A Research Roadmap
Leandro Krug Wives, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Zakaria Maamar
Zayed University, U.A.E.
Samir Tata, Mohamed Sellami
TELECOM & Management Sud Paris, France
Keywords: Web services, Recommender systems, Research roadmap.
Abstract: In this position paper, we provide a brief overview of Recommender Systems (RS) and Web Services (WS).
After, we propose a research roadmap for the challenges and opportunities that could arise following the
combined use of WS and RS. While these challenges are expected to hinder this use, we discuss the neces-
sary actions that need to be taken to overcome these challenges and hence, make this use a win-win situation
for both WS and RS. We illustrate how the combination of RS to WS takes place in terms of what RS can
do for WS and what WS can do for RS. Finally, we conclude by pointing out the actions to take so that this
combination turns out successful.
The reason of proposing a research roadmap for the
Web Services & Recommender Systems association
is the following. On the one hand, Web services'
adoption is somehow slowed down by various, re-
current issues largely reported in the literature such
as the complexity of Web services discovery and
Web services reliability (Sapkota 2005; Shen and Su
2007; Margaria 2008). To address these issues, in-
novative solutions are required and could be built
upon different other techniques for instance recom-
mendation (i.e. recommender systems). On the other
hand, recommender systems are slowly moving from
simple applications (e.g., textbook recommendation)
while modern business application's complexity
continues to increase. This has, to a certain extent,
excluded recommender systems from the list of
techniques of choice for the development of these
applications, unless the way recommender systems
are developed sees some changes. These changes
will permit to enhance recommender systems with
new capabilities drawn from existing IT technolo-
gies for instance Web services.
Web services are paving the way for a new gen-
eration of large-scale, loosely-coupled business
applications. This is witnessed from the large num-
ber of standards and projects related to Web ser-
vices, e.g., (Bentahar, Maamar et al. 2007; Yu,
Bouguettaya et al. 2008), which address a variety of
issues such as semantics, high availability, and dis-
covery. These issues, in fact, hinder the smooth
automatic composition and deployment of Web
services. Composition, which is one of Web ser-
vices' selling points, handles the situation of a user's
request that cannot be satisfied by any single, avail-
able Web service, whereas a composite Web service
obtained by combining available Web services may
be used.
Recommender systems are a special kind of in-
formation filtering approaches designed to help
users cope with information overload (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin 2005; Werthner, Hansen et al. 2007).
These systems can process large volume of informa-
tion prior to suggesting items to a user according to
Krug Wives L., Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira J., Maamar Z., Tata S. and Sellami M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002840601190124
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
first, the users’ interests or behaviour and second, to
other users’ past experiences and recommendations
(e.g., comments, criticisms, and opinions). This is
very appealing when users are overloaded with in-
formation and searching for relevant ones turns out a
“nightmare”. Thanks to recommender systems, the
search space could be reduced (in the user's perspec-
tive), reducing the number of elements the user has
to analyze, providing a positive impact on the com-
plexity and time needed to find relevant information,
e.g., (Pu, Chen et al. 2008).
In the remaining of this position paper, we pro-
vide a brief overview of Recommender Systems
(RS) and Web Services (WS). Afterwards, we illus-
trate how the combination of RS to WS takes place
in terms of what RS can do for WS and what WS
can do for RS. Finally, we conclude by pointing out
the actions to take so that this combination turns out
to be successful.
According to Werthner et al. (2007), recommender
systems are applications that provide qualified ad-
vices about products or services that a user might be
interested in, though the final word of selecting that
product or that service over others goes always back
to the user. In addition, RS can assist people make
the right decisions when they are swashed with an
overwhelming set of alternatives.
There exist several commercial and academic
applications that illustrate the use of RS. Examples
include Amazon
, Last.fm
, Phoaks
system, and all
the Grouplens’ projects
(MovieLens, WikiLens,
TechLens, etc.). RS can be classified into three cate-
gories: content-based, collaborative filtering, and
hybrid. This classification takes into account the
recommendation model upon which a RS is built. A
good survey on RS is proposed in (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin 2005) and (Perugini, Gonçalves et al.
Content-based Recommendation: here, a rec-
ommendation is performed by analyzing the
similarity between (i) items (artefacts) and a
user’s interests (represented by her profile in
terms of interests, level of expertise, and
sometimes needs) or (ii) items themselves.
The items that are more similar to the user’s
profile are suggested first. The similarity iden-
tification algorithm depends on the character-
istics like price, size, and purpose of the item
that is being analyzed. In addition, the similar-
ity functions that are used in these algorithms
depend on the nature of the item.
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation:
here, users explicitly evaluate items they know
or use by giving specific scores to these items
(Herlocker, Konstan et al. 2004). Because it is
known that users are always reluctant to en-
gage in any scoring exercise (Claypool, Le et
al. 2001), other alternatives exist to address
this reluctance and rely, for example, on track-
ing how a user interacted with the system by
registering the items she bought, which is
similar to what Amazon does. An item could
be any object, document, product, or service.
The highly evaluated items are recommended
to users using neighbourhood-based algo-
rithms. The main idea is that users with simi-
lar profiles tend to have same interests. The
similarity among items is also important to
identify since similar items may be relevant to
users with similar interests. The major limita-
tion of collaborative filtering recommendation
is that users do not receive recommendations
until some evaluation is performed by another
Hybrid Recommender Systems: Melville et al.
(2002) state that content-based and collabora-
tive filtering recommendations “fail to provide
good recommendations in many situations”.
Thus, their combination seems to be a good
way to address the limitations of each recom-
mendation type. This is where hybrid RS
came into play. There exist many approaches
to combine RS techniques. Melville et al., for
instance, use content-based techniques to
identify similarities among rated- and unrated-
items, which permits to minimize the lack of
evaluation that was mentioned before. Other
authors apply different Recommendation
Techniques (RT) and combine or choose their
better results (Ahmad Wasfi 1999; Torres,
McNee et al. 2004; Thio and Karunasekera
2005). While there is not a complete study yet
that states which combination approach to go
with, existing studies show that hybrid RS
provide better results (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin 2005).
Web service as defined by the W3C is “a soft-
ware application identified by a URI, whose inter-
faces and binding are capable of being defined, de-
scribed, and discovered by XML artefacts, and sup-
ports direct interactions with other software applica-
tions using XML-based messages via Internet-based
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
applications” (W3C 2004). A WS implements a
functionality (e.g., BookOrdering) that users and
other peers (i.e., Web services) invoke by submitting
appropriate messages. WS are modular and loosely-
coupled, providing a simple model of programming
and deployment of applications through the Web.
The life cycle of a WS consists of three steps usually
known as definition and announcement, discovery,
and invocation. A fourth step, which is about com-
position, is usually to this life cycle.
Definition & Announcement Step: independ-
ent providers use the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) to describe the functional-
ities, operations, and attributes of the WS they
develop. Afterwards, the providers announce
the Web services to the external community
by posting their descriptions on various public
and private registries (e.g., Universal Descrip-
tion Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
(OASIS 2004), Electronic Business using eX-
tensible Markup Language (ebXML) (OASIS
Discovery Step: finding WS means screening
and querying registries in order to match WS’
functionalities to service requesters. A query
includes search criteria in terms of functional
properties (type of service, inputs, outputs,
etc.) and sometimes non-functional properties
(response time, execution rate, etc.).
Invocation Step: it is the process of calling the
operation of a WS. As software artefacts can
be developed using different languages, these
artefacts must follow a common contract to in-
teract with other elements in a platform-
neutral environment. In the case of WS, the
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is
used so that artefacts can be bound to each
other. SOAP is a XML-based remote invoca-
tion protocol designed for flexibly composing
Internet applications.
Composition Step: when a user’s request can-
not be satisfied by any single, available WS,
the combination of WS constitutes an alterna-
tive (Berardi, Calvanese et al. 2003). Exam-
ples of specification languages to compose
Web services include the Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL) and the Web
Services Choreography Description Language
In this section, we propose a research roadmap for
the challenges and opportunities that could arise
following the combined use of WS and RS. While
these challenges are expected to hinder this use, we
discuss the necessary actions that need to be taken to
overcome these challenges and hence, make this use
a win-win situation for both WS and RS.
3.1 What can RS do for WS?
Recommendation seems to offer solutions to the
problems of handling large volumes of data (Pu,
Chen et al. 2008). Users’ profiles, past experiences,
and rankings are some of the factors that RS take
into consideration in their functioning. With the
proliferation of WS-based applications, recommen-
dations would help address some recurrent issues of
how to discover WS with reduced efforts, how to
suggest/avoid “good/poor” WS based on previous
successful/unsuccessful executions, how to compare
WS, just to cite some. In this section, we discuss
how recommendations could be smoothly woven
into the life cycle of a WS.
With the proliferation of trusted and un-trusted
WS, their discovery (including registries upon which
these WS are posted) constitutes and continues to be
complex and tedious, although several improve-
ments are made to the operational mechanisms of
registries to address, for example, semantic and
security concerns (Trabelsi, Pazzaglia et al. 2006).
The discovery process should be performed based on
the semantic match between a declarative descrip-
tion of the WS that is being sought, and a description
of the WS that is being offered (Paolucci, Kawamura
et al. 2002), but this activity is still “complex” and
poses problems to allow a broader adoption of WS
by businesses. Recommendation could simplify this
discovery process by easing and speeding up some
of the activities that are related to one of the follow-
ing three cases:
Case 1: instead of screening registries, which
is the traditional way of discovering WS, a RS
could suggest a list of WS that satisfies a
user’s or client's needs based on previous ex-
periences collected over time. With respect to
this user or client, these experiences should
feature similar needs, profiles, interests, func-
tionalities, etc. The value-added of RS to this
case is to reduce the search space of WS to a
specific list of recommended WS, which is the
main shortcoming in WS discovery.
Case 2: in a composition scenario, a RS could
suggest additional WS to be included in this
scenario based on the components that are al-
ready included and the user’s profile or based
on the composition's functionality. For in-
stance, a delegate attending an overseas con-
ference could be interested in some sightsee-
ing activities, though these activities are not
part of the composition scenario associated
with this delegate’s travel plan. The new com-
ponent WS will be submitted to the user for
approval before inclusion and execution.
Case 3: to make WS more robust, a RS could
suggest peers that would substitute this WS in
case of failure. The peers are recommended
based on the functional and non-functional
characteristics they have in common with the
WS to make robust.
WS discovery continues to rely on how they are
described. By weaving some Recommender Tech-
niques (RT) into this discovery, WS’ descriptions
could turn out insufficient, inefficient, and even
inappropriate. The WSDL document of a WS uses a
number of well-defined, XML-based arguments
(e.g., message, port type, binding) that are primarily
meant for discovery and invocation purposes. Unfor-
tunately, these arguments cannot sustain the normal
functioning of any RS that requires to know, for
example, how a WS was rated by users, by whom a
WS was recommended in the past, how many times
a WS was discovered through recommendation, how
many times a user rejected a WS despite positive
recommendations and vice versa, etc. As a result,
dedicated arguments to describe WS are required
and could be related to user/client evaluation (score)
over a certain time frame, reputation as defined by
users and peers, cases that failed/succeed despite
positive/negative recommendations, etc. To monitor
and log WS' status and messages would also be
helpful to determine its quality and reputation.
Once WS’ new descriptions permit meeting the
requirements of how RS function, the next step
consists of looking into how RTs would affect the
announcement of these WS. Some of the aspects to
consider include:
Where are the recommendation details an-
nounced? Should these details be posted on
existing registries like any regular WSDL de-
tail, or should these details be separated and
posted on dedicated registries that would be
made accessible to RS only?
Should all recommendation details be pub-
lished or just some? In the latter case, what are
the details to select?
When are the announced recommendation de-
tails refreshed? Will this be done regularly,
continuously, or both? And who is responsible
of performing this refreshment?
Another point of what RS can do for WS is about
the value-added of recommendation to composition.
The purpose here is to promote the reuse of compos-
ite WS. Rather than developing composite WS from
scratch each user’s request is submitted, the user is
given the possibility of triggering a composite WS
that was developed in the past in response to the
requests of other users and hence, was experi-
enced/tested/evaluated over time. This permits to
build the history of a composite WS in terms of
needs satisfied, problems faced, solutions adopted,
and performance assessed. Similarity of needs, pro-
files, and interests is a pre-requisite to the reuse of
composite WS. Because we have pointed out that the
descriptions of component WS need extra details
that would support the functioning of RS, we expect
that composite WS would be subject to the same,
namely extra details would be required. These de-
tails are for the composition level and could show,
for example, competitors of composite WS, per-
formance of composite WS, participating compo-
nents in compositions, etc.
Recommendation would not be complete without
taking full benefits of previously executed compos-
ite WS in terms of outcomes produced, obstacles
met, exceptions raised, and alternatives adopted.
Business Process (BP) mining is commonly used for
tracking execution (van der Aalst, Reijers et al.
2007), and is a good source of data for recommenda-
3.2 What can WS do for RS?
We now discuss how current RTs could be subject to
enhancement or adaption in response to WS’ charac-
teristics. These characteristics show, for example,
how WS are described, discovered, invoked, and
Content-based RTs rely on how items to analyze
and then to suggest are described in terms of con-
tent. When it comes to WS, their descriptors (i.e.,
WSDL documents) are the content to be analyzed.
These documents are XML-based and contain spe-
cific metadata about WS. This means that WSDL
documents are semi-structured and use a set of pre-
defined tags that contain textual, categorical, and
numerical values. The following list shows how the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
nature of these tags would affect the actions to take
during recommendation.
Compared to textual documents, WSDL
documents are more structured and present a
strict syntax and semantics. Furthermore,
WSDL documents do not have to cope (to a
certain extent) with the vocabulary issue
(morphological variations, synonymy, etc.)
that is usually present on textual documents
and difficult identification of similar content.
Therefore, it is expected that minor changes in
the current content-based RTs would happen.
These changes would primarily permit to han-
dle the hierarchical structure and semantics of
WS do not usually have textual attributes (in
the sense of free and unstructured texts). As
WS description languages are usually a varia-
tion of XML with predefined tags and limited
set of attributes, their contents are like semi-
structured data and thus more subject to cate-
gorical or numerical manipulation techniques.
Categorical and numerical attributes are thus,
extracted out of the WSDL tags of a WS.
These tags could be semantically annotated
(using ontology) so that a meaning is given to
each tag. To simplify the development of a
recommendation model rather than going
through the “hassle” of adapting existing RTs,
it would be interesting to assign priorities and
weights to the different WSDL tags. This
would, for instance, help the newly developed
recommendation model in ranking WS with
respect to different dimensions such as price,
availability, stability, etc.
Collaborative-based RTs are based on user col-
laboration, i.e., users must submit feedback (e.g.,
opinions, ratings) about the items they use or con-
sume, and the system recommends items based on
users with similar interests and opinions. When it
comes to WS, RTs can be used to minimize the
search space using previous experiences. The re-
finements or adaptations that must be performed in
RTs are related to collecting data about the WS's life
cycle and their interaction (sequence, order of
use/activation, status, quality), using specific moni-
tors (Cruz, Campos et al. 2004), since users do not
directly interact with WS (in fact, most of the time
they even do not know they are using WSs).
Hybrid-based RTs must be designed along the
following dual goals: deal with WS’ descriptors
(purpose of content-based techniques) and take into
account the way WS interact and are used (purpose
of collaborative-filtering techniques). The former
goal is related to collecting feedbacks on, for in-
stance, the evaluation (or any other kind of feedback
such as the number of activations or uses) of the
recommended or used WS, from any independent
peer (preferably trusted) or entity involved in over-
seeing the progress of the life cycle of a WS. The
latter goal is related to the lack of details that fol-
lows the similarity analysis of descriptions of WS.
For this purpose, hybrid techniques would use de-
scriptions of WS and feedbacks that are collected
out of the bodies responsible for the monitoring of
these WS.
In this position paper, a research roadmap for com-
bining Web services and recommender systems was
discussed. This roadmap offered a glimpse of the
research opportunities and challenges that such a
combination would offer. What Web services can do
for recommender systems and the other way around
permitted to suggest an overview of first, the solu-
tions that Web services could offer to address the
limitations of recommender systems and second, the
mechanisms that recommender systems could offer
to sustain the adoption of Web services. Doubtless
combining Web services and recommender systems
should be a win-win situation for both, and real
business applications that would benefit out of this
combination will just prove this situation.
This work was partially supported by
CAPES/COFECUB project ADContext, and by
CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil.
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i http://www.amazon.com/
ii http://www.lastfm.comq/
iii http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~sithakur/l542_p3/
iv http://www.grouplens.org/
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies