Trade-offs for Model Inconsistency Resolution
Anne Keller, Hans Schippers and Serge Demeyer
University of Antwerp
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
Abstract. With the advent of model-driven software development, models gain
importance in all steps of the software development process. This makes the
problem of consistency between models an important challenge. Models in large
projects typically contain many inconsistencies, where each of them can be re-
solved in multiple ways with different effects on the system, thus making the
decision on a resolution strategy a hard one. In this paper, we present metrics
that assess the impact of a resolution operation on the model and the computa-
tional cost of a resolution operation. We propose to use these metrics to compare
different resolution strategies.
1 Introduction
In a model-driven process, as for example Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), mod-
els are the main software development entities and artefacts. On the one hand, models
change in time, e.g., model elements are added or removed. On the other hand, high-
level platform-independent models are transformed into low-level platform-specific mod-
els that are the basis for code generation. In a software development process that so
heavily relies on models, consistency management of these models is crucial.
Inconsistencies between models occur when a prior defined consistency rule is
checked and violated. The cause for inconsistencies ranges from distributed work on
the models, over incomplete specifications, to evolution of models.
For each inconsistency there exist a number of resolution operations that resolve
the inconsistency completely. However, the resolution operations are not equivalent.
Additional to their differences in semantics (i.e., how they actually resolve the incon-
sistency), they can differ in the impact they have on the model, as well as in the compu-
tational cost of their application. Choosing a resolution operation that implies the least
changes to the overall model (i.e., low impact) can be an as relevant decision as choos-
ing one that is applied in few steps (i.e., low computational cost). The difficulty lies in
assessing the effects of a resolution operation and incorporating this knowledge into the
choice of resolution operation.
In this paper we introduce metrics to judge the impact and computational cost of a
resolution operation and propose to use these metrics to choose a resolution operation
with a favourable trade-off point.
The paper is structured as follows, in Section 2 we introduce the metrics, Section 3
contains the related work, and Section 4 concludes the paper.
Keller A., Schippers H. and Demeyer S. (2009).
Trade-offs for Model Inconsistency Resolution.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development, pages 48-51
DOI: 10.5220/0002201800480051
2 Metrics for Inconsistency Resolution
Evaluating Impact. Our starting observation is that applying changes to model ele-
ments which are heavily used by other model elements should be avoided. Thus, to
avoid changing heavily used model elements the resolution operation with the lowest
impact would be preferred. The rationale behind this idea is that changing such model
element is likely to cause changes in the other model elements as well. Such changes
include modifications to a semantically important class (’god class’) and changes to a
referenced model element. Changing a semantically important class will also modify
the expected semantics for the related model elements (e.g., for all classes connected
by association). Changes to a referenced model element result in having to check, and
possibly modify, the existing references. In Table 1 we present a preliminary collection
of impact relationships that capture a number of these relevant connections between
model elements in UML Class and Sequence Diagrams. To calculate the impact we
check how often each model element involved in a resolution operation is taking part
in such a impact relationship. In order to put the amount of connections in relation with
the design of the overall model, we divide the number of occurrences of a specific im-
pact relationship by the maximum number of occurrences in the model. For resolution
operations consisting of several operations to different model elements the impact val-
ues are added. The more impact relationships a model element takes part in, the higher
the impact of this model element in the given model.
Computational Cost. Whereas the impact metric allows for determining model el-
ements which we would like to avoid applying changes to, it fails to take into account
how hard it is, computationally, to actually carry out a certain resolution operation. In
other words, we would like to express the idea that a resolution operation which involves
a small number of computational steps is preferable over a more expensive alternative.
To this end, we introduce the computational cost as a second metric. This is especially
relevant when dealing with large and complex models that contain many inconsisten-
cies. In such models an often applied, computationally expensive resolution will lead
high execution time and thus to poor performance.
Computational cost considers modification and navigation operations on the model
as a data structure. The computational steps which we take into account are on the one
hand operations on the data structure, i.e., modifications, creations, deletions of model
elements and on the other hand navigational steps in the model. Thus, the steps needed
to execute a resolution depend on the UML meta-model.
Example. We explain the usage of the metrics on a short example. Figure 2 shows
an example of the ’Dangling Connectable Feature Reference’ inconsistency as specified
in [5]. This inconsistency occurs when a message in a sequence diagram references an
operation not found in the corresponding class. In the example the AddEventRequest
operation is not found in the Calendar class. The available options to resolve this in-
consistency are to 1) add a new operation to the Calendar class in the class diagram
(AddOp), 2) remove the message AddEventRequest from the sequence diagram
(RmvMsg), 3) change an existing operation in the class diagram to match the exist-
ing AddEventRequest message (ChngOp) and 4) change the AddEventRequest
message in the sequence diagram to refer to an existing operation in the Calendar
· is type of an attribute
· has instance
· has association to other
· contains an operation
· contains an attribute
· is generalisation
· is called by a message
· is inherited
· is parameter of an opera-
· is inherited
· is instance of a class
· has message calls to it
· references an operation
· is create or delete mes-
· has reply message
Table 1. Impact Relationships.
+ UserID: Integer
+ Name: String
+ Email: String
+ checkUser()
+ EventID: Integer
+ Description: String
+ Time: String
+ Date: String
+ Location: String
+ Participant : User
+ addNewEvent()
+ iEventID: Integer
+ iTime: String
+ iDate: String
+ sendEmail()
+ UserID:
+user +eventCalendar
: UserInterface
: Calendar
+ login()
Table 2. Inconsistent UML Class and
Sequence Diagram.
class (ChngMsg). Each resolution operation consists of several steps. For example, Ad-
dOp consists of the steps: a) create a new operation, b) name the operation, c) assign
the operation to a class.
Calculating impact for the example, we obtain AddOp (1.1), RmvMsg (0), ChngOp
(1.1) and ChngMsg (0). The computational cost is AddOp (5), RmvMsg (11), ChngOp
(6) and ChngMsg (4). Comparing the results for impact and computational cost we see
that each metric values the application of the shown resolution operations differently.
For example, while according to the impact RmvMsg and ChngMsg are preferred, the
computational cost metric ranks RmvMsg as the operation with the highest cost. That
is, while the AddEventRequest message is a model element whose modification is
judged to have a low impact, it is defined in such a way that its removal is a costly
3 Related Work
Kuester et al. [1] evaluate inconsistency resolutions based on side-effect expressions
and the resolution’s overall cost reduction. Different to this approach, we do not relate
the resolution operations to a set of defined inconsistencies. Instead, we compare the
resolutions based on the changes they pose to the whole model.
In [2], [3] Mens et al. describe how they use critical pair analysis of graph transfor-
mation rules in order to evaluate dependencies between inconsistency resolutions such
as mutual exclusion and sequential dependency. Different to their work, we do not re-
late inconsistency resolutions of different consistency rules with each other. Instead, we
evaluate each resolution independent of other possible inconsistencies.
Spanoudakis et al. [4] use object-oriented metrics to evaluate the significance of
inconsistencies. Spanoudakis et al. analyse the significance of inconsistencies rather
than single resolution operations. A similarity exists in the premise that significance of
inconsistencies depends on the significance of the involved model elements.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we introduced two metrics to support the process of inconsistency resolu-
tion. The impact metric determines to which extent a resolution operation will cause a
model to change. The computational cost of a resolution operation expresses how hard
it is, technically, to actually perform the operation. We consider these metrics an im-
portant step towards reifying the trade-offs involved in the complex process of deciding
which resolution operation to apply in a given situation of inconsistency.
There are two main parts of future work. In a first phase, the process of calculating
our metrics will be automated by means of a tool which operates on a model repository.
In a second phase, using this tool, we want to show the relevance of our metrics for
inconsistency resolution. This validation will need to take place on large scale case
Once the metrics are automated and validated, there is room to refine the metric
calculation functions. For example, the impact calculation can be refined by assigning
a weight to each impact relationship and thus respecting the fact that different impact
relationships have different semantics. (For example, compare the semantics of a UML
composition and aggregation.) Also, adding weights to the different kinds of resolution
operations (e.g., add, remove) can prevent that one kind of resolution operation (e.g.,
an addition) is always preferred over another type of resolution operation. For the com-
putational cost, weights should be assigned to each operation, for example, deletion
computational costs more than navigation. All of this remains to be investigated and is
future work.
1. J. M. K
uster and K. Ryndina. Improving inconsistency resolution with side-effect evaluation
and costs. In MoDELS, pages 136–150, 2007.
2. T. Mens and R. Van Der Straeten. Incremental resolution of model inconsistencies. In WADT
2006, volume 4409 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 111–126. Springer-Verlag,
3. T. Mens, R. Van Der Straeten, and M. D’Hondt. Detecting and resolving model inconsistencies
using transformation dependency analysis. In MoDELS, pages 200–214, 2006.
4. G. Spanoudakis and H. Kim. Diagnosis of the significance of inconsistencies in object-
oriented designs: a framework and its experimental evaluation. J. Syst. Softw., 64(1):3–22,
5. Ragnhild Van Der Straeten. Inconsistency Management in Model-Driven Engineering: An
Approach using Description Logics. PhD thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2005.