Fabio Clarizia, Luca Greco and Paolo Napoletano
Department of Information Engineering and Electrical Engineering, University of Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo 1, 84084 Fisciano, Italy
Web search engine, Ontology, Topic model.
In this paper we present a new technique for retrieving relevant web pages in informational queries results.
The proposed technique, based on a probabilistic model of language, is embedded in a traditional web search
engine. The relevance of a Web page has been obtained through the judgment of human beings which, referring
to continue scale, have assigned a degree of importance to each of the analyzed websites. In order to validate
the proposed method a comparison with a classic engine is presented showing comparison based on a measure
of Precision and Recall and on a measure of distance with respect to the measure of significance obtained by
Modern Web search engines rely on keyword match-
ing and link structure (cfr. Google and its Page Rank
algorithm (Brin, 1998)), but the semantic gap is still
not bridged. Indeed, semantics of a web page is de-
fined by its content and context; understanding of tex-
tual documents is still beyond the capability of today’s
artificial intelligence techniques and many multime-
dia features of a web page make the extraction and
representation of its semantics more difficult. But
the most critical aspect regards the intrinsic ambi-
guity of language, which makes the task far harder:
when performing informational queries, existing web
search engines often show results not close enough
to user intentions. As well known any writing pro-
cess can be thought as a process of communication
where the main actor, namely the writer, encodes his
intentions through the language. Therefore the lan-
guage can be considered as a code that conveys what
we can call “meaning” to the reader that performs
a process for decoding it. Unfortunately, due to the
accidental imperfections of human languages, contin-
gent imperfections may occur then both encoding and
decoding processes are corrupted by “noise”, hence
are in practice ambiguous. Nevertheless Semantic
Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) and Knowledge En-
gineering communities are both confronted with the
endeavor to design different tools and languages for
describing semantics in order to avoid the ambiguity
of the encoding/decoding process. In the light of this
discussions specific language has been introduced,
RDF (Resource Description Framework), OWL (On-
tology Web Language), etc., to support the creator
(writer) of documents in describing semantic relations
between concept/words, namely by adding descrip-
tion on the document’s data: the metadata. During
such a process of creation all the elements of ambi-
guity should be avoided because of use of a shared
knowledge represented through the concept of ontol-
ogy. Actual web pages/resources are coded through
HTML and/or XHTML languages which, even per-
mitting minimal data descriptions, aren’t appropri-
ate, from a technological point of view, to provide
purely semantic description. As a consequence the
Web should be entirely re-written in order to seman-
tically arrange the content of each web pages, but
this process cannot be realized yet, due to the huge
amount of existent data and absence of definitive tools
for managing and manipulating those new languages.
In the meantime, waiting for the semantic web start-
ing, we could design tools for automatically revealing
and managing semantics of the previous web by using
methods and tools that don’t ground on any Web Se-
mantic specification. In this direction several efforts
for providing models of language has been made by
the Natural Language Processing community, princi-
pally developed in a probabilistic framework (Man-
ning and Sch
utze, 1999). Actually also the Infor-
mation Retrieval community has focused its atten-
Clarizia F., Greco L. and Napoletano P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages 70-79
DOI: 10.5220/0002903100700079
tion on probabilistic models of language, for instance
methods like the probabilistic Latent Semantic Index
(pLSI) (Hofmann, 1999) first and the Latent Dirich-
let Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) later, are well
know probabilistic methods for automatic categoriza-
tion of documents.
As mentioned above the existing Web search en-
gines primarily solve syntactic query, and as a side
effect the majority of search results do not completely
satisfy user intentions, especially when the queries
are informational. This work will show as a clas-
sic search engine can improve its search results, and
then bring them closer to the user intentions, using
a tool for automatic creation and manipulation of on-
tologies based on an extension of LDA, quoted above,
called the topic model. To this end, a new search
engine, iSoS, based on the existing open source soft-
ware Lucene, was developed. More details will be ex-
plained in the next sections together with experiments
aimed to make a comparison between iSoS and a clas-
sic engine behaviours . The comparing method relies
on an innovative human judgment based procedure,
which we broadly discuss next, and which represents
the real core of this paper.
As discussed above, iSoS is a web search engine
with advanced functionalities; it’s a web based server-
side application, entirely written in Java and Java
Server Pages programming languages, which embeds
a customized version of the open source API Apache
for indexing and searching functionalities.
In next sections we show the main properties and its
functionalities of iSoS framework. Some use cases
will be shown, including how to build a new index, in-
clude one or more ontologies, perform a query, build
a new ontology.
2.1 Web Crawling
Each web search engine works by storing informa-
tion about web pages retrieved by a Web crawler, a
program which essentially follows every link it finds
browsing the Web. Due to hardware limitations,
our application doesn’t implement its own crawling
system, but a smaller environment is created in or-
der to evaluate performance: the crawling stage is
performed by submitting a specific query to the fa-
mous web search engine Google (www.google.com),
and extracting the URLs from the retrieved results.
Then the application downloads the corresponding
web pages to be collected in specific folders and in-
dexed. The GUI allows users to choose the query and
the number of pages they want to index.
2.2 Indexing
The main aim of the indexing stage is to store statis-
tics about terms to make their search more efficient.
A preliminary document analysis is needed in order
to recognize tag, metadata, informative contents: this
step is often referred as parsing. A standard Lucene
index is made of a document sequence where each
document, represented as an integer number, is a field
sequence, with every field containing index terms;
such an index belongs to the inverted index family
because it can list, for a term, the documents that
contain it. Correct parsing helps to make well cat-
egorized field sets, improving subsequent searching
and scoring. There are different approaches to web
pages indexing. For example, it must be said that
some engines don’t index whole words but only their
stems. The stemming process reduces inflected words
to their root form and is a very common element
in query systems such as Web search engines, since
words with the same root are supposed to bring si-
miliar informative content. In order to avoid index-
ing of common words such as prepositions, conjuc-
tions, articles which don’t bring any additional in-
formation, stopwords filtering can also be adopted.
Since stemmed words indexing and stopwords filter-
ing often result in a lack of search precision, although
they could help reducing the index size, they’re not
the choice of important search engines (like Google).
For this application, we developed a custom Lucene
analyzer which allows to index both words and their
stems without stopwords filtering; it is possible than
to include in the searching process ontologies made
of stemmed words and thus optimize ontology-based
search without penalizing original query precision.
2.3 Searching and Scoring
The earth of a search engine lays in its ability to rank-
order the documents matching a query. This could be
done through specific score computations and ranking
policies. Several information retrieval (IR) operations
(including scoring documents on a query, documents
classification and clustering) often rely on the vector
space model where documents are represented as vec-
tors in a common vector space (Christopher D. Man-
Table 1: An example of ontology for the topic Apple.
Word 1 Word 2 Relation factor
fruit popular 0.539597
fruit juic 0.530942
fruit mani 0.539458
fruit seed 0.531137
orchard popular 0.530548
cider popular 0.531391
mani tree 0.535011
mani fruit 0.539458
ning and Schtze, 2008). For every document d, a
V (d) can be considered, with a component for
each dictionary term computed through tf-idf weight-
ing. The tf-idf weighting assings to term t a weight in
a document d given by tf-idf
= t f
× id f
, where
t f
is the term frequency and id f
is the inverse doc-
ument frequency defined as id f
= log
d f
with N be-
ing the total number of documents and d f
being the
number of documents containing the term t. In this
model, a query can be also represented as a vector
V (q), allowing to score a document d by computing
the following cosine similarity:
score(q,d) =
V (q)·
V (d)
V (q)||
V (d)|
where the denominator is the product of the Eu-
clidean lengths and compensates the effect of docu-
ment length. Lucene embeds very efficient searching
and scoring algorithms based on this model and on the
Boolean model. In order to perform ontology-based
search, we customized the querying mechanism to fit
our needs. Since our ontologies are represented as
couples of related words where relationships strenght
is described by a real value (Relation factor), we used
Lucene Boolean model and term boosting faculties to
extend the base query with ontology contributions.
Table 1 shows an example of ontology represen-
tation for the topic Apple; including such an ontology
in the searching process would basically result in per-
((fruit AND popular)ˆ0.539597) OR
((fruit AND juic)ˆ0.530942)...
that means to search the couple of words fruit AND
popular with a boost factor of 0.539597 OR the cou-
ple of words fruit AND juic with a boost factor of
0.530942 and so on. The default boost factor is 1 and
is used for the original user query. As discussed be-
fore, the way documents are indexed allows to per-
form queries with full or stemmed words; ontologies
generated by the ontology builder tool, which will
be discussed in the next section, are always made of
stemmed words to organize information in a compact
fashion avoiding redundancy.
2.4 Ontology Builder
The Ontology builder is an automatic tool for con-
struction of ontology based on the extension of the
probabilistic topic model introduced in (T. L. Grif-
fiths, 2007) and (Blei et al., 2003). This method has
been deeply illustrated in (Colace et al., 2008), next
we will show the main idea behind it. The origi-
nal theory mainly asserts a semantic representation in
which word meanings are represented in terms of a set
of probabilistic topics z
where the statistically inde-
pendence among words w
and the “bags of words”
assumptions were made. The “bags of words” as-
sumption claims that a document can be considered
as a feature vector where each element in the vector
indicates the presence (or absence) of a word, where
information on the position of that word within the
document is completely lost. This model is genera-
tive and it allows to solve several problems, includ-
ing the word association problem, that is a fundamen-
tal for the automatic ontology building method. Such
a problem was studied for demonstrating what is the
role that the associative semantic structure of words
plays in episodic memory. In the topic model, word
association can be thought of as a problem of predic-
tion. Given that a cue if presented, what new words
might occur next in that context? By analyzing those
associations we can infer semantic relations among
words, moreover by applying this method for auto-
matic interpretation of a document, we can infer all
the semantic relations among words contained in that
document, as a result we could have a new represen-
tation of that document: what we call ontology.
Assume we will write P(z) for the distribution
over topics z in particular document and P(w|z) for
the probability distribution over word w given topic
z. Each word w
in a document (where the index
refers to ith word token) is generated by first sam-
pling a topic from the topic distribution, then choos-
ing a word from the topic-word distribution. We write
= j) as the probability that the jth topic was sam-
pled for the ith word token, that indicates which top-
ics are important for a particular document. More,
we write P(w
= j) as the probability of word w
under topic j, that indicates which words are impor-
tant for which topic. The model specifies the fol-
lowing distribution over words within a document,
) =
= k)P(z
= k), where T is the
number of Topics.
In through the topic model we can build consis-
tent relations between words measuring their degree
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: iSoS GUI screenshot.
of dependence, formally by computing joint prob-
ability between words, P(w
) =
= k).
In this model, the multinomial distribution repre-
senting the gist is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution,
a standard probability distribution over multinomials.
The results of LDA algorithm (Blei et al., 2003) , ob-
tained by running Gibbs sampling, are two matrix:
1. the words-topics matrix Φ: it contains the proba-
bility that word w is assigned to topic j;
2. the topics-documents matrix Θ: contains the
probability that a topic j is assigned to some word
token within a document.
By comparing joint probability with probability of
each random variable we can establishes how much
two variables (words) are statistically dependent, in
facts the hardness of such statistical dependence in-
creases as mutual information measure increases,
namely, ρ = log |P(w
) P(w
)|, where ρ
[0,1], after a normalization procedure. By select-
ing hard connections among existing all, for instance
choosing a threshold for the mutual information mea-
sure, a graph for the words can be delivered. As a
consequence, an ontology can be considered as set of
pair of words each of them having its mutual informa-
tional value, see Table 1.
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of iSoS home page. The
GUI looks very simple, with few essential elements:
on the left side at the top there’s the main logo and be-
low the input query section, where the searching con-
text is also shown. The searching context refers to the
set of documents selected during the crawling stage
for a specific generator query. On the right side at the
top there are the language selection and the user man-
agement modules. This version allows to choose only
two languages: English and Italian; different stem-
ming algorithms and stopword sets are used depend-
ing on the chosen language. User registration can be
done through a specific form and is required to cre-
ate, store and recall user ontologies created with the
ontology builder tool; the lateral panel is organized in
three sections:
Ontology management. This section allows to se-
lect one or more ontologies from the global set
or user customized set to add or remove them
from the searching process by clicking on add or
remove buttons respectively.The option Create a
new ontology allows registered users to launch the
Ontology Builder tool, which will be discussed in
the next subsection.
Ontology display. The show button allows to dis-
play ontologies in their native tabular form. It is
also possible to show their graphic representation
by clicking on Show ontology graph.
Advanced settings. By clicking on advanced set-
tings, other fields are displayed: set folder option
allows to change the searching context with an-
other available; create new index option allows
to create a new index by specifying the genera-
tor query, the number of Google search pages, the
number of results per page. The default context is
the last generated one.
Results, shown in the central part of the screen,
include URL links and Lucene scores.
3.1 Ontology Builder in Practice
By using this method for building ontology we are
able to catch the main topics treated in a document
and provide a unique structure for each document, for
more details on the main properties of this method see
(Colace et al., 2008). A user could declare his inten-
tions by writing a paper, even few lines, and thanks to
this automatic method we can extract the core of his
intentions. Alternatively one could build an ontology
providing a text that discusses the topics of which he
is interested in. At this point, whatever was the origin
of this ontology, you can use the same to resolve infor-
mational queries of a given context. We demonstrate
below that the use of this technique significantly im-
proves the quality, in terms of relevance, of the results
obtained by our search engine.
This tool allows registered users to create their
customized ontologies by simply uploading a docu-
ment set they choose to describe a given topic. Figure
2 shows Ontology builder GUI; it looks very similiar
to iSoS main page, with a lateral panel organized in
three sections:
Figure 2: iSoS Ontology builder screenshot.
Documents uploading. It’s possible for users to
import single documents (txt, HTML pages) or a
zip archive containing the document set.
Ontology settings. The user can choose a thresh-
old for the relation factor and build the corre-
sponding ontology by clicking on the build but-
ton. Once the ontology has been built for the first
time, the user can vary the number of nodes by
selecting a different threshold and by clicking on
the rebuild button.
Ontology saving. The user can save the cus-
tomized ontology by choosing a name and click-
ing on the Save button. Stored ontologies are then
available in the ontology management section to
be included in the searching process.
In order to evaluate search engines performance, dif-
ferent measures can be taken into account: query re-
sponse time, database coverage, index freshness and
availability of the web pages as time passes (Bar-
Ilan, 2004), user effort, retrieval effectiveness. Since
the main aim of this paper is to point out improve-
ments on retrieval effectiveness due to the introduc-
tion of ontologies into the searching process, we will
only concentrate on aspects regarding the relevancy
of top documents retrieved. When testing a particular
search engine, it can be useful to make comparisons
with behaviours coming from different engines in or-
der to put in evidence the strenghts and weaknesses
of the system under test. In this study, a first evalua-
tion stage has been conducted by comparing iSoS be-
haviour with a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE);
the reasons for using Google CSE instead of Google
standard deal with iSoS limited crawling faculties: we
had to ensure that both engines performed searches
on the same corpus of web pages and Google CSE al-
lows to specify an URLs list of the Web pages to be
considered in the searching process. To evaluate re-
trieval effectiveness, the most commonly used crite-
ria are precision and recall (Christopher D. Manning
and Schtze, 2008): the former is defined as the frac-
tion of retrieved documents that are relevant, the lat-
ter is the fraction of relevant documents that are re-
trieved. The huge and ever-changing domain of Web
systems makes impossible to calculate true recall,
which would require the knowledge of the total num-
ber of relevant items in the collection. So recall cal-
culation is often approximated or eventually omitted
(Heting Chu, 1996) when comparing search engines
performances. In this paper we use a modified recall
evaluation introduced by Vaughan (Vaughan, 2004)
in a previous work which relies on human judge-
ment. Unfortunately, as well known, the precision
and recall measure doesn’t take into account the sub-
jective relevance of the retrieved documents. Indeed
previous studies have emphasized that human sub-
jects can make relevance judgements on a continous
scale(Howard Greisdorf, 2001), so we found useful to
get through a second evaluation stage relying on con-
tinous human ranking which can be seen as the ideal
ranking reference and provides a better term of com-
parison between the systems being evaluated. In the
following sections we describe how the experimental
stage was carried out.
