Anastasiia Beznosyk, Chris Raymaekers, Karin Coninx, Peter Quax and Wim Lamotte
Hasselt University tUL IBBT, Expertise Centre for Digital Media
Wetenschapspark 2,B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Collaborative virtual environments, 3D manipulation, Input devices.
As collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) are becoming more popular for both entertainment and profes-
sional activities, it is important to know which factors influence the collaboration between participants. This
paper investigates two aspects of interaction in the context of collaboration between two users. A puzzle-
solving task in a basic interactive virtual environment was used as a case study. The influence of voice com-
munication was assessed in a user experiment. Furthermore, as different I/O devices can be used with this
kind of applications, the fact whether both participants are using the same device or not, was also checked.
From this study, we can conclude that the inclusion of voice communication is important when working on
the same task in a CVE, since this allows the participants to explicitly divide the work. On the other hand,
the usage of the same kind of device by both users does not significantly influence the collaboration. The
availability of different devices shows not to be a problem for the acceptance of CVEs, and therefore it is not
necessary to impose a certain device, which is obviously preferable, especially when dealing with home users.
The necessity for communication and information
sharing in virtual environments (VEs) caused the
appearance of collaborative virtual environments
(CVEs). Massive Multiplayer On-line Role Play-
ing Games and virtual communities, such as Sec-
ond Life (Linden Labs,,
2003), have contributed significantly to this success.
The variety of computational resources nowadays
provides a wide range of possibilities for the devel-
opers of virtual worlds. The potential of these re-
sources leads to the question of their effective combi-
nation into heterogeneous set-ups, in such a way that
the tasks between participants can be divided accord-
ing to their abilities.While single-user interaction has
been studied at great lengths (Bowman et al., 2005),
the problem of enabling detailed interaction using a
heterogeneous set of input devices is non-trivial to
solve. To achieve productivity and efficiency of col-
laboration a detailed investigation of different device
combinations is needed.
Another aspect that has received little attention is
the effect of communication while working in a 3D
environment (Otto and Roberts, 2003; Ullah et al.,
2009). Several studies have shown its importance to
increase the degree of presence within the environ-
ment. These studies, however, do not take the pro-
ductivity of the collaboration into account.
We have investigated the influence of heteroge-
neous interaction when collaborating while perform-
ing highly interactive tasks. More specifically, the ex-
periment studies the influence of unequal conditions
between participants, as they are collaborating using
different input devices. Although the performance
and feeling of collaboration can be considered as the
task dependent characteristics we believe that the out-
come obtained in this particular case study can be ap-
plied to a wider range of tightly coupled interactive
Most current CVEs support a high level of presence
and immersion, however, the interaction is reduced to
voice communication and common navigation. De-
Beznosyk A., Raymaekers C., Coninx K., Quax P. and Lamotte W. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 341-346
DOI: 10.5220/0002822403410346
tailed task performance has received less focus.
Some previous studies examined such topics as
presence and co-presence (Schroeder et al., 2001). In
other examples (Alhalabi and Horiguchi, 2001; Duval
et al., 2006) collaboration was supported between 2
users with equal performance abilities. Another ex-
ample of interaction, that is homogeneous with re-
spect to the I/O devices, was presented by Pinho et
al. (Pinho et al., 2008) but in this study responsibil-
ities were divided between the participants so they
were able to complete the task only by cooperating.
Performance, leadership and presence have been
identified as key issues in virtual environments (Hel-
dal et al., 2005). Some of these factors depend on the
type of the virtual environment and the tasks to be per-
formed, others on computational resources and avail-
able devices. For example, experiments (Steed et al.,
1999) have proved that the person who had the highest
degree of feeling to be present in the VE was singled
out as the leader. In the meantime there was little re-
search that investigated the influence of communica-
tion between participants on collaboration (Otto and
Roberts, 2003). There is also a lack of studies inves-
tigating the absence of communication and possible
negative reactions due to the ability to talk.
The contribution of our work is the combination
and comparison of different setups of input devices.
Although several studies are known where different
devices were combined, they included similar kinds
of devices (McLaughlin et al., 2003). We com-
pare not only performance between different device
types (relative and absolute) within a homogeneous
setup, but we also show the heterogeneous perfor-
mance when everyone is using a different device.
In order to assess the influence of communication
and the I/O devices used, a user experiment was con-
ducted. Pairs of participants had to collaborate in a
highly interactive puzzle-solving task. To investigate
the effect of a homogeneous setup versus a hetero-
geneous setup, a SpaceMouse and a Phantom device
were chosen. While the Phantom device has an abso-
lute mapping of its position and orientation to the 3D
cursor, the SpaceMouse is a relative device.
3.1 Participants
Six female and twenty-six male unpaid volunteers,
ranging in age between 23 and 39 participated in the
experiment. They were randomly divided into 16
pairs. All test persons had a computer science back-
ground. All but one participant were right-handed and
used their dominant hand to operate the devices. Most
participants had no experience working with the in-
put devices involved. The others only had experience
from participating in other user tests, where the same
devices were involved.
3.2 Apparatus
For the experiment, two desktop computers were con-
nected over a LAN. For output two 19” monitors were
used. As indicated earlier, a Phantom device and a
SpaceMouse were used for input. Participants were
sitting in the same room quite close to each other but
they were not able to see the partner’s screen, as can
be seen in figure 1.
Figure 1: Experimental setup.
3.3 Design
For selection and manipulation within the 3D envi-
ronment, the virtual hand technique (Bowman et al.,
2005) was chosen. The input devices were repre-
sented by cones of different colors.
A between-subjects design was used for the pres-
ence or absence of voice communication. The de-
vice order was counterbalanced using a Latin square
design. This resulted in four puzzles that had to be
solved by each pair: two using homogeneous interac-
tion and two with heterogeneous interaction. The de-
pendent variables were the completion time for each
group and the amount of correctly placed blocks for
each participant.
3.4 Procedure
The puzzle-task consisted of collecting 12 pieces, rep-
resenting a picture, where one was already provided
as visual guide (see figure 2). Each session consisted
of a new puzzle. The puzzles were assigned to all
pairs in the same order and had the same level of com-
plexity. The participants saw the completed picture in
front of them during the experiment. Puzzle pieces
were represented as cubes, with the picture on one
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
face, dispersed in the 3D environment. Start and Fin-
ish buttons had to be clicked when they were ready
to perform the task and as soon as the task had been
completed. The selected puzzle piece was highlighted
for both participants to avoid same cube selection.
In order to investigate the influence of commu-
nication, half of the pairs were instructed to talk to
each other. As not all participants spoke the same lan-
guage as first language, all communication was held
in English. Although the participants were not native
speakers, we believe this did not significantly influ-
ence the results as all of them were used to speak En-
glish on a regular basis.
Figure 2: Experimental task in the VE.
In the beginning of the experiment, participants
were allowed to practice with both devices. Once the
training was completed, the four puzzle-solving ses-
sions were performed. After each session, the partic-
ipants had to fill in a questionnaire, based on (Steed
et al., 1999).
4.1 Communication
In order to assess the users’ performance, we ana-
lyzed how the ability to talk influenced the total time
to perform the task. Against our expectations the task
was completed quicker in all 4 sessions for the pairs
who were not allowed to talk. In table 1 the perfor-
mance results of homogeneous (HM) and heteroge-
neous (HT) setups are compared (M mean, SD
standard deviation).
Table 1: Total time (sec).
No communication
Homogeneous interaction
Heterogeneous interaction
235.64 133.75 166.75 58.50
Total time on task was analyzed using a linear
mixed model. We found a significant main effect
of communication on total time (F
= 4.768, p =
0.03). This indicates that people spent significantly
more time on a task when they were able to talk to the
partner. This occurred regardless of the devices used,
as no interaction effect was found between the setup
and communication.
One of the characteristics that test persons had to
evaluate was the convenience with a certain device.
Figure 3 shows that using the same device setup under
different conditions changed the feeling of the partic-
ipants. For example, when they were allowed to talk,
the mean value of “convenience” was higher. This
can be explained by the fact that when people were al-
lowed to communicate they were able to ask the other
person for help so they did not feel themselves being
aside from the performance.
Figure 3: Convenience with the device, for heterogeneous
(HT) and homogeneous (HM) setups.
The generalized linear model (GLM) analysis has
shown that for the no-communication case there is a
significant main effect of the convenience with device
on the total amount of blocks placed by a participant
(1) = 5.671, p = 0.017). For the case where com-
munication was allowed, there is a main effect of the
device convenience on the total time (F
= 11.094,
p = 0.003).
The results of the experiment show that the abil-
ity to communicate in a CVE increases the feeling of
collaboration independent of the setup (see table 2).
Table 2: Feeling of collaboration.
No communication
Feeling of collaboration
We therefore come to the following conclusion.
When it is important to achieve a better feeling of
“working together”, communication plays an essen-
tial role. But if it is crucial to perform the task quicker
and divide it between the participants, the ability to
communicate can decrease the productivity and effi-
ciency of the collaboration.
For the sessions with communication, the linear
mixed model analysis shows a main effect of the part-
ner’s share to the task solving on the “feeling of col-
laboration” (F
= 4.327, p = 0.015). We found
that the contribution to the placing of the cubes is
not significant for this case. The partner’s conve-
nience with the device has main effect on collabo-
ration (F
= 2.445, p = 0.046), which indicates
that people felt to collaborate significantly more when
their partners were comfortable with the devices.
For the case where no conversation was allowed,
the own contribution to the cube placing is signif-
icant for the level of collaboration (F
= 13.099,
p = 0.001).
Another relevant result that was obtained by com-
parison of the performance under two conditions
shows that in all sessions the mean values of contribu-
tion to the task by the participants were higher when
they had the chance to talk to each other and discuss
the task (see figure 4).
Figure 4: Contribution to the task, when using a Space-
Mouse (M) or a Phantom device (P).
Amongst others we wanted to determine the fac-
tors that define leadership when collaborating. One
of our initial expectations was that the person would
be considered as a leader more when he/she performs
more active and places more blocks to the correct po-
sition in both cases. But for the communication cases
it turned out that people who were assessed as being
talkative were seen as the leaders, rather than partic-
ipants who performed more. Our analysis led to the
conclusion that when people are not able to commu-
nicate with each other, they take the lead when they
feel comfortable to operate within the environment
and this can be achieved by using suitable devices.
Participants were also asked to estimate to what
extent they considered themselves as a leader. Fur-
thermore, we asked to evaluate the extent of the lead-
ership of the partner. In our opinion it is interesting to
compare how these evaluations differ from each other
under different conditions.
In the cases where communication was allowed,
the persons who operated a SpaceMouse had the same
idea about their leadership as their partners. In con-
trast, when the person was using a Phantom device,
he/she tended to overrate own leadership value com-
paring to the one given by their partner. For the cases
without communication, there is little difference be-
tween the self evaluation and the partner’s rating.
Comparing the correlation between leadership and
convenience with the device under the two conditions
the following can be observed: for the communication
case the leadership is defined mostly by the commu-
nication, while for the no-communication cases, the
comfort of device usage is more influential
The performed analysis has shown that the corre-
lation between the device convenience and leadership
is stronger for no-communication cases. For the com-
munication cases, there is an input of the communica-
tion to the correlation.
Mixed model analysis has shown no main ef-
fect of the contribution characteristics on the lead-
ership value for the communication case. Contrary to
this, for no-communication cases, there is a signifi-
cant main effect of blocks placed by the participant
= 5.064, p = 0.34) and his contribution to the
task solving (F
= 6.247, p = 0.020) on the level of
his perceived leadership.
4.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Our research was organized with the aim to inves-
tigate the potential of unequal interaction (heteroge-
neous setup) within one collaborative environment.
One of the main goals we wanted to achieve was to
see the possibilities and drawbacks of creating het-
erogeneous collaborative environments where every-
one can perform specific tasks to achieve a common
aim. Although we did not perform such a separation
in this experiment, results have shown that in com-
munication cases, participants divided their roles by
Analyzing the heterogeneous and homogeneous
setups, based on a linear mixed model, we found no
significant difference for the performance time, but
there is a main effect of convenience with the device,
= 4.050, p = 0.049 for participant #1 and F
= 23.224, p<0.001 for participant #2. There was no
significant interaction effect between 2 devices. This
result provides us with the ability to design collabo-
rative environments where the use of certain devices
does not limit other device types that could be in-
Using a GLM analysis of the effect of different
conditions on the total amount of blocks placed cor-
rectly, we found a main effect of one of the device
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
types (χ
(1) = 3.869, p = 0.049).This indicates that a
pair placed significantly more blocks if at least one of
the devices was comfortable to use.
The change from a homogeneous device combi-
nation to a heterogeneous one during communication
session does not bring any significant result (Fig. 5).
However, when no communication is present, there
is a tendency to improve the feeling of collaboration
and increase the efficiency in the heterogeneous setup
(Fig. 6). Although the available activities of both par-
ticipants were the same, they felt more comfortable
when they could rely on their partner using a different
Figure 5: Effect of the device on the collaboration in the
communication case.
Figure 6: Effect of the device on the collaboration in the
no-communication case.
According to the total time to perform the task,
we can see that the heterogeneous setup reduces
the completion time compared to the SpaceMouse—
SpaceMouse case. It takes, however, longer than the
Phantom—Phantom case.
Figure 7 shows the dependence between the share
in task solving and the type of the device used.
Because the SpaceMouse was considered by most
participants as a more complicated device to use, the
SpaceMouse—SpaceMouse case is rather changing
the character of the trend (jumping from min extreme
to max several times). The homogeneous case with
the Phantoms shows that the contribution is quite
high and remains almost the same during the whole
Figure 7: Share in task solving.
experiment. In the heterogeneous case, the partici-
pant using the Phantom has a higher share in the task
solving compared to the same device in the homoge-
neous case. The heterogeneous case SpaceMouse—
Phantom shows that the participant using the Space-
Mouse felt as having contributed less in solving the
task. Analysis has shown that users with less com-
fortable devices did not enjoy the collaboration. They
were not always able to follow their partners. This
is the main drawback of unequal collaboration. Such
consequences should orient the developers of collab-
orative environments towards more balanced cooper-
ation. The development of appropriate tasks, where
the diversity of abilities can be beneficial for all the
participants and involve everyone at the same level of
cooperation, is one possible solutions.
For this reason, it is also important to investigate
the correlation between the device usage and the con-
tribution to the block placing. Figure 8 shows this
correlation for the cases, where communication was
Figure 8: Block placing in the communication case.
As can be seen from the graph for the homoge-
neous case, most of the values remain within a cer-
tain range and have little data spread. For the het-
erogeneous sessions more extreme values can be ob-
served, especially in the case when the participant
was using the SpaceMouse. But it is also necessary
to keep in mind that during the communication case
the “placing cubes” variable did not always show the
reality, as some pairs divided the work: one part-
ner would orientate all puzzle pieces, while the other
would place them in the puzzle. That is why we also
present the same analysis for “placing cubes” in the
no-communication case (see figure 9).
Figure 9: Block placing within no-communication case.
The graph of no-communication case shows a
more balanced trend with less extreme values. There
is also not much data spread for the homogeneous
case which was caused by more balanced collabora-
The results obtained in this comparative study of
homogeneous and heterogeneous setups can be used
in 2 ways. The first conclusion that can be drawn here
is that unequal interaction (in terms of I/O devices)
can decrease the efficiency and contribution of one of
the participants, and cause an uncomfortable experi-
ence for these participants in a CVE. However as, in
reality, the device that is most suited for performing
a task is not always available, we can conclude that
a heterogeneous setup still allows users to work in an
efficient manner. On the other hand, we can think
about other types of tasks to be performed in a CVE,
where participants have limited abilities and should
perform different tasks to achieve the common goal.
The results obtained in this case study have an im-
portant impact for the implementation of collabora-
tive virtual environments. One implication is that in-
clusion of communication is important when working
together in a virtual environment, since this allows
the participants to explicitly divide the work. Com-
munication also increases the feeling of collaborating
together but at the same moment decreases the per-
formance. Another important result is that the com-
bination of different devices does not significantly in-
fluence the collaboration as no interaction effect of
the devices that can be combined was found. To in-
crease the efficiency of heterogeneous collaboration
we can think of other activities to be performed in
the VE where every participant can supplement each
other performance. Of course further research is nec-
essary to explore other aspects of successful collabo-
The research described in this paper is directly funded
by Hasselt University through the BOF framework.
The authors would like to thank Lode Vanacken
for his assistance with the implementation and Roel
Braeken of the UHasselt Center for Statistics for help-
ing to choose the statistical tests.
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GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications