An Integrated IT-Architecture for Talent
Management and Recruitment
Christian Maier
, Sven Laumer
and Andreas Eckhardt
Centre of Human Resources Information Systems, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Feldkirchenstraße 21, Bamberg, Germany
Centre of Human Resources Information Systems, Goethe University Frankfurt a. Main
Grueneburgplatz 1, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany
Abstract. Already in 2001 Donahue [7] argued in her Harvard Business Re-
view article that it is time to get serious about talent management and in 2005
Hustad and Munkvold [11] presented a case study of IT-supported competence
management. Based on Lee’s suggested architecture for an holistic e-recruiting
system [16] and the general research on e-HRM the aim of this paper is to sug-
gest an integrated IT-Architecture for talent management and recruitment fol-
lowing the design science guidelines proposed by Alan Hevner [10] to support
both the recruiting and the talent as well as competence management activities
of a company.
1 Problem Relevance
A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group and the World Federation of Person-
nel Management Associations suggests that “People have emerged as a new source of
competitive advantage. Consequently, the demand for skilled people is rising at the
same time that shortages abound” [24]. This clearly demonstrates the problems that
will in future have to be faced by businesses, and above all their personnel depart-
ments. Since, on the one hand, increasingly fewer people are available because of
Germany’s demographic situation and, on the other because of a lack of suitable
training, there will be a shortfall of about 1.2 million academically trained personnel
by 2020, it will become even more difficult to recruit competent staff [20]. Neverthe-
less, it is precisely this highly qualified staff that will be needed to ensure a sustaina-
ble competitive advantage over competitors in the long term [21]. As a consequence,
personnel development and personnel retention are becoming, next to recruitment, the
main focuses of the responsibilities of the personnel department. The importance of
these disciplines is also made clear in the annual survey produced by [19]. They in-
vestigate among other things the major challenges faced by the Chief Information
Officers of top American companies, and “attracting, developing and retaining IT
professionals” were top of the list for the first time in their 2007 study [19].. The
latter includes not merely the recruitment of new staff but also the development of
their capabilities and their long-term retention in the company [11, 12, 17]. This
Maier C., Laumer S. and Eckhardt A. (2009).
An Integrated IT-Architecture for Talent Management and Recruitment.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, pages 28-38
DOI: 10.5220/0002173700280038
process is also known as “talent management” which can be defined as the manage-
ment of the supply, demand and education of talent within an organization [23].
To deal with these problems, HR processes can call on the support of new elec-
tronic media [5, 6, 8, 25]. There has already been an initial approach to a holistic
scheme for electronic (E-) recruitment processing designed by [16], which enables
swift electronic access to a pool of applicants.
The aim of this paper is to build up step-by-step an architecture which will ulti-
mately support both recruitment and personnel development processes by means of
appropriate systems. This architecture is intended to take into account the various
different reasons for which a company might wish to develop and train its staff.
We structure our paper for this purpose following the principles of Design Science
[10]. In Section 1 we briefly outline the relevance of this topic to the basic problems
against the background of the demographic situation and the shortage of well quali-
fied staff. Section 2 contains a review of the literature on various personnel develop-
ment processes, an E-recruitment system, fundamental research results about compe-
tence as well as a short explanation of the approach of Design Science. In Section 3
we describe the steps in the development of an IT-architecture for personnel devel-
opment which is ultimately integrated with [16] recruitment system. In the last sec-
tion we summarize the most important results and indicate both the limitations of this
architecture as well as areas in which there is scope for further research.
2 Research Rigor
2.1 Design Science
Design Science, the research method proposed by [10] in 2004 is an extension of
behaviorist methodology. Behaviorism attempts to predict what effects the introduc-
tion of IT within organizations will have with the aid of theoretical propositions.
Within the Design Science framework artifacts which can be employed within busi-
nesses to solve problems are developed and evaluated. For the implementation of this
framework, seven guidelines which should be followed to use the principles of De-
sign Science in the field of information systems (IS) are presented [10]. In this paper
we will develop our IT-architecture following these guidelines.
2.2 Personnel Recruitment
Before we explain Lee’s 2007 approach [16], we first describe the individual
processes that are fundamental to personnel recruitment.
2.2.1 Individual Personnel Recruitment Processes
As one can see from the left-hand side of figure 3, it is necessary at the beginning of
the recruitment process to discover what a company’s future personnel requirements
will be. Then the skills that the new personnel must have are input, communicated
and authorized before the job advertisement can be finally published [6]. At the same
time job-seekers can search through an online database and submit their applications
directly. After the personnel department has searched the database (DB) for candi-
dates, their applications are evaluated and initial interviews are held. Finally, the
company negotiates a contract with the chosen candidate, so that the recruitment
process reaches a conclusion that is satisfactory for both parties. [16]
2.2.2 e-Recruitment System
To implement the processes explained in the preceding section Lee [16] developed an
e-recruitment system. This requires 8 sub-systems, which can be seen on the right-
hand side of figure 3. Lee’s paper will give a more detailed presentation of the more
broadly relevant systems and their purposes. We will use this proposed IT-artifact to
develop an integrated architecture for talent management and recruiting. Since we
would like to base our work on the most up-to-date knowledge in discussing the IT-
architecture in Section 3, [15] have extended Lee’s initial suggestions to include the
steps of the Employer Branding process: Please consult their suggested architecture
for more details [15].
2.3 Personnel Development Processes
One way of combating vacancies in companies is the process described above, that is,
acquiring outside personnel for the company. On the other hand, the required person-
nel can also be acquired internally by selecting members of the company’s current
staff and preparing them suitably for their new responsibilities [7]. To do this, it is
often necessary to introduce training measures which will enable staff to develop their
capabilities [4, 7]. The concept of personnel development is, however, characterized
by “great heterogeneity and lack of clarity” [2] (p. 2). As a result, we find a large
number of definitions of personnel development in the literature.
To provide a consistent understanding of the concept of personnel development in
the sections that follow, we base ourselves on the definition of [9], who regard per-
sonnel development as a function of personnel management, whose aim it must be to
provide all members of staff with training and qualifications enabling them to carry
out both present and future tasks. In the process those individual capabilities of the
personnel which serve the achievement of the company’s goals should be encour-
aged. This positive alteration in the qualifications of the staff is understood as a
process consisting of a series of several linked activities [9].
Fig. 1. Personnel Development Process (Source: [22]).
Since, as described in Section 3, a company may have several different reasons for
developing the capabilities of its staff, we have chosen from the literature a personnel
development process which supports this aim. Such a process is defined by [22], as
represented schematically in Figure 1. In this process the gaps in the capabilities of
each employee are deduced from the difference between their ‘capability profile’ and
the profile of requirements defined by the company. This reveals how suited an em-
ployee currently is for a given job. Building on this, those employees who are eligible
to take part in development activities but have not yet been able to acquire compe-
tences that are available are given a deadline for completing the relevant training.
Frequently an employee’s entire potential cannot be fully exploited because the com-
pany only has limited resources available. After successful completion of a training
program the ‘capability profile’ is updated and checks are carried out to see whether
the employee now satisfies the conditions of the required profile and/or whether the
training program actually provides the desired competences [22].
2.4 Competence
In order to select candidates for vacant posts or training programs from within a com-
pany, it is desirable to store their qualifications long-term in a database in order to
have quick access to them.
In recent years there have been a number of publications dealing with the themes
of competence, competence catalogues or competence management [14]. To be able
to provide a structure for the competences available in a company, a classification is
set up. [1] suggested in this context that the parameters should be subject, methodo-
logical, human and social competence. To avoid ambiguity within the classificatory
scheme, competence catalogues set out “a tested vocabulary for competence that is
used on all occasions where competence plays a role” [14] (p.2). The individual com-
petences of each employee must also be evaluated. Accordingly, mention must be
made for each employee of how strong each individual competence is. Various re-
search programs recommended the use of a five-point, and therefore uneven, scale
[18], in spite of the problems caused by a tendency to prefer the middle element too
frequently [13]. As well as permitting a finer distinction between grades of compe-
tence because of the neutral centre, this also makes it possible to avoid making direc-
tional decisions in cases of indecision or when a competence is absent [3].
3 Design as a Search
3.1 Determining Future Personnel Requirements
As can be seen in Figure 2, the company first investigates how high the future de-
mand for personnel will be. To make an informed decision, those responsible has
access to data from previous periods, since the decisions made here will have far-
reaching consequences and are also influenced by many complex factors. For exam-
ple, the company’s fundamental strategy has to be taken into account. If the company
plans expansion, new branches or sites, a merger or something comparable, then its
long-term personnel requirements is adapted to suit this. The state of the national
economy also plays an important role.
Thus in times of positive economic growth the company needs to quickly take on
new staff in order to fulfill orders successfully, or when a recession threatens, work-
ers must be made redundant to avoid excessively high monthly fixed costs. When the
company has discovered its future personnel requirements, the difference between
these and the current staff situation must be calculated. Depending on this result, the
personnel department can look for new staff, prepare staff for new projects by train-
ing, downsize or just leave everything as it is.
3.2 IT Systems for Internal Personnel Recruitment Processes
3.2.1 Fundamental Procedures
In this section we consider what occurs when a company selects qualified, internally
available staff and promotes them, optionally preparing them for their new duties by
means of training programs. The company can follow this path if no suitable external
staff can be employed or if to do so would be too expensive.
Identification of the staff
needed in the future
Current staff Determined staff
Recruit staff Dismiss staffDevelop staff
Economy Business strategy... ...
Age distribution
Fig. 2. Overview of Personnel Management Tasks.
Firstly, candidates for these posts, who fit the requisite job-profile or at least come
close to it, must be identified among the current staff. In order to do this a require-
ment profile for the post that is to be filled must be defined. If a similar profile is
available in the DB from previous recruitment campaigns, it can be reused. Otherwise
a kind of dummy-employee with the optimal competences for the vacant post is en-
tered into the ‘Profile Creation Management Subsystem’ (PCMS). The capability
profiles of all actual employees are defined in terms of their current competences and
should be consulted in the DB at each step when new posts are being filled, and up-
dated if necessary. For both profiles a five-point scale is used because of the advan-
tages described in Section 2.4. In the requirement profile it seems most sensible to use
the neutral element if a particular competence is not relevant to the vacant post; we
would also use the two positive values on the scale to define how strong the compe-
tence should be for an employee to be best able to carry out the tasks. In our opinion
the two negative elements should only be used in extreme cases. This is more closely
specified in a unified way for the whole company in the underlying catalogue of
competences. The competence definitions should also be provided here.
Next, a system is needed to work out the variance between the requirement profile
that has been defined and each member of staff. As described in Section 2.2.2 the
PSMS has is required to perform similar tasks during the recruitment process. The
similarity between employee profiles and requirement profile must now be tested not
only for those who have applied for a post, but also for all members of staff.
Which candidate can now be considered for the post also depends, as explained in
2.3, on whether the company has resources available for personnel development.
3.2.2 Internal Recruitment without Previous Personnel Development
If the company does not have sufficient resources available at present to train em-
ployees for the new post, it is possible, using the PSMS as shown in Figure 3, to de-
termine, on the basis of the capability gaps of each employee, which one has the most
of the competences required.
3.2.3 Internal Recruitment Preceded by Personnel Development
It is more advantageous for the company if resources are available to prepare the
selected candidate as well as possible for the new post by means of a training pro-
gram. As well as the index value calculated in Section 3.2.1, the development poten-
tial of each employee should also be taken into account in the choice of candidate, as
shown in Figure 3. We do not consider here whether the company determines this
potential by expert judgment or by portfolio techniques, since both procedures have
their advantages and this also depends on company size and the capital available [22].
These results are then entered in the relevant capability profile under social compe-
tences using the PCMS, and should once more be classified company-wide in a uni-
fied way using a 5-point scale (cf. Section 2.4). Additionally it is possible to have a
justification of this decision available in the profile in the form of a running text, so
that the previous decision will be comprehensible in future tests.
In order to filter out the best qualified candidate, distinguished by both present
competences and also a high level of development potential, an index value is calcu-
lated in the ‘Profile Matching Management Subsystem‘ (PMMS). Other components
can also contribute to this calculation.
When the most suitable candidate has been found, the ‘Method Matching Man-
agement Subsystem’ (MMMS) is used to determine the training program best suited
to providing them with the competences they do not yet possess. For this purpose all
available training programs, together with the competences which attending each of
them will improve, must be stored in the company-wide DB. First one could extract
from the PSMS those competences which the candidate does not have but needs in
order to best carry out the duties of the new job. Then the MMMS will call up all
possible training programs which could communicate the missing competences to the
employee. This could be done using simple Information Retrieval methods.
Finally spot checks could be carried out to see if the training programs do actually
produce the required competences. After analyzing the results, conclusions could be
reached about what competences had actually been achieved. By comparison with the
employee’s previous competences, the training program can be subjectively eva-
luated. In general, several case studies should be stored in the DB, each of which tests
different specific competences. These studies should be available to the trainers by
means of the ‘Method Performance Management Subsystem’ of the DB, into which
the trainer can then enter the results of the work on the case studies after evaluation.
Finally, the trainees are entered into or extracted from the MMMS so that their up-
dated competence profiles can be stored in the database.
3.3 IT Systems for Personnel Development Processes
Since it is not always absolutely necessary to train personnel and then directly pro-
mote them, this section will describe two other possible modes of proceeding.
3.3.1 Personnel Development for Reasons of New Strategic Orientation
It is sensible to initiate training programs when a company, for example, changes its
long-term strategy, thus requiring new competences in the company. If the company
plans off-shoring, then it is clearly desirable from the company’s perspective that
some employees should learn the new language and its culture in order to enable
better communication between the different locations and so that people mutually
understand and respect each other’s cultures.
The order to do this by developing training programs which suit their strategy can
come directly from the company management, who are also responsible for creating
the strategy. This can be stored in the DB together with the competences it requires,
so that the various sub-systems have access to it.
This could be carried out in a way analogous to the approach suggested in Section
3.2, in that selected employees could be directly promoted so that they could then
oversee a project or a similar activity long-term in the new location. Courses which
improve the general level of education of the staff could also – at least, if the compa-
ny’s resources permit – be open for all to attend, which could be achieved using the
architecture described in Figure 3. Since these offerings are made use of by relatively
few employees, they would not result in such high costs.
3.3.2 Anticipatory Development of Missing Competences
Companies may find that they very frequently have a shortage of employees with
particular competences. With the approaches used until now, one either had to recruit
personnel with these capabilities, which is expensive, or use time-expensive courses
to train employees who would only be available to the company after successfully
completing their training.
The company could use the procedure illustrated in Figure 3 to train employees in
a purposeful way even if there were currently no acute demand for this. If a require-
ment profile with these previously rare competences were then sought, suitable can-
didates would immediately be available in the company. To identify the competences
of which there is a frequent shortage, access to all requirement profiles used so far
must be made possible. No matter whether jobs are advertized internally or external-
ly, the job profile and the relevant competences should be permanently stored by the
PCMS in the DB.
Since the required competences are consistently stored in a system, the sub-system
only stores additionally how often any given profile or competence was required by
the personnel department. This provides the PCMS with yet another responsibility,
that is, not only that the personnel department enters and stores specific profiles, but
also that it should be possible by means of this sub-system to discover how high the
demand for particular competences and profiles has been in a given period.
If there are as yet no training programs to develop the most frequently required
competences, the company can offer new or supplementary training in the light of this
knowledge. Then specific employees can be selected by the personnel department
using the process described in 2.2 and can then be offered the opportunity, for exam-
ple by electronic means, to take part in this training without paying.
3.4 Integration of the Personnel Recruitment System and Development
Since we have now shown several different possible ways of implementing systems
in the area of personnel development, we would like to explain now how they can be
integrated with Lee’s architecture [16].
As shown in Figure 2, the starting point should be the top management since they
determine the direction of personnel recruitment and development by means of the
strategy they lay down. As described in section 3.1, deciding how many personnel to
employ and what competences they should have in the future is a difficult process.
For that reason the company should retain the decisions made in the past, the envi-
ronmental or industrial factors that prevailed at the time as well as the results of those
decisions in the ‘Reference Management Subsystem’. If this information is also kept
subjectively by several employees, the business has supplementary information about
which activities might be useful in the future. Optionally, one could also record
measures which, seen retrospectively, were not as successful as they might have been.
This decision now influences the way recruitment and personnel development sub-
sequently proceed. Since we have already explained both architectures individually,
we now intend to discuss only those sub-systems which can be seen as interfaces
between these two approaches.
This shift in responsibilities makes sense, since the architecture becomes more
flexible as a result and it is possible for companies to introduce only those sub-
systems which support individual critically important processes. This also makes it
clear that it is profiles, consisting of competences, that should be stored at the compa-
ny-wide level and not, for example, the exact formulations of job advertisements. The
latter could optionally be stored alongside every competence profile in the DB, but it
is the competence profiles that are decisive when defining index values or compe-
tence gaps. The PSMS is also needed both to support personnel recruitment
processes and to ensure that personnel development processes run as efficiently as
possible. The tasks necessary for achieving this have already been explained in sec-
tions 2.2.2 and 3.2. It is also possible to observe the employees’ development poten-
tial long-term and continuously. This can be done with the help of the CRMS by
extending the tasks originally described in Section 2.2.2. Using the CRMS one could
build up lasting contact with particular employees, and in the process observe their
development. From this process one could derive indicators showing whether these
employees would in future be capable of taking on more responsibility.
Fig. 3. Integrated IT Architecture for Personnel Recruitment and Development Processes.
4 Communication of Research
4.1 Limitations
It should be noted that the architecture suggested is so far based only on a literature
review. Thus there has been no validation by case studies or empirical assessments
which would make it possible to quantify its actual usefulness. First ideas of an IT-
supported competence management system can be find in a case study at Ericsson
[11]. One should also consider the aspects to which [16] has already called attention.
He made it clear that his e-recruitment system is expensive and complex. Expanding
this architecture increases the costs for realizing the whole concept as well as the
complexity, and thus a company must decide for itself which elements of the architec-
ture to introduce. This can be decided within the company in the light of the expected
benefit, and depends among other things on what resources are available in the com-
pany, what branch of industry it is active in, how big the company is, as well as on
the company’s strategy for the future, depending for example on whether they intend
to benefit from the advantages of being a ‘First Mover’. Apart from this it should be
noted that the architecture can essentially be used in any country or any industry.
4.2 Suggestions for Further Research
Future research should initially establish exactly what benefits this architecture pro-
vides. It would also be possible to extend the architecture. Thus, for example, the
systems used until now could support the career planning of individual employees
and clearly show well-trained employees what their career prospects are. Here we are
approaching the idea of personnel retention, which is also not considered in the cur-
rent architecture. The PMMS and MMMS sub-systems can also be seen as recom-
mender systems for which algorithms could be devised.
4.3 Research Contributions
Because of the anticipated future shortage of qualified staff, companies will, above
all, have to develop their current personnel in order to be able to generate a lasting
competitive advantage over their competitors on the basis of their workforce. To
enable this, we have presented a comprehensive IT architecture, based on the Design
Science approach [10], which integrates recruitment processes with personnel devel-
opment processes, supporting them with several different sub-systems.
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