the wrong content.
AJAX enables developers to design web pages with
a complete different look and behaviour than classic
pages. Especially the way how users interact with
the system helps improving usability by enabling the
transfer of already known and learned mental
models to web pages. Having only one application
for all platforms and being able to remove bugs and
usability problems without user notice or user
interaction can improve the usability of a site. When
a page is reloaded without updating and reformatting
the URLs in the address bar, this address may not
reflect the current state and point only to the initial
state of the web site. Especially bookmarking a
specific state of the site is then impossible. When
designing an AJAX application, such problems
should be taken in consideration already in the
design phase. The user should always be informed
about the status and – in special cases – that the
system is locked because of waiting for data from
the server. This avoids overlapping requests to the
server which can fast lead to confusion and
unwanted results. For users which are not able to
access JavaScript applications due to the lack of the
scripting language an alternative should be provided
like in Google Mail, where a non JavaScript version
is also available. The mail application of Google
also handles the problem of users which want to
access their emails offline by providing an interface
(POP3 / IMAP) for downloading the emails with an
offline email reader (email client). As demonstrated,
the usage of AJAX may improve the usability,
however, the disadvantages should always be kept in
mind when designing such applications to avoid a
serious step back in usability engineering.
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