Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation
Oleksiy Khriyenko, Sergiy Nikitin
Industrial Ontologies Group, Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35(Agora), FIN-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Vagan Terziyan
Industrial Ontologies Group, MIT Department, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35(Agora), FIN-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Policy, Policy-based Configuration, Autonomous System Collaboration, Context Awareness of System
Abstract: Next generation of integration systems will utilize different methods and techniques to achieve the vision of
ubiquitous knowledge: Semantic Web and Web Services, Agent Technologies and Mobility. Nowadays,
unlimited interoperability and collaboration are the important things for industry, business, education and
research, health and wellness, and other areas of people life. All the parties in a collaboration process have
to share data as well as information about actions they are performing. During the last couple of years,
policies have gained attention both in research and industry. Policies are considered as an appropriate means
for controlling the behaviour of complex systems and are used in different domains for automating system
administration tasks (configuration, security, or Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring and assurance). The
paper presents Semantic Web driven approach for context-aware policy-based system configuration.
Proposed Context-Policy-Configuration approach for creation of intelligent autonomous systems allows
system behaviour modification without source code change or requiring information about the dependencies
of the components being governed. The system can continuously be adjusted to externally imposed
constraints by policy determination and change.
During the last tens year’s humankind utilizes
computers and numerous research results in the area
of information technologies to build intelligent
systems that help people in various domains:
professional activities, entertainments, social sphere
and etc. Experts build such systems in different
domains to solve various tasks. But, all of them use
models of data and knowledge representation as a
basis for system creation.
With an intensive development of the Internet
and very fast growing amount of information and
data world wide, semantic technologies have
become very popular. To achieve the vision of
ubiquitous knowledge, the next generation of
integration systems will utilize different methods
and techniques. These include Semantic Web
(Semantic Web, 2001, Berners-Lee et al., 2001) and
Web Services, Agent Technologies, Mobility
(Curbera et al., 2002, Clabby, 2002), and
WebServices (Ankolekar et al., 2002, Paolucci et.
al., 2002, FIPA, 2001). Semantic technologies are
viewed today as a key technology to resolve the
problems of interoperability and integration within
the heterogeneous world of ubiquitously
interconnected objects and systems. But still, aspects
such as context and proactivity of these resources
and systems are quite in demand nowadays and
should be considered more comprehensively.
Semantic technologies are a qualitatively stronger
approach to interoperability than contemporary
standards based approaches.
At the same time, to make system really
intelligent, dynamic and autonomous, we have to
utilize Agent Technologies. The vision of autonomic
computing emphasizes that the run-time self-
manageability of a complex system requires its
components to be, to a certain degree autonomous
themselves. Software agent technologies will play an
Khriyenko O., Nikitin S. and Terziyan V. (2010).
CONTEXT-POLICY-CONFIGURATION - Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
important part in building such complex systems.
Agent based approach to software engineering is
also considered to be facilitating the design of
complex systems. When it comes to developing
complex, distributed software based systems, the
agent based approach is advocated (Jennings, 2001).
From the implementation point of view, agents are
the next step in the evolution of software
engineering approaches and programming
languages, the step following the trend towards
increasing degrees of localization and encapsulation
in the basic building blocks of the programming
models (Jennings, 2000).
To be smart, system should be able to take into
account current state of environment, react on
changes of it and behave accordingly. Thus, there is
a need to elaborate such a framework of system
development, which allow us to build an influence
model of certain situation not only on single entity,
but also on a system as whole.
From other side, to provide an ability to the
system to be automatically controllable, policy based
approach may be highly valuable. Policies are “rules
governing choices in the behaviour of a system”
(Damianou et. al., 2001). They contain the logic for
guiding decisions during the execution of the
system. Through policy, people can precisely
express bounds on autonomous behaviour
(permissions) and expectations of performance
(obligations) in a way that is consistent with their
appraisal of an agent’s competence in a given
context. Policies allow changing the behaviour of a
system without changing low-level code, creating
more adaptable systems whose behaviour can be
altered dynamically. The ability to change policies
dynamically means that poorly performing agents
can be immediately brought into compliance with
corrective measures.
Policies can be used in different areas and
domains. For example, policies have been used for
access control, network and quality-of-service
management, user preferences, operational policies,
storage management, system configuration, self-
management, multi-agent systems, etc. The policy
community has been researching topics like policy
specification, management, enforcement, reasoning,
negotiation, refinement, discovery and many others.
Policies can be expressed at different levels, referred
to as a policy hierarchy, ranging from high-level
abstract policies over specification-level policies to
low-level configuration policies.
Among other benefits of policy-based
approaches, there are: reusability, efficiency,
extensibility, context-sensitivity, verifiability,
support for both simple and sophisticated
components, and external reasoning about
component behavior. Policies can be used to
explicitly express agreements, conventions,
precedents, and salience conditions that help make
automated components more effective players. They
can be used to enforce bounds and expectations that
increase interpredictability, they can be used to
establish and maintain common ground, and their
ability to be imposed and adjusted at runtime
enables dynamic directability.
Developing and maintaining large-scale, distributed
applications is a complex task. Middleware has
traditionally been used to simplify application
development by hiding low-level details and by
offering generic services that can be reused and
configured by application developers. However,
middleware technology has not kept up with the
growing demands that emerge in the digital society:
the scale of distributed applications is rapidly
increasing, the range of users that compose and
configure applications has expanded significantly,
the increased scope of distributed applications has
also resulted in more advanced application
composition scenarios.
We are basing our research on UBIWARE
Platform. The UBIWARE Platform is a development
framework for creating multi-agent systems. It is
built on the top of the Java Agent Development
Framework JADE
, which is a Java implementation
of IEEE FIPA specifications. The name of the
platform comes from the name of the research
project, in which it was developed. In the
UBIWARE project
, a multi-agent system was seen,
first of all, as a middleware providing
interoperability of heterogeneous (industrial)
resources and making them proactive and in a way
2.1 Proactive Goal-driven Resource as
a Main Entity of Any System
A resource of a new Web is a proactive goal-driven
dynamic entity that adequately and proactively
UBIWARE project -
CONTEXT-POLICY-CONFIGURATION - Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation
Picture 1: Agent environment structure.
reacts on changes within its external environment or
within itself. As a consequence of resource
dynamism and proactivnes, environment itself
becomes more dynamic. Following GUN (Kaykova
et. al., 2005) vision (Global Understanding
Environment, where all the resources of the virtual
and the real world are connected and interoperate
with each other) that considers “everything as a
resource” (even abstract entities) with correspondent
semantic annotation and adapter, accompanied with
an agent to be proactive, dynamic and autonomous.
Accordingly to semantic extension of agent
programming language Semantic Agent
Programming Language (S-APL) (Katasonov and
Terziyan, 2007) that solves such issues as
description of rules and beliefs (representing the
knowledge needed for playing the role) and
understanding of the semantics of the rules, the
meaning of predicates used in those rules by all the
parties involved while using first-order logic as the
basis for an APL, we are considering three agent
language constructs: Belief, Goal and Behavior.
Figure (Figure 1) shows us a structure of an
agent environment. Belief Storage is represented by
statements about environment, resource and agent
(as well as about other resources and agents). All
this information can be considered as preconditions
and input data for rules (behaviours) execution.
Then Rule Engine all the time is checking
availability of the rules that can be performed and
result changes within the beliefs as well as actions
with correspondent beliefs changes. Resource’s
behaviour results to changes in the Resource itself
and to changes in the environment. In return,
changes in the environment influence on the
Resources. Thus, such dynamism and proactivnes
bring context-awareness to the system, and more and
more statements and behaviours become context-
dependent. Thus, in this architecture the trigger that
runs agent behaviour is a goal that should be
specified for the agent. Based on specified goal, a
behaviour planning process builds the behaviour
model that is presented by appropriate set of
behavioural rules that leads agent towards the set
goal. Later such an abstract plan should be bound
with particular instances from the agent beliefs or
those that can be obtained via inference in runtime.
Such rule based behavior representation present us
rule based programming approach where conditional
part of the rule is written in a way of semantic
description that brings much more flexibility
comparing to hardcoded programming.
Applying this approach we are able to build a system
with two different levels of
programming/administration. First level is the level
of “advanced user” programming/administration and
implies building of the rules to reach different goals
that cover particular domain. It means that we define
certain domain by Ontology of Goals - set of
possible abstract goals that can be reached by
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
we do not program system in a hardcoded way, but
build it able to change internal functionality and
behaviour on the fly when context is changed.
2.2 Role-based Policy Control
of a System
Generally we deal with a system with big amount of
entities (Resources) with own behaviours and goals. To
be able to control the system on general level, we have
to put constraints/policies on separate entities as well as
on the system in whole. System that is based on full
unlimited knowledge (Ontology and Rules) and has an
ability to make any actions is a Global (Mother)
System. This system is unrestricted by any specific
goal and able to behave towards achieving all possible
goals. Any organization, union, company, society,
group, individual and etc. can be considered as a sub
system that plays certain Role, which restricts it with
particular set of goals and knowledge/resources used
for goal achievement (see Figure 3). Here Role of a
system is a context that configures it via applying
correspondent policy. Thus, any context is a kind of
Role that implies (re-)configuration of a system.
Creation of Roles is a duty of “advanced
user/administrator” that creates correspondent set of
policies and rules of their application. In case, Role
has been applied and there is still a need to make
goal definition more concrete, then “high-level
user/administrator” can be asked to do this.
Coming back to the approach of autonomous goal-
driven Resource, application of new Role to the
Resource Agent means creation of new working area
for it, configured accordingly to correspondent
Policy that restricts its’ degree of freedom for
planning and execution processes. In this case
Resource can play several Roles and share available
resources based on own configured knowledge that
corresponds to the Role-related area. Concerning the
intelligent part of the Resource, the main aspect is
decision making. It is an ability to decide which one
among possible behaviours/actions is the best one in
particular situation, is profit estimation of one or
another plan among set of possible to be performed.
