Application to a Navigation and Fishing Simulator
Valérie Monfort
, Slimane Hammoudi
and Maha Khemaja
Université de Sfax, MIRACL, Tunisie
Université de Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne 90 rue de Tolbiac, 75634 Paris cedex 13, France
ESEO 4, Rue Merlet de la Boulaye, B.P. 9249 009, Angers Cedex 01, France
PRINCE Research Group, ISITC, GP1 Hammam Sousse 4011, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Keywords: e-Learning, LD Standard, Web Services, Context Aware Adaptation, Meta Modeling, MDD.
Abstract: A few e-Learning platforms propose a solution for ubiquity and context aware adaptability. Current
standards, as Learning Design (LD), require an extension to propose context awareness. Based on previous
related works, we define a fully interoperable and learner (ambient) context adaptable platform, by using
metamodeling based approach mixing MDD, parameterized transformations, and models composition. The
scope of this paper is to extend LD metamodel as a first step. We use a concrete software engineering
industrial product that was promoted by French Government.
E-learning aims the delivery of a learning, training
or education program by electronic and it involves
the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a
mobile phone), in some way, to provide training,
educational or learning material. Concerning the
architecture point of view, e-learning platforms
gather two separated and distributed parts as:
authoring tools (for pedagogical contents definition)
and execution platforms. So, e-learning may: i) use
several media and devices, ii) promote specific
training according to learner skills, iii) send specific
events to increase complexity of lessons and to
assess learner reactions,
Previous works allowed us to use Web services to
get interoperability and flexibility to changes. But,
we noticed the lack of adaptability, so, we extended
Web services to introduce adaptability with aspects
(Kiczales, 1997) (Tomaz, 2006). We noticed this
very efficient and pragmatic solution was very
technical. Recently, we have investigated a model
driven approach and context awareness to provide
developers mechanisms that allow them representing
an application in abstract way (in a model) and, then,
automatically generating the corresponding code
(Monfort, 2010), (Monfort, 2009). We aimed to
explore adaptability and flexibility on a service
platform using context with the benefits of an MDD
(Model Driven Development) (OMG, 2001)
development strategy. These benefits are related to
productivity, quality, adaptability and maintenance.
Moreover, e-learning standards as Learning
Design (LD) tend to extend their semantic to Web
services standards (Dietz, 2004). We studied e-
Learning standards meta models, but, we noticed no
semantics concerning context aware adaptability.
We aim to propose a fully interoperable and
learner (ambient) context adaptable platform, firstly
by using meta modeling based approach mixing
MDD, parameterized transformations, and models
composition. This paper is based on a concrete
industrial project and we present here a part to
illustrate our research work. This project aims to
develop a concrete navigation and fishing simulator.
This e-learning application allows different learners
to discover navigation and fishing business and to
become fishery captain, boat mechanics, sailor, …
We shall process as followed. The second section
presents a part of the fishing and navigation
simulator project. The third section shows the
diversity of e-learning standards, the efforts of
connection between e-learning and Web services
standards, and focuses on LD. The fourth section
Monfort V., Hammoudi S. and Khemaja M. (2010).
TOWARDS EXTENDING IMS LD WITH SERVICES AND CONTEXT AWARENESS - Application to a Navigation and Fishing Simulator.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages 80-91
introduces context aware meta model. The fifth
section presents parameterized transformations and
our global approach. The sixth shows a composition
example between LD and context aware meta model
as an extension of LD meta model based on our
industrial project. Last sections present some related
works and conclusion. Let us present our project.
We aim to design and implement a genuine fishing
simulator. This software was intended to navigation
and fishing schools or fishing ship owner
companies. Following partial UML model (fig.1)
shows the different services proposed by the
navigation and fishing e-learning system. This
platform provides diploma for students (learners) in
fishing schools and certificate for companies. The
Teacher may be human or not. The system can take
decision and can send specific events to complicate
lesson if the student has a good level.
Figure 1: e-learning Services modeling.
Fig. 2 shows a process where the Teacher is
preparing training and is sending it to the student
who identifies himself by invoking identification
and authentification services, linked to rules
manager. While training learner may receive specific
events during current lesson to assess learner’s
skills. The learner is evaluated at any time. This
platform provides diploma for students (learners) in
fishing schools and certificate for companies. The
Teacher may be human or not. The system can take
Figure 2: Training services according to BPMN.
decision and can send specific events to complicate
lesson if the student has a good level.
Fig. 2 shows a BPMN process where the Teacher
is preparing training and is sending it to the student
who identifies himself by invoking identification
and authentification services, linked to rules
manager. While training learner may receive specific
events during current lesson to assess learner’s
skills. The learner is evaluated at any time.
The following e-learning architecture (fig.3)
shows services proposed by providers. Actors as
learner and teacher can work anywhere and use
different media. Services are available according to
SaaS model and managed by providers according to
Cloud Computing (Reese, 2009) principles. Contents
are defined by the teacher with authoring tools
according to standards (see previous section). He
defines e-learning tasks sequences, and so, e-
learning services orchestrations. He informs the
services providers by loading training content and
the concerned learner. The learner may use genuine
navigation equipments and/or simulation. The
genuine navigation equipments are linked to a
middleware able to interpret signals coming from
equipments and to send them to Execution platform.
The learner may also use PDA or mobile phone.
Learner receives the training scenario and while
training sends information and invokes services. The
e-learning middleware (ESB for Enterprise Service
Bus) manages: routing messages, transporting
messages and transforming exchanged data.
The providers repositories manage at least these
basic following services as: business, training
Fishing Simulator
supervisor, course virtual management, planning
management, collaborative management,
subscribing management, time/tracking
management, …
The fishing and navigation e-learning platform
architecture is fully flexible, it is able to take into
account any functional or technical changes. E-
learning platforms are generally based on specific
standards. Let us see how these standards contribute
to converge on Web services standards that support
interoperability between systems.
Figure 3: General architecture.
3.1 Convergence on Web Services
Many definitions may be found, we can sum up
them with this definition: e-learning aims the
delivery of a learning, training or education program
by electronic means. E-learning involves the use of a
computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone)
in some way to provide training, educational or
learning material. E-learning systems gather two
separated and distributed parts as: authoring tools
(for pedagogical contents definition) and execution
Authoring tools are based on several standards
as: LOM (Learning Object Metadata) to define a
structure for elements and meta data useful to
describe pedagogical resources. Content Packaging
proposes to describe a pedagogical data package
referencing resources in a set of interoperable
Learning Design defines a pedagogical scenario
with its components (roles, activities, environment,
results). SCORM (Sharable Content Object
Reference Model) is a set of technical standards
allowing to find, import, share, reuse, export,
normalized teaching contents.
On the other hand, IMS-GWS (General Web
Services Standards) allows interoperability between
any Web services. IMS-GWS may be compared to
WS-IBP (WS-I Basic Profile) to promote
interoperability with Web services and profile. They
use the same mechanisms and semantics based on
SOAP, WS-Security and Addressing and allow
referencing a document into SOAP message.
IMS-TI (Tools Interoperability) and WS-
Federation also promote interoperability between e-
learning platforms and/or components. They aim to
build a trustable architecture by using WS-Security
tokens. IMS-TI uses IBAT tools based on UML
meta modeling and models transformations from one
platform to another. BPEL and IMS-SS (Simple
Sequencing) may be compared as far as concerned
training tasks orchestration. IMS-SS provides a
simple description and BPEL semantic is wider.
Other e-learning standards are useful to manage
pedagogical contents. They are all based on XML so
they are Web services compliant.
In following section we focus on Learning
Design (LD) that helps to define a pedagogical
scenario with its components (roles, activities,
environment, and outcomes).
