Marisa Masvoula, Panagiotis Kanellis and Drakoulis Martakos
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University Campus, Athens 15771, Greece
Keywords: Evolving Connectionist Systems, Negotiation forecasts, Predictive Decision Making.
Abstract: Predictive decision making increases the individual or joint gain of negotiators, and has been extensively
studied. One particular skill of predicting agents is the forecast of their opponents’ future offers. Current
systems focus on enhancing learning techniques in the decision making module of negotiating agents, with
the purpose to develop more robust systems. Empirical studies are conducted in bounded problem spaces,
where data distribution is known or assumed. Our proposal concentrates on the incorporation of learning
structures in agents’ decision making, capable of forecasting opponents’ future offers even in open problem
spaces, which is the case in most negotiation situations.
Electronic Marketplaces (E-markets), is an
important component of e-business that brings
demand and supply of commodities and services into
balance. The term e-market is used in a broad sense
and incorporates the various types and
configurations of markets, stores, agoras and other
meeting places where transactions about tangible or
intangible objects take place (Kersten, Chen,
Neumann, Vahidov, and Weinhardt, 2008). Our
focus lies on the negotiation mechanism, which is
defined as an iterative communication and
distributed decision-making process, where
participants, humans or agents acting on their behalf,
are searching for an agreement. Several scientific
fields have made contributions to the development
of negotiation theory. In particular models that
follow normative, prescriptive or descriptive
approaches derived from the application of
economic theories, management and social sciences
respectively. The current trend concentrates on the
development of learning techniques, incorporated
either in support systems that assist human
negotiators, or in software agents that are capable to
fully automate the process. It is proved that humans
or agents that act in open, dynamic environments
where minimal knowledge is available are
particularly benefited by learning techniques that
seem to “extend” their cognitive abilities. In section
2 we give a brief review of the learning techniques
employed by negotiators, and particularly focus on
forecasting opponents’ offers. In section 3 we
discuss limitations and weaknesses and in section 4
we propose a structure that is expected to advance
the state-of-the art in predictive decision-making.
Finally, in section 5 we describe the expected results
of this proposal.
The majority of research efforts regarding the
learning techniques in order to support the various
negotiation activities are concentrated in the
adoption of optimal or satisfying strategies, in
understanding negotiating partners and in identifying
individual preferences and objectives. This is due to
the fact that negotiators deal with vague and
incomplete information. The common case is to be
ignorant about their opponents’ preferences and
strategy. Nevertheless negotiation result, measured
in terms of individual or joint satisfaction, highly
depends on the negotiating behaviors of the engaged
parties, reflected through the different strategies. We
devise current state-of-the-art agents into those that
follow explorative, repetitive or predictive strategies.
Masvoula M., Kanellis P. and Martakos D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002895003910394
The former category consists of agents that search
the strategy space usually through trial-and-error
learning processes, the second category consists of
agents who repeat strategies that have proved
efficient in past similar situations, while the third
category consists of agents who adopt a strategy,
based on estimations of environmental parameters
and/or opponent. We focus on the latter category
and particularly to the issue of estimating opponents’
future offers, which has proved to add value to
negotiators in various domains. The learning
methods used to provide opponent’s forecasts
summarize to statistical models, mathematical
models and neural networks. In section 2.1 we
present current systems of negotiation forecasts.
2.1 Forecasting Opponent’s offers
Forecasting opponents’ offers has proved valuable
for various reasons. We discriminate between single
and multi-lag predictions. Single-lag predictions,
which involve the estimation of the opponents’ next
offer, encourage more sophisticated decision making
mechanisms. Oprea (2003) discusses the
development of SmartAgent enhanced with a feed
forward artificial neural network, to facilitate trading
scenarios via an internet platform. The agent uses
the predicted value of his opponents’ next offer in
order to refine his proposal and increase individual
gain. Carbonneau, Kersten, and Vahidov (2008)
depict the development of a neural network
predictive model in order to facilitate “What-if”
analysis and generate optimal offers. It is proved that
even small variations in the current offer can have
important impact on the expected counter-offer from
the opponent. A similar negotiation support tool is
applied by Lee and Ou-Yang (2009) in a supplier
selection auction market, where the demander
benefits from the suppliers’ forecasts, by selecting
the most appropriate alternative in each round.
Papaioannou, Roussaki, and Anagnostou (2006)
discuss a predictive model, based on neural
networks (MLPs and RBFs), with the purpose to
refine the agents’ pre-final offering decision and
produce more beneficial outcomes. The difference
with this approach is that the prediction mechanism
is run only once, when agent is approaching his
deadline. Brzostowski and Kowalczyk (2006)
implemented a non-linear regression model to
forecast opponents’ next offer; they describe an
iterative procedure in order to foresee the whole
negotiation thread, based on standard concessions.
The objective is to identify the optimal strategy in
order to attain the most beneficial discourse.
Moving to the realm of multi-lag predictions, an
interesting approach based on non-linear regression
can be found in Hou (2004), where prediction of
opponents’ future offers, combined with the
estimation of his strategic parameters, has been used
to effectively detect and withdraw from pointless
negotiations, where agreement could not have been
established. This line of inquiry has also been
followed by Roussaki, Papaioannou and Anagnostou
(2007), where the decision of the agents to withdraw
or not from the current negotiation was taken at an
early round through the forecast of the providers
offer before the clients’ deadline, with the use of
MLPs and RBFs. Finally, predictions have been
used to avoid negotiation breakdown whilst making
a best deal at the opponents’ deadline (Hou, 2004).
Current systems have been assessed by a series of
experiments with opponents who use pure and in
some cases mixed static strategies in various
domains, and it has been proved that predicting
agents gain in utility compared to the non-predicting
When it comes to forecasting the partners’ future
offers, techniques can be summarized into those
based on statistical approaches (non-linear
regression), mathematical models, based on
arithmetic analysis and connectionist approaches,
particularly some special types of neural networks
(MLPs and RBFs). We are not concerned with
mathematical models, since experiments have
proved that they give poorer results when compared
to non-linear regression or neural networks. The
agents enhanced with non-linear regression methods
are more restrictive than those who use artificial
neural networks, in that they are particularly tied to
specific offer generation functions which have been
described by Faratin, Sierra, and Jennings (1998).
On the contrary neural networks do not assume a
known function form and this makes them more
robust in the general case. We trust that the current
trend on providing offer forecasts lies on neural
networks, also due to the fact that they have been
applied in different negotiation problems and
Nevertheless, in all aforementioned systems, the
networks are trained once in an off-line mode and
are set to operate in a real environment. This implies
high dependency of the predictors’ accuracy to the
available training data which are initially presented.
In reality, an electronic market place is a highly
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
turbulent environment; data distributions may
change as stakeholders enter and leave the e-market,
or as individual preferences and strategies change
over time. If an agent changes the negotiable
attributes’ reservation values, his concession
strategy or the available time to negotiate, a different
negotiation thread, series of offers, will be produced.
As the predicting agent uses the neural network with
different data, the accuracy of the system is expected
to decrease. Neural networks that are used for
predictions comprise of a hidden layer with sigmoid
or tangent hyperbolic transfer functions and of an
output layer with linear transfer functions. The
transfer function of the nodes in the hidden layer
acts as a squashing function which returns values in
[-1,1]. Therefore if the new input deviates from min
and max values of input data in the training vector,
the network will not be able to produce accurate
results. Existing systems have not been tested in
dynamic environments with changing data
distributions. Since they are trained only once, how
can we expect to provide the network with data that
exhaust all possible interactions?
To tackle with the problem of changing
distributions, it is evident that models must engage
in on-line learning, where learning takes place
during operation, as new input patterns are
presented. A stated risk of this approach is
catastrophic forgetting; previously learned patterns
are forgotten with the presentation of new data.
Albesano Gemello, Laface, Mana, and Scanzio
(2008) state that catastrophic forgetting is
particularly high when a connectionist network is
adapted with new data that do not adequately
represent the knowledge included in the original
training data. The question we pose is the
following: how can the accuracy of a model engaged
in on-line, life-long learning be preserved even in an
environment with unknown data distributions?
In order to advance the current state of the art we
propose the use of a model capable of adapting to
new data of unknown distributions without
forgetting previously learned patterns. The above
characteristics are met by Evolving Intelligent
Systems (EIS), which trace and understand the
dynamics of the modeled processes, automatically
evolve rules, solve problems of complex domains
and continuously improve performance. Methods of
(EIS) are consolidated in Evolving Connectionist
Systems (ECoS), and have been studied in various
domains. “An ECOS is an adaptive, incremental
learning and knowledge representation system that
evolves its structure and functionality, where in the
core of the system is a connectionist architecture that
consists of neurons and connections between them”
(Kasabov, 2007). ECoS have the following attractive
features: they may evolve in open space, engage in
incremental lifelong learning in an online mode,
learn both as individual systems and as evolutionary
populations of such systems, partition the problem
space locally, allowing for fast adaptation, have
evolving structures and trace the evolving processes
over time. We propose the integration of Evolving
Fuzzy Neural Networks (EFuNNs) (Kasabov 2007),
which are evolving connectionist structures, in the
decision-making mechanism of negotiating agents.
EFuNNs translate the input and output space to
fuzzy input and fuzzy output space. The objective is
to provide appropriate mappings of input to output
subspaces. This is realized with the use of
intermediate rule nodes which move as new patterns
are presented and the data associations change.
Additionally new rule nodes may be created to
represent new associations. With this technique the
system is always consistent with current data,
without any assumptions of data distributions. In
more detail EFuNNs have a five layer structure as
shown in figure 1, where new nodes and connections
are created and connected as data examples are
presented. The first layer represents the input
variables and the second represents fuzzy
quantization of each input variable. The third layer
contains rule nodes that evolve through supervised
learning and represent prototypes of input-output
data associations. The fourth layer represents fuzzy
quantization of the output variables and the fifth
layer represents the values of the output variables.
Figure 1: Evolving fuzzy neural network (Kasabov, 2007).
Rule nodes move to accommodate new input-output
examples. The networks’ structure is not predefined
but changes according to incoming data (rules are
updated or new rules are inserted). This special
characteristic of EFuNNs allows for adaptation to
dynamic environments. Additionally each rule node
is separately trained (implements local learning), and
this allows for learning new patterns without
forgetting the previously learned ones. Our belief
that EFuNNs are appropriate to guide predictive
decision making in negotiations is strengthened by
the fact that they can learn any dataset in various
problems (function approximation, time-series
prediction, and classification) and have been tested
in various domains. For example, (Kasabov, 2007)
demonstrates that EFuNNs are capable to learn
complex chaotic functions through incrementally
adaptive learning from one-pass data propagation.
Our research attempts to advance the state of the art
in predictive decision making with the proposal of
agents that are capable of providing predictions even
in dynamic environments with changing data
distributions. We distinguish two cases, bounded
and open problem spaces: (a) “in bounded problem
spaces, if sufficient examples are presented after a
time moment, the input and output space will be
covered by hyperspheres of the evolved rules, and
the system will reach the desired accuracy”
(Kasabov, 2007). It has been proved that EFuNNs
are universal function approximators in bounded
problem spaces; the proof is based on the well-
known Kolmogorov theorem and is analogous to the
proof that MLPs with two layers are universal
function approximators. In such cases we expect
EFuNNs to be as accurate as MLPs in the task of
forecasting opponents’ offers. (b) “In open problem
spaces, where data dynamics and distribution may
change over time in a continuous way, the error of
EFuNNs will depend on the closeness of the new
input to the existing rule nodes” (Kasabov, 2007).
Such spaces have not been considered in existing
literature and we argue that current systems are not
adequate to model evolving lifelong learning
processes. The use of EFuNNs in the decision-
making of existing negotiating agents adds value to
the field, as more accurate results are expected even
in open problem spaces. Empirical evaluation of our
proposal will be provided through a number of
experiments simulating different situations.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems