Ann Nosseir
Institute of National Planning, Salah Salem Street, Nasr City and British University in Egypt, El Shorouk City, Egypt
Sotirios Terzis
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, 26 Richmond Street, Glasgow, U.K.
Keywords: Security Usability, Usable Authentication, Question-based Authentication, User Study.
Abstract: Authentication via electronic personal history questions is a novel technique that aims to enhance question-
based authentication. This paper presents a study that is part of a wider investigation into the feasibility of
the technique. The study used academic personal web site data as a source of personal history information,
and studied the effect of using an image-based representation of questions about personal history events. It
followed a methodology that assessed the impact on both genuine users and attackers, and provides a deeper
insight into their behaviour. From an authentication point of view, the study concluded that (a) an image-
based representation of questions is certainly beneficial; (b) a small increase in the number of
distracters/options used in closed questions has a positive effect; and (c) despite the closeness of the
attackers their ability to answer correctly with high confidence questions about the genuine users’ personal
history is limited. These results are encouraging for the feasibility of the technique.
Passwords are widely used to authenticate users in a
variety of contexts. Their popularity stems from the
ease with which they can be implemented and
administered. They also have well understood
theoretical security properties. However, these
mechanisms also suffer from well-reported usability
problems (Brostoff, 2004, Yan et al, 2004). At the
heart of these problems lays the fact that passwords
that are difficult for attackers to guess are also
difficult for genuine users to remember. In other
words, secure passwords are not user-friendly.
In recent years, a number of usable
authentication schemes have been proposed that aim
to address the usability problems of passwords (De-
Angeli et al, 2002, Dhamija, 2000, Passface, Pering
et al, 2003, Wiedenbeck et al, 2005, Zviran and
Haga, 1990). Question-based authentication using
personal facts appears as a particularly promising
approach. Typically question-based authentication
schemes involve an answer registration step, in
which users set up one or more questions and their
answers, followed by an answer presentation step, in
which users are challenged by (some of) their
questions and are required to provide the registered
answers for successful authentication (Just, 2004).
However, the effectiveness of current question-
based authentication is limited. The number of
personal facts used is kept quite small and fairly
generic, and the answer registration phase is rarely
repeated (Just, 2004). The main idea of our research
is to improve the effectiveness of question-based
authentication by replacing answer registration by an
automated process that constructs questions and
answers from the electronic personal histories of
Our approach is motivated by two main
observations, first detailed electronic records of
users’ personal histories are already available, and
second the use personal history information in
question-based authentication is appealing both from
a security and usability point of view. In today’s
world as users go about their everyday life, they
leave behind trails of digital footprints (Harper et al,
2008). These trails consist of data captured by a
plethora of information and communication
technologies when users interact with them. For
Nosseir A. and Terzis S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 63-70
DOI: 10.5220/0002908000630070
example, trails of shopping transactions are captured
by the information systems of credit card companies;
while mobile phone networks capture trails of
visited areas, etc. The abundance of cheap storage
space makes it easy to keep lasting records of these
trails (Harper et al, 2008). As the deployment and
use of information and communication technologies
becomes pervasive, people’s digital footprints come
closer to an electronic record of their personal
history. At the same time, personal history
information grows continuously over time. This
allows an increasing set of questions to be generated
for authentication purposes. Not only that but the
questions can also be personalized. Moreover,
authentication can also be dynamic, i.e. a different
set of questions and answers can be used at each
authentication attempt. All these make it more
difficult for an attack to succeed. In addition to this,
as electronic personal histories comprise of trails
from a variety of sources, it is also more difficult for
attackers to compromise the mechanism with a
successful attack against an individual data source,
or by impersonating the user in a particular context.
More importantly, though, these characteristics can
be provided with minimal impact on usability, as
users are likely to know quite well their personal
history and no additional effort is required from their
This paper presents a study that was carried out
using data from academic personal web sites as a
source of personal history information. The study is
part of a series of studies that aim to establish the
appropriateness of personal history information as a
basis for question based authentication. The study
explores the extent to which participants could recall
events from their personal academic history and
successfully answer questions about them. At the
same time, it explores to what extent their colleagues
are able to answer the same set of questions. In
particular, the study investigates the impact of using
an image-based formulation of questions in the
ability of the participants to correctly answer them.
The main conclusions of the study are:
Image-based formulation of questions has a
significant, positive impact on the ability of genuine
users to answer correctly the questions and no
significant impact on attackers.
A small increase in the number of distracters in
closed questions has a significant negative impact on
the ability of attackers to answer them correctly and
no significant impact on genuine users.
Despite the closeness of attackers to genuine
users, their ability in answering the genuine users’
questions correctly with high confidence is quite
The rest of the paper starts with a review of
related work, focusing on previous work on usable
authentication mechanisms. This review draws some
interesting conclusions that motivates our overall
approach and identifies some ideas for exploration.
This is followed by an outline of our general
research methodology that sets the context for the
current study. Then, the study itself is presented in
detail including the procedures followed, its results,
and the conclusions drawn. The paper concludes
with a summary and directions for future research.
In recent years, a number of usable authentication
schemes have been proposed that aim to address the
usability problems of passwords. These schemes can
be roughly classified into two categories, those that
use questions about personal attributes (facts and
opinions), which are easy to recall, and those that
use images, which are easy to recognise and recall.
The former category includes schemes like question-
based authentication (Just, 2004) and cognitive
passwords (Zviran and Haga, 1993), which uses
personal facts and opinions. The latter includes
mechanisms like random art (Dhamija, 2000),
Passfaces (Passface), personal images (Pering et al,
2003), Awas-E (Takada and Koike, 2003), and VIP
(De Angeli et al, 2002), which differ in the type and
origin of images, and the way these are used as
described below.
All these schemes involve a registration phase,
where the “password” is set up, and an
authentication phase where the user is challenged to
provide the “password”. At registration different
approaches require different levels of user
involvement. In some schemes the system selects the
“password” on users’ behalf. In others, users select a
password from a list of system provided ones. Some
even allow complete freedom to users in choosing
their “password”. During authentication, some
schemes challenge users to provide the complete
“password”, while others only part of it. Others go
further and challenge users with a series of
challenges/questions. In some schemes the questions
are open, where the user has to provide their
“password”, while in others closed, where the users
have to choose the password from a list of provided
ones. In general, it seems that the greater the user
involvement in the “password” registration phase,
the more memorable and applicable the “password”
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is, while closed questions remove any repeatability
problems. Applicability refers to the extent to which
the chosen questions apply to the user population,
while repeatability refers to the extent to which the
correct answer does not have multiple syntactic
representations and its semantic value remains the
same over time (Just, 2004).
However, improving usability is not by itself the
end goal, as this improvement may be at the expense
of security. It is interesting to note that most usable
authentication schemes have been proposed without
an analysis of their robustness against attacks. More
specifically, a closed question only makes sense
from a security point of view, if measures are taken
to militate against brute-force attacks, e.g. large
number of distracters and multiple independent
questions, but the impact of such measures to
usability has not been fully assessed. Moreover,
questions-based schemes have been shown to be
vulnerable to guessability attacks by close friends
and family (Zviran and Haga, 1990). These
problems can be further exacerbated, if the questions
used have not been carefully chosen to ensure that
the correct answer cannot be uncovered with a small
number of attempts, or are publicly available (Just,
2004), particularly when users provide their own
questions. Similarly, for image-based schemes
studies have shown that users show statistically
significant biases in image selection (Davis,
Monrose and Reiter, 2004). The use of personal
images is fraught with even more difficulties and
dangers, as care needs to be taken to ensure that
images provided are not easily guessable (Pering et
al, 2003), because for example they include the user.
In addition to this, image-based schemes due to their
nature are also more vulnerable to shoulder surfing
and observation attacks.
We believe that a question-based authentication
scheme using electronic personal history information
has the potential to strike the right balance between
security and usability. First, as personal history
information grows over time, it should be more and
more difficult for others, even close family and
friends, to know it fully. The increase in the number
of potential questions should also make the scheme
more robust to guessability attacks and less
vulnerable to shoulder surfing, observation and brute
force attacks. Second, by asking questions about
events from the user’s personal history, the scheme
ensures maximum applicability with each user
potentially having their own questions. It also has a
potentially strong personal link essential for
memorability. In order to establish that these
properties hold in practice an in depth empirical
investigation of personal history information is
For personal history information to be deemed
appropriate for authentication purposes, one needs to
establish that users can easily recall events from
their personal history and can successfully answer
questions about them. One also needs to show that
others cannot successfully answer the same
questions and cannot easily impersonate users. In
this respect, of particular concern are those that
share parts of a user’s personal history. An added
complication is that the trails of digital footprints
comprising a user’s electronic personal history may
take various forms with different characteristics.
For these reasons, our work carries out a number
of studies, using different types of electronic
personal history data. Each type of data is used to
generate a number of questions focusing on
particular events of the participants’ personal
histories. Moreover, each study combines a study of
genuine user behaviour, in which participants are
asked to answer questions about their personal
history, with a study of attacker behaviour, in which
participants are asked to answer questions about the
personal history of other participants. The focus is in
establishing a statistically significant difference in
the ability of genuine users and attackers to answer
the same set of questions. Furthermore, each study
carries out a number of experiments that explore
whether certain parameters can improve the results,
by either improving genuine users’ performance or
deteriorating attackers’ performance, or both.
In this context, we have already carried out two
studies. The first (Nosseir et al, 2005) used
electronic personal calendar data that provide a clear
set of personal history events. It showed that only
questions about events that are recent, repetitive,
pleasant, or strongly associated with particular
locations produce statistically significant difference
in the ability of genuine user and attackers to answer
them correctly. However, this study was quite
limited, with a small number of participants, as
people were very reluctant to share their personal
calendar data. The second study used sensor data
generated by an instrumented research laboratory
(Nosseir et al, 2006). The study built on the earlier
results focusing only on events that are recent and
repetitive, and also showed a difference in the ability
of genuine users and attackers to answer the
questions correctly. An interesting thing about this
study was that personal history events had to be
inferred from the underlying sensor data. Despite
using a fairly basic algorithm, the inference proved
very accurate. However, this study was also quite
limited with a small number of participants, and the
sensor data although plentiful, only allowed person
arrival and departure events to be inferred.
For this study, academic personal web site data
are used to overcome the above limitations.
Academic personal web sites are easily accessible
and are usually rich in information about the
personal academic history of the person. This makes
it straightforward to generate a large variety of
personal history events, from teaching, research,
study and even leisure activities. In addition to this,
within an academic department some of these
activities will be shared, so participants will have
some shared history providing us with attackers that
are close to the participants they attack.
Furthermore, most academics nowadays have a
personal web site, providing us with a large pool of
potential participants.
Despite these advantages, we should make clear
that personal web sites, academic or otherwise, are
not an appropriate source of information for
authentication purposes, because all their
information is public and accessible to attackers.
That said, academic personal web sites, offer traces
of digital footprints similar to systems that are not
publicly available. As a result, they can be used to
draw conclusions about the appropriateness of
personal history information for authentication
purposes, provided that during the attack part of the
study participants do not have access to the web.
4.1 Participants and Procedures
The study was conducted within an academic
department and twenty-four members of staff agreed
to take part, three women and twenty-one men with
an average age of forty-one. For all participants, we
analysed the information on their academic personal
web site in order to identify a number of events from
their history. Building on the results of our earlier
studies, we focused our attention on events that are
recent, repetitive, pleasant or strongly associated
with particular locations. These provided us with a
large collection of events about which to build
questions. The collection included events associated
with teaching, research, studies and leisure activities.
For example, teaching events included lectures and
tutorials the academic teaches, research events
included research group and project meetings, paper
publications and conference attendances, study
events included degrees awarded, while leisure
events included sports event attendances and
The study in accordance to the methodology
outlined above consisted of two parts: a genuine
users part and an attackers part. Its main goals were
first, to see whether there is any difference in the
ability of genuine users and attackers to answer
correctly questions about the personal history events
identified above, and second, to see what the effect
is of using an image-based formulation of questions
in the ability of genuine users and attackers to
answer them correctly. The latter goal was
motivated by the related work in the area of usable
authentication, where image-based schemes have
been shown to offer certain advantages with respect
to usability. Our intention was to examine whether
similar advantages will materialize in the context of
personal history information.
Figure 1: Example of "image of people" question.
Figure 2: Example of "image of place" question.
Figure 3: Example of map question.
With these goals in mind, from the identified events
for each participant we constructed four text-based
questions and two image-based ones. Unfortunately,
for a lot of the questions it was not possible to
construct reasonable image-based formulations. The
image-based questions were of three types: (a)
images of people, (b) images of places, and (c)
maps. The images used were all taken from the web.
The images of people were co-authors of published
papers, research project collaborators or the chairs of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
attended conferences (see
Figure 1). In all cases, the
people were external to the department. The images
of places were pictures of bespoke buildings from
university campuses and conference venues, or
landmarks in the vicinity of conference venues (see
Figure 2). The maps were university campus maps or
conference venue maps (see Figure 3). All questions
generated were closed in order to avoid repeatability
problems in providing the answers. The questions
were either true/false or four-part multiple choice as
in some cases it was not possible to identify an
adequate number of reasonable distracters. The large
number of true/false and four-part multiple choice
for both text and image-based questions, presented
us with the opportunity to also explore the effect that
the number of options has to the ability of genuine
users and attackers to answer the questions.
The study was conducted through a series of
interviews, one with each participant. To facilitate
the attack part of the study and keep the overall
effort required by participants reasonable, they were
divided into three groups of eight. The groups were
formed alphabetically according to participants’
surnames. At the beginning of the interview each
participant was presented with a questionnaire, and
the aims of the study and procedures followed were
explained. The questionnaire consisted of eight
parts. In the first part the participant played the role
of a genuine user answering her own questions,
while in the remaining seven parts she played the
role of an attacker answering the questions of the
other participants of her group. In each attack, the
attacker was made aware who the target of the attack
was. In addition to answering the questions each
participant was also asked to indicate how confident
she was about each answer. For this purpose a five
point Likert scale was used, ranging from ‘very
unconfident’ to ‘extremely confident’. The aim of
the confidence scale was to gain a deeper insight
about the behaviour of genuine users and attackers
when answering the questions. The investigator
conducting the interview also noted the time it took
to answer each question. The purpose of this was to
see whether text and image-based questions require
a different amount of effort to answer them. Finally,
one of the participants that initially agreed to
participate failed to attend the interview.
4.2 Results
At first we focus on text-based questions that
provide the baseline data for this study. As we can
see in
Figure 4, genuine users answered 74% of text-
based questions correctly, while attackers 49%.
Comparing the genuine users’ answers against the
attackers’ we found that the difference is statistically
significant (Chi-square =19.439, df=1, p<0.001,
two-tailed). These results are comparable to our
earlier study (Nosseir et al, 2005) with 78% and
47% respectively. We take this as an indication that
there is no fundamental difference between the two
types of data as a source of personal information.
These results, although encouraging for genuine
users are a bit disappointing for attackers. However,
a closer look reveals that taking into account the mix
of true/false and four-part multiple-choice text-based
questions, we will expect attackers to answer
correctly approximately 40% of the questions. Note
that this percentage is derived as a weighted sum of
the true/false percentage of 50% and the four-part
multiple-choice percentage of 25%. We conjecture
that the difference between the expected and the
observed percentages are most likely due to the
shared history between participants. We come back
to this issue later on when we examine the
participants’ confidence in their answers.
Wrong Answers Correct
Wrong Answers
Genuine users Attackers
Figure 4: Genuine user and attacker performance in text
and image based questions.
Next we look into image-based questions. As we can
see in Figure 4, genuine users answered 93% of
image-based questions correctly and attackers 48%.
Comparing the genuine users’ answers against the
attackers’ we found that the difference is statistically
significant (Chi-square =39.033, df=1, p<0.001,
two-tailed). From these results there appears to be an
improvement in the genuine users’ ability to answer
the questions correctly. Statistical tests confirm that
this improvement is significant (Chi-square =7.793,
df=1, p<0.01, two-tailed). On the other hand, the
attackers’ ability to answer questions correctly at
first appears almost unchanged. However, a closer
look reveals that taking into account the mix of
true/false and four-part multiple-choice image-based
questions, we will expect attackers to answer
correctly approximately 34% of the questions. As a
result, it may be the case that attackers’ performance
improved. However, statistical tests show that there
is in fact no significant difference. From the above
results, we conclude that using an image-based
formulation of questions is beneficial for
authentication purposes, as it significantly improves
genuine users’ performance without any significant
impact for attackers.
Next we look at the different types of image-
based questions, i.e. images of people, images of
places and maps, to see how each type performs. As
we can see in Figure 5, the performance of genuine
users is pretty similar across all types of image-
based questions, 92%, 94% and 92% correct answers
for images of people, images of places and maps.
However, the performance of attackers shows some
noticeable variation. Although their performance is
pretty similar for images of places and maps with
53% and 54% of correct answers respectively, for
images of people it drops to 40%. In fact, it is their
performance in images of people that drops their
overall performance to 48%. The reasons for this
variation in the performance of attackers are not
clear. As a result, this issues needs to be investigated
further in the future.
Correct Wrong Correct Wrong
Genuine Users Genuine Users Attacker Attacker
Figure 5: Genuine user and attacker behaviour per type of
image-based question.
We now focus on the confidence with which participants
answered their questions. In our analysis we considered
the top two levels of the Likert scale as high confidence,
and the lower three as low confidence. The first
observation from Figure 6 is that genuine users answer
much more questions correctly with high confidence than
attackers. We believe this is because they often really
know the correct answer. The second observation is that
attackers also appear to give the correct answer with high
confidence in 15% of the text-based questions and 14% of
the image-based ones. Surprisingly, these percentages are
quite low, despite the close academic relationships
between the participants. These results also largely explain
the quite high overall correct answers given by attackers.
They confirm our supposition that a person’s personal
history is difficult for others, even those close to her, to
fully know.. history is difficult for others, even those close
to her, to fully know.
The third observation is that there are a number of cases
where both genuine users and attackers give wrong
answers with high confidence. Based on informal
discussions with the participants, we attribute this
Correct Wrong Correct Wrong
Text Questions Image Questions
users Low
users High
Figure 6: Genuine user and attacker confidence in their
answers for text and image-based questions.
to confusion with some of the questions. It is
interesting to note that there appears to be a lot less
confusion with image-based questions than text-
based ones. Another interesting point is that when
participants have low confidence in their answers,
genuine users tend to give correct answers more
often than not, 52% and 79% for text-based and
image-based questions respectively. However,
attackers tend to give more often wrong answers,
61% and 60% for text-based and image-based
questions, respectively. The reasons behind this are
not clear and require further investigation in the
Table 1: Time taken for genuine users and attackers to
answer questions.
Time Mean Std Dev
Genuine users – text 7.5287 9.50990
Genuine users – image 11.5926 15.94273
Attackers – text 5.2278 5.62078
Attackers – image 7.8517 8.23032
We then turn our attention to the time taken to
answer the questions. As we can see in
Table 1,
attackers take on average less time than genuine
users to answer their questions. However, this
difference is not statistically significant. Another
interesting observation is that on average both
genuine users and attackers take longer to answer
image-based questions, however again the difference
is not statistically significant. We have also analysed
how long participants took to answer each type of
image-based question. As we can see in
Figure 7,
map questions take on average noticeably longer to
answer for both genuine users and attackers.
However, this difference is not statistically
significant. It is also interesting to note that map
questions also have the greatest standard deviation.
The final issue we examine is how the number of
options affects the ability of participants to answer
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
questions correctly. As we can see in
Table 2 for
genuine users there is a drop in the percentage of
correct answers for four-part multiple-choice
compared to True/False questions for both text-
based and image-based formulations. However,
statistical tests show that these differences are not
significant. The situation is different when we
examine the attackers. As we case see in
Table 2 in
this case there is a noticeable drop in the percentage
of correct answer as we move from True/False to
four-part multiple-choice questions for both text-
based and image-based formulations. Statistical tests
confirm that in both cases this difference is
significant with (Chi-square =13.909, df=1, p<0.001,
two-tailed) for text-based and (Chi-Square =9.500,
df=1, P<0.005, two-tailed) for image-based
formulation. From these results we conclude that
increasing the number of options is beneficial for
authentication purposes as it significantly reduces
attackers’ performance without any significant
impact for genuine users.
Figure 7: Time taken to answer different types of image-
based questions.
Table 2: Genuine user and attacker performance in
true/false and multiple-choice questions.
Text Image
Correct 77% 96% 54% 57%
Wrong 23% 4% 46% 43%
Correct 68% 91% 40% 42%
Wrong 32% 9% 60% 58%
4.2 Study Conclusions
The first conclusion is that an image-based
formulation of questions is certainly beneficial. It
provides a significant improvement to genuine user
performance. In fact, it brings genuine user
performance within the range of being definitely
appropriate for authentication purposes with more
than 90% correct answers. It also has some impact in
reducing user confusion. More importantly, all these
advantages are realized without any improvement in
attacker performance, i.e. no increase in
vulnerability against guessability attacks.
The second conclusion is that a small increase in
the number of distracters in closed questions is also
beneficial. As it would be expected, it makes things
more difficult for attackers by reducing their chances
of guessing the correct answer. More importantly,
though, it does not have any significant impact on
genuine user performance. In general, the more
distracters we use the worse the performance of
attackers should be however it is not clear how far
we can go before the genuine user performance
begins to suffer. We should point out that a similar
effect to attacker performance could also be
achieved by increasing the number of questions.
Again, it is unclear what the impact of this would be
on genuine user performance. More interestingly, it
is also unclear how the two approaches, using more
distracters and more questions, could be combined
to improve overall authentication performance.
These are points we intend to explore in the future.
The third conclusion is that the ability of
attackers to answer genuine users’ questions
correctly with high confidence is in general quite
low. This is true even though the study was carried
out within a single academic department and focused
on personal history information from academic
personal web sites. This is really encouraging for the
appropriateness of personal history information for
authentication purposes. However, it would be also
interesting to see whether these results will hold, if
the attackers are selected based on their closeness to
the genuine user instead.
The final conclusion is that despite the positive
impact of increasing the number of distracters, and
the encouraging results with respect to the ability of
attackers to answer correctly with high confidence
genuine users’ questions, attackers’ performance is
quite good overall. Identifying techniques that could
make attacker performance more acceptable should
be the focus in future work. In this respect, the
primary aim is to investigate the impact of using
multiple questions. Another idea is to use an
inference mechanism in the generation of the
questions that tests the knowledge acquired by
experiencing an event, not just knowledge of the
event details. This would make things a lot more
difficult for attackers, but of course additional
research is needed to find good ways of doing this.
Note that we have already used simple forms of
inference in our second study where sensor data
were used to infer user arrival and departure events,
and in generating the image-based formulation of the
questions in the current study.
In this paper we presented a study that is part of a
wider investigation into the appropriateness of
electronic personal history information for
authentication purposes. The study used academic
personal web site data as a source of personal history
information. The main aim of the study was to
examine the effect of using an image-based
formulation of questions about personal history
events. In contrast, to most other work in this area,
the study followed a methodology that assesses the
impact on both genuine users and attackers (others
close to the genuine users). The study concluded that
an image-based representation of questions is
certainly beneficial from an authentication point of
view. It also concluded that a small increase in the
number of distracters used in closed questions has a
positive effect to authentication performance. In
addition to this, the study also showed that despite
the closeness of the attackers their ability to answer
correctly with high confidence questions about the
genuine users’ personal history is limited. These
conclusions contribute positive results to the wider
investigation into the appropriateness of electronic
personal history information for authentication
Besides the points identified above, moving this
investigation forward requires that we adopt a wider
perspective. So far, our investigation has exclusively
focused on the performance of genuine users and
attackers in answering correctly the generated
questions. As the results in this front are
encouraging, it is now time to consider additional
aspects that determine the appropriateness of the
approach for authentication. The main issue is to
determine to what extent and in which contexts such
an authentication mechanism would be acceptable to
users. User acceptance relies primarily on two
aspects. How effective and efficient the mechanism
is to use, and whether this use of personal data is
acceptable to users. In doing so, we need to study
the mechanism in specific contexts, e.g. for
authentication to online services, or authentication to
users’ personal mobile devices, etc.
In conclusion, authentication via electronic
personal history questions seems very promising in
comparison to other usable authentication schemes.
Our initial studies show some encouraging results
for its feasibility; however further research is
necessary before a concrete authentication
mechanism can be produced.
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