A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model
Stephan Poelmans
Department of Commercial Sciences, University-College Brussel
Stormstraat 2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Hajo A. Reijers
School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords: Workflow Systems, Business Process Management, Usability, Technology Acceptance, Field Research.
Abstract: Despite the enormous interest in workflow management systems and their widespread adoption by industry,
few research studies are available that empirically assess the effectiveness and acceptance of this
technology. Our work exactly aims at providing such insights and this paper presents some of our
preliminary quantitative findings. Using a theory-based workflow success model, we have studied the
impact of operational workflow technologies on end-users in terms of perceived usefulness, end-user
satisfaction and perceived organisational benefits. A survey instrument was used to gather a sample of 246
end-users from two different organizations. Our findings show that the considered workflow applications
are generally accepted and positively evaluated. Using partial least squares analysis, the success model was
well supported, making it a usefull instrument to evaluate future workflow projects.
Workflow management systems (WfMSs) (or
Business Process Management systems - BPMSs)
have been important information systems to
automate and increase the efficiency of business
processes for almost two decades. A WfMS is
essentially a set of tools enabling the modelling,
enactment, and monitoring of business processes
(Jablonski, 1996). Workflow functionalities have
also been integrated in other contemporary
enterprise systems such as ERP, and call-centre
It is clear that a pervasive enterprise system such
as a WfMS, often influencing the daily work of
numerous employees, can only be successful if the
targeted end-users accept the system and experience
a performance growth in their jobs. If the workflow
technology is not designed in a way that meets the
needs of both the end-users and the management, the
consequences might be dreadful, leading to the
existence of shadow systems and a loss of
Despite this argument, only a few empirical
studies on the usage and success of operational
WfMSs exist. In this paper we present the first
results of a quantitative evaluation of two workflow
applications in different organisations.
In the next section we give a concise overview of
the extant WFM research and of the literature on the
acceptance and success of information systems. Next
we present our workflow system’s evaluation model.
The model has been validated and analysed, using a
sample of 237 end-users. After analysing the results,
we discuss the conclusions and future research.
2.1 Workflow Literature
The existing literature on workflow systems can be
subdivided into three research areas. A first research
thread is technology-driven and deals with topics
such as adaptive workflow systems and the
Poelmans S. and Reijers H. (2009).
ASSESSING WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model .
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002005401830189
development of intelligent tools to support exception
handling (see Weber, 2008; Casati et al., 1998).
Secondly and more recently, a number of studies
have been conducted using process mining methods
to measure the efficiency impact of workflow
systems on business process indicators such as lead
and throughput time (Van der Aalst et al., 2007).
A third research thread concerns the usability,
and usage of WfMSs. This field has so far received
only limited attention. Some studies point to the
negative impacts of a WfMS, while others report on
succesful projects (see Kueng, 2004; Dourish, 2001;
Bowers et al., 1995). However, as these studies are
restricted to a explorative quantitative analysis of
one case, a systematic comparison is hampered.
Exceptions are Reijers et al. (2007) and
Poelmans (2002) who evaluated and compared
several succesful workflow project in a qualitative
and quantitative way (using a survey).
In the underlying study we put forward a theory-
based, quantitative usability study that includes
several workflow projects and divers end-users. In
particular, we developed and validated an
explanatory workflow evaluation model that can be
applied to other workflow usability studies and even
to other enterprise systems.
2.2 ICT Acceptance and Usability
The use, success, and acceptance of information
systems have been investigated in an overwhelming
amount of studies, using widespread research
models such as the technology acceptance model
(TAM, Davis, 1989), and Delone & Mclean’s IS
success model (henceforth ISS model) (Delone et
al., 2003).
These models focus on the individual end-user
and have been applied to assess a diversity of IT
systems (like ERP systems, GSS systems, e-
commerce systems, etc.) (E.g. Wu et al., 2005;
Delone et al., 2004; Karahanna, 2002).
Whereas the TAM is particularly valid to predict
future acceptance and voluntary usage of ICT, the
ISS model focusses more on the evaluation of
objective system and information characteristics that
can enhance user satisfaction, perceived usefulness,
and individual impacts of an information system
(Wixom et al., 2005). The ISS model does not
necessarily imply (future) usage as a dependent
variable, so it can be used to evaluate both
mandatory and voluntary use of information
Since WfMSs determine the collaboration of
employees and often integrate other legacy systems,
an individual employee has no real alternative but to
use the system. Therefore, usage frequency should
be considered as mandatory and has no added value
as a success measure. In this view, we turned to the
ISS model to develop our evaluation model.
Figure 1 presents the model that we used and
validated to measure the acceptance and success of
two workflow applications. The model uses three
general concepts as measures of success: perceived
usefulness, end-user satisfaction and, as an ultimate
dependent variable, perceived organisational
In accordance with the ISS framework, our
model presumes that if a WfMS does increase job
performance (perceived usefulness), it will increase
the end-user’s satisfaction. Both measures will
impact the employee’s belief that the WfMS is
suitable for the supported business process (as
measured by organisational benefits).
While the three dependent variables are general
indicators of the acceptance of a WfMS, information
and system quality are multi-faceted constructs that
include design characteristics of an IS. Including
these more specific measures is useful to provide
feedback to the designers or administrators of the
Following the ISS literature, system quality
refers to the quality of the software and hardware. It
is a broad concept, including several facets such as
the ease of use, reliability, flexibility and
responsiveness of an IS (Delone et al., 2003).
Information quality refers to the contents, timeliness
and availability of the information that is provided
by the WfMS. Based on our previous research and
on interviews that we conducted in the projects; we
contend that ‘information quality’, in the context of
a WfMS, is not sufficient as an evaluation
instrument. Typically, workflow technology is used
by diverse types of employees, ranging from
administration personnel to management and other
kinds of end–users. As we noticed in previous
workflow research, some end-users (mostly within
administrative jobs), only use the WfMS as an
application to register their tasks or to insert data
that will be used by other employees along the
business process. For those kinds of users, data entry
facilities are even more important than getting
information out of the system. Usually, a
combination of both was required. As employees
were assigned a case, they had to look up
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
information in the workflow system and complete it
with new data. Therefore, we distinguish between
‘input quality’ and ‘output quality’. As far as we
know, this distinction has not been applied before.
In the past, end-user training and support (the
ongoing efforts to help end-users who are working
with the WfMS) have been defined as being a part of
end-user satisfaction measures (see for instance Doll
et al., 1988). We agree however, in accordance with
the TAM and the ISS model, that training and
support are only a means to increase the productivity
and success of the workflow technology. Both
factors are by no means a goal in itself and should
therefore be considered as external factors that can
influence the perceived system or information
Figure 1: A Workflow Success Model.
4.1 Sample and Data Collection
The sample that we tested in this study was collected
using an online survey that we administered in the
course of 2007 and 2008. The total sample consists
of 246 end-users of two workflow projects in
different organizations in Europe. Prior to the
administration of the survey, some in-depth
interviews were held with management or IT
personnel. Both workflow applications have been
used for several years. In the first organization, a
workflow application was developed in the ‘TIBCO
BPM Suite’ (formerly known as Staffware), in order
to enact and monitor a communal invoice and order
process. The business process has more than 450
end-users. 108 end-users filled out the survey. In the
second organization, a workflow application was
developed in the WfMS Flower. The application was
used nation-wide (with more than 1200 end-users) to
support a strictly regulated governmental process
that deals with objection and appeal requests from
citizens. At the moment of this writing we dispose of
138 responses.
4.2 Measures
Several items were used per construct. Where
possible, we based ourselves on existing scales and
adapted them if necessary. All items were measured
on a 6-point likert-scale, ranging from 1 (‘totally
disagree’ or ‘not at all’) to 6 (‘totally agree’ or
‘almost always’).
Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived
Organisational Benefits. Perceived organisational
benefits consist of two reflective items, asking the
respondent whether the workflow application
increases the efficiency of the business process in
Perceived usefulness is a concept that stems
directly from the TAM. It measures the degree to
which the workflow application enhances the
employee’s job performance and entails 4 reflective
Contrary to perceived usefulness, end-user
satisfaction is not an instrumental concept, as it
includes a more general attitude towards the IS. We
used two items asking in a general way whether the
employee was satisfied with the provided solution.
System Quality.
System quality is a multi-faceted
concept consisting of dimensions such as: the
reliability, the flexibility, and the ease of use of the
provided hardware and software solution (Delone et
al., 2003).
Reliability was measured using 3 formative
items. (E.g. Is the WfMS available if required? Does
it crash? Does information get lost?)
Flexibility can be regarded as a general
construct, measuring the way in which end-users can
re-configure or adjust an operational IS if required.
In the case of WfMSs, the routing of cases (through
the business process) and the assignment (or
allocation) of cases to end-users are two core
workflow functionalities (see Joosten et al., 1994). If
these features do not fit the tasks at hand or if they
cannot easily be adapted, the resulting workflow
application might indeed result in a bureaucratic
despot. As a result, we measured workflow
flexibility using two constituent constructs:
Allocation and Routing Flexibility. In particular, we
used 3 formative items for each construct. We asked
respondent for instance, to what extent they could
choose the cases they were going to process; to what
extent the routing procedure (backward and forward
ASSESSING WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model
routing) was fixed and to what extent they could
access cases of colleagues.
Ease of use was taken from the TAM and
measured with 3 reflective items.
In our evaluation model, system quality was
tested as a global second-order factor, but additional
tests, using the constituent factors have also been
Information Quality. As explained previously and
contrary to the IS success literature, we splitted
information quality into two disjoints factors: input
and output quality.
Input quality is measured using 6 formative
items; output quality is formed with 9 items. The
items concern issues such as: the provided facilities
to insert and retrieve information, and the degree to
which information can be entered and retrieved in a
complete, readable and timely way.
Training and Support. To measure training, we
asked the participants to evaluate specific courses
and workshops that had been organised to help
future and novice users. Next we listed a number of
support facilities (such as help desk, on-line
documentation, etc.). The resulting evaluations were
then used as formative items to measure support and
training. The measures were based on 2 to 6 items,
depending on the case at hand.
The questions can be received from the authors
upon request.
4.3 Analysis Techniques
Next to descriptive statistics, and Anova, we used
PLSGraph and thus partial least squares analysis
(PLS) to test our explanatory model. PLS is less
restrictive than covariance-based structural equation
modelling like LISREL in terms of sample size and
distributional requirements (Chin, 1989). PLS
combines a structural model (i.e. paths between
constructs) with a measurement model (i.e. the
constructs with their items) and has become very
popular in the past 10 years in multiple IS-related
Convergent validity was evaluated by examining
the factor loadings. With loadings of more than 0.7,
our reflective items exceed the threshold level of 0.5
(Hair et al. 1992). Discriminant validity is achieved
(i) when the items load much higher on their own
latent variable, and (ii) when the square root of each
construct's Average Variance Extracted is larger
than its correlations with other constructs (Chin,
1998). In our sample both conditions are met. The
relevant loadings can be given by the authors upon
5.1 General Results
The mean scores on all the factors are presented in
table 1. System quality (SQ) is represented by its
constituting factors (SQ1 to SQ5).
The mean scores on organisational benefits,
usefulness and satisfaction vary between 3.87 and
4.20 (on a 6-point scale). This means that in general
the end-users evaluate their workflow solution as
(rather) good or satisfying.
For organisational benefits, satisfaction and
usefulness, 74%, 72% and 62% of all the
respondents gave a clear positive evaluation (>=4).
These results confirm that the workflow solutions
have been accepted in general.
We can also state that training and support was
well provided and organised in a sufficient way,
with 75% and 87% of the respondents giving a score
of at least 4.
A first remark concerns perceived usefulness. Its
score is still positive but significantly less than the
scores on satisfaction and organisational benefits.
Based on the interviews, we argue that the workflow
systems have been improved over the years, leading
to a satisfying and appropriate solution. Perceived
usefulness however, appraises also the impact of the
workflow application on an individual’s job
performance. We therefore contend that end-users
were more critical regarding the impact on their own
productivity, believing that the workflow could still
be improved to support their daily individual needs.
Using Anova, table 1 also points to significant
differences between the two projects, whereby the
invoice & order application is better assessed than
the occupation & appeal requests process.
The differences in the two cases occur not only
in the first three general factors, but also in input
quality and some factors of system quality.
Interestingly, training and support have also received
a different score. In the future, we will use additional
factors (such as individual and task characteristics)
and a more detailed analysis to explain the
differences between the two projects.
5.2 Validation of the Success Model
In figure 2, we present the validation of the
workflow success model. Because of missing values,
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: General Results.
Positive Scores
(> = 4)
Mean Case1
Mean Case2
Org. Benefits 4.20 1.21 181 (74%) 4.44 3.96*
Satisfaction 4.14 1.11 177 (72%) 4.24 3.84*
Usefulness 3.87 1.20 152 (62%) 4.51 3.56*
Ease of Use (SQ1) 3.96 1.11 152 (62%) 4.33 3.62*
Responsiveness (SQ2) 3.56 0.69 152 (62%) 3.48 3.62
Reliability (SQ3) 4.24 1.04 160 (65%) 4.44 4.07*
Routing Flexibility (SQ4) 4.25 1.22 156 (63%) 4.27 4.22
Allocation Flexibility (SQ5) 4.75 1.03 203 (83%) 4.98 4.56*
Input Quality 3.95 1.03 136 (55%) 4.06 3.77*
Output Quality 4.16 1.11 162 (66%) 4.30 4.23
4.11 0.98 183 (75%) 4.26 3.97*
4.33 1.08 214 (87%) 4.62 4.22*
*: significant difference (Anova-test)
1: 237 respondents; 9 missing values; 2: 241 respondents; 5 missing values
Figure 2: Model Validation, Using PLSGraph.
the entire model was tested with a sample of 237
end-users. Figure 2 shows that the three general
success measures, organisational benefits,
satisfaction and usefulness, have an R-square
varying between 60 and 80%, indicating that these
factors are well explained by the model. Perceived
usefulness strongly influences satisfaction, and both
variables are strong predictors of organisational
benefits. System quality is the best predictor of
usefulness and satisfaction. However, in figure 2,
only ease of use represents system quality. Indeed,
including the other factors - routing and allocation
flexibility, and reliability – and thus using a second-
order factor for system quality, did not improve the
Based on our knowledge of the two projects, we
contend that by the time of our investigation, the two
systems were mature and did not cause major
technical disruptions..
Routing and allocation flexibility may have
caused disorders when the systems were introduced,
but by now, the routing and allocation features did
fit the daily needs of the end-users.
However, as has been stated by Reijers (et al.
2007), there is no free lunch. To a certain extent,
individual end-users had to perform some tasks in
the interest of the organisation or business process as
a whole. Examples of such tasks include the
registration of data and activities, and following
standard procedures (even if this is not always
efficient for the individual end-user). Therefore it
seems that end-users have different opinions and
experiences regarding the efforts that are required to
work with the system. As a result, ease of use
ASSESSING WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model
(measuring if the workflow is ‘free of effort’),
remains an important factor that should not be
overlooked by management.
As explanatory factors, we used training and
support. Although training is to some extent still an
important factor, the relative importance of support
is considerably higher. This result is not surprising.
Because the WfMSs have been used for some years,
most end-users are familiar with the system.
Consequently, it is at present less relevant whether
or not they received a good training to learn how to
use the system. Support however refers to facilities
(such as a help desk) that remain useful to support
even experienced end-users in their day-to-day
In order to account for project-specific factors
that we did not measure, we added a case dummy to
the evaluation model. The dummy indicates that the
occupation & appeal process scores significantly
lower on perceived ease of use.
Workflow Management Systems (also known as
Business Process Management systems) are systems
that enable the modelling, enactment, and
monitoring of business processes.
Although workflow systems may have a
considerable impact on the way employees
collaborate and perform their tasks, not much
empirical research has been done on their usage and
Existing empirical studies are scarce and in most
cases limited to qualitative and single case studies
that are difficult to compare.
The lack of systematic empirical studies on the
effects of workflow systems may feed speculation.
Whereas some researchers point to the risks of
workflow systems that might behave like
bureaucratic dictators, others have focused on the
(potential) benefits and success of workflow
technologies. To contribute to this debate we present
in this study the first quantitative results of a
systematic, end-user based evaluation of 2 workflow
applications in different organisations. Based on the
Delone & McLean’s IS Success model, we
developed a workflow evaluation model that is
reusable for the assessment of other workflow
applications or even other enterprise systems.
The study uses a sample of 248 end-users to
analyse the evaluation model. One project concerns
the support of a European communal invoice and
order process (using the TIBCO BPM Suite); the
other project entails the automation of a
governmental objection and appeal request process
(using Flower).
In particular, information and system quality are
defined as multi-dimensional concepts that are
supposed to impact end-users’ satisfaction and the
perceived usefulness of workflow systems. The
ultimate success factor is defined as perceived
organisational benefits. End-user training and
support were entered as external factors. Multiple
items were used per construct and scales from the
literature were adapted or completed if required.
Next to descriptive statistics, we used PLSGraph
and thus applied partial least squares (PLS) analysis
to test our explanatory model. After having
performed the necessary validity checks, we found
that the proposed success model has considerable
explanatory power.
In general the workflow systems are accepted
and positively evaluated. Using a scale from 1 to 6,
general measures such as perceived usefulness,
satisfaction and perceived organisational have a
score ranging between 3.87 and 4.22. A great
majority of the end-users (varying between 62% and
74%) give a positive score (at least 4) on all the
success measures.
In the future, we will add more workflow
projects to increase our sample and to validate our
current findings. Next, we will also focus on
additional external factors such as task
characteristics and individual traits. Finally, a task-
technology fit analysis, testing for interaction effects
between workflow flexibility and task and process
characteristics, is a topic that deserves special
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ASSESSING WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - A Quantitative Analysis of a Worfklow Evaluation Model