On Musical Information Visualization for Audio and Video Editing
Marcelo Cicconet and Paulo Cezar Carvalho
Vision and Graphics Laboratory, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Musical information visualization, Chroma vector, Loudness, Self-similarity matrix, Novelty score.
Most audio and video editors employ a representation of music pieces based on the Pulse Code Modulation
waveform, from which not much information, besides the energy envelope, can be visually captured. In
the present work we discuss the importance of presenting to the user some hints about the melodic content
of the audio to improve the visual segmentation of a music piece, thereby speeding up editing tasks. Such
a representation, although powerful in the mentioned sense, is of simple computation, a desirable property
because loading an audio or video should be done very fast in an interactive environment.
When working with audio or video edition, it is natu-
ral, if not mandatory, to use the visual representation
of the audio track provided by the software as a rough
guide to the onset or offset point of the media chunk
that has to be edited.
To the best of our knowledge, all general purpose
software for audio and video editing make the sound
track visible by presenting its Pulse Code Modulation
(PCM) waveform.
Supposing the audio is mono-channel (in other
cases, all channels can be mixed down to just one),
the PCM representation is simply the graph of times-
tamp versus amplitude, where the samples are taken
at equally spaced time intervals, normally at a sam-
ple rate of 44100 samples per second. Figure 1 shows
an example. The value represented is simply “raw”
sound, the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) as it would be
measured by a microphone.
In the example shown by Figure 1 it is difficult to
point out boundaries of regions with distinct musical
content, where by distinct musical content we mean
an obvious audible dissimilarity between the region
located before and the region located after a specific
point in time.
This problem is less evident if the predominant
musical information in the audio file is percussive
(like in drum sequences, for example). However, first
of all the great majority of song files have relevant
melodic content, and furthermore even percussive in-
struments can be classified as of low or high pitch, a
Figure 1: Audio PCM representation of a song synthesized
by Garage Band, as shown by Audacity.
melodic property.
The main goal of this work is to show that the
melodic content of an audio file is worth noting when
implementing visualizers of entire music pieces in au-
dio and video editors. We claim that by using the
low level audio descriptors of loudness and chroma,
to be defined below, we can build a representation of
the audio file which, on the one hand, resembles the
waveform, and on the other hand, gives more hints
about adjacent regions of the audio file with different
musical content.
The rest of the paper is as follows. In section 2
we will talk about what can be found in the litera-
ture on this subject. Section 3 describes our proposed
mapping between audio and visual content. We will
define the above mentioned low level descriptors, as
well as discuss some constraints (especially regarding
computational cost) that have guided the choice of the
method. In section 4 we will be concerned with the
question of evaluating the method. Some strategies
will be mentioned, and our choices will be justified.
Section 5 is the place for results, lined by the con-
clusions of section 4. This text ends with some final
remarks in section 6.
Cicconet M. and Cezar Carvalho P. (2010).
THE SONG PICTURE - On Musical Information Visualization for Audio and Video Editing.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory
and Applications, pages 85-90
DOI: 10.5220/0002825000850090
Figure 2: Loudness and Chroma features of a 30 seconds long portion of the song Anything Goes, by ACDC. The features
are extracted from windows with 4096 frames, and the overlap is of 2048 frames. The audio sample rate is of 44100 frames
per second.
When speaking about audio visualization, it is worth
clarifying what sort of visualization is being treated.
We can mention at least three cases where terms like
music visualization or audio visualization apply.
First, there are the online visualization algorithms.
They show in real-time (or at least as real-time as pos-
sible) some feature extracted from a small window
around the audio portion being played or sung. The
purpose of this kind of visualizer can be of aesthetic
nature, enhancing audio playback software (Lee et al.,
2007), as a tool for musical training (Ferguson et al.,
2005), as a help for the hearing impaired, enhanc-
ing the awareness of their surroundings (Azar et al.,
2007), or as an interface to control real-time compo-
sition parameters (Sedes et al., 2004).
Second, in works like (Kolhoff et al., 2006), a pic-
ture representing the entire audio file is rendered with
the purpose of facilitate the search in large databases
or simply as a personalized icon of the file. In (Ver-
beeck and Solum, 2009) the goal is to present a high
level segmentation of the audio data in terms of intro,
verse, chorus, break, bridge and coda, the segments
being arranged as concentric rings, the order from the
center being the same of the occurrence of that part of
the music in the piece.
