Implementation Details of the KYOTO Project First Phase
Aleˇs Hor´ak and Adam Rambousek
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Botanick´a 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Wordnet, Semantic network, Ontology, Fact extraction.
The vision of Semantic Web introduced ontologies as the main unifying tool for management of the knowledge
and semantic structure of text documents. However, linking the real text documents with the ontologies (of
various kinds and various degree of complexity) is still a matter of current research in knowledge representation
In this paper, we are presenting the work results of the KYOTO project database implementation. The goal of
the project is to provide a complex system for automatic processing of documents in order to extract known
facts, link them with shared ontology and use this knowledge for Question Answering about the document
We give details about the design and implementation of the KYOTO database, which interlinks national Word-
Net semantic networks with the general SUMO ontology to offer the basis of the future shared ontology.
The standardization of the techniques of knowledge
representation and reasoning is driven by designing
and incorporating ontologies into the text processing
approaches (Mars, 1995). In the process of the design
of a knowledge processing system, one of the first de-
cisions must be the choice of the level of complex-
ity of the applied ontological system. Current general
ontological systems range from an encyclopaedia-like
system Cyc (Lenat, 1995), through the predicate logic
based SUMO (Niles and Pease, 2001) to easily ex-
ploitable semantic networks based on the Princeton
WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). The number of applica-
tions that are using these ontologies for the processing
of textual knowledge is proportionalto the level of the
ontology complexity the more straightforward the
ontology is, the more projects make use of it.
In the following text, we describe the KYOTO
project (Vossen, 2008), which aims at a straightfor-
ward application of the WordNet like ontologies in
the multilingual form (denoted as the Global WordNet
Grid) and a shared common ontology corresponding
to the level of the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology
(SUMO) as the central knowledge backbone. The on-
tology here serves as a meaning description tool for
all the terms and facts that are extracted, compared
and stored within the KYOTO system.
WordNet semantic networks allow to express ba-
sic language relations
in a multigraph structure di-
rectly processable by computer systems in many use-
ful ways.
However, description of more complicated
structured knowledge, e.g. relations with more than
one participants, cannot be encoded in a WordNet-
standard way that could be further analysed and used
by computers.
In the KYOTO system, this (potential) drawback
of WordNet is solved by the idea of extending the
WordNet into a Global WordNet Grid of multiple lan-
guages with a shared ontology in the center. Interlink-
hyperonymy/hyponymy, synonymy/antonymy, holo-
nymy/meronymy, etc.
deriving sets of similar objects, classes of more general
objects or objects with opposite meaning
Horák A. and Rambousek A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 303-307
DOI: 10.5220/0002243403030307
Figure 1: The schema of the KYOTO database within the KYOTO system.
ing of national wordnets is not a new idea, it was in-
troduced e.g. in the EuroWordNet (Vossen, 1998) and
Balkanet (Christodoulakis, 2004) projects. In these
projects the “pivot, i.e. the interlingual index, was
represented directly by the English WordNet. This
solution had several advantages and several disad-
vantages. From the point of view of the knowledge
analysis, the biggest disadvantage was that the lexical
knowledge structure was “hidden” in the English lex-
icon without the possibility to really extract it for the
purpose of further computer processing.
Since the first publicly available WordNet, the
Princeton WordNet (Miller, 1990), more than fifty
national wordnets have been developed all over the
world. However, the availability of the wordnets is
limited – that is also a reason why the idea of a com-
pletely free Global WordNet Grid has appeared.
It is a known fact that, for instance, the results
of EuroWordNet are not freely accessible though the
participants of the project have developed (and are de-
veloping) more complete and larger WordNets for the
individual languages. Practically the same can be said
also about the results of the Balkanet project. If one
wants to exploit WordNets for different languages it is
always necessary to get in touch with the developers
and ask them for the permission to use the WordNet
Another reason for building and having the com-
pletely free Global WordNet Grid is the fact that the
particular WordNets can be linked to the selected on-
tologies (e.g. Sumo/Milo) and domains. This has al-
ready took place with the WordNets developed in the
Balkanet project. The links to the ontologies should
be provided for all WordNets included in the Global
WordNet Grid.
The KYOTO project will incorporate and expand
the Global WordNet Grid and will be the first system
that exploits the benefits of storing the definitions of
terms and facts in a computer processable logical sys-
tem using the Grid’s shared ontology.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Three national wordnets in the KYOTO Database Viewer.
The KYOTO database is built over the DEBVisDic
application with the DEB server either set up at one
central locality or it can be set up by several KYOTO
partners. The DEB platform provides important back-
grounds for the KYOTO project universal features
(see Figure 1).
3.1 The DEB Architecture
The Dictionary Editor and Browser (DEB) plat-
form (Hor´ak et al., 2006; Hor´ak and Rambousek,
2007; Hor´ak et al., 2008) has been developed as a gen-
eral framework for fast development of wide range of
dictionary writing applications. The DEB platform
provides several very important foundations that are
common to most of the intended dictionary systems.
These foundational features include:
a strict separation to the client and server parts
in the application design. The server part pro-
vides all the necessary data manipulation func-
tions like data storage and retrieval, data index-
ing and querying, but also various kinds of data
presentations using templates. The client part of
the application concentrates on the user interac-
tion with the server part, it does not produce any
complicated data manipulation. The client and
server parts communicate by means of the stan-
dard HTTP (or secured HTTPs) protocol.
a common administrative interface that allows to
manage user accounts including user access rights
to particular dictionaries and services, dictionary
schema definitions, entry locking administration
or entry templates definitions.