3.2 LD Model
LD is a description of a method enabling learners to
achieve intended learning objectives and outcomes
by performing predefined learning activities. More
specifically, a learning design is a means allowing
the Instructional designer to describe a learning
scenario in terms of a set of activities that learners
should perform according to the different roles that
they may play within environments (e.i. Run-time
environment). Environments are described in terms
of Learning Objects and Services that should assist
learners during the-learning process. IMS-LD
(Instructional Management Systems-Learning
Design) (Boticario, 2007) (Davinia, 2004)
specification provides for previously described
concepts a meta-model (fig.4.) that was and is still
used by LD authoring tools developers. According
to IMS-LD specification, LD concepts must meet
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
height requirements. We name the third one because
it deals with personalization that is relevant to our
work. The LD specification states that: “The content
and activities within a unit of learning can be
adapted based on the preferences, portfolio, pre-
knowledge, educational needs, and situational
circumstances of users. In addition, the control over
the adaptation process must be given, as desired, to
the student, a staff member, the computer, and/or the
designer”. However, IMS-LD provides neither
means nor modeling solutions to take into account
contextual data of mobile users for instance. We
should stress that the contextual data, unlike those
already defined for personalization, are dynamic and
may depend on the user’s external environment.
We notice LD proposes an entity for context in its
meta model but, according to us, this approach is too
semantically poor. Moreover, this entity does not
take into account ambient and/or context adaptation.
It is the reason why we want to propose to extend
this model with model showed in fig.2 with
composition mechanisms according to (Klein, 2006)
(Lundesgaard, 2007). But, first of all, let us define
what we mean by Model Driven Development and
“context aware”.
Figure 4: Semantic aggregation in LD specification
4.1 Model Driven Development
At the beginning of this century, software
engineering needs to handle software systems that
are becoming larger and more complex than before.
Object-oriented and component technology seem
insufficient to provide satisfactory solutions to
support the development and maintenance of these
systems. To adapt to this new context, software
engineering has applied an old paradigm, i.e.
models, but with a new approach, i.e. Model Driven
Development (MDD). In this new global trend,
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a particular
variant. MDA is based on standards from the Object
Management Group (OMG) (Tomaz, 2006); it
proposes an architecture with four layers (Dey,
2001): meta metamodel, metamodel, model and
information (i.e. an implementation of its model).
MOF (Meta Object Facility) is a standard from
OMG for metamodels specification. The
development is based on the separation of concerns
(e.g. business and technical concerns), which are
afterwards transformed between them. So, business
concerns are represented using Platform-
Independent Model (PIM), and technical concerns
are represented using Platform-Specific Model
(PSM). Finally, it is well recognized nowadays that
model transformation is one of the most important
operations in MDA. In the context of the basic four
levels Metamodeling architecture of MDA, various
scenarios of model-to-model transformation have
been identified. Fig.5 presents the most common
scenario of these transformations, which is
compatible with the MOF2.0/QVT standard (Tomaz,
2006). Each element presented in Fig. 5 plays an
important role in MDA. Transformation rules
specify how to generate a target model (i.e. PSM)
from a source model (i.e. PIM). To transform a
given model into another model, the transformation
rules map the source into the target metamodel. The
transformation rules are based on a transformation
language, such as the standard QVT. The
transformation engine takes the source model,
executes the transformation rules, and produces the
target model as output.
Adaptable Service platforms have been proposed for
the development of mobile context-aware
applications. The development of such platforms
involves a number of challenges from which we
consider two main issues in the context of our
approach of model driven development: i)the
definition of a metamodel to describe the contextual
domain in which a given application or service is
defined, ii)a mechanism to integrate the context into
the business application using a model driven
approach. These two main issues are described in the
Fishing Simulator
Figure 5: Architecture of Transformation Process.
4.2 MDD and Context for Service
Context awareness is a quite new discipline in e-
learning domain. For instance, in (Strang,
2004)(Mary, 2005), the authors noticed the context
acts like a set of constraints that influence the
behavior of a system (a user or a computer)
embedded in a given task. They discussed the nature
and structure of context but they notice the lack of
representation of context in e-learning domain. The
emergence of new technologies, in particular
wireless communications and the increasing use of
portable devices (smart phones, Personal Digital
Assistants (PDA), laptops…), has stimulated the
emergence of a new computing paradigm called:
pervasive computing. In fact we have moved from
the desktop computing paradigm to the mobile and
ubiquitous computing paradigm. Pervasive
computing refers to the seamless integration of
devices into the user’s everyday life. “Appliances
should disappear into the background to make the
user and his tasks the central focus rather than
computing devices and technical issues.”(Weiser,
1991). Computing applications now operate in a
variety of new settings; for example, embedded in
cars or wearable devices. They use information
about their context to respond and adapt to changes
in the computing environment. They are, in short,
increasingly context aware. The context awareness
of such applications is the subject of a recent field of
studies in pervasive computing called: context-aware
systems. This terminology was discussed in (Shilit,
1994) and presented as “software that adapts
according to its location of use, the collection of
nearby people and objects, as well as changes to
those objects over time”. Since then, there have been
numerous attempts to define context-aware
computing. (Strang, 2004), (Tomaz, 2006) define
context-awareness as the ability of a program or
device to sense or capture various states of its
environment and itself. Referring to these latter
definitions a context-aware application must have
the ability to capture the necessary contextual
entities from its environment, use them to adapt its
behavior (run time environment) and finally present
available services to the user. In this sense and to
describe context-awareness independently from
application, function, or interface, (Pascoe, 1998)
proposes four features of context-aware application :
(1) Contextual sensing which refers to the detection
of environmental states and their presentation to the
user; (2) Contextual adaptation refers to the
adaptation of application behavior to the current
context; (3) Contextual resource discovery is the use
of context data to discover other resources within the
same context; (4) Contextual augmentation in which
the environment is augmented with digital data
associated to a particular context.
In (Dey, 2001), the authors introduce another
definition in which they insist on the use of context
and the relevance of context information. The
authors consider that: “a system is context-aware if
it uses context to provide relevant information
and/or services to the user, where relevance depends
on the user’s task”. They explain how to use context
and propose a classification of the features of
context-aware applications that combine the ideas of
(Shilit, 1994). They consequently define three
categories of features that context-aware
applications may support as (1) presentation of
information and services to the user; (2) automatic
execution of a service; and (3) tagging of context to
information for later retrieval.
All the works converge to a general architecture
composed of five ordered layers presented in fig.6.
The complete description of every layer is given in
(Strang, 2004).
Figure 6: Architecture of Context-Aware System.
“Context Information” in context-aware systems
and what could be the definition of context has been
the topics of many recent works. Various definitions
are given and are summarized in (Mary, 2005).
Other definitions are extremely broad; the most
popular one is given by (Dey, 2001): “Context is any
information that can be used to characterize the
situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or
Transformation Language
Raw Data Retrieval
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
object that is considered relevant to the interaction
between a user and an application, including the user
and applications themselves”. The authors give a
general definition that can be used in a wide range of
context-aware applications. To refine their definition,
they identify four categories of context that they feel
are more practically important than others. These are
location, identity (user), activity (state) and time
(Dey, 2001). In (Winograd, 2001) the author
approves this definition and claims that it covers all
proposed works in context. However he considers it
as a general definition that does not limit a context.
Thus he proposes his own definition in which he
limits a context in “a set of information, which is
structured and shared. It evolves and is used for
interpretation“. We stress that the notion of hierarchy
(structure) of context introduced by (Winograd,
2001) is important. The definition proposed in (Chen,
2000) also presents the context as hierarchically
organized. In this work the authors differentiate
between environmental information that determines
the behavior of mobile applications and that which is
relevant to the application. They thus define the
context as “the set of environmental states and
settings that either determines an application's
behavior or in which an application event occurs and
is interesting to the user”.