4.1 Topics and Search Queries Selection
When human relevance judgement is involved, a
large variety of factors can bias the results as the
concept of relevance is very subjective. Previous
studies have emphasized that relevance judgements
can only be made by people who have the original
information needs (Michael Gordon, 1999), so topics
and search queries selection should involve people
who make the judgement. Since fifty people have
been involved in the judging task, ve group of
ten people have been formed and each group has
defined a common information need in Italian. As
a result, five topics and related queries were designed:
1. Topic: Arte Rinascimentale
Query: Arte Rinascimentale.
Query referred to later in this paper as AR.
2. Topic: Evoluzione della lingua italiana
Query: Evoluzione della lingua italiana.
Query referred to later in this paper as ELI.
3. Topic: Storia del teatro napoletano
Italian translation for Renaissance art
Italian translation for Evolution of italian language
Italian translation for History of Neapolitan theatre
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Query: Storia del teatro napoletano.
Query referred to later in this paper as STN.
4. Topic: Storia dell’opera italiana
Query: Storia dell’opera italiana.
Query referred to later in this paper as OPI.
5. Topic: Origini della mozzarella
Query: Origini della mozzarella di bufala.
Query referred to later in this paper as OMB.
For each topic, three hundred pages have been
downloaded from the Web to be indexed by iSoS
search engine and their URLs have been used to pro-
gram a Google Custom Search Engine, allowing both
engines to perform searches on the same corpora of
4.2 Ontology Building and Web Pages
In order to feed ontology builder and produce on-
tologies for experiments, we asked five people with
great skill or knowledge about chosen topics to pro-
vide a set of documents better describing information
needs taken into account. Once ontologies have been
built, we have performed each query on both iSoS and
Google CSE. To better evaluate the ontology contri-
bution, we have also performed each query on iSoS
without including any ontology but with a query ex-
tension: we simply added ontology terms to the query.
Then, for each query we obtained 30 pages, corre-
sponding to the top 10 pages retrieved by each en-
gine, which were merged in order to make the set of
pages to be ranked by human subjects for that partic-
ular topic. As a result af the merge, the number of
pages in the sets AR, OPI, ELI, STN, OMB were 17,
19, 20, 19, 17 respectively.
Figure 3: OPI Borda Count results before meeting.
4.3 Human Ranking of the Web Pages
Subjects in the study were graduates in various dis-
ciplines ranging from engineering (information, elec-
Italian translation for History of italian opera
Italian translation for Origins of buffalo mozzarella
tronic, management) to the literature and economics
disciplines that were involved in a university training
course. People were divided into five group of ten
people each. Each group evaluated a set of documents
related to its own query. One must consider that the
need behind a web search could be not only informa-
tional but navigational (searching for the url of a spe-
cific site) or transactional (searching for e-commerce
Figure 4: OPI Borda Count results after meeting.
Due to the kind of ontologies produced, when de-
ciding on relevancy the subjects were asked to judge
positively only informational Web pages without fol-
lowing any link on the page. Each subject had to
rank the pages according to his/her criteria and write
down those criteria. After that, each group met dis-
cussing about their ranking and criteria in order to
improve ranking quality and reduce the effects of un-
usual ranking by individual subjects. Finally, they
were allowed to adjust personal ranking if neces-
sary. In order to derive an average human behaviour,
the Borda Count method (Saari, 2001) was applied
to both before and after meeting results. Figure 3
shows OPI human ranked results before the meet-
ing together with a graphical representation of Borda
count method outcomes. Such a representation pro-
vides a simple way of investigating subjects degree of
agreement for each result with black being the max-
imum (all the eleven subjects agreed on the ranking)
and white being the minimum (nobody voted for that
position). Comparing the results with the ones shown
in Figure 4, which refers to the after meeting case,
more darker boxes laying closer to the diagonal line
of the graph can be seen, showing a better agreement
on the final ranking as expected. Therefore, for all
the queries we chose as human being behaviour the
results coming from the Borda Count method applied
to the after meeting case. We decided to limit atten-
tion to the top 10 pages because typically users visit
only top pages retrieved (Silverstein et al., 1999). Ta-
bles 2,3, 4,5, 6 show top 10 human ranked results for
each query highlighting iSoS and Google CSE posi-
tioning for each page. Complete URLs of pages are
not reported due limitations in space.
Table 2: Results obtained for the query AR.
Human ranked URLs iSoS Google
1 www.artistiinrete.it 3 5
2 www.bilanciozero.net 2 > 10
3 it.encarta.msn.com 5 3
4 www.firenze-online.com 1 > 10
5 it.wikipedia.org 4 1
6 www.arte.go.it 8 > 10
7 digilander.libero.it 9 > 10
8 www.visibilmente.it 6 7
9 www.salviani.it > 10 4
10 www.arte-argomenti.org 7 > 10
Table 3: Results obtained for the query ELI.
Human ranked URLs iSoS Google
1 blogs.dotnethell.it 3 > 10
2 it.wikipedia.org 1 1
3 www.letteratour.it 2 > 10
4 www.nonsoloscuola.net 4 > 10
5 digilander.libero.it 7 > 10
6 xoomer.virgilio.it 6 > 10
7 www.etx.it 8 > 10
8 www.regione.emilia-romagna.it > 10 10
9 www.tesionline.com > 10 6
10 www.tesionline.it > 10 3
4.4 Precision and Recall Evaluation
Precision is a measurement always present in formal
information retrieval problems. As described before,
it is defined as the fraction of retrieved documents that
are relevant so it depends on how relevancy judge-
ments were made. Binary relevance judgements are
often used, also in TREC experiments: a document
is relevant to the topic or it’s not (Voorhees, 2003).
Several studies have used multi-level rather then bi-
nary relevance judgements, but all these kinds of dis-
crete relevance scores suffer from the possibility of
giving the same score to different documents. So they
are not very useful when evaluating ranking results.
However, in this study we use a variant of standard
precision-recall evaluation based on human ranked re-
sults; in particular, we consider the top 10 human
ranked results as relevant and this assumption allows
us not to care about the real amount of relevant docu-
ments in the corpus, that would be very hard to calcu-
late in a precise manner. One must consider that our
target is to compare iSoS and Google CSE behaviours
with the human one, so this method appears to be very
effective although approximated. For each set of re-
sults, precision and recall values have been plotted to
give a precision-recall interpolated curve: the inter-
Table 4: Results obtained for the query OPI.
Human ranked URLs iSoSGoogle
1 it.wikipedia.org 4 10
2 www.jazzplayer.it 2 > 10
3 musicallround.forumcommunity.net 3 > 10
4 www.sonorika.com 5 > 10
5 www.sapere.it 6 > 10
6 www.bookonline.it 1 > 10
7 www.ilpaesedeibambinichesorridono.it 10 > 10
8 www.gremus.it > 10 1
9 www.bulgaria-italia.com 8 > 10
10 www.rodoni.ch 9 > 10
Table 5: Results obtained for the query STN.
Human ranked URLs iSoS Google
1 www.sottoilvesuvio.it 1 7
2 www.blackwikipedia.org 3 > 10
3 it.wikipedia.org/wiki 2 1
4 xoomer.virgilio.it 5 5
5 www.webalice.it 6 > 10
6 www.laboriosi.it 8 > 10
7 www.denaro.it > 10 4
8 www.gttempo.it 7 > 10
9 www.teatroantico.org 10 > 10
10 azzurrocomenapoli.myblog.it 4 > 10
polated precision p
at a certain recall level r is
defined as the highest precision found for any recall
level r
r, p
(r) = max
The traditional way of representing is the 11-point
interpolated average precision . For each information
need, the interpolated precision is measured at the 11
recall levels of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 1.0. For each recall
level, we then calculate the arithmetic mean of the in-
terpolated precision at that recall level for each infor-
mation need in the corpus. A composite precision-
recall curve showing 11 points can then be graphed.
Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 show precision-recall interpolated
graphs for the queries AR, ELI, OPI, OMB, STN re-
spectively. It can be seen that for all the examinated
cases iSoS displays a better performance than Google
CSE, with OPI being the best case. However, as said
before, precision and recall measurements rely on bi-
nary relevancy judgements so we don’t find them ac-
curate enough to make a good comparison. In the next
section, we propose an alternative method to com-
pare iSoS and Google CSE behaviours with the hu-
man one.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Precision - Recall for AR query.
Figure 6: Precision - Recall for ELI query.
Figure 7: Precision - Recall for OPI query.
Figure 8: Precision - Recall for OMB query.
Figure 9: Precision - Recall for STN query.
Table 6: Results obtained for the query OMB.
Human ranked URLs iSoSGoogle
1 magazine.paginemediche.it 6 > 10
2 www.caseificioesposito.it 1 > 10
3 www.agricultura.it 2 > 10
4 it.wikipedia.org 3 2
5 www.mozzarelladibufala.org > 10 1
6 www.ciboviaggiando.it 9 6
7 www.sito.regione.campania.it 8 5
8 www.aversalenostreradici.com 4 > 10
9 www.tenutadoria.it 7 7
10 www.bortonevivai.it 5 8
4.5 Relevance Evaluation
A better performance evaluation can be done by com-
paring iSoS and Google CSE results with the human
ranking which we consider the reference behaviour.
Figure 10 provides a graphical representation of iSoS,
Google CSE and human being (HB) behaviours for
the query AR; being the reference, HB behaviour
is displayed as a blue line while iSoS and Google
CSE results are displayed as red and green curves re-
spectively. This representation allows to make a fast
visual comparison between the different behaviours:
the more a curve lays close to the blue line, the more
the search engine represented by that curve exhibits
an ideal behaviour. The graph region to be considered
spreads to the tenth result, as said before. The num-
bers next to the points on the blue line represent the
Mean Square Error evaluated from the subjects pref-
erences for that position. Another useful representa-
tion is shown in Figure 11 and displays the distance
of the HB ranking from iSoS ranking (red bar) and
from Google CSE ranking (green bar). This kind of
analysis has been also conducted for the other queries
and is showed in figures 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19. It can be seen that iSoS exhibits a better aver-
age behaviour for all the cases, with OPI being the
best one. Although these outcomes seem close to the
precision-recall ones, it must be said that this method
helps to better highlight also iSoS weaknesses, which
can be seen, for example, on the last three results for
the query ELI (Figure 13).
In this work we have seen how the current web search
engines are not able to resolve in an appropriate way
informational queries. We have also shown how the
results of a classic search engine can be improved
through the use of an innovative search technique
based on using a particular ontology. This ontology
Figure 10: AR comparison.
Figure 11: AR comparison.
is obtained by using a technique based on a model
of language called probabilistic topic model which is
based on the LDA technique, now important in the In-
formation Retrieval community. An ontology of this
type is able to capture clearly the main topic of in-
terest, so that when used in a simple informational
query task, it can certainly improve the quality of re-
sults returned. The proposed technique was validated
through a comparison with a classic search engine and
a comparison with a measure of significance obtained
by experiments with human beings. The experiments
were conducted for different contexts and for each of
them were asked different groups of human beings to
assign judgments of relevance to the set of web pages
collected by unifying results obtained either with our
search engine and the classic one. The results ob-
tained have confirmed that the proposed technique
Figure 12: ELI comparison.
Figure 13: ELI comparison.
Figure 14: OPI comparison.
certainly increases the benefits in terms of relevance
of the results obtained, which in some way there-
fore respect the user intentions. We have also dis-
cussed about the opportunity of developing new tech-
niques for manipulating the language, mainly based
on probabilistic models, and consequently use those
technique for handle semantic information. This is an
important point of our discussion, because actually an
enormous quantity of information is on the web, but
few are the tools that are able to retrieve in this huge
set of information something that really respects users
intentions. To this end, the Semantic Web community
is working towards the introduction of new technolo-
gies and tools to make the enormity of the informa-
tion on the web handle. Despite this technological
paradigm shift has not happened yet and is not at the
gates, so in the meantime, tools such as those treated
Figure 15: OPI comparison.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in this work can be really useful.
Figure 16: OMB comparison.
Figure 17: OMB comparison.
Figure 18: STN comparison.
Figure 19: STN comparison.
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