The smarTag Framework
Panagiotis Germanakos
Department of Management and MIS, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O.Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus
Nikos Tsianos, Zacharias Lekkas, Costas Mourlas
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies,
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 5 Stadiou Str, GR 105-62, Athens, Hellas, Greece
Mario Belk, George Samaras
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus, CY-1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Mass Customization, Adaptation, Personalization, eServices, Web Authoring tools, Cognitive Factors.
Abstract: Mass customization should be more than just configuring a specific component (hardware or software), but
should be seen as the co-design of an entire system, including services, experiences and human satisfaction
at the individual as well as at the community level. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a
framework for the automatic reconstruction of Web content based on human factors. Human factors and
users’ characteristics play the most important role during the entire design and implementation of the
framework which has the inherent ability to interact with its environment and the user and transparently
adapt its behaviour using intelligent techniques, reaching high levels of usability, user satisfaction,
effectiveness and quality of service presentation. The initial results of the evaluation have proven that the
proposed framework do not degrade the efficiency (in terms of speed and accuracy) during the Web content
adaptation process.
Peoples’ lives today are more turbulent and
diversified. The “one size fits all” (Stonebraker M.,
Çetintemel U., 2008, Brown D., 2004) model could
be considered out-of-date. People now want to be
seen and treated as individuals and many are
prepared to pay for this. They are better educated
and informed; able and willing to make their own
decisions. Mass customization moves towards this
direction and it aims to replace mass production,
which is no longer suitable for today’s chaotic
markets, growing product variety, and opportunities
for eCommerce. Mass customization is a broad term
and could be characterized as a working and
profitable business model. There is a whole
spectrum of ways that mass customization
methodologies can benefit companies. At the most
visible end of the spectrum, companies can mass
customize products and services for individual
Regarding the convergence of Internet and mass
customization, there is still the dispute whether
could be proved successful, and perhaps more to the
point: is it actually happening? (cyLEDGE Media,
For the scope of our current research, we
perceive mass customization along with
personalization, as a combination that together tend
to change the business information systems offering
personalized service relationships as a way of
connecting with customers over a number of
platforms and of differentiating their services from
those of competitors. Mass customization should be
more than just configuring a specific component
Germanakos P., Tsianos N., Lekkas Z., Mourlas C., Belk M. and Samaras G. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 91-96
DOI: 10.5220/0001997200910096
(hardware or software), but should be seen as the co-
design of an entire system, including services,
experiences and human satisfaction at the individual
as well as at the community level.
The research that is described in this paper
focuses on incorporating theories of individual
differences in information processing within the
context of Web-sites. Since the WWW is by
definition a huge resource of information, it would
make much sense that individuals’ information
processing characteristics should be taken into
consideration. As part of our previous research, it
has been demonstrated that the incorporation of
related human factors in eLearning and eServices
environments leads to better comprehension on
behalf of the users (Germanakos et al., 2008a,
Tsianos et al. 2008). This has been achieved with the
reconstruction and enhancement of the quality of
information presentation and users’ interactions in
the Web with techniques and tools aligned with their
specific needs and preferences. To that direction, our
efforts are focused on improving the effectiveness of
Web-sites by employing methods of personalization.
In our more recent work, a framework for
achieving mass customization on the Web based on
human factors and the automatic reconstruction of
the Web content has been developed and evaluated,
called smarTag. The smarTag is an easy to use tool
that enables any Web designer and developer to
enhance their Web-site (technology and language
independent) with adaptive Web objects that adjust
according to the users’ cognitive factors.
The main objective of this paper is to present the
smarTag architecture and its components. Towards
this direction a short review of current Web
authoring tools as well as the description of the
proposed framework is outlined. Finally, an
evaluation of the smarTag System concludes the
paper with the initial results being really
encouraging for the future of our work.
An effective and comprehensive mass production
technique could be to devise a cognitive framework
that could assist providers to develop Web-sites that
will embrace intrinsic values of customers, tailoring
their services accordingly.
We have seen that cognitive factors have an
important role in user satisfaction in identifying the
products that are interested in (Germanakos et al.,
2008a, Tsianos et al. 2008). However, the way
cognitive factors used today in order to design and
develop Web services is considered unwisely and
principally based on provider’s perception, without
following particular rules that could achieve the
appropriate mapping with selected content meta-
characteristics; thus reconstructing any content to
the benefit of the users.
Consequently, our research interest is whether
we could develop a smart Web authoring framework
that will dynamically alter a section of a Web-site by
personalizing the content and the structure to
specific users’ cognitive preferences. This could be
achieved by enriching the existing Web structures
and raw content (provider’s original content) with
further design enhancements and specific content
transformations based on the adaptation mapping
rules derived from selected cognitive factors (i.e.,
show a more diagrammatical representation of the
content in case of an Imager user, as well as provide
the user with extra navigation support tools). In the
event that this would be proven successful and
meaningful, individuals would learn better the
information that is important to them.
Fig. 1 shows the possible Web content
transformations / enhancements based on the
mapping process that takes place during adaptation
process, the influence of human factors and the
theory of individual differences. Based on the figure
above, the meta-characteristics of a user profile are
deterministic (at most 3); Imager or Verbalizer,
Analyst or Wholist and Working Memory level
(considered only when low).
Figure 1: Web content transformations / enhancments.
To our knowledge, there has not been a Web
Development Editor that takes into consideration a
combination of the above issues for mass
customizing Web products and services.
2.1 Current Web-based Authoring
Web-based authoring tools are becoming standard
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
issue in modern content management systems. They
range from simple text editors to high powered
graphical authoring tools and content management
This section outlines some noteworthy research
oriented and commercial Web authoring tools. Many
of the editors listed below are “What You See Is
What You Get” (WYSIWYG) HTML editors, some
of which have the option to view the HTML source
code. These are quite popular due to the low
learning curve, yet it is important to get some
understanding of HTML since WYSIWYG HTML
editors can be limiting.
Such systems, mostly commercial, are amongst
others the EditOnPro (,
Cute Editor (, TinyMCE Editor
( and JXHTMLEdit
Other, more research oriented Web authoring
tools that were inspected are: Protégé (Noy et al.,
2001), Swoop (Kalyanpur et al., 2005a, Kalyanpur
et al., 2005b), and Ontostudio (http://semanticweb
The smarTag Editor (see Fig. 2) is a Web
Development tool enabling a content provider to
create smart objects. It is composed of interrelated
components, each one representing a stand-alone
Web-based system.
A smart object under the smarTag Framework is
conceptually similar to the traditional XML objects:
they both consist of attributes and content. The
content can either be in a textual or diagrammatical
form in case of a Verbalizer and Imager user
respectively. The smarTag attributes are special
meta-characteristics (Germanakos et al., 2008b)
describing the possible behavior the object can
perform in its environment. All the objects are stored
on the smarTag Server which are used in the
mapping process of a user’s profile (Tsianos et al.,
2008), as well as the provider’s external Web-page.
Since all the smart objects will be embedded as
enhancements in an external Web-site, our main
concern is to ensure openness and interoperability
between the system’s components and any external
Web-site, as well as to ensure the Web security
policies. In order to achieve this, the smart objects
must be easily extendible and easy to handle. Using
XML for implementing the smart objects’ structure
seems to be the best way to achieve this. Indeed
XML ( enables the
extendibility we need and enhances interoperability
and integration among systems’ components. We
have designed a Web Service (a software system
designed to support interoperable Machine to
Machine interaction over a network) for retrieving
the smart objects. A more comprehensive
description on this concept will take place in section
Figure 2: The smarTag Framework.
3.1 Enhancing any Web-site with
smarTag Editor
Our main concern was to create an easy to use Web
enhancement tool that enables any Web developer /
designer to enrich divisions of his / her Web-site
with mass customization and personalization
techniques. More specifically, the traditional
methods of Web Development will take place in the
process; based on the main requirements of the end-
users of the Web-site and mainly on the “design
taste” of the Web Designer / Developer.
Based on the Traditional Web-site development
process, depending on the Web-site requirements
and specifications, all the needed information (text,
data, graphics and pictures) of the Web-site is
collected. The Web-site’s layout and Navigation is
then designed by the Web Designer and all the
collected information is implemented in the Web-
Predominantly, smarTag Editor is used in the
Web Programming and Customization phase. The
Web Developer will define specific divisions in the
Web-site that will adapt according to individual
characteristics (cognitive styles).
For a better understanding of how smarTag
Editor works in practice, Fig. 3 shows a quick step
process diagram for enhancing a Web-site with
smart objects. An authorized Web Developer will
create a new adaptive Web object by storing the
object’s actual content (text or image) and will
characterize it based on the smarTag framework. A
unique identifier will be assigned to this object and
stored on the smarTag server. Based on the unique
identifier, the Web Developer will map the
corresponding object with a specific division in the
Web-site created so far. The smarTag editor will
then generate a JavaScript file based on the
provider’s preferences and will be embedded in the
Figure 3: Enhancing Web-sites using smarTag Editor.
This JavaScript file is the core element for
communication establishment between the smarTag
Web Service (description follows in section 3.2) and
the provider’s external Web-site.
3.2 Adaptation and Mapping Process
To get a better insight of the adaptation process and
how data flows, we hereafter discuss how the
personalized content interacts with the user profile,
using specific mapping rules under the smarTag
framework. For this purpose, we have designed an
experimental setting in the application field of
eCommerce, by authoring smart Web objects and
enhancing an existing commercial Web-site. The
eCommerce (Web) environment that has been
developed used the design and information content
of an existing commercial Web-site of IBM
(, date extracted November 25,
2008). This Web-site provides products’
specifications of the IBM Company. We have
developed an exact replica of the IBM System
Servers section in using smart objects.
Initially, the user’s comprehensive profile is
retrieved. In this particular example, the user
happens to be an Imager / Analyst with regards to
the Cognitive Style, has an average knowledge on
the subject (computer knowledge) based on his
traditional characteristics, and he has a low Working
Memory Span (weighting 2/7).
Figure 4: Content adaptation according to user’s
comprehensive profile.
Furthermore, every Web-page is detached into
standalone objects, each one having special
characteristics. In our example, the user visits the
“WebPage_Y” Web-page. First, the main HTML
document of this Web-page is retrieved which
contains all the needed information for building the
Web-page; that is, (i) the HTML Web-page itself
which is a predefined HTML document (designed by
the provider) keeping information of specified
divisions / frames in the page for positioning each
object, (ii) all objects (text, image, audio, video etc.)
that comprise the content of the Web-page, and (iii)
a generated JavaScript file from smarTag that is
responsible for the proper integration of the smart
objects into the divisions’ Web-page.
Based on the abovementioned information
(user’s comprehensive profile and the content
description of the particular Web-page) the
correlation rules are created. These rules are
responsible for mapping the particular implications
with the Web-page’s content, and consequently
assembling the final adapted version of the
provider’s content.
The interpretation of this data-implications
correlation results in the following conclusions
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
while the user interacts with the eCommerce
environment: (a) the provision of visual information
(diagrammatical representation since he is an
Imager), (b) extra navigation support tools (menu
tabs) since he is an analyst, and (c) a “myNotepad”
tool is used; temporary memory buffer for storing
sections’ summaries due to his/her low working
memory span (see Fig. 4b).
3.3 Viewing the Adapted Content
The AdaptiveWeb User Interface (Germanakos et
al., 2008a, Germanakos et al., 2007), namely
AdaptiveInteliWeb (see Fig. 4a,b,c), is a Web
application used for displaying the raw and/or
personalized and adapted content on the user’s
device. This can be a home desktop, laptop or a
mobile device.
The main concept of this component is to
provide a framework where all personalized Web-
sites can be navigated. Using this interface a user
interacts with the provider’s content and based on
his profile and cumulative characteristics the
adjusted content and particular supportive
navigational tools are displayed. Fig. 4a depicts an
exact replica of the IBM Web-site without any
personalization made, while Fig. 4b and Fig. 4c
shows the same Web-site after the personalization
and adaptation process has been initiated, with the
content to be adapted according to the user’s
comprehensive profile. As we can easily observe,
the original environment has been altered based on
rules that define the typologies of the users in terms
of content reconstruction and supportive tools.
For example, in case a user is identified as
“Wholist-Verbalizer” the content will be
automatically reconstructed as in Fig. 4c, where a
floating menu with anchors (Wholist) have been
added so to guide the users on specific parts into the
content while interacting. In this case no
diagrammatical presentation will be used because
the user is a Verbalizer.
smarTag - SYSTEM’S
To measure the performance, functional behavior
and efficiency of our system we have run two
different simulations with 100 threads (users) each:
(a) users retrieving raw content without any
personalization and adaptation taking place and (b)
users interacting with adapted and personalized
content. In the second scenario, there is a significant
increase of functions and modules ran, compared to
the first one (raw content scenario), like user profile
retrieval, dynamic content adaptation, learner control
dynamic tools, navigational support etc.
Based on the simulations made (see Fig. 5) we
assume the following:
(i) Deviation for raw content is 67ms and for
personalized content 98ms. This difference is
expected since the system uses more functional
components in the case of personalized content like
profile loading, dynamic content, etc. Thus, this
consumes more network resources causing the
deviation of our average to be greater than that of
the raw content test. The deviation is not considered
to be significantly greater and thus this metric result
is proving the system to be stable and efficient;
Figure 5: Raw Content and Adapted Content Scenarios.
(ii) the throughput for the raw content scenario
was 144Kb/min while for the personalized content
was 179Kb/min. Based on the latter results, the
system is again considered efficient mainly due to
the fact that the difference in throughput between the
two scenarios is minimal. Taking in consideration
that major component functionality is used in the
case of personalized content this small difference
suggests the efficiency of the system; (iii) the same
arguments are true in the case of the average
response times. The average response time for the
raw content scenario was 150ms while for the
personalized content was 177ms. This difference is
again marginal that proves the efficiency of the
The basic objective of this paper was to present a
framework, namely smarTag, for the automatic
reconstruction of any Web content based on human
factors for providing a comprehensive personalized
result. This approach is liable of enhancing
efficiency and effectiveness of users’ interaction
with eServices in terms of information assimilation
and accuracy of finding their cognitive targets
(products or services). Based on previous findings, it
has been proven that user’s cognitive factors have an
important impact in the information space and on
specific content meta-characteristics. Accordingly,
the smarTag system provides an easy to use
framework for enhancing any Web-site with smart
objects that take into consideration human factors
for the adaptation of the content. The initial results
of the system’s evaluation have shown that the
proposed framework do not degrade the efficiency
(in terms of speed and accuracy) in the Web content
adaptation process and could be efficiently used for
targeting the mass market by encapsulating
customers’ distinct characteristics. Such a method
could be considered nowadays fundamental for the
provision of adapted and personalized eServices, via
any medium, increasing this way one-to-one service
delivery and integrity, enabling businesses to retain
their customers and therefore to gain a substantial
competitive advantage.
The project is co-funded by the Cyprus Research
Foundation under the project EKPAIDEION
(#ΠΛΗΡΟ/0506/17) and the EU project CONET
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