4.3 Maintaining the Integrity
of the Specifications
We consider that the defining context here is a set of
information structured in three dimensions:
- Actor: A person which is a central entity in our
- Environment: in which the person evolves and
- Computational devices which are used by a person
to invoke services and capture the different states of
the environment. All the information related to the
three dimensions can also be shared by other mobile
applications. According to (Monfort, 2010),
(Monfort, 2009), fig.7 shows our context
metamodel. Our metamodel identifies and adds the
most relevant and generic contextual entities that
will be held in account in modeling any mobile and
context aware application. This context meta model
consists of six generic contextual entities
(represented in dashed colour), and four deduced
entities specific to a category of mobile applications.
The class “ContextView” groups all contextual
entities involved in a given application. It is
identified by name attribute and has two types of
relation: the aggregation “involves” and the
association “belongsTo”. The first relation expresses
that a given “ContextView” is composed of many
“ContextEntity” that are involved in a context-aware
application. The second relation “belongsTo”
expresses the use of historical context information.
A given context entity may have participated in
different context views. This information can be
helpful in the design of future context views. The
second generic entity of the metamodel is the
“ContextEntity”. As we see on the figure bellow, it
is specialized in three generic entities: Actor,
ComputationalEntity and Environnement. Actor may
be a person or another object that has a state and
profile. It evolves in an environment and uses
computational devices to invoke services. With the
ComputationalEntity, the computational device is
used by the actor to access the services and to
capture contextual information from the
environment. Usually, a mobile device is used in
context aware mobile applications, and can obtain
information concerning the type of device it is
(PDA, laptop, cellular phone…), the application, the
network, etc. The environment is constituted of all
the information surrounding the actor and its
computational device that can be relevant for the
application. It includes different categories of
information as:
i) Spatial context information can be location,
city, building,
ii) Temporal context information comprises time,
date, season,
iii) Climate can be temperature, type of
weather… The last entity is a profile. We are
convinced this entity is important in any user centred
context aware application. In fact, profile is strongly
attached to the actor and contains the information
that describes it. An actor can have a dynamic and/or
a static profile, and as ContextEntity class, he owns
a status. The static profile gathers information
relevant for any mobile context-aware application. It
can be the “date of birth”, “name” or “sex”. On the
opposite, dynamic profile includes customized
information depending on the specific type of
application and/or the actor. It can be goals,
preferences, intentions, desires, constraints, etc.
Fishing Simulator
5.1 Parameterized Transformations
The separation of concerns (business and context) is
emphasized at a model level of our approach where
PIM and context models are defined independently,
and then merged by suitable transformation
techniques. Two types of transformations are
involved in our proposal. The first type of
transformation called “Parameterized
transformation” allows merging context information
with business logic at model level.
Figure 7: A Context Meta Model.
We have investigated (Vale, 2008) this type of
transformation which is not explored and there is not
a standard transformation language implementing it.
We will discuss shortly this type of transformation.
A CPIM model (Contextual Platform Independent
Model) is then obtained and fits together business
requirements with contextual data. The second type
of transformation is the traditional transformation
technique using a language such as QVT, which
operates in two steps.
Based on parameter paradigm, parameterized
transformation is a transformation technique which
is not sufficiently explored nowadays and there is
not a standard transformation language
implementing it. OMG (OMG, 2005) has defined the
concept of parameter as follows:
“A parameter specifies how arguments are
passed into or out of an invocation of a behavioural
feature like an operation. The type and multiplicity
of a parameter restrict what values can be passed,
how many, and whether the values are ordered”.
In (Frankel, 2003) David Frankel mentions the
importance of parameterization in model operations
using the association of tagged values with PIM and
PSM models. Tagging model elements allows the
model language to easily filter out some specific
elements. Transformation by parameter could be
used to improve new functionalities (values,
properties, operations) or to change the application
behaviour (activities).
In our approach, we are convinced that
parameterized transformation focusing on PIM to
PIM transformations is the fitted solution. The
designer must specify the parameters to be inserted
at the transformation phase. In our proposition these
parameters are context or context-aware and after
the transformation the application will join the
context information specified into the parameters as
illustrated in Fig. 8. A PIM model can be developed
without contextual details. User name, profiles,
device type, location can be added as parameters in
transformations. The same PIM can be re-
transformed and refined many times adding, deleting
or updating context information. The designer has to
specify into the application model the elements that
will receive the context information. A mark,
identified by the symbol #, is given for these
elements to be recognized by the transformation
engine. The marked elements represent context-
aware elements, in others words, the model elements
that can be contextualized.
Figure 8: Parameterized Transformation Concepts.
The transformation language must support
parameterization techniques. In our case the
parameters can be a Context Property and/or a
Context Data Type. We use templates to specify
which elements in application model are potentially
context-aware as depicted in Fig. 9. The
transformation engine has to navigate into the PIM
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
model verifying the parameters and the elements
marked and then make the transformation which
consists in an update of contextual properties in a
Template parameter (Vale, 2008) is an element
used to specify how classifiers, packages and
operations can be parameterized. UML 2.0 presents
that any model element can be templateable. For
independent context-aware models we need to
identify context elements that could be
parameterable. A parameterable element is an
element that can be exposed as a formal template
parameter for a template, or specified as an actual
parameter in a binding of template (Vale, 2008).
Context parameter can be expressed as constraint
and compared with the elements signature in
template parameter. This operation is named
matching operation”. UML presents a Template
Signature element that defines the signature for
binding the template. Lets us see now related works
concerning this approach.
Figure 9: Context binding.
5.2 Our Global Approach
This section aims to present the two techniques of
context and aspect could be combined to achieve
service adaptability using a model driven approach.
Through Model Driven Development, context
models are built as independent pieces of application
and at different abstraction levels then attached by
suitable transformation techniques called
parameterized transformation. Context model
specify contextual entities that are involved in a
given context aware application. From a context
model, an aspect based services (ABS) model is
derived. This aspect model specifies the behaviors
linked to the context model.
- Fig. 11 illustrates the main models and
transformations techniques involved in our
MDD approach. Five main objectives are
illustrated: A separation between context
information (CM) and business
- logic (PIM) in individual models,
- The derivation of an aspect based service
model (AM) from a context model. A
context model specifies the contextual
entities with their properties (static view),
while the service based aspect model specify
behaviors (dynamic view).
- The integration of the context model into the
business logic using parameterized
transformation techniques. At this stage, the
CPIM model is enriched by contextual data
but the behavior part for adaptability at
execution level is missing.
- The Weaving process adds adaptability
mechanism producing a CPSM model.
- Finally, A CPSM model is mapped into a
service platform for future execution of
context-aware services.
Notice Aspect Based services weaving is a
specific model dynamic composition as related to
(Klein, 2006). In our approach aspect may be purely
business (AM) or technical (CPSM). Faced to these
previous research works and to our observations
concerning e-learning standards we propose now to
extend LD standard with model composition based
on our concrete case study.
6.1 Model Composition
Let us see now fig. 4 and fig. 7 and focus on
“Component and “Context View” classes
respectively. We propose following part model
(fig.10.) that shows Component Class may be
composed of Context View class and, so, compose
the two approaches (Monfort, 2009): (ambient)
context awareness and LD meta models.
Figure 10: LD and Context Meta Models composition.
During course, learner according to his skills
receives a navigation and/or fishing scenario as go
Fishing Simulator
to 100 miles from Saint Jean de Luz and fish tuna”.
