Ana Marilza Pernas
, Isabela Gasparini
, Amel Bouzeghoub
, Marcelo Pimenta
Leandro Krug Wives
and José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
TELECOM & Management SudParis, France
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Keywords: AdaptWeb, u-Learning, Situation-awareness, Context-awareness, User model.
Abstract: AdaptWeb
is an e-learning environment designed to offer personalized content to different groups of stu-
dents according to student’s models that are mainly based on personal information. This paper shows how
the platform is modified to support ubiquitous learning, managing mobility, social interaction, device inde-
pendence, and context awareness in a broader and richer notion of the student’s context. The paper presents
the architecture and its implementation by three different kinds of data servers, working together for model-
ing the situations experienced by the students, storing their profiles and contexts, and maintaining corres-
ponding learning objects.
Learning in the traditional class model has been
viewed as “one size fits all” approach; all students
receive the same content without regard with the
student’s different background, preferences, skills
and learning styles. Such diversity has brought new
opportunities and challenges; one of the most de-
sired challenges is to present an adaptive and perso-
nalized behavior (Brusilovsky and Peylo, 2003).
Personalization may be characterized as the process
of adapting a computer application to the needs of
specific users, taking advantage of users’ behavior
analysis. An ELE, however, may be dynamically
adjusted not only according to the student’s model
but also depending on a richer notion of context
(Eyharabide et al., 2009). In our approach, ‘context’
is related to all resources that influence and are in-
fluenced by the student during a particular situation.
That situation may be any learning activity like
solving a list of exercises, answering an evaluation
or attending to a class. Context is related to the dif-
ferent resources that surround the student perform-
ing a task, e.g., location (rooms, buildings, and labo-
ratories), available devices, people, and available
learning objects. A contextualized ELE provides the
student with exactly the needed material, appropriate
to his/her knowledge level and suited for a special
learning situation called scenario (Eyharabide et al.,
2009). We assume that the inclusion of the situation
experienced by each student can improve the learn-
ing process (Bouzeghoub et al. (2007) and Ogata
and Yano (2004)).
This paper presents an extension to an e-learning
environment – AdaptWeb
(Adaptive Web-based
Learning Environment), focusing on how its struc-
ture and contents could be modified to support ubiq-
uitous learning (u-learning). In this new approach,
three servers are responsible for modelling the situa-
tions experienced by the students, storing their pro-
files and contexts, and maintaining corresponding
learning objects. To support this approach, a con-
text-aware architecture was defined, in which ontol-
ogy-based and scenario-oriented aspects are com-
bined to explicitly represent rich context, supporting
the context and scenario concepts as an extension to
traditional user-student modelling. This paper is
structured as follows: next section gives an overview
of the main concepts. Section 3 summarizes relevant
related works. Section 4 briefly describes the
environment. Section 5 explains our
extension, illustrating its behaviour by the means of
some context-aware scenarios. Finally, Section 6
presents concluding remarks.
Pernas A., Gasparini I., Bouzeghoub A., Pimenta M., Krug Wives L. and Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 180-185
DOI: 10.5220/0002774501800185
The research and practice in Computer Science and
Education has evolved with the introduction of the
Internet and Web-based courses. However, some
educational applications are usually developed with-
out taking into account the dynamic capabilities and
personalization that the Web environment can pro-
vide. This limitation raises serious usability issues
(Kalbach, 2007) such as (i) guidance problems, i.e.,
pages always presenting the same fixed content, and
(ii) navigation problems, with are the consequence
of a totally opened linking schema. A ubiquitous
learning environment (ULE) combines the advan-
tages of adaptive learning, the benefits of ubiquitous
computing and the flexibility of mobile computing
(Jones and Jo, 2004). U-learning enables the en-
hanced possibilities of accessing learning content
(typically learning objects) and computer-supported
collaborative learning environments at the right
time, at the right place, and in the right form (Boms-
dorf, 2005).
Like most of ELEs, AdaptWeb
employs student
modelling as a basis for the personalization process,
and the most common student’s models for e-
learning include knowledge about the student,
his/her background, learning styles and so on. In
order to provide such adaptation an ULE may be
dynamically adjusted not only according to the stu-
dent’s model but also depending on a richer notion
of context. In the present approach, we consider as
contextual information the student location, connec-
tivity, device, time, schedule, objectives, profile (e.g.
learning styles, interaction preferences), and learning
objects from the application domain, thus character-
izing a situation-aware environment.
In a situation-aware environment, a situation is
defined as the set of contextual characteristics that
are invariable in a defined time interval (Weißenberg
et al., 2006). Like Bouzeghoub et al. (2007) and
Yang et al. (2006), we also consider a situation as
consisting of a set of contexts over a period of time
that affects the future system behaviour. Different
types of events (Bouzeghoub et al., 2007) can be
defined in a situation-aware environment, and de-
pending on them a new situation may exist.
Although u-learning is a recent area, there are yet
many efforts focused on the development of ULEs.
An example is the UBI-Learn project (Laroussi and
Derycke, 2004) aiming to design a complex learning
dispositive, taking into account ubiquity and mobil-
ity. That project is mainly focused in the student
mobility, allowing them to interact in an augmented
class. Another ULE-related work is the CLUE pro-
ject (Ogata and Yano, 2004), which is a computer-
supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in a ubiqui-
tous environment. Their focus is a knowledge
awareness map that retrieves past interactions and
experiences based on the current learning context of
the student, providing the right information at the
right place.
In Sieg et al. (2007) is presented a framework to
integrate critical elements that make up the user
context, namely the user short-term behaviour, se-
mantic knowledge from ontologies that provide
explicit representations of the domain of interest,
and long-term user profiles revealing interests and
trends. They present an interesting approach for
building ontological user profiles by assigning inter-
est scores to existing concepts in the domain ontol-
ogy. They also present a framework for contextual
information access using ontologies and demonstrate
that this knowledge (combined with long-term user
profiles) can be used to tailor search results based on
users’ interests and preferences. The AdaptWeb
also aims to provide adaptation related to the user
location (Laroussi and Derycke, 2004), necessities
(Ogata and Yano, 2004) or behaviour (Sieg et al.,
2007), but combining the three forms of adaptation
in an integrated way.
is an adaptive learning system whose
purpose was to adapt content, presentation and navi-
gation in an educational web course. Currently, it is
an open source environment fully operational and
actually being used on different universities. It is
available at SourceForge.
is composed by an authoring envi-
ronment where the teacher (author) organizes and
creates the content structure of their disciplines, and
by a students’ environment that shows personalized
views of the content, interface and navigation to the
student. The educational content of AdaptWeb
modelled through a hierarchical structure of con-
cepts where the criteria of prerequisites are estab-
lished. This structure is defined during the author-
ship’s phase and then stored in XML. The XML
documents go then through a filtering process,
which happens dynamically as the student interacts
with the environment.
The student’s model describes users in terms of
theirs characteristics as knowledge, interactions
preferences, background, technological resource,
navigational history and cognitive learning styles.
The user’s background analyzes the student occupa-
tion. For instance, a Computer Science student and a
Mathematic student need distinct content of the logic
discipline. The teacher, through his experience,
determines which content will be provided for each
group of students (knowledge depth), thus enabling
the content to be adapted for each student.
User’s interaction preference environment sets
two navigational conducts for a discipline: guided
tour or free mode. Guided tour takes into account the
prerequisites set by the author at the stage of author-
ship, and the student can only access a concept if its
prerequisites are already known. In a free mode, the
student can navigate throughout the contents of a
discipline without restrictions. The student’s knowl-
edge is supposed to improve during the navigation in
a course and then the environment monitors the
student’s navigation, making constant updates in the
user profile. Finally, we assume that the learning
process will be improved if the content is accessible
in several media formats, including video, adapted to
different formats and resolutions. While addressing
these variation possibilities, the system allows the
delivery of videos with variable resolution and qual-
ity, according to the network bandwidth available.
In this section, we present how the AdaptWeb
architecture was extended to support mobility, social
interaction, device independence and context aware-
ness, being adapted to specific scenarios. First, we
have restructured the existing AdaptWeb
ture to be Service-Oriented (SOA), having different
data and context modules that are individually
adapted and orchestrated by a set of high level ser-
vices, allowing our environment to communicate
with other ones in a flexible manner.
In this approach, the new architecture is based on
three servers that operate together to provide and
manage contextualized data according to the stu-
dent's scenarios. Each server manages specific data
related to the user context, being respectively re-
sponsible for the storage and adaptation of (i) infor-
mation about students (personal data, preferences,
objectives, knowledge background, behavior, learn-
ing styles, cultural context, etc.), (ii) environmental
context (information related to the user environment,
tasks, activities, time interval, devices, location), and
(iii) learning object’s information (documents pro-
vided by the educational environment to its users for
their learning).
However, since this information is managed and
stored separately and the context needed to the adap-
tation environment is diverse, it is orchestrated by an
internal component called Context Management
Service (Figure 1). This service is responsible for
analyzing the context managed by the servers, gene-
rating different scenarios that can be experienced by
the students in a specific period. These scenarios are
used to guide the adaptation (in the Adaptation En-
gine), and materialized in the interface rendered to
the user.
The main goals of the architecture are: (i) easily
reuse of educational resources, since they will be
adapted to the user scenario while the stored content
remains the same, (ii) integration into the existing
architecture, since the new architecture is supposed
to take advantage of the existing functionalities and
(iii) extensibility to other educational systems, using
standard technologies. The personalization is possi-
ble with the combination of contextual data related
to whom and where the user is, what he/she is doing
and what does he/she needs to achieve his/her edu-
cational targets.
5.1 Extended Architecture
The AdaptWeb
architecture (Figure 1) works as
follows. The User Interface Component module
interacts directly with the user (represented by data
flows ‘a’ and ‘b’), identified after a login procedure.
User id data, in conjunction with the current user
location and time, is sent to the Context Detec-
tor/Collector (‘c’), who sends this new information
to the servers (‘d’) and informs the Context Man-
agement Service that new scenarios must be con-
structed (‘e’), since new data is available in the serv-
ers (‘e’). The communication between the Context
Management Service and the servers is performed
through Web Services that are responsible for trans-
porting XML’s files in/outside the environment (‘g’
and ‘f’).
After obtaining student’s data, each server inter-
nally updates their models, i.e., the situation model
server uses information about tasks, activities, time,
location, and device to (re)structure generic adapta-
tion situations in the environment; the user model
server manages the student profile (containing in-
formation like background, interaction preferences,
learning style, cultural context, and other aspects
related to the students learning); the learning ob-
jects' model server uses data related to user discip-
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
lines and didactic meetings to (re)organize the learn-
ing objects according to his/her needs, adapted to the
Figure 1: ULE-oriented architecture.
Therefore, the Context Management Service
communicates with the servers (‘f’ and ‘g’) to dy-
namically build student adaptation scenarios, which
are described by the tuple {situation, user profile,
learning objects}. This module communicates with
the Context Collector/Detector to identify when new
important data is included in the servers and when a
new scenario must be constructed. The Adaptation
Engine is responsible for the acquisition of the di-
verse scenarios provided by the Context Manage-
ment Service (‘h’) and for the ordering of these
scenarios to be adapted to the student. In other
words, it has to organize the user’s scenarios, to give
priority to some actions and perform changes in the
User Interface Component, personalizing the naviga-
tion scheme and context view of the student (‘i’).
During the user interaction with the system, actions
and events are collected by the Context Collec-
tor/Detector, which passes these data back to the
servers (‘d’). The servers update their models based
on these events. Thus, the environment keeps track
of the student actions, while being adapted to the
student’s needs. In the next subsections, the internal
functioning of each server is described.
5.1.1 Situation Model
The goal of the situation model is to define generic
clauses of situations, which can be combined, using
specific operators, to derive new generic situations.
Generic situations are those that could be applied to
different users or group of users. Accordingly to
activities, devices, time, and other variables valid for
a student in a specific time interval, different clauses
may be chosen to represent his/her situation.
The Situation Model comprises four ontologies:
activity; device; time and location. The activity
ontology contains information about the user’s activ-
ities, including classes, meetings, and their respec-
tive time interval (day, month, year, beginning and
ending times). This information helps the system to
identify which user’s activities are available in a
given period of time. The device ontology contains
information (display resolution, network bandwidth,
etc.) about the current user device, in order to allow
filtering information according to its technological
constrains. The time ontology is an abstract ontology
of time (Bouzeghoub, et al., 2009), like OWL-Time
(W3C, 2003). Finally, the location ontology contains
information about locations and places, which allow
the system to filter information according to its dis-
tance or proximity to the user. Beyond these ontolo-
gies, the Situation Model has some simple defined
situations, which can be addressed to specific stu-
dents, helping the user detection that is performed by
the Context Management Service. When the Context
Collector/Detector receives basic information related
to the tasks and activities selected by the user during
his/her first access in AdaptWeb
, it can send this
data to the situation server, which can define simple
situations that identify that user in the Situation
Model. For instance, if we want to state that “A
student is using a mobile device”, “He is taking a
specific course” and “He is studying for three
hours”, we could use the following expression in-
volving the user (student), device, activity and time
ontologies (Bouzeghoub, et al., 2009).
LearningSituation = {
.Std, O
5.1.2 Student Model
An example of Student model is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Student Ontology (Musa et al., 2004).
In Figure 2, the central class st:Student has prop-
erties that characterize the student profile. The prop-
erty st:has LearningStyle indicates the student’s
cognitive learning style (Souto et al., 2002). The
property st:hasLearningGoal refers to an element of
awo:Course, containing customized discipline con-
tent for goals of a specific group of students. The
Boolean property st:wantsTutorial indicates if the
student prefers to work in a tutored mode (guided
tour) or not. Using an overlay model, the student’s
knowledge on each topic of the Knowledge Model is
indicated by the relation st:hasKnowledgeOn, i.e., if
an instance of the relation st:hasKnowledgeOn exists
relating the student to an instance of the class
awo:Topic, then the system believes the student has
knowledge about this topic. The property
awo:hasNetworkConnection indicates the kind of
Network Connection detected in the current session.
The property st:locationLearningTrajectoryWF
indicates the URL where the current learning trajec-
tory for the student is. The remaining classes in the
model represent the range of the properties defined
in the Knowledge Space Model (Musa et al., 2004).
We can also take into account the cultural con-
text, represented in practice by features that distin-
guish between the preferences of students from dif-
ferent regions, like languages, skills, values, etc.
(more details see Eyharabide et al. (2009)).
5.1.3 Learning Objects Model
The Domain Knowledge Ontology, located in the
learning object’s server, contains the knowledge
describing the pieces of content in the hyperspace. It
also contains the rules to assemble them correctly in
order to compute complex learning objects adequate
to the profile of each student. More details can be
found in Muñoz and Palazzo (2004).
5.2 Examples of Context Adaptation
To illustrate our approach, here we describe a few
examples (scenarios) of the improvements in perso-
nalization’s capabilities of AdaptWeb
. The illu-
strated scenarios are composed by different context
types. For each scenario, we present how the envi-
ronment should be personalized to the student.
In the first scenario, Smith is connected to a ULE
through a desktop computer inside located in his
university’s research laboratory. He is a Computer
Science student, and now he is considering to solve
a list of exercises given by his Calculus teacher. He
is not going well in the subject and, consequently, is
not obtaining satisfactory results. The user model
analyzes his number of mistakes and identifies that
he needs help resolving the exercises. At the same
time, the situation model can detect via the teacher’s
agenda that a chat with the students was previously
scheduled by the teacher to happen in 10 minutes.
These events detected by the situation model and
user model will start a service of notification in the
Context Management Service, informing that a
change of the current scenarios that are related with
these events may change. After a new orchestration
by the Context Management Service, the User Inter-
face Component can send a message to the student,
notifying him of this possibility to solve his doubts.
In a second scenario, Maria, a Portuguese-
speaking PhD student of Chemistry, has very good
skills in three different foreign languages (English,
Spanish and French). She is going to France, to
study for a short period of time – to work in a differ-
ent research group. When she gets there, the system
detects her location change and adapts her learning
objects and interface for the new linguistic environ-
ment where she is now inserted, selecting their
French version.
Finally, in third scenario, Smith (the same stu-
dent from the first scenario), will follow an exam in
a few days. The system detects this activity in his
agenda and organizes the learning objects in a priori-
ty order, indicating the most important ones for the
moment. The system also presents some exercises to
the student and indicates some complementary ma-
terial to complement the acquired knowledge about
the exam content.
These three examples show how our approach
can personalize the system to different scenarios
(user’s context, situation and learning objects). A
richer adaptation for a specific student generates a
better learning process, since all features are perso-
nalized. We are developing experimental work not
only to get overall feedback (mainly subjective)
from users but to statistically validate the approach.
The use of e-learning brought new focuses and re-
sulted in fundamental changes in teaching and learn-
ing. The ubiquitous computing defines a new para-
digm in the computing field, where the computing
capability is provided to users anytime, anywhere.
This approach offers new possibilities and new chal-
lenges! It is necessary to deal with context aware-
ness and its relationship with users. Context-aware
modeling extends traditional user modeling tech-
niques, by explicitly dealing with aspects that have a
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
significant influence on the learning process. It is
orchestrated by an internal component called Con-
text Management Service responsible for analyzing
the context managed by the servers, generating dif-
ferent scenarios that can be experienced by the stu-
dents in a specific time interval. This new adaptation
model is a must in providing a real application of the
semantic Web as proposed by Berners-Lee et al.
(2001). This approach is a real challenge to all Web
systems' developers; eight years after the scenarios
proposed in the Berners-Lee paper very few real
customizing agents are in operation. We put this
technology working in a real-life e-learning system.
In this paper, we have presented an extended ap-
proach to provide a richer personalization in the
environment, describing an extension of
its architecture, which is based on Web services
technologies and context-awareness, allowing the
adaptation of course content to the user’s context
and situation. As the learning environment is opera-
tional in some Universities the next research stage is
centered in gathering navigational and pedagogical
data from real classes to fine-tune the context-
scenarios modeling concept.
This work has been partially supported by Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec-
nológico - CNPq, Brazil, and by the projects Adapt-
SUR 022/07 (CAPES, Brazil) - 042/07 (Secyt, Ar-
gentina), and AdContext 547-07 (CAPES-
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