Finally, there are the methods aiming at rendering
a picture (matrix) of the entire file in which at least
one dimension is time-related with the audio. Perhaps
the most important example is (Foote, 1999), where
a square matrix of pairwise similarity between small
consecutive and overlapping audio chunks is com-
puted. (We will come back to this kind of matrix later,
in section 4.) Another very common example consist
of plotting time against some 1- or n-dimensional au-
dio feature, like, say, the magnitudes of the Discrete
Fourier Transform coefficients of the audio chunk.
For n-dimensional features the resulting matrix is nor-
malized so that the minimum value is 0 and the max-
imum 255, resulting in a grayscale image. Figure 2
shows this kind of plot in the case of the loudness (1-
dimensional) and chroma (12-dimensional) features.
The musical content of a piece can be essentially di-
vided in two categories: the harmonic (or melodic)
and the rhythmic (or percussive). Rigorously speak-
ing it is impossible to perform such a division, since
melody and rhythm are (sometimes strongly) corre-
lated. There are, however, ways to extract most of the
content of one or another category, which is the main
issue in the Musical Information Retrieval commu-
nity. The problem with these methods is that they are
usually computationally expensive. In fact, in a pre-
vious work (Cicconet and Carvalho, 2009) we have
tried to segment the music piece and to perform some
kind of clustering. But good clustering requires high
computational cost. This means that the user has to
wait a long time for the result, which is not desirable.
Thus, we decided to use two simple audio de-
scriptors, each one related with a different component
of the audio (rhythm or melody), and combine them
in such a way that the corresponding visual features
complement each other.
Another important point behind this decision re-
lies on the segmentation and clustering capabilities of
the human visual system. It consists of billions of
neurons working in parallel to extract features from
every part of the visual field simultaneously (Ware,
Therefore, instead of spending computational
time segmenting and clustering the audio data, we
moved to the direction of taking advantage of the hu-
man visual capabilities in doing that, and facilitating
the analysis by presenting significative audio informa-
The visualization algorithm we propose is as fol-
We assume that the audio file is mono-channel and
sampled at 44100 frames per second; otherwise we
apply some processing (adding the channels and/or
resampling) to obtain audio data with the desired fea-
tures. These properties are not critical; the computa-
tions could be done for each channel separately and
the sample rate could be a different one.
At regular intervals of 2048 frames, an audio
chunk of length 4096 frames is multiplied by a Hann
window, and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of
it is computed. We choose 2048 as hop size to obtain
IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 3: PCM waveform (top), loudness, chroma and the representation described in section 3 of the song Sex on Fire, by
Kings of Leon. In this example, besides the many segmentation points presented, it is also possible to guess what portions of
the picture corresponds to the chorus of the song.
good resolution of feature extraction even for songs
with high tempo (say, 200 beats per second). Also,
the window size of 4096 allows good precision in es-
timating the energy of the waveform corresponding to
low frequencies (those bellow 100Hz).
The loudness audio descriptor was chosen to rep-
resent the rhythm. Loudness is the average of the
magnitudes of the DFT coefficients, a measure highly
related with the energy of the audio, which usually
has a good response to bass and snare drums, and
also resembles the PCM representation, making fa-
miliar the visualization we are describing. The vector
of loudness values is then normalized to fall in the
range [0,1], and warped logarithmically according to
the equation
log(x + c) log c
log(1 + c) log(c)
where c > 0 is an offset parameter. (The results pre-
sented here were obtained using c = 0.1.) The log-
arithmic warp is important because the human audi-
tory and visual systems are roughly logarithmically
As melody feature we use the chroma vector, as
described in (Jehan, 2005). First, the magnitudes of
the DFT coefficients, after normalization, are warped
logarithmically as expressed above, then the 84 am-
plitudes corresponding to MIDI notes ranging from
24 to 107 are captured and a 12-dimensional vector
is obtained by summing the amplitudes correspond-
ing to musical notes of the same key in different oc-
taves. The elements of this vector are normalized to
the range [0,1], to avoid taking into account differ-
ences of loudness in different windows, and squared,
to give more importance to the peak value, highlight-
ing the melodic line. Chroma vectors roughly rep-
resent the likelihood of a musical note (regardless of
its octave) being present in the audio window under
We arrange the chroma vectors c = (c
) as
columns side by side in a matrix, the bottom corre-
sponding to the pitch of C. The entries of each vector
are associated with a color (h,s,v) in the HSV color
space, where the value c
controls the hue component
Figure 4: Algorithm described in section 3 applied to a
faded-in and -out white noise sample (top) and to a C-
through-C 13-notes glissando (bottom).
h as follows: supposing the hue range is [0, 1], we
make h =
(1 c
), so the color ranges from blue
(h =
) to red (h = 0), linearly, when c
ranges from 0
to 1. We set s = 1 and v = l
, where l
is the loudness
value corresponding the chroma vector c.
Each vector (column) is then warped vertically (in
the sense of image warping), having the middle point
as pivot. The warping is such that the height h
of the
vector ranges from α to 2α, where α is some positive
constant not smaller then 12 pixels. More precisely,
is given by h
= (1 + l
Figure 3 shows our method at work. The wave-
form, as well as the audio features used to build the
proposed visualization, is presented.
In Figure 4, top (respectively, bottom), the visu-
alization method we have just described is applied to
a test song where only the loudness (respectively, the
chroma) feature changes over time.
The question of how such a visualization looks
like when we look closer is answered in Figure 5,
where a 30 seconds excerpt of a song is zoomed in.
Such a zoom allows seeing beat onsets, generally
good cutting points.
A possible way of evaluating the importance of in-
cluding melodic information in audio visualization
methods would be making some statistical measure-
ment of preference in a group of people working with
audio or video editing. The problem with this idea is
the difficulty of having access to a significative num-
ber of such people.
Other option, more feasible, would be to manu-
ally segment audio files based on the PCM and the
proposed representation, then comparing the results.
THE SONG PICTURE - On Musical Information Visualization for Audio and Video Editing
Figure 5: Zoom in a 30 seconds long portion of the song Three, by Britney Spears. Visible peaks correspond to beat onsets.
Despite being an indirect measure, the rough number
of segments that can be seen in the visual represen-
tation of an audio file leads to a reasonable evalua-
tion method, especially when the task is editing au-
dio or video, where finding separation points between
regions with distinct musical content is of great im-
portance. We have conducted an experiment to that
end, where five viewers were asked to perform the
Furthermore, we implemented an automatic algo-
rithm to evaluate the importance of including melodic
features in audio visualization systems. The auto-
matic procedure consists in counting the approximate
number of visible segmentation points in an audio
file when it is represented via two distinct audio fea-
tures: the loudness and the chroma vector. Since
the loudness feature represent the energy envelope of
the song, which is roughly the visible shape of the
PCM representation, this strategy allows a quantita-
tive measurement of the chroma vector importance in
audio information visualization.
We found such method of finding segmentation
points in the literature of audio summarization. It is
based in what is called the novelty score of the audio
data (Cooper and Foote, 2003).
The novelty score is defined upon a structure
known as self-similarity matrix (SSM) (Foote, 1999).
Supposing we have a time-indexed array of audio fea-
tures, say v
, the self-similarity matrix of the
audio relatively to this feature is the n × n matrix S
such that S
i, j
is s(v
), where s is some similar-
ity measure. In this work we have used s(v
) =
1 kv
k/M, where M = max
Figure 6 shows and example, where an important
property of this kind of matrices can be seen: the
checkerboard pattern.
In fact the novelty score takes advantage of this
property. The idea is that convolving the main diago-
nal of such a matrix with a checkerboard kernel will
result in a curve with peaks corresponding to segment
boundaries in the song, with respect to the feature
used to build the SSM. The checkerboard kernel is de-
fined as f ·g, where f (x) = +1 for x in even quadrants
and f (x) = 1 otherwise; and g(x) = e
. Figure
7 shows the appearance of the kernel, as well as illus-
trates the process of computing the novelty score and
the novelty score itself for the chroma-SSM shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6: Loudness (left) and chroma self-similarity matri-
ces of an about one minute long excerpt of the song Shadow
of the Day, by Linking Park.
Figure 7: Checkerboard kernel (top left) and novelty score
computation process (top right) with the corresponding re-
sulting curve (bottom) where peaks above certain threshold
are highlighted.
We have used a kernel of width 64. Consider-
ing that the audio features are computed each 2048
frames, this corresponds to about 3 seconds of audio,
which means that transitions between music parts (re-
garding the chosen audio feature) happening in such
an interval of time will be captured. The resulting
curve is smoothed to eliminate high-frequency noise,
and then normalized to the range [0, 1]. Peaks above
some threshold (0.1 for the examples presented here)
are considered to be good segmentation points.
Figure 8 shows an example of what is obtained in
our evaluation method, for the song Fireflies, by Owl
City. Note that in our method the rough shape of the
PCM representation is kept, and more possible seg-
mentation points are provided by the color differences
between chroma vectors.
IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 8: From top to bottom: PCM representation, loudness-based novelty score, chroma-based novelty score and our
proposed audio visualization picture.
To evaluate the importance of including melodic in-
formation when visualizing audio data for edition pur-
poses (where hints about segmentation points are de-
sirable), we have counted, for each test song, the
number of novelty score significant peaks for the
loudness- and chroma-SSM, according to the method
described in the previous section.
As song database we chose to take the top 10 most
popular songs for the month October of 2009, accord-
ing to the website Results are shown
in Table 1. Note that in all of the songs there are more
chroma peaks than loudness peaks. In fact the aver-
age ratio between the number of chroma and loudness
peaks is about 3.4.
The same songs were presented to ve viewers,
who were asked to segment them using, first, the
waveform representation, and then the representation
described in Section 3 (see Figure 9). Table 2 shows
the obtained results. Note that, except for the song
Down, the number of segments found using the wave-
form representation is always smaller. In fact the av-
erage quotient between the values in the column SP
and WF is about 1.34.
The mentioned database was also used to measure
the computational cost of the algorithm. We have
seen that the total time spent to decompress a mp3
file, compute the representation and show the result is
about 1.01 seconds per minute of audio. Regardless
of the time spent for decompressing the file, the algo-
rithm takes about 0.39 seconds per minute of audio to
execute. We have used a Macintosh machine, with a
2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 2GB of RAM,
running Mac OS X Version 10.6.2 (64-bits).
In this work we have proposed a new method for vi-
sualizing audio data for edition purposes, which is an
alternative to the ubiquitous PCM representation.
Our method is of fast computation, and is based
on the loudness and chroma audio features. By using
Table 1: Number of loudness (LP) and chroma (CP) peaks
of the novelty score using the corresponding SSM, for songs
in the testing database.
Song LP CP
I Gotta Feeling 45 71
Down 24 86
Fireflies 35 140
Watcha Say 48 150
Paparazzi 36 73
Party in the U.S.A. 18 134
Three 30 103
You Belong With Me 52 98
Meet Me Halfway 62 119
Bad Romance 37 183
Table 2: Average number of segments found by five view-
ers when presented to the waveform (WF) and the song pic-
ture (SP) as described in section 3, for songs in the testing
Song WF SP
I Gotta Feeling 7.2 7.4
Down 7.6 6.4
Fireflies 9.4 9.6
Watcha Say 7.4 9.6
Paparazzi 5.8 8.4
Party in the U.S.A. 7.6 9.8
Three 6.6 13.6
You Belong With Me 4.4 9.2
Meet Me Halfway 7.8 9.8
Bad Romance 9.0 9.2
loudness, the representation resembles the traditional
PCM curve shape. The presence of chroma informa-
tion adds more hints about good segmentation points,
and can even highlight parts of the music piece that
are similar each other.
We have measured the importance of adding
melodic information (the chroma vector) in audio
visualizers by counting the number of significative
peaks in the novelty score corresponding the chroma-
SSM for 10 different songs, and comparing with the
results corresponding to the use of the loudness-SSM.
The result is that the average ratio between the num-
ber of chroma and loudness peaks is about 3.4.
Also, five viewers were asked to segment those
songs using the PCM representation and our proposed
visualization method. In average, using our method
THE SONG PICTURE - On Musical Information Visualization for Audio and Video Editing
I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas)
Down (Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne)
Fireflies (Owl City)
Whatcha Say (Jason Derulo)
Paparazzi (Lady GaGa)
Party in the USA (Miley Cyrus)
Three (Britney Spears)
You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)
Meet Me Halfway (Black Eyed Peas)
Bad Romance (Lady GaGa)
Figure 9: Song database used for the evaluation of the
the number of segments found is about 1.34 times the
number of segments found when using the PCM rep-
We believe an audio visualization method includ-
ing melodic information, like the one presented here,
could speed up the task of audio and video editing,
since the user would have more hints about bound-
aries of segments with different musical content.
The reader can test the proposed visu-
alization method by downloading the soft-
ware we have developed for this project at
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IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications