Hanlie Smuts
, Alta van der Merwe
and Marianne Loock
School of Computing, P.O. Box 392, UNISA, South Africa
Meraka Institute, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Knowledge management characteristics, Knowledge management system selection.
Abstract: The shift to knowledge as the primary source of value results in the new economy being led by those who
manage knowledge effectively. Today’s organisations are creating and leveraging knowledge, data and
information at an unprecedented pace – a phenomenon that makes the use of technology not an option, but a
necessity. Software tools in knowledge management are a collection of technologies and are not necessarily
acquired as a single software solution. Furthermore, these knowledge management software tools have the
advantage of using the organisation’s existing information technology infrastructure. Organisations and
business decision makers spend a great deal of resources and make significant investments in the latest
technology, systems and infrastructure to support knowledge management. It is imperative that these
investments are validated properly, made wisely and that the most appropriate technologies and software
tools are selected or combined to facilitate knowledge management. In this paper, we propose a set of
characteristics that should support decision makers in the selection of software tools for knowledge
management. These characteristics were derived from both in-depth interviews and existing theory in
Imagine that, in the same way that a disc failure on
your personal computer or laptop erases all
information in the file folders, all intellectual capital
within your organisation is erased from the
employees’ minds and the organisation’s storage
media. There is no doubt that the market value of
such an organisation will be affected severely as
decisions in an organisation are made based on
sufficient, relevant and accurate knowledge (Meyer
and Botha 2000).
Knowledge assets are of much greater value than
any tangible asset, all of which provided
organisations with a competitive edge in the past
(Davenport and Prusak 1998). This knowledge asset
provides the basis for creating sustainable
competitive advantage in the knowledge age (Covey
2004). Furthermore, as new technologies,
innovation, organisational flexibility and new and
better forms of leadership propel the growth and
earnings of knowledge-intensive companies, so the
need to extract wealth from brainpower and
knowledge (individual and organisational) becomes
increasingly pressing. An organisation that kept its
workforce skills and expertise could operate quickly
even though it lost all of its equipment. An
organisation that lost its workforce, while keeping
its equipment, would never recover.
Today’s organisations are creating and
leveraging knowledge, data and information at an
unprecedented pace and the extraordinary growth in
on-line information, makes the use of technology not
an option, but a necessity (Lindvall, Rus et al. 2001;
Abar, Abe et al. 2004). This influence of technology
on the maintenance of knowledge management
actions is widely accepted, as technology adds value
by reducing time, effort and cost in enabling people
to share knowledge and information; especially
when it is closely aligned with organisational
requirements, the way people work and are
supported by and integrated with relevant processes
(Hoffmann, Loser et al. 1999).
A long-term view of fostering the knowledge-
base competence of an organisation is required
when selecting knowledge management software
tools and information technology is needed that aids
an effective and efficient knowledge-conversion
process while increasing the swiftness and ease of
Smuts H., der Merwe A. and Loock M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001991401700179
switching from one such process to another
(Nonaka, Reinmoller et al. 2001; Yu, Kim et al.
2004). However, the challenge is that there is not
necessarily a blueprint available for this integrated
view or a standard set of characteristics defined that
technology must comply with, to be categorised as a
typical knowledge management system. This
motivates the need for this research where we
provide a set of features toward defining a
characteristic set for a typical knowledge
management solution. Organisation and business
decision makers, who invest in expensive systems
and infrastructure to support knowledge
management, could use this set of features to assist
them during the toolset selection process.
In section 2 we provide a knowledge
management overview, followed by a synopsis of
the method used to gather the characteristics in
section 3. In section 4 we list the characteristics
derived and the conclusion of the study is reflected
in section 5.
While some epistemologists spent their lives trying
to understand what it means to know something
(Davenport and Prusak 1998; Clarke and Rollo
2001), Plato first introduced the concept of
knowledge as justified, true belief in 400 B.C.
(Meno, Phaedo and Theaetus as cited by Nonaka and
Takeuchi 1995). Advances in knowledge described
the achievements of the ancient Greek, Roman,
Egyptian and Chinese civilisations and the
transforming impact of the industrial revolution was
characterised by the application of new knowledge
in technology (Clarke and Rollo 2001; Moteleb and
Woodman 2007).
For the purpose of this paper, a more pragmatic
approach has been followed and the following
working description of knowledge has been explored
(Davenport and Prusak 1998 : 5): “Knowledge is a
fluid mix of framed experiences, values, contextual
information and expert insight that provides a
framework for evaluating and incorporating new
experiences and information. It originates and is
applied in the minds of knowers. In organisations, it
often becomes embedded not only in documents or
repositories but also in organisational routines,
processes, practices and norms.”
Knowledge can be categorised as either being
explicit or implicit. Explicit knowledge can be
defined as knowledge that has been articulated in the
form of text, diagrams or product specifications for
example (Clarke and Rollo 2001; Nickols 2001).
Nonaka (1991) refers to explicit knowledge as
formal and systematic, like a computer program. In
organisations today, explicit knowledge resides in
best practices documents, formalised standards by
which goods and services are procured and even
within performance agreements that have been
documented in line with company and divisional
goals and objectives.
Implicit knowledge is far less tangible than
explicit knowledge and refers to knowledge deeply
embedded into an organisation’s operating practices
(Kothuri 2002). Tacit knowledge, as a dimension of
implicit knowledge, includes relationships, norms
and values. It is knowledge that cannot be articulated
and it is much harder to detail, copy or distribute, to
the contrary, the knowing is in the doing in this
instance (Clarke and Rollo 2001). Tacit knowledge
can provide competitive advantage to organisations
as it is protected from competitors (Hahn and
Subramani 2000; Wessels, Grobbelaar et al. 2003).
The management of explicit and implicit
knowledge is a multifaceted subject based on the
dimensions of knowledge and therefore there are
various and varied definitions for it (Newman and
Conrad 1999). McCullough (2005) concludes that,
based on the vast majority of academic research into
knowledge management, there is a general difficulty
for organisations to explain what they mean when
they use the term knowledge management. For the
purpose of this paper the following definition of
knowledge management as suggested by Choo
(1995) will be used: “a framework for designing an
organisation’s goals, structures and processes so that
the organisation can use what it knows to learn and
to create value for its customers and community”.
Technology is a key enabler of knowledge
management and knowledge management processes
as it extends the reach and enhances the speed of
knowledge transfer (Chua 2004). Technology
permits the knowledge of an individual or group to
be structured and codified and allows distribution of
knowledge across the world (Davenport and Prusak
1998; Wessels, Grobbelaar et al. 2003). Knowledge
management technology is a broad concept and
organisations apply a wide variety of technologies to
the objectives of knowledge management
(Davenport and Prusak 1998; Lindvall, Rus et al.
Explicit knowledge is found in reports,
documents and manuals and can easily be gathered
and stored as a knowledge base (Clarke and Rollo
2001). Organisations use groupware applications to
collect, store and share their explicit knowledge, and
once this has reached a sufficient level of efficiency,
collaborative technologies such as intranet, the
internet, extranet, e-mail, video-conferencing and
tele-conferencing are used to assist in the growth of
tacit knowledge transfer (Wessels, Grobbelaar et al.
2003). In order to enable organisations to retrieve
captured knowledge, knowledge route maps and
directories are developed to create an understanding
of the location of knowledge (Alavi and Leidner
2001; Clarke and Rollo 2001). Knowledge networks
are created using virtual business environments such
as chat rooms, team web sites and learning
communities (Alavi and Leidner 2001; Clarke and
Rollo 2001) with the development of specific
applications of technology such as databases,
workflow systems, personal productivity
applications and enterprise information portals
(Wilson and Snyder 1999; Wessels, Grobbelaar et al.
“Knowledge management systems [are] more
than just information systems or IT-enabled tools in
support of knowledge management activities”
according to Tsai and Chen (2007 : 258). Instead, a
knowledge management system must be a socio-
technical system as a whole which comprises the
knowledge itself (the intellectual capital of the
organisation), organisational attributes (intangibles
such as trusting culture), policies and procedures, as
well as some form of electronic storage and retrieval
Different ways of classifying knowledge
management technologies are utilised in the
literature and Antonova, Gourova et al (2006)
categorised technological solutions according to the
following knowledge management processes: (1)
generation of knowledge, (2) storing, codification
and representation of knowledge, (3) knowledge
transformation and knowledge use and (4) transfer,
sharing, retrieval, access and searching of
These specific implications of knowledge and
knowledge management on knowledge management
systems are important as these different views lead
to different perceptions and definitions of
knowledge management systems (Asgarkhani 2004).
The purpose of this paper is to collate a set of
features towards defining a characteristic set for a
typical knowledge management solution. A list of
knowledge management system characteristics was
compiled from the literature and formed the
framework and basis for the research interview
questions. Eight in-depth interviews were conducted
at one of the major mobile telecommunication
providers in South Africa where after the
characteristic set was updated. We used different
criteria, ranging from technical and systems
background to job grade and level, to select research
participants. The rationale for selecting the specific
criterion and the typical profile of an interview
participant complying with the criterion, is depicted
in Table 3-1.
The main criteria that informed the participant
profile were environments where knowledge and
knowledge sharing are key priorities, behaviours
regarding knowledge sharing and some knowledge
on human resource aspects in order to obtain input
on the human-computer interface and related issues.
Furthermore, research participants with a technical
background, who understand systems with broad
business process knowledge, as well as a systems
and business architecture background, informed the
profile. Lastly, these criteria were applied across
different management (job grade) levels and
leadership styles in the organisation. The interviews
were transcribed and the outcome obtained from the
interviews, as well as theory from the literature, was
used to compile a comprehensive list of
characteristics described in section 4.
The development and evolution of a large number of
software tools have been facilitated based on the
application of technologies to the creation of
knowledge management solutions (Lindvall, Rus et
al. 2001; Xie, Zhang et al. 2006). Although
knowledge management tools are enhancements of
existing technologies, true knowledge management
technologies differ in several important aspects from
the traditional workflow, document management,
intranet and groupware solutions (O'Leary 1998;
Frappaolo and Capshaw July 1999).
Each characteristic is described by means of the
classification of knowledge management
technologies. This description includes the
distinguishing characteristic of a knowledge
management system, a description of the feature and
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3-1: Criteria for defining research participant profile.
Criteria Rationale Typical Participant Profile
1 Technical / technology / systems
Utilise their understanding of systems and
systems architecture
Information Systems and Network
Group (engineering) participants
Human resources / behavioral
Obtain input on the human computer
interface and any issues around this
Organisational Development (Human
resources) participants
Environments where knowledge and
knowledge sharing are key for success;
environments where key assets go home
every day
Determine issues around knowledge
sharing within the Group and of key
specialist skills and knowledge
System, Business Architecture and
System Architecture specialists
Job grade in Group and in South African
Obtain input from different levels of work
and different operational levels; obtain
input from different management and
leadership styles
Different levels of participants w.r.t.
job grades e.g. Executives, General
managers, Senior Managers, etc.
Broad business, people, process and
system knowledge
Obtain input on “big picture” issues /
requirements around business, people and
knowledge management
Generalists in company, participants
required to integrate all management
aspects in order to deal with their
respective departments
an example clarifying the characteristic.
4.1 Classification 1: Generation of
The first classification dimension is generation of
knowledge, which comprises of activities for
knowledge creation, acquisition and capturing as
shown in Table 4-1.
With regard to knowledge content generation,
authoring, knowledge creation, knowledge objects
and content validation are important. Authoring
encompasses sources of explicit knowledge line
documents, manuals, proposals, e-mail messages,
etc., as well as implicit knowledge. Knowledge
creation refers to the generation of new knowledge
through thinking or reasoning and knowledge
objects encompass an object of structured
information, un-structured information, insight,
facts, practical and theoretical experience, as well as
best practice to be stored and manipulated. Content
validation points to the validation and auditing of
knowledge objects when they are captured and
resolves data and information conflicts.
Knowledge discovery allows the generation of
knowledge through knowledge harvesting, content
evolution and ensuring that this is made easily
accessible and available via various distribution
bearers. Knowledge harvesting is the process of pro-
actively facilitating the harvesting and capturing of
ideas. Knowledge, expertise and content evolution
refer to the creation of knowledge by combining
new sources of knowledge, optimising feedback
loops and by re-applying and re-creating knowledge.
Data capturing tools enable the capture of
knowledge and consists of characteristics such as
externalisation, maintenance and update, storing and
content capture. This toolset ensures that knowledge
in the repository is maintained by providing
mechanisms to refresh data and information.
Externalisation refers to the connection of
information source to information source and to
creating interrelationships while maintenance and
update ensure that knowledge objects in the
knowledge management system stays valid and
recent. It includes a formal change process for
captured knowledge and also provides versioning of
content. Storing supports knowledge creation
through exploitation, exploration and codification
and content capture facilitates the capture of
knowledge through mechanisms such as a keyboard,
optical character recognition, bar code identification
and real-time location sensors.
4.2 Classification 2: Storing,
Codification and Representation of
The second classification dimension is storing,
codification and representation of knowledge, which
comprises of activities contributing to effective
storage, human-readable knowledge and the
organisation of knowledge, as depicted in Table 4-2.
This dimension focuses on knowledge
management processes and the quantity, quality,
accessibility and representation of the acquired
knowledge. Several technologies for storage
consisting of several relevant characteristics have
been identified in the literature and obtained from
the research participant interviews. Archiving refers
to archiving ability based on certain criteria and
Table 4-1: Characteristics for the generation of knowledge.
Generation of knowledge
Dimension Characteristic Description Example
Encompasses knowledge objects i.e. sources
of explicit (e.g. documents, manuals,
proposals, email messages) or implicit
knowledge (e.g. people)
Supported by standard authoring tools like
word processors and database management
systems (DBMS)
Refers to generation of new knowledge
through thinking or reasoning
Knowledge is an object of structured
information, un-structured information,
insight, facts, practical and theoretical
experience, as well as best practice to be
stored and manipulated.
KMS will not appear radically different from
existing IS, but will be extended toward
helping in user assimilation of information.
Role of IT involves gathering, storing and
transferring knowledge.
Content validation
Validation and auditing of knowledge
objects when they are captured and
resolution data and information conflicts
Knowledge object auditor validates
submissions for knowledge repository before it
is published
Pro-active facilitation of harvesting and
capturing of ideas, knowledge, expertise
Knowledge harvesting workshops and focus
groups, defining tangible knowledge and
capturing it
Content evolution
Knowledge creation, combining new sources
of knowledge, optimise feedback loops and
re-apply, re-create
Data mining and learning tools
Ease of access and availability SMS knowledge source to knowledge seeker
Refers to the connection of information
source to information source and creating
interrelationships; integration of
organisational interdependencies
Focuses on explicit knowledge and provides a
means to capture and organise this knowledge
into a knowledge repository
Maintenance and
Ensures that knowledge objects stay valid
and recent
Workflow enabled review indicator
Support knowledge creation through
exploitation, exploration and codification
Technology enabled store or knowledge
repository that can support less structured
Content capture
Facilitates the capture of knowledge through
different mechanisms
Keyboard, optical character recognition, bar
code identification and real-time location
business rules specified by knowledge base
administrators, while capability is the characteristics
indicating the potential to influence action,
processing, decision-making and application.
Customisation points to the configuration and set up
of the system reflecting the specific organisation or
user context (personalisation). Flexibility refers to
the characteristic regarding the handling of various
media. Security is an important characteristic that
addresses physical and logical security, since
knowledge is such a valuable asset, while storing in
this context refers to the commitment of knowledge
to the data warehouse, knowledge warehouse,
lessons learnt knowledge base or the data mart.
Some characteristics like application scalability,
back-up and housekeeping and hardware platform
independence ensure that the knowledge
management application can be adapted to the size,
application and hardware configuration of an
organisation while ensuring accessibility and proper
housekeeping of the physical infrastructure.
Human-readable knowledge consists of the
characteristic set including heuristic and content
capture. Heuristic means that the solution should
constantly learn about its users and the knowledge it
possesses as it is used. Its ability to provide a
knowledge seeker with relevant knowledge should
therefore improve over time. Content capture refers
to the characteristics that ensure that knowledge is
committed to the knowledge repository based on
certain rules.
Knowledge organisation includes classification,
indexing, internalisation, taxonomy and content
upload. Classification handles content management
according to the context of the organisation,
Indexing means content management according to
the context of organisation. Corporate taxonomy
refers to the definition of how the knowledge is
stored, where internalisation involves the extraction
of knowledge from the external repository and
subsequent filtering ensuring greater relevance and
appropriateness to the knowledge seeker.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4-2: Characteristics for storing, codification and representation of knowledge.
Storing, codification and representation of knowledge
Dimension Characteristic Description Example
s for storage
Encompasses knowledge objects i.e. sources of
explicit (e.g. documents, manuals, proposals, email
messages) or implicit knowledge (e.g. people)
Supported by standard authoring tools like
word processors and database management
systems (DBMS)
Knowledge is the potential to influence action,
processing, decision-making, application.
Role of IT is to enhance intellectual capital
by supporting development of individual
and organisational competencies.
Configuration and set up of the system reflecting
the specific organisation or user context
Organogram of organisation
Solution should be able to handle knowledge of any
form as well as different subjects, structures,
taxonomies and media
If knowledge seeker wants to learn about
gramophone records, it should supply
knowledge on the technology as well as
purchasing trends and examples of famous
Have to address physical and logical security since
knowledge is such a valuable asset
Implemented using inherent mechanisms in
each tool or by using specific tools in
addition to the existing system
Allows application setup to size and infrastructure
of organisation
SMME applications
Support knowledge creation through exploitation,
exploration and codification
Technology enabled store or knowledge
repository that can support less structured
Allows application setup to size of organisation SMME applications
Back-up and
Handles all backups and housekeeping around
knowledge repository
Relevant backup cycles
Solution should constantly learn about its users and
the knowledge it possesses as it is used i.e.
continually refine itself as a user’s pattern of
research is tracked by the system. Its ability to
provide a knowledge seeker with relevant
knowledge should therefore improve over time
If the solution responds to many requests on
a particular subject, it should learn how to
assist multiple users in more depth on that
Content capture
Ensures that knowledge is committed to the
knowledge repository based on certain rules
Organisation knowledge map and taxonomy
Handles content management according to context
of organisation
Corporate taxonomy as knowledge map
supported by classifying and indexing tools
Date and time
Refers to the tagging of knowledge objects to track
Date and time linked to knowledge objects
Handles content management according to context
of organisation, corporate taxonomy
Corporate taxonomy as knowledge map
supported by classifying and indexing tools
Refers to the connection of explicit knowledge to
people or knowledge seekers
Involves extraction of knowledge from the
external repository and subsequent filtering
ensuring greater relevance to knowledge
Knowledge gap
Allows a knowledge user to identify areas of the
knowledge repository that is utilised significantly
vs. underutilisation, as well as to identify areas
where more content can be uploaded and populated
in the knowledge repository
Knowledge repository usage report
Content upload
Identifies areas where more content can be
uploaded and populated in the knowledge
Taxonomy elements without any references
Taxonomy Refers to the definition of how the knowledge is
Organisation knowledge map and taxonomy
Knowledge gap identification is a feature that allows
a knowledge user to identify areas of the knowledge
repository that is utilised significantly vs.
underutilisation, as well as to identify areas where
more content can be uploaded and populated in the
knowledge repository. Date and time stamp refers to
the tagging of knowledge to track recency and the
mechanism to add more knowledge areas
Table 4-3: Characteristics for knowledge transformation and knowledge use.
Knowledge transformation and knowledge use
Dimension Characteristic Description Example
Search and retrieval
Primarily concerned with enhancing the
interface between the user and information /
knowledge sources, user-friendliness and
learning agility
Help users better understand the
information and knowledge available
by providing subject-based browsing
and easy navigation
Access to information
Encompasses the transformation of end-user
collected data and information before it is
committed to the knowledge repository
Knowledge object auditor validates
submissions for knowledge repository
before it is published
User sensitive
Solution should be able to organise the
knowledge in the way most useful to the
specific knowledge seeker
Should give knowledge relevant to
knowledge seeker’s current knowledge
level, facilitating easier understanding
Knowledge use
and retrieval
Timeous availability of organisational and
individual memory, just in time learning.
Inter-group knowledge access
Expert systems, rapid application of
new knowledge through workflow
System learning agility
Refers to the ease of learning and teaching
how to utilise the knowledge management
Guided e-learning and assessment
4.3 Classification 3: Knowledge
and Knowledge Use
Classification dimension three is depicted in Table
4-3 consisting of knowledge transformation,
knowledge reconstruction and knowledge use. This
refers to the fact that once knowledge has been
acquired it cannot be used in its raw form and must
be transformed in order to become a valuable
knowledge asset.
Knowledge transformation ensures that the
knowledge conforms to the format of the target
repository and consists of two allocated
characteristics namely search and retrieval and
access to information, encompassing the
transformation of end-user collected data and
information before it is committed to the knowledge
Knowledge reconstruction ensures that
knowledge is presented in the particular reasoning
method that is used by the knowledge management
system, e.g. editing into case formats to support
case-based reasoning or a business intelligence
Knowledge use and retrieval encompasses expert
systems, decision support systems, visualisation
tools and knowledge simulation. This classification
dimension consists of processes of applying
expertise to knowledge, the ease of learning and
teaching how to utilise the knowledge management
system through a user-friendly user interface.
Application includes the timeous availability of
organisational and individual memory and just in
time learning, as well as inter-group knowledge
4.4 Classification 4: Transfer, Sharing,
Retrieval, Access and Searching of
The fourth classification dimension is transfer,
sharing, retrieval, access and searching of
knowledge, which comprises of knowledge access,
searching, collaboration and sharing characteristics,
as shown in Table 4-4.
With regard to knowledge access and transfer,
allocation of characteristics and features consisting
of content delivery, access to information, multi-
language support and user-friendly user interface
were concluded. Access to information is facilitated
via a user-friendly user interface and the delivery of
content consisting of the gathering of user-
information and delivering appropriate content to
meet specific user needs.
Collaboration includes person to person as well
as team collaboration features encompassing the
support of the knowledge sharing process through a
social network analysis and collaborative tools, as
well as collective insights across operations and
different geographical locations. Workflow
enablement connects people in different ways
supporting increased work performance and
Knowledge sharing includes intermediation - the
connection of people to people, i.e. bring together
those who are looking for a certain piece of
knowledge and those who are able to provide this
piece of knowledge.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4-4: Characteristics for transfer, sharing, retrieval, access and searching of knowledge.
Transfer, sharing, retrieval, access and searching of knowledge
Dimension Characteristic Description Example
access and
Content delivery
Personalisation involves gathering of user-
information and delivering appropriate content
to meet specific user needs aligned to user
Electronic bulletin boards, through portals
is knowledge distributed as needed by
different applications
Access to
Encompasses the transformation of end-user
collected data and information before it is
committed to the knowledge repository
Knowledge object auditor validates
submissions for knowledge repository
before it is published
Refers to language setting of user interface or
translation feature to support knowledge seeker
User interface language configuration
User-friendly user
Encompass ease of use of user interface Context-sensitive in-line help facility
Person to
person and team
Support the knowledge sharing process through
a social network analysis and collaborative
tools; collective insights across operations and
different geographical locations; multi-
dimensional collaboration
Facilitate communication between users,
collaboration among users and workflow
Expertise applying
Knowledge is a process of applying expertise.
Role of IT is to provide link among sources
of knowledge to create wider breadth and
depth of knowledge flows.
Workflow enabled
Encompasses workflow enablement of
knowledge requests, content update notification
and knowledge object validation requests
Email information knowledge seeker that
knowledge object has been updated
Refers to the connection of people to people i.e.
bring together those who are looking for a
certain piece of knowledge and those who are
able to provide this piece of knowledge
Primarily positioned in the area of tacit
knowledge based on its interpersonal focus
Search and find
Knowledge is a condition of access to
information via different mechanisms (e.g. web
based) and locations.
Role of IT is to provide effective search
and retrieval mechanisms for locating
relevant information.
Refers to display of suitability indicator based
on keywords specified by knowledge seeker
Appropriateness scale 1-15where 1 is very
relevant and 5 least relevant
Context sensitivity
Solution should be able to understand the
context of the knowledge requirement and
tailor response accordingly
Should be able to understand and respond
differently between animal reproduction
and document reproduction
Solution should constantly learn about its users
and the knowledge it possesses as it is used i.e.
continually refine itself as a user’s pattern of
research is tracked by the system. Its ability to
provide a knowledge seeker with relevant
knowledge should therefore improve over time
If the solution responds to many requests
on a particular subject, it should learn how
to assist multiple users in more depth on
that subject
Solution should be able to deduce what the
knowledge seeker’s knowledge needs are
Suggest knowledge associations the user is
not able to do
Indicates the significance of knowledge objects
Result set includes direct keyword retrieval
and well as context specific retrieval set
Search and retrieval
Primarily concerned with enhancing the
interface between the user and information /
knowledge sources, user-friendliness and
learning agility
Help users better understand the
information and knowledge available by
providing subject-based browsing and easy
Timeliness Knowledge is available whenever it is needed.
Eliminates time-wasting distribution of
information just in case it might be
Encompasses almost immediate retrieval and
presentation cycles
Query response time
For the search and find dimension accessibility,
appropriateness, context-sensitivity, heuristic,
suggestive, relevance, search and retrieval,
timeliness and responsiveness are important.
Accessibility provides an effective search and
retrieval mechanism for locating relevant
information, while appropriateness indicates the
appropriateness level based on the filtering of
multiple inputs for the same knowledge object.
Context-sensitivity refers to the feature that the
solution should be able to understand the context of
the knowledge requirement and tailor responses
accordingly. Heuristic indicates that as the solution
responds to many requests on a particular subject, it
should learn how to assist multiple users in more
depth on that subject, while suggestive deduces what
the knowledge seeker’s knowledge needs are.
Relevance indicates the significance of knowledge
objects retrieved, and search and retrieval are
primarily concerned with enhancing the interface
between the user and information, knowledge
sources, user-friendliness and learning agility.
Timeliness and responsiveness refer to the feature
that knowledge must be available whenever it is
needed with almost immediate retrieval and
presentation cycles.
4.5 Knowledge Management Solution
The characteristics defined in sections 4.1 to 4.4
were compiled based on the nature of knowledge
and knowledge management and may be applied in
different ways. One option is as a requirement
specification of a knowledge management system
before technology is acquired. Another option is to
use it as a checklist to evaluate existing technologies
for compliance to knowledge management solutions,
to identify gaps in existing technologies and to
assess suitability before purchasing new technology
to close the gaps.
Table 4-5: Knowledge management system characteristics
evaluation checklist (illustration only).
KMS characteristic
Dimension Characteristic
Person to
person and
Such a typical checklist is depicted in Table 4-5,
where one dimension, namely person to person and
team collaboration, with the characteristics
collaboration, user-sensitivity, expertise applying
process, refreshing of data and information and
workflow enablement, was used as a requirement of
a knowledge management solution. Three
technology solutions, namely eGain Knowledge,
Sharepoint and video-conferencing, were evaluated
against these characteristics to establish whether it
complies with requirements for a knowledge
management solution. From the result of the
evaluation reflected in Table 4-5, a combination of
eGain Knowledge and video-conferencing will
comply with all the requirements listed for person to
person and team collaboration, and a combination of
these two technologies can then facilitate knowledge
management in this example.
Knowledge assets are of much greater value than
any tangible asset within a company and provide an
organisation with a competitive edge, which
ultimately results in higher profits for the company.
A company with poor knowledge management
systems risk financial losses when losing its skills
and knowledge encapsulated within its workforce.
Leadership and management considering the
different management systems available to capture
its knowledge, is faced with numerous options as a
plethora of software tools are available.
The literature study emphasised that knowledge
is an organisational asset. Organisations today are
creating and leveraging knowledge, data and
information at an extraordinary rate and it makes the
use of technology not an option, but a necessity.
However, technology aimed at knowledge
management is not the only answer, as it is also
about the way knowledge workers create,
disseminate and manage information. The
development of a comprehensive knowledge
management system that supports all phases of
knowledge management is both a technological and
organisational solution and is not necessarily
available as a single technology. In order to ensure
that the technology and software tools fulfill
knowledge management requirements, organisations
must consider the definition of knowledge,
knowledge management principles, knowledge
management processes and the organisation’s
particular knowledge management requirements.
In this paper, we identified a set of
characteristics for decision makers in selecting
software tools that will comply with most of the
knowledge management solution characteristics in
supporting knowledge management within a
company. The main categories to be considered
include generation of knowledge, storing,
codification and representation of knowledge,
knowledge transformation and knowledge use and
transfer, sharing, retrieval, access and searching of
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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African context, in an environment with a great
demand for skills and an extremely competitive
industry where innovation and value proposition are
key differentiators to increasing market share. The
characteristics were derived from a qualitative study
and further research is needed to generalise the list
of characteristics. However, according to informal
discussions with key decision makers within
different companies in South Africa, there is strong
evidence that these may also be appropriate for
smaller companies.
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