To make a decision we have to weight different
actions and deduct which of them are more
profitable/advantageous for the Resource depending
on its’ goal. Such technique is widely used in Game
that attempts to mathematically capture
behavior in strategic situations, in which an
individual's success in making choices depends on
the choices of others. There is a possibility to build
Game Theory
different models to rank behaviours (from simple to
very complex calculation methods). These methods
should take into account context of current situation
to simplify calculation process and provide us more
relevant results. In another words, methods should
follow applied
-type policy (vector of priorities
of possible behaviours) defined by Role. It may
happen that Roles become contradicted in sense of
contradicted policies. In such situation Agent should
refuse one or several contradicted Roles to avoid any
contradictions in the system, or play all Roles if
contradictions are not strong and concern only
priorities of behaviours and goals. In the last case we
have a deal with nested Policy-based control and
new type of policy that regulates priority between
lower level Policies.
2.3 Policy Models in Use
Now, when we highlighted several areas and tasks
that need context-dependent policy-based control, let
us come to elaboration of a general vision of
Context-Policy-Configuration paradigm and show
models in use.
In the last decade, several policy description
languages have been developed, mostly designed for
specific purposes, including:
Ponder (Damianou et. al., 2001) is a policy
language for specifying authorization and
obligation policies in the context of
distributed networks and systems;
The eXtensible Access Control Markup
Language (XACML) (OASIS, 2005)
standard includes an XML-based policy
language for specifying authorization
KAoS (Uszok et. al., 2003) and Rei (Kagal
et. al., 2003) are semantic policy languages
for expressing authorization and obligation
policies. They both allow the inclusion of
external ontologies, defining the semantics
of domain-specific concepts;
The Web Service Policy framework (WS-
Policy) (IBM et. al., 2006) provides an
extensible grammar for expressing non-
functional requirements for interacting with
a web service;
GlueQoS (Wohlstadter et. al., 2004) is an
extension of WS-Policy for specifying
quality-of-service (QoS) features of web
Expectations regarding the new generation of Web
depend on the success of Semantic Web technology.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a basis
for explicit and machine-readable representation of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Role-based System creation.
Policy System Ontology
Class Resource
applied to
Figure 4: Initial part of Context-Policy-Configuration extension of RDFS.
To be compatible with widely used technology
we extend RDF Schema with some classes and
properties for policy description. Figure 4 shows us
initial part of CPC-extension of RDFS. In the
platform we utilize N3 representation in S-APL
Let us follow an example to show main
principles of policy based system configuration. For
example (see Figure 5) consider a System
“GreenFactory” as a subsystem of System -
“Factory” with only difference that “GreenFactory”
utilized only green kind of energy: Nuclear-, Hydro-,
Wind-, Sun-energy, etc. Here we can use a D&R-
type policy that restricts the ontology of mother-
system (“Factory”) and redefines a range of the
“useEnergy” property for the “GreenFactory”.
Figure shows us the range of the “useEnergy”
property in “Ontology #i” that is used by system -
“Factory #n”. The range is presented by list of
different kinds of energies (Oil-, Wood-, Coal-,
Nuclear-, Hydro-, Wind-, Sun-energy). Statement #1
states that “Policy #n” is applied to the system
“GreenFactory #m” in case if this system plays the
role “Role #k”.
CONTEXT-POLICY-CONFIGURATION - Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation
Statement #1
Policy #n
applied to
GreenFactory #m
ContextContainer #1
Statement #2
GreenFactory #m
Role #k
Statement #3
Factory #k
Ontology #i
property: useEnergy
Factory #k
D&R_RestrictionContainer #1
W_RestrictionContainer #1
Policy #n
property: useEnergy
Supplier #j
Policies are considered as an appropriate means for
controlling the behaviour of complex systems.
They are used in different domains for
automating system administration tasks, such as
configuration, security, or Quality of Service (QoS)
monitoring and assurance. Context-Policy-
Configuration approach for creation of intelligent
autonomous systems is allowing modifying system
behaviour without changing source code or requiring
information about the dependencies of the
components being governed. The system can
continuously be adjusted to externally imposed
constraints by changing the determining the policies.
This research presents a policy-based approach
for supporting the high-level configuration of
systems, integrated into the middleware platform.
Policies are high-level, declarative statements
governing choices in the behaviour of a system. Our
“policy-driven middleware” extends the traditional
middleware architecture with an extra layer that
hides complexity when possible and enables
simplified application development and maintenance
by offering the means to express, validate and
enforce policies.
This research has been performed as part of
UBIWARE project in Agora Center (University of
Jyvaskyla, Finland) funded by TEKES and industrial
consortium of Metso Automation, ABB, Fingrid,
Inno-W and Hansa Ecuras. We are very grateful to
the members of “Industrial Ontologies Group” for
fruitful cooperation.
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CONTEXT-POLICY-CONFIGURATION - Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation