Young Jun Heo, Jintae Oh and Jongsoo Jang
Information Security Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institutey, Korea
Keywords: DDoS, Flash crowd, Cluster.
Abstract: We propose discrimination methods that classify cluster of traffic behaviour of flash crowds and DDoS
attacks such as traffic pattern and characteristics and check cluster randomness. The behavior-based
clustering consolidates packet into clusters based on similarity of observed behavior, e.g., source IPs are
clustered together based on their pattern of destination port usage. The main objectives are to find way to
proactively resolve problems such as DDoS attacks by detection and resolving attacks in their early
development stages.
The rapid development of high speed Internet has
accelerated new Web applications and has in turn
been driven by the popularity of those applications.
But, it exhausts network and server resources such
as network bandwidth, CPU, and memory. The
causes of these are flash crowds and DDoS attacks.
Flash crowds are to the situation when a very
large number of clients simultaneous access a
popular Web site. It is a large surge in traffic to a
particular Web site causing a dramatic increase in
server load and putting severe strain on the network
links leading to the server, which results in
considerable increase in packet loss and congestion.
The common examples of events are when a Web
site is linked by some very popular news Web site
such as Slashdot (
Herman, Slashdot).
On the other hand, DDoS attacks are an explicit
attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a
service from service usage. It overwhelms a target
server with a huge amount of request packets, so as
to saturate the target’s connection bandwidth or
deplete the server system resources to subvert the
normal operation. DDoS attack was listed as the
most financially expensive security accident on the
2004 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey
(Gordon). Recently, DDoS attacks have also been
frequently reported that it is more sophisticated and
attacker employ a large number of zombies and
control them to emit requests to the target (Carl).
ISPs and network administrators make effort to
protect legitimate users and their resources and cut
off from their network and services. To do it, many
classification approaches between flash crowds and
DDoS attacks have been proposed, but it is still
difficult to classify unambiguously the attack traffic
from legitimate traffic. How well can the method
distinguish attack conditions from normal
conditions? So we use behavior-based clustering
mechanism to classify two types of traffics(Kenneth).
Cluster analysis is one of the most prominent
methods for identifying classes amongst a group of
objects, and has been used as a tool in many fields
such as biology, finance, and computer science.
Recent work by McGregor et al. (McGregor) and
Zander et al. (Zander) show that cluster analysis has
the ability to group Internet traffic using only
transport layer characteristics. One needs to develop
behavioral differences between the two phenomena
such as number of newer IP, request rates, packet
event times, bytes per packet, bytes per burst,
periodic throughput, and so on. In behavior-based
clustering, traffic packets are grouped into clusters
based on selected behavioral aspects, so that data
with similar properties can be analyzed as a single
cluster. Each resulting cluster is characterized in
terms of a set of descriptive features which
summarize the behavior represented in the clusters.
In this paper, we propose discrimination methods
that classify cluster of traffic behaviour of flash
crowds and DDoS such as traffic pattern and client
characteristics and check cluster randomness.
Jun Heo Y., Oh J. and Jang J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 140-143
DOI: 10.5220/0002225801400143
In the rest of the paper, we describes realted
work and characteristics of flash crowds, DDoS
attack in Section 2 and 3. Our approach of
classification between flash crowds and DDoS
attacks is presented in Section 4. Finally, we
conclude our paper in Section 5.
There are many research to detect DDoS in the
literature. He et al. proposed a mechanism to detect
SYN flooding attack using Bloom filter (He). They
update the client list with a Bloom filter; if a SYN
request shows up on the network, they increase the
corresponding counter for this client in the list; but if
a SYN/ACK request comes from the same client,
they decrease the number of the same counter by one.
Wang et al. use of the ratio of the numbers of
SYN and FIN/RST (Wang). During a SYN flooding
attack, there would be a significant amount of SYN
packets, but the number of FIN/RST packets would
not be as large as that of SYN packets.
Feinstein et al. develop a statistical approach to
detect DDoS attacks (Feinstein). They exploit the
characteristic that the distribution of source IP
addresses during DDoS attacks is uniform, and
detect DDoS attacks with the help of Chi-square
statistics and entropy. However, the threshold of
their detecting system depends on the statistical
results and need to be changed in different network
The main approaches focus on deal with DDoS
attacks or abnormal situation of traffics without
considering flash crowds. Even though some
approaches take account of flash crowds, they set
flash crowds as one of abnormal activities without
distinguishing from DDoS attacks. Since flash
crowds are caused by legitimate users, the
countermeasure of server administrator during flash
crowds is very different from it during DDoS attacks.
Before we classify flash crowds and DDoS attacks
traffic, we understand their individual properties in
this section. Although flash crowds and DDoS
attacks share similar characteristics, it is of great
interest to be able to distinguish them, because very
different actions need to be done in rectifying these
two events (Park).
Through analysis of flash crowds and other
research efforts (Jung), some significant
characteristics of flash crowds can be concluded, as
stated below. These observations allow us to tell
when a flash crowd arrives; how long (or short) a
time we have to take defensive action; how different
it is from a malicious attack; how we can utilize the
locality of reference; and more.
z The number of clients in a flash crowd is
commensurate with the request rate. This
indicates that legitimate clients are responsible
for the performance of a server.
z Network bandwidth is the primary constraint
bottleneck. CPU may be a bottleneck if the
server is serving dynamically generated
z A small number of contents, less than 10%, is
responsible for a large percentage, more than
90%, of requests. Moreover, the set of hot
contents during a flash crowd tends to be small
to fit in a cache. This property distinguishes
flash crowds from attack traffic which is
generated automatically by “bots”.
While studying the behavior of flash crowds, we
need to identify and distinguish related but distinct
phenomena to DDoS attacks. There are some ways
to distinguish DDoS attacks from flash crowds.
z DDoS attackers are broad and very few
previously seen clusters are involved in DDoS
z Client distribution across ISPs and networks
does not follow population distribution.
z Cluster overlap which a site sees before and
during the attack is very small.
z Per-client request rate is stable during the attack
and deviates significantly from normal.
What makes flash crowds and DDoS attacks
different is user intention, which is hard to detect by
the victim server. How can we use them to identify
and separate DDoS attacks from flash events? In
previous chapter, we consider what properties
differentiate DDoS attacks from flash crowds? We
use behavior-based clustering mechanism and
randomness method. We divide incoming traffics
into some clusters and compute randomness of
clusters. The randomness of a cluster is more greater,
the cluster is more abnormal status. it means that this
cluster occurs worm and DDoS attack.
It may monitor client that access the site and
their request rates, and perform some checks on the
content of packets such as number of newer IP,
arrival rates, packet event times, packet inter-arrival
times, inter-burst times, bytes per packet, cumulative
bytes per packet, and periodic throughput samples.
4.1 Cluster
We define a cluster as a set of flows with the same
values in one or several of the four keys, source IP
address, destination IP address, source port, and
destination port, which are typically used to define a
flow. Our mechanism intends to aggregates traffic
clusters. Especially, we focus on clusters with a
fixed source/destination IP address because almost
all abnormal traffic has either a fixed source or
destination IP address. For example, packets of
DDoS attacks often have the same destination IP
The goal of clustering is to divide flows into
natural groups. The instances contained in a cluster
are considered to be similar to one another according
to some metric based on the underlying domain from
which the instances are drawn. Clusters are flows
with the same value in some combinations of these
four keys and illustrate their corresponding
examples are shown in Table I. These combinations
show some characteristics of each cluster: flash
crowds, flooding attack, worm, DDoS attack (Yan).
4.2 Classification Method Flash
Crowds and DDoS attacks
Checking randomness of each cluster, we now
describe the steps to distinguish flash crowds and
DDoS attacks; (i) Construct the cluster of incoming
traffic; (ii) Compute the randomness of each cluster;
(iii) Decide normal and DDoS attacks in each cluster.
To construct cluster, we consider some
combinations of IP header fields such as Table 1.
In Figure 1, we define the biggest cluster which
only has the fixed source IP address/destination IP
address cluster such as cluster A, define the clusters
which have fixed value in two dimensions cluster
such as cluster B. If we choose the higher level
cluster B instead of cluster A to do aggregation, we
can keep more information (source IP address and
destination Port).
In four keys, the port numbers and the IP
addresses have different sensitivity for the
Table 1: Combinations of four keys and some examples.
Combinations Examples
srcIP + dstIP
srcIP + dstPort
dstIP + dstPort
srcIP +dstIP+srcPort
srcIP +dstIP +dstPort
most worms
most portscans
Blaster worm
syn flooding attacks
WWW flash crowds
response from non-IP-spoofing syn
non-IP-spoofing syn flooding attacks
MS-SQL server worm
DNS flash crowds
Figure 1: An example of clusters.
aggregation process. First, almost all DDoS attacks,
worm spread, port scan, and flash crowds have
either a common source IP address or destination IP
address, but not always have a fixed port number.
Second, some network applications with a well-
known port number such as web traffic with port 80
are always big clusters in the network, but we have
no reason to aggregate them to a single flow because
they are normal traffic and we aim to maintain more
detailed information about these for accounting
Besides fixed values in one or several keys, other
properties of the clusters containing attack traffic
include: first, the number of flows in the clusters is
usually large enough to become a flooding attack;
second, the size of the flows is often much smaller
than normal flows; third, some keys other than the
fixed value, such as source IP address in DDoS
attack traffic are often randomly distributed. In
addition, if there are several big flows in the
identified cluster, we would pick them out from the
identified cluster and do aggregation on the rest
flows, because the big flows may be normal flows
mixed with attack flows. In order to analyze cluster
pattern, we check randomness of cluster.
We conclude several important different
characteristics of flash crowds and DDoS attacks: (i)
the number of requests sent to the server would
increase dramatically during both flash crowds and
DDoS attacks; (ii) the number of distinct clusters
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
during the flash crowds is much smaller than the
number of distinct clients. But, DDoS attacks
requests come from clients widely distributed across
clusters in the Internet; (iii) a large number of
clusters active during flash crowds had also visited
the sites before the event. However, in the case of
DDoS attacks, an overwhelming majority of the
client clusters that generate requests are new clusters
not seen by the site before the attack.
4.3 Experimentation
In the simulation, we use the 2000 DARPA Data Set
which includes a DDoS attack run by a novice
attacker (MIT Lincoln Lab, 2000). This attack
scenario is carried out over five phases. In phase 1
and 2, the attacker sends ICMP packet to probe of
IP’s to look for the sadmind daemon running on
Solaris hosts. The attacker installs Trojan mstream
DDoS software on hosts in Phase 3 and 4. In Phase,
the attacker launches the DDoS attack. The number
of packets and randomness variation shows in figure
2 and 3.
Figure 2: The Number of packets.
Figure3: The randomness of source IP address in
Destination IP address cluster.
In this paper, we propose discrimination methods
that classify cluster of traffic behaviour of flash
crowds and DDoS attacks such as traffic pattern and
characteristics and check cluster randomness. The
main research objectives are to find way to
proactively resolve problems such as DDoS attacks
by detection and resolving attacks in their early
development stages.
In the future work, we expect to analyze network
traffic more effectively by extracting more variables
and develop an advanced detection algorithm. We
plan to find a way of mitigating DDoS attacks by
using this early detection.
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