The Case of the Apprenticeship Electronic Booklet
Pierre Laforcade, Lahcen Oubahssi and Philippe Cottier
Université du Maine, LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine)
IUT de Laval, 52 Rue des drs Calmette et Guérin, F-53020 Laval Cedex 9 France
Keywords: Re-engineering, Technology Enhanced Learning Environments, Software Engineering, Model Driven
Engineering, Adaptability.
Abstract: Maintain and operate TELs systems in real situations generally requires for developers to carry out re-
engineering activities to find some adaptability solutions for TELs' users. In this article we illustrate and
discuss a techno-centric aspect of re-engineering realized on an existent TEL system: the Apprenticeship
Electronic Booklet. The first version had been found too rigid by its end-users in regard to the roles
management and to the underlying academic structures. In order to improve this TEL system, two
approaches of re-engineering have been conducted. The first solution focuses on a more classical internal
modification of the system functionalities. The second re-engineering work follows a Domain-Specific
Modeling approach that led us to propose a graphical editor communicating with the TEL system. This
external component aims to provide end-users with a more user-friendly 'editor' to configure booklets.
Maintain and operate Technology-Enhanced-
Learning (further TEL) systems require developers
to carry out re-engineering activities to find
adaptability solutions to end-users. The research
work described in this article is part of a TEL re-
engineering activity conducted within the LIUM
laboratory. We focus on the adaptability of
architectures and functional models (Oubahssi et al.,
07). Our works aim to propose reusable solutions in
order to adapt TEL systems to end-users, both from
functional and techno-centered point-of-views.
In this article, we present and discuss two re-
engineering approaches - re-engineering in the
meaning of (Chikofsky et al., 90) - realized on a
specific case-study, the Apprenticeship Electronic
Booklet system (AEB)(El-Kechaï et al., 06). The
first solution focuses on an internal modification of
the system functionalities and parametrization
facilities. The second re-engineering work follows a
Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) approach that led
us to propose a graphical editor communicating with
the TEL system. This external component aims to
provide end-users with a more user-friendly facility
to configure booklets.
The AEB is a Web-based Technology Enhanced
Learning environment where informations
concerning the apprentice’s training progression is
consigned. Its goal is to help them in the
appropriation of their training and to give trainers
and employers the possibility to evaluate their
apprentice’s knowledge acquisition, to perceive their
progression in the training and to regulate it.
It was designed in a participatory process
involving many researchers (human science,
computer science), practitioners, and future end-
users (trainers, administrative staff, apprentices).
The AEB was developed as a parametrizable artefact
that offers different functionalities to the various
end-users (El-Kechaï et al., 06). The actors of the
apprentices follow-up, the tutors, can evaluate and
record the apprentice informations, each user
creating a common area of work and communication
with others. But to do this, teachers are required to
design their own upstream booklet. In practice, these
functionalities have been validated, but the whole
system has become too rigid. Some functionalities
Laforcade P., Oubahssi L. and Cottier P. (2010).
RE-ENGINEERING OF TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING SYSTEMS - The Case of the Apprenticeship Electronic Booklet.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 394-397
are accessible only to certain actors, in accordance
with the designers recommendations. This AEB
version proposed an internal web page expliciting
the various roles involved in the organization
scheme and their relationships, where administrators
were only allowed to change the terminology for
web pages customization purposes.
Unfortunately, it has been found from the several
apprentices' training center that the AEB was
difficult to be used in new trainings whose general
organization scheme does not conform to the initial
one. It can happen that a same person plays different
roles from those specified in the general scheme or
that some parts/relations of the structure are not
necessary. For examples, a company manager
involved in the students formation and in charge of a
student's training have to handle two roles/logins;
also, it generally happens that the administration of
the booklets is devoted to a teacher of the same
formation. In order to concretely realize tasks
attached to these roles, one have to connect himself
several times to the various profiles.
We had therefore to change the booklet design as
blocks of functionalities to assign to various roles
according to concrete contexts.
We describe in this section the realized re-
engineering into two parts. In the first one we
present the internal re-engineering approach:
development of the multi-role management service
and realization of an internal configuration editor. In
the second part, we present the external re-
engineering approach: the graphical editor realized
thanks to a Domain-Specific Modeling (Kelly and
Tolvanen, 08) approach, and the import / export
communication API added to the existing AEB
system to ensure communications between the two
computer artefacts (represented in Figure 1).
Figure 1: The communication API between external editor
and internal editor.
3.1 Development of a Multi-role
Management Service and Internal
The main objective of this work was to improve and
facilitate the AEB's use, and meet a set of needs
expressed by tool's users. Three steps were
necessary to develop the multi-role management
service and the internal configuration of the AEB
system: extraction of the multi-role management
conceptual model, modification of existing code to
adapt the AEB system to the multi-role
management, and addition of the internal editor and
import/export facility.
To this aim, some specific re-engineering
activities have been realized: the study and the
analysis of both functional and conceptual models of
the existing database, the reorganization of the
system's functions in the form of modules (internal
services), identification of the actors, definition of
the rules and constraints for the multi-role
management (for example the association of one or
more modules of functions to an actor), definition of
a new institutional setting of the AEB system, etc.
This internal re-engineering had implied the
development of many lines of code in accordance to
the current technological languages and choices of
the current AEB version. We obtained as a result of
this step:
the specification of a new functional meta-model
for the AEB system (represented in Figure 2),
the development of an internal multi-role
management service,
a import/export facility to handle XML files
describing AEB configurations.
This re-engineering work had to meet technical
requirements of the database conceptual model of
the original system. The development of the internal
configuration of the AEB system also had the
constraint to revise the design of the functional
model of the system, ie. to define a new system
architecture that takes into account the existing and
the emerging user's needs. Finally, we obtained as a
result of this work an improved version of the AEB
system model and the definition of an “internal
parameters module”. This module allows users to
plays different roles, and for each role, to perform
one or more blocks of functionalities by using drag-
and-drop code techniques on a PHP page (the
existing AEB system was developed using this
technological language).
Electronic Booklet
Figure 2: The functional meta-model of the multi-role
management service.
3.2 Application of DSM Techniques
To anticipate new uses in the design of the AEB
system and to test the system, an external editor was
also developed. In opposition of the internal editor,
this solution has the advantage to avoid following
the technological constraints and choices from the
existing system.
Similarly to the internal editor, the external one
aims to graphically configure a booklet at the
institutional level and to graphically ease the
specification of roles and functionalities to perform
for these roles. We decided to follow a development
guided by models in the meaning of the DSM
approach (Domain-Specific Modeling), because of
our research results and our experience on the study
and application of their theories and practices for
TEL learning scenarios (Laforcade et al., 08). The
development of the external editor for the
institutional configuration of booklets was also for
us a new opportunity to experiment DSM tools and
3.2.1 DSM Domain and Tools
The Domain-Specific Modeling (Kelly and
Tolvanen, 08) is a software engineering
methodology for designing and developing systems,
most often IT systems such as computer software. It
involves the systematic use of a graphic DSM
Language to represent the various facets of a system.
All DSM tools propose meta-modeling
techniques capable of expressing domain-specific
vocabularies (abstract syntaxes), and propose
facilities to construct various notations (concrete
syntaxes). These editing frameworks are supporting
the techniques and many more customizations with
minimal programming effort. As a result, these tools
can generate powerful and user-friendly dedicated
editors for DSM languages. They are kind of meta-
CASE editors capable of generating CASE tools.
The final editors give domain-designers the ability to
graphically specify models from their domain, and
propose some persistence facilities to load and store
these models in a machine-interpreted format.
In our research works we chose to use a unified
set of modeling frameworks and tools from the
Eclipse Modeling Projects (Eclipse EMP, 09): EMF
(main metamodel-oriented framework), GMF
(graphical framework).
3.2.2 Use of the Eclipse EMF/GMF Tooling
From a DSM point-of-view, the graphical
configuration of a booklet can be considered as a
model of the configuration desired by the booklet's
designer; this model being in conformance with a
meta-model specifying the domain terminology in
terms of concepts, relations, properties and
constraints (Figure 2).
To achieve the design and development of this
editor, several studies has been realized within
several iterations and many specifications of models
have been produced in accordance to the DSM
approach when using the EMF/GMF tooling: the
“booklet configuration” domain meta-model (reuse
from the other re-engineering approach: Figure 2 is a
graphical representation of the concrete 'ecore' meta-
model specified with the EMF tooling), the XML
schema describing how AEB configurations will be
serialized, the meta-model for the graphical
formalism, the meta-model for the 'palette' of the
editor (set of basic concepts and relations available
for drawing), the meta-model describing the
mapping between the previous meta-models, etc.
At this point of the iterative process a full-
generated prototype of the booklet configuration
editor was generated by the EMF/GMF frameworks.
When abstract (domain metamodel) and concrete
(notation) syntaxes objectives have been reached, we
realized some extra activities: addition of constraints
to add some semantics on the domain meta-model
(eg. an actor can only be instantiate once, it is not
possible to add the same functionality twice for an
actor, etc.), development of a Rich-Client Platform
version (standalone), addition of support
services/guidances, etc.
Finally, the resulting external editor takes the
form of an application providing a drawing space in
which a graphical configuration can be specified
(see Figure 3). This editor can also be used to
modify existing configurations specified thanks to
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: The external graphical editor.
the AEB internal editor (they use the same XML
persistence format). Also, the AEB system can
import or export a XML file configuration created
with the external editor (interoperability between
both internal and external editors).
In this article we discussed the problem of defining
and implementing a TEL re-engineering according
to a techno-centric view. Based on the re-
engineering work done on the AEB system, we
presented and discussed two approaches, internal
and external, promoting the adaptability of
architectures and functional models to facilitate their
use. These two approaches, different from a
development viewpoint, have required a preliminary
common analysis and design to extract the
functional model of the existing system. We also
realized a re-engineering guided by models, in the
way that the functional model identified from the
multi-role system has been crystallized under the
form of a domain meta-model. This functional meta-
model was then used as a basis for the development
of the external editor. The DSM tools that we used
made it possible to exploit this meta-model to guide
and generate most of the final code for the editor.
Concerning the need for the AEB system
booklets configuration, we have proposed two
editors, one internal and another one external to the
system. Future experiments about these two different
editors will compare the ownership and usage of
these tools and confirm the added-value of the
external editor. Indeed, it remains to validate that the
liberation of the technological choices related to the
initial design of the TEL can offer more user-
friendly and soundly computer artefacts.
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Kelly, S, Tolvanen, J.-P., 2008. Domain-Specific
Modeling, ISBN: 978-0-470-03666-2, March 2008.
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Electronic Booklet