XML database backend for the actual dictionary
data storage. Currently, we are working with
the Oracle Berkeley DB XML (Chaudhri et al.,
2003; DB XML, 2007) database, which provides
a flexible XML database with standard XPath and
XQuery interfaces. The DEB applications are not
limited to DB XML, because the database layer
can be replaced transparently without the need to
change the application itself.
Based on these common features several developed
and widely used dictionary applications have been
implemented, including the well-known WordNet ed-
itor DEBVisDic that has been used in several national
wordnets development recently (Czech, Polish, Hun-
garian or South African languages). With this evi-
dence, we believe that DEB is the right concept for
the KYOTO multilingual knowledge base.
3.2 The Database Implementation
In the DEB platform environment, all the wordnets
are usually stored on single DEBVisDic server. In
the KYOTO project, each WordNet is provided by
different project partner and each of them may have
different requirements (for example licensing issues).
Thanks to the client-server nature of the DEB plat-
form, KYOTO database can offer three possible types
of encapsulating wordnets in the server:
a WordNet can be physically stored on the central
server. This is the traditional DEBVisDic setup
and offers the best performance.
KYOTO Project First Phase
Figure 3: SUMO and OWLWN ontology with the English WordNet.
a WordNet can be stored on a DEBVisDic server
located at the WordNet owner’s institution. All
servers can then communicate with each other
(depending on the server setup). The central
server has only the knowledge of which server
to contact, instead of having the full WordNet
database stored locally, and all queries are dynam-
ically resolved over the Internet. This option may
be slower as it depends on the quality of connec-
tion to different servers and their performance. On
the other hand, the WordNet owner has full con-
trol over the displayed data and access permis-
a mixed solution some wordnets are stored on
central server and some are stored on their respec-
tive owners’ servers. This is just an extension of
the previous option. Again, the performance of
the whole system depends on the performance of
single servers, but the speed can be improved if
the most used wordnets are stored on the central
The DEB framework provides several possibilities of
working with the WordNet data.
Basically, each WordNet can be presented to the
users in one of the following forms:
by means of a simple purely HTML interface
working in anyweb browser. This interface is able
to display one WordNet dictionary or the same
synset in several WordNets. Synsets are displayed
using XSLT templates the server can provide
several view of the synset data ranging from a
terse view up to a detailed view. The view can be
even different for each dictionary. An example of
such presentation of synsets in three WordNets is
displayed in Figure 2. This type of WordNet view
is probably the best for public anonymous access
to the KYOTO knowledge base, since it does not
need any installation of user software or packages.
using the full DEBVisDic application. This appli-
cation needs to be installed as an extension of the
freely available Firefox web browser, but it offers
much more complex functionality than the web
access. Each WordNet is opened in its own win-
dow which offers several views of the WordNet
data (a textual preview, hypero/hyponymic tree
structures, user query lists or XML) and also the
possibility to edit the data (for users with the write
by means of a defined interface of the DEBVis-
Dic server, the Application Programming Inter-
face (API). This way any external application
may query the server and receive WordNet entries
(in XML or other format) for a subsequent pro-
using the Term Editor a Wiki-based WordNet
browser and editor developed within the KYOTO
In all cases, users (or external applications) can au-
thenticate with a login and password over a secure
HTTP connection. Each user can be given a read-only
or read-write access to particular WordNets.
All the national WordNets are provided in Lexi-
cal Markup Framework (LMF) format (Francopoulo
et al., 2008). The DEBVisDic server is optimized for
its own WordNet format, so all the data are converted
from and to LMF using XSLT stylesheets. For batch
operations (importing and exporting the whole Word-
Net), a special application based on
2002) is used, because this solution offers fast conver-
sion. For example, 80MB XML file takes two days to
including DEBVisDic or the Term Editor
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
convert using XSLT, and only 40 minutes using the
special conversion application.
3.3 Interlinking Wordnets and
All wordnets in the KYOTO database are interlinked
using the common central ontology. The solution is
not limited to one ontology only. At the current state,
SUMO and OWL-WN ontologies are used, both of
them are stored in the OWL format.
An ontology is either referenced from a synset, or
a user can browse it independently using the DEB
HTML interface (similar to the WordNet HTML in-
terface, see Figure 3). However, the ontology browser
is not based on the DEBVisDic WordNet browser,
because of the differences in structure and format.
It is a standalone module integrated to the KYOTO
The ontology application allows the user to search
for classes, properties, descriptions and relations
within a single query.
This paper has presented the main ideas of developing
the multilingual Global WordNet Grid with a shared
knowledge ontology within the KYOTO project.
We have described the design and implementation
of the KYOTO database storing the wordnets and on-
tologies in a versatile DEB (Dictionary Editor and
Browser) server, which allows to abstract the actual
data structures and provides the requested high level
functionality to the system.
This work has been partly supported by the Min-
istry of Education of CR within the Center of basic
research LC536 and in the National Research Pro-
gramme II project 2C06009 and by the Czech Science
Foundation under the project 102/09/1842.
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KYOTO Project First Phase