So, the learner has to do obligatory tasks as: to check
weather, to define the road, to check the fitted nets,
to check mechanic,The generic BPMN (Business
Process Modeling) process shows (fig.2) the
different tasks to do by the learner and the teacher.
The teacher programs a course that will be received
by the learner anywhere he is, via any media,
after identifying himself. The learner is assessed in
real time and the teacher may send him events. At
the end of the module, the diploma is delivered or
The learner is in front of his laptop and receives
the training. All the navigation tools (radar, sounder,
GPS,…) are simulated. According to his skills, the
teacher (human or system) can send to the learner
desktop specific events as mist, rain,… and the
learner has to react properly. Moreover, the system
provides an estimation of learner skills in real time.
The following partial models show a resulting
composed model: i) training meta model (that could
be later formatted to e-learning standards), ii) a
contextual model that was already composed to
component class from LD. Another composition may
also be done with fishery business metamodel. For
each training module, a link may be done with
specific business data. For instance, a training
module about tuna fishery involves the choice of the
fitted net. A mark is put on the required classes.
We have now to describe these models with Kermeta
tool and to define transformation rules from these
business models to technical models (corresponding
to the implementation platform).
6.2 Model Instantiation
Fig. 13 shows the different layers mentioned
previously. We present a part of fig. 12 as a Meta
model including for instance the following classes:
actor, profile, environment (Weather, location,
mobility settings). M1 classes instantiate M2 meta
classes and M0 instance level includes all the
instances of M1 classes. Let us see related works.
Among related works, we can distinguish on one
hand those dedicated to e-learning as CSCW and
CSCL and, on the other hand, i) those that use MDD
for general context aware applications, ii) and those
that apply MDD and context for e-learning
application. We focused on context adaptability and
to our opinion, works as CSCW and CSCL do not
provide concrete solutions. In (Sheng, 2005) the
authors propose a UML based context metamodel for
the development of context-aware mobile
applications implemented on a Web services
Figure 11: Models, context and aspect for adaptability.
The proposed metamodel does not refine contextual
information and focuses on the association between
basic contextual structures with service invocation
interfaces for both contextual providers and context-
aware applications. In (OU, 2006), they have applied
MDA in context-aware application development.
They focus on the development of context-awareness
based on ontologies. However, neither a context
metamodel is proposed nor are transformation
techniques used.
In (DeFarias, 2007) authors investigate a number of
context models described in literature and propose a
context metamodel based on the main concepts and
strengths found in these models. The metamodel is
formally described using MOF and has been used as
a basis for the development of context-aware
applications and an associated service platform. All
these research works aim to explore adaptability and
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
flexibility on a service platform using context and
models. But, neither of these works proposes an
explicit approach to integrate context into business
logic. For e-learning applications, some approaches
aims to use metamodeling:
i) to define e-learning interoperable and platforms
independent system
ii) and to extend standards as in (Boticario, 2007)
(Dietz, 2004) (Davinia, 2004).
Some researchers introduce adaptability with Multi
Agent System but we do not choose Artificial
Intelligence based approach. Previous works as
(Monfort, 2010), (Monfort, 2009), propose solutions
to model context. We did not find any concrete and
relevant related works concerning such an approach
in e-Learning domain, but we are convinced our
approach is pertinent because we got good results
with fishing simulator and in other Web based
application domains.
This paper proposes a metamodel approach to
introduce (ambient) context awareness in LD model.
It is based on our previous works about adaptability
and models composition based MDD. We propose
examples coming from a concrete industrial project.
We aim:
i) to define an independent platform model based
on services,
ii) to implement models transformations to link
these models to implementation platform,
iii) to promote automatic code generation…
We have to present transformation rules via a
technical platform based on services and supporting
context awareness and to enrich our example with
these rules.
Future works will contribute to propose other extra
formalism to describe dynamicity (as sequence
diagrams and Petri nets) and aspect based approach
supporting context awareness.
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Fishing Simulator