Making Serious Games Playable and Fun
Jonathan Tremblay, Bruno Bouchard and Abdenour Bouzouane
LIARA laboratory
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (Québec)(Rolling and Adams, 2003), Canada
555 boul. Université, G7H 2B1
Keywords: Game design, Adaptive game mechanics, Serious game, Challenge, Game studies, Gameplay, Flow,
Adaptive difficulty.
Abstract: This paper investigates adaptive games mechanics and how to implement them. First, a comprehensive
review of existing adaptive models is presented. Next, we propose a new adaptive model, which combines
dynamic difficulty adaptation, the player’s performance, and adaptive flow. An implementation of these
new adaptive mechanics is presented in the form of a simple serious game called Number to Number
Combat. This game was released freely on the internet in order to be tested by the gaming community. It has
shown very promising results that will help us to improve our adaptive model.
The video game industry as entertainment provides
the player with many different game genres. A
player can choose from puzzles to first person
shooters (FPS), casual to hardcore, Play Station to
PC, etc. These choices are meaningful for the player
(Salen and Zimmerman, 2003), they give the player
choices about his game experience based on his own
abilities and aspirations. Therefore, they enhance the
player’s immersion in the game and contribute to his
desire to play.
In the last few years, video games have also
begun to be more than just fun. An increasing
amount of scientists (Jiang et al., 2006) and
companies are exploring how games can be used as
teaching tools (Gee, 2003) or as a rehabilitation
platform (Jiang et al., 2006) for cognitively impaired
patients, such as Alzheimer’s patients. For instance,
one may note the recently published game “Brain
Age” on Nintendo DS for which the idea is to
provide a series of small simple puzzle games
making it possible to play a few minutes per day in
the aim of “improving brain performance”.
This new way of using video games brings a lot
of emergent challenges. One of the most important
challenges corresponds to designing a game in
which the player can make meaningful choices in a
serious context. The fact is that currently, in the
industry, players cannot make very many
meaningful choices in serious games, even though
the diversity of types of players in serious gaming is
greater than in the entertainment industry.
This diversity of players introduces different skill
levels. Serious games lack the luxury of a vast
budget. Despite this lack, games should serve every
kind of player and every kind of skill. The process of
design for serious games needs to adapt the
difficulty level of the game to different sets of skills.
In general, the entertainment industry provides
different difficulty levels for games: casual, normal,
hard (Gilleade and Dix, 2004). This design process
does not take into consideration the game semantic
mastered by the players or the player who has
difficulty where they are not supposed to. The
designer has to understand every kind of player
playing the game and make sure that the game is
enjoyable for all sorts of players.
A designer should concentrate his efforts on the
player’s experience, instead of trying to anticipate
the player’s skill level. A serious game should let
every kind of player play the game. Casual to
hardcore players should learn from the game and
enjoy the game. The player’s experience is described
as an optimal flow (Chen, 2006), which can be
defined as a state of total immersion where the
challenge should match the player’s abilities
perfectly. The player’s enjoyment is closely linked
to the appropriate level of difficulty. If the challenge
Tremblay J., Bouchard B. and Bouzouane A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education , pages 465-470
DOI: 10.5220/0002855604650470
is too hard, the player will suffer anxiety. On the
other hand, if the challenge is too easy, the player
will experience boredom. As Juul (Juul, 2009) points
out, the player needs to experience failure and
difficulty in order to enjoy the game. A game where
the player is winning all the time is no fun and the
opposite is also not enjoyable. When flow is
experienced, the player feels control over the game,
they are mastering it. Mastering the semantics of a
serious game will lead to mastering the subject of
the game (Gee, 2003). Would it be possible for a
serious game to allow players to experience flow? If
so, would it be possible for serious games to adapt
the difficulty of the challenges to the player’s skill
This research investigates the possible ways for
games to adapt to the player’s skills and how to
implement this adaptation. We found four
mainstream adaptive game mechanics: Dynamic
Difficulty Adaptation (DDA) (Hunicke, 2005),
adaptive flow (Chen, 2006), Game Play Schemas
(Lindley and Sennersten, 2008) and using frustration
(Gilleade and Dix, 2004). After having reviewed
each of them, we developed a new adaptive model
which combines feedback (Salen and Zimmerman,
2003) based on DDA, the player’s performance, and
includes adaptive flow. We implemented these new
mechanics into a simple serious game called Number
to Number Combat, which was released freely on the
internet in order to be tested by the gaming
community. This game is made so that a frequent
player will be challenged more than a casual one.
The results obtained after a first testing phase are
encouraging and will help us to improve the
adaptive model.
The rest of this document is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses previous works related to this
research. Section 3 describes our approach to
designing our game, our implementation and some
early results. Section 4 summarizes our conclusions
and presents possible future work.
The level of difficulty in a game is created linearly
by a designer. The design process depends upon play
testing, so that the designer can understand the
difficulty and tweak the game for a particular kind of
player (Chen, 2006). The designer needs to repeat
this step until the game is balanced. This is even
more time consuming when catering to every kind of
player (casual, normal, hardcore, etc.). In reality,
when developing a serious game with a low budget,
the designer does not have all the time he/she needs
to tweak the game perfectly. Introducing adaptive
game mechanics makes the game more accessible
and enjoyable for the player. It makes the game
more challenging for any kind of player, therefore
more enjoyable and playable for the player (Juul,
2009). Adaptive game mechanics also require
tweaking (Hunicke, 2005). In the last few years,
researchers (Hunicke and Chapman, 2004, Chen,
2006, Lindley and Sennersten, 2008, Gilleade and
Dix, 2004) have explored different avenues to
implement this kind of adaptive mechanics. These
sources explain the player’s experience using flow
theory. We can distinguish four proposed
approaches: Dynamic Difficulty Adaptation,
Adaptive Flow, Game Play Schemas and using
2.1 Dynamic Difficulty Adaptation
Dynamic Difficulty Adaptation (DDA) offers
alternative-modulating in-game systems to respond
to a particular player’s abilities over the course of a
game session. DDA is based on the mathematical
analysis of structures and relationships within a
game system (Hunicke, 2005) and on the player’s
flow experience. DDA uses the flow principle in
order to keep the game intriguing and enjoyable.
With the right structure, everything from narrative
structure to the game menu can possible adjusted
(Mateas, 2002). It is very important to completely
understand the design and how the system could
interact with the game in order to challenge the
DDA uses a system that changes the game
mechanics without the player knowing it. These
changes are made in order to keep the player
challenged and interested (Hunicke and Chapman).
First, the system computes the player’s data;
player’s position, player’s health, player’s ammo,
etc. Following the system assessment, the system
chooses the data that reflects the player’s state of
flow. The system analyses the player’s state of flow
and notifies the game of any changes. Lastly, the
game apply the changes (Chen, 2006).
For instance when the player is playing a first
person shooter (FPS), the system could notice if
he/she has low health. The game could be too
difficult for the player’s skills. The system then
could decide to make a health pack available to the
player. An important element would be to ensure
that the player does not know about systems such as
the DDA (Hunicke, 2005).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The system analyses the player’s data based on
the player’s flow experience. However, one of the
major problems with DDA is that the system bases
its decisions on the player’s flow state using only
raw data. The raw data used represents the
performance of the player, which is objective, while
flow is subjective (Chen, 2006) . On the other hand,
DDA is straight forward to implement and
understand (Hunicke and Chapman, 2004).
2.2 Adaptive Flow
Chen (Chen, 2006) introduces flow as a design
process. Based on the assumption that the player’s
flow experience is subjective, Chen (Chen, 2006)
proposes giving the player control. Control is a
requirement for the flow experience, the player must
feel in control over his/her actions in order to
experience flow (Salen and Zimmerman, 2003). The
sense of control comes from the sense of progression
and positive feedback (Chen, 2006). In the design of
the game, the player should control the level of
difficulty. Figure 1 shows how a player can make
choices that can result in changing his flow
Figure 1: Adaptive flow based on player's choices.
In order to design such a game, the designer needs to
include a wide spectrum of game mechanics for a
variety of levels of difficulty and tastes. The game
should provide a player-oriented active DDA to
allow different players to play at their own pace.
This system must be embedded in the game core
mechanics and let the player make their own choices
through play (Chen, 2006). For instance, the player
could experience an intense challenge or choose to
explore and power up his avatar which will attenuate
the challenge’s intensity.
Designing a game with embedded meaningful
choices regarding the difficulty of play is not a
simple task. The designer has to think of the game as
a DDA platform from the beginning. Should the
game already exist, it is almost impossible to include
adaptive flow after the fact.
2.3 Game Play Schemas
Lindley and Sennersten (Lindley and Sennersten,
2008) introduce game mechanics based on schema
theory. A schema is a semantic representation of
knowledge integrated into the decision process.
Schema applied to game mechanics becomes an
algorithm representation of the semantic knowledge
needed to perform an action within the game.
Therefore, the player’s actions can be reproduced as
an algorithm.
Example of a schema game mechanics algorithm for a
typical adventure game:
This algorithm is typical in adventure, before
attacking we check if the avatar is sick. Based on the
data, the player’s action consists of either attacking
or healing. Using this algorithm a system could find
where a player makes mistakes during play. In this
case, if the player never heals his avatar; this could
indicate that the player does not understand the
meaning of being sick. With this mistake found, the
system could intercept in order to help the player.
This help could be meaningful for a casual player,
such as Alzheimer’s patient.
In other situations, a schema game play could be
used to adapt the game to the player’s style (Lindley
and Sennersten, 2008). The system, by determining
what type of player is playing, can introduce
elements that the player enjoys based on the player’s
repetitive actions such as how the player is defeating
None Player Character (NPC), how the player is
driving his car, how the player interacts with the
menu, etc.
A major issue with the game play schemas’
model is that it has never been implemented or
tested (Lindley and Sennersten, 2008). Moreover, it
seems that it would be very time consuming to
implement. In order to understand the player’s
interaction with the game, the designer would need a
lot of case studies and would have to calculate the
possible mistakes a player may make.
2.4 Using Frustration
Frustration in a game is something that every player
has experienced at least once. Frustration arises
when the in-game progress towards achievement is
impeded (Gilleade and Dix, 2004). When the player
is unable to complete a command, he/she becomes
frustrated as he/she is not able to progress.
Furthermore, the player becomes frustrated when
he/she cannot complete a certain challenge in the
game due to a misunderstanding of the game
Using DDA, when the player is getting
frustrated, the system could change the game
difficulty or provide help to the player. For example,
the game system could change the width of a hole
the player had fallen into so that their next attempt at
jumping over the hole would be successful and the
player would be less frustrated.
The major issue with this model is the detection
of frustration. Frustration can be measured using
blood pressure, heart rate and conductivity (Gilleade
and Dix, 2004). These measurements are related to
the level of arousal. From a commercial point of
view, using these measurements is almost
impossible; the only existing connection between the
player and the game is the gamepad. Some research
(Sykes and Brown, 2003) indicates that it is possible
to measure the player’s level of arousal by
monitoring button pressure on the gamepad.
However, this idea has never really been officially
used as an adaptive mechanic.
We have developed a digital learning game
prototype called Number to Number Combat to use
as an experimental test for our research in adaptive
game mechanics. A screenshot of the game is shown
in Figure 2. Number to Number Combat is a game
that is designed to teach and master basic arithmetic;
addition and subtraction.
Figure 2: Screenshot of Number to Number Combat game.
The current version of Number to Number
Combat is simple; there is no end to the game. The
player is playing the left avatar, by answering
correctly the equation; the avatar will hit his
opponent and inflict damage. On the other side, the
NPC will randomly hit the player. The goal is to
defeat the NPC before it defeats you. When the
player wins, he/she has to build up his/her avatar’s
force, defence and luck. Force gives the player more
powerful hits. Defence protects the player from his
opponent. Luck increases the player’s chances of
hitting a weak spot.
3.1 Adaptive Game Mechanics
In Number to Number Combat, we propose a new
adaptive model which combines feedback (Salen
and Zimmerman, 2003) based on DDA as well as
the player’s performance, and includes adaptive
flow. The DDA system is based on the player’s
health. As represented in Figure 3, when the player
finishes a combat with a low health bar, the next
opponent will be easier to vanquish. On the other
hand, when the player is mastering a combat and
his/her health bar is full, the next opponent will be a
little harder. The system works without the player
noticing. The way the system changes the NPC
difficulty is by feedback. The system uses negative
feedback, that consists of reducing the gap between
two related elements (Salen and Zimmerman, 2003).
In other words, if the challenge is too hard for the
player, the negative feedback will reduce the
difficulty of the gap.
Figure 3: DDA using negative feedback in Number to
Number Combat.
After a fight, the player must choose what he will
put the 2 points he has earned towards. This is
adaptive flow at work. This part maps the kind of
fight the player will encounter. If a player adds a lot
of points to their Strength, the fights will need a fast
paced answer entry. On the other hand, if the player
adds a lot of points towards his Defence, the fights
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
will be slower, and both the player and the NPC will
be well protected against attacks. Finally, if the
player adds a lot of Luck, the fights will be
completely random.
3.2 Validation and Results
We proceeded to a first validation phase for our new
adaptive approach by releasing Number to Number
Combat as Freeware on the website Newgrounds provides a free
online video game platform for independent
developers. There are about 2 million registered
members and 500 000 flash submissions (Fulp,
2010). Players can comment on the game and rank
it. Since the game came out, it has been played by
over a thousand players. The results obtained so far
are very promising, knowing that, even if this
serious game is very basic and simple, the players’
average review is 8.2/10 and the game received very
positive comments. One of the aspects of the game
most appreciated by the players is that the game
improves theirs math skills with basic arithmetic in
an enjoyable combat role playing game world. We
believe that the new adaptive mechanics included in
the game contributed to the great appreciation from
the players.
Conversely, some players were disappointed that
the game does not get harder after a certain time.
Also, the aesthetic aspect of the game does not seem
to be appealing enough for the players and the fights
are too repetitive and do not offer enough sense of
control over the avatar. Finally, the role playing
elements do not seem to make a difference in the
game experience. Implementing a more complex
game system with more attractive graphics and more
controls will help us to alleviate these concerns and
to conduct enriching further tests on the adaptive
In this paper, we investigated adaptive mechanics in
games and how to implement them. This has been
achieved by reviewing existing adaptive models, by
proposing a new adaptive approach combining
dynamic difficulty adaptation, the player’s
performance, and adaptive flow, and by presenting
an implementation of this new adaptive mechanic in
the form of a simple serious game called Number to
Number Combat. We also presented the promising
results of a priliminary validation phase conducted
by releasing the game freely on the Internet to be
tested by the gaming community.
Every game teaches something about a system
(Koster, 2004, Gee, 2003). The preliminary
comments gathered by releasing Number to Number
Combat show promise, but the game is not perfect
and has a couple of design flaws. One important
element that we bring to light in this paper is that
serious games need to be treated like any
entertainment game; the game has to be appealing
for the player. Therefore, we plan on working on a
narrative framework for the game, redoing the
graphics and getting the game balanced.
Number to Number Combat was a first step in
the LIARA laboratory new project, which aims to
give way to video games as a new software platform
allowing the support of medical and learning tools,
less expensive and more accessible, that will be
used, for instance, for palliative care for those
suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Using this kind
of serious game will be enjoyable, fun, and will
make a real difference in the life of Alzheimer’s
patients by slowing the degenerative process of their
disease, thus contributing to giving them a better
quality of life (Tárraga et al., 2006). We plan on
developing prototype games for Alzheimer’s
patients, for people suffering from head traumas and
for people with other cognitive impairments. The
Alzheimer’s patients are casual gamers, we need to
adapt our design process to make sure the game they
play is accessible, fun, and that it answers their
The next logical step in this project consists of
implementing our adaptive mechanics in a more
complex game system and testing it. We also plan
on exploring different adaptive game mechanics
such as game play schemas (Lindley and Sennersten,
2008). Implementing these models could help the
design process for serious games. Finally, we
recently signed a collaborative agreement with the
rehabilitation center of La Baie, which is an
institution that treats Alzheimer’s patients. This will
allow us to test our prototype on the targeted
We would like to thank our main sponsors for their
financial support: the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),
the Quebec Research Fund on Nature and
Technologies, and the Université du Québec à
Chicoutimi (UQAC). We also want to thank the
Cleophas-Claveau center for their future help in
testing our ideas. Finally we would like to thank all
the players who played Number to Number Combat
and commented on it.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education