Tapio Pitkaranta
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Information retrieval, Similarity search, Coded data sets, Nearest neighbor, Kernel functions.
Coded data sets form the basis for many well known applications from healthcare prospective payment system
to recommender systems in online shopping. Previous studies on coded data sets have introduced methods for
the analysis of rather small data sets. This study proposes applying information retrieval methods for enabling
high performance analysis of data masses that scale beyond traditional approaches. An essential component
in today’s data warehouses to which coded data sets are collected is a database management system (DBMS).
This study presents experimental results how information retrieval indexes scale and outperform common
database schemas with a leading commercial DBMS engine in analysis of coded data sets. The results show
that flexible analysis of hundreds of millions of coded data sets is possible with a regular desktop hardware.
This study
focuses on coded data sets
that are
used as compact representations of real world pro-
cesses. Coded data sets have well known domains
such as minimum data sets in healthcare that have
been used as representations of patient care processes
for over one hundred years (WHO, 2004). Today
minimum data sets constitute the basis for the health-
care payment systems throughout the world. Other
well known domains for coded data sets include mar-
ket basket analysis, that have been used to build dif-
ferent sorts of recommendation systems for online
Until now, traditional retail business has not been
able to utilize the information it constantly collects
to directly support its primary business. In the on-
line world, however, it is possible even to modify the
outline of an online store on-the-fly based on what
we know from a particular customer. Yes, Customers
who bought this book, also bought, Users who liked
this movie, also liked... etc. Such modularity on the
This work was partially supported by the Academy of
Finland and the Emil Aaltonen’s Foundation
For this study the classifications are significant. In a
way classified data sets would emphasize their role more
accurately. However, we use the term coded because classi-
fied is often used to refer to something confidential or secret,
and that is not the case here.
store outline is not easy to achieve in many traditional
business sectors. For instance, modifying the outline
of a supermarket on-the-fly as a single customer col-
lects items into his/her market basket does not seem
possible. But why are we lacking even simple recom-
mendation systems in traditional business sectors?
In this paper we consider methods for customer
recommendation systems in traditional business sec-
tors. In this context large masses of imprecise data
are available. We argue that using those data masses
for direct recommendations would be the modern way
of feeding back relevant aggregations from data col-
lected by business processes in order to boost the busi-
ness processes in real-time fashion. This already hap-
pens in the online world.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the technical problem, previous studies
and background for this study. Section 3 presents an
information retrieval model for efficient analysis of
coded data sets. Section 4 presents an experimental
evaluation of the proposed model. Section 5 presents
the conclusions and discussion.
In coded data sets each value belongs to a coding
scheme, coding system, concept hierarchy or classifi-
Pitkaranta T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001991101380143
cations. These coding systems are essentially discrete
finite sets of possible values. Each value in the cod-
ing scheme has some kind of corresponding activity
or item in the real world. One coded data set can rep-
resent a particular primary process such as one pur-
chase by a customer or one delivery from a vendor. In
a typical case the coded values belong to a mono di-
mensional multi-hierarchical product catalog. How-
ever, there are various other types of coding schemes
varying from multi dimensional keyword based cate-
gorizations to complete ontologies.
2.1 Data Space
We should have a look at the data space character-
istics because of the impreciseness of the data. The
number of all possible coded data sets is the number
of code combinations. The number of combinations
C can be calculated with Equation 1. In Equation 1, r
is the number of different coding schemes in the data
space, the SCHEME denotes the number of codes in a
single coding scheme and CODES denotes the maxi-
mum number of coded values that belong to this cod-
ing scheme in one data set:
C =
Using Equation 1 with an example number of
100 coded values and corresponding coding scheme
with 10000 codes we get: C =
= 6.5 · 10
combinations. As we can see
from Equation 1, even with reasonably small number
of codes and possibilities, the coded data sets consti-
tute a somewhat high dimensional data space. The
data space is also sparse since there are a relatively
small number of real business processes compared to
the theoretical number of different data set combina-
2.2 Number of Data Sets
The type and amount of coded data sets to be ana-
lyzed, depends on the type of the primary business
process that the data represents. Data can be collected
from various time intervals from short periods to even
dozens of years. Therefore, the amount of data can
vary from a couple of coded data sets to practically
infinite. It should be also noted, that the granular-
ity of the coding scheme used for describing organi-
zations primary business processes has an impact on
how much information is stored and how precisely the
coded data represents the actual primary business pro-
As an example case we could use retail business
where we have a large supermarket chain with a na-
tionwide coverage. If we have 100 million citizens
who on average visit a supermarket once a week, we
get 5 billion yearly visits. Each visit to a supermar-
ket can be represented with one coded data set. If we
assume 20% market share for this large scale super-
market chain, we can expect one billion coded data
sets to be stored into their information systems on a
yearly basis. If we assume that the data is stored for
ten years, we get total history of 10 billion coded data
2.3 Related Work
The analysis of coded data sets has been approached
from different angles from data mining, association
mining, knowledge discovery, collaborative filtering,
inductive databases, neural networks, etc. Collab-
orative filtering systems attempt to offer personal-
ized recommendations of items based on information
about similarities among user’s tastes. One of the
most well known collaborative filtering systems are
Tapestry, the Ringo system and Video Recommender.
For a comprehensive overview on such systems read-
ers are referred to (Herlocker et al., 2004).
Within retail business, the market baskets have
been widely studied using association rules (Agrawal
and Srikant, 1994). An example is the PROFSET
model, that is proposed for analyzing the business
value of a single product based on the cross-selling
effects it has with other products (Brijs et al., 2000).
Previous studies on efficient similarity searches for
market baskets have proposed exact methods such
as signature-bases representation for coded data sets.
Example is named S
B, however the scheme was
tested in the experiments with only a fairly small
databases with 100k transactions (Nanopoulos and
Manolopoulos, 2002). Furthermore, considering the
impreciseness and inaccuracy of the data, applying
exact methods is somewhat questionable although it
enables a compact representation of the data sets.
There are also several studies on read intensive
databases such as column oriented database structures
(Stonebraker et al., 2005; Harizopoulos et al., 2006)
and integration of information retrieval and database
systems (Roelleke et al., 2008; Grabs et al., 2001).
2.4 Analysis of Coded Data Sets
Most of the commercial database management sys-
tems (DBMS) and data warehouses store data in with
the relational databases model that was introduced
almost 40 years ago. For coded data sets, possi-
ble relational structures are the normalized and de-
normalized database schemas. In the de-normalized
schema, one single row in a database table represents
one (coded) data set. In the normalized schema the di-
mensions are represented with separate tables that are
linked to the fact table. Using these schemas, we are
able to implement a recommendation system using
traditional SQL. However, in both database schemas
we encounter some challenges. Using the normalized
schema, we have to obtain data from three different
tables in the query. With the de-normalized schema
the table consumes significant amount of space due to
data anomalies. Second, in traditional SQL we cannot
directly calculate distribution of product codes since
they reside in different columns. Number of indexes
we need and the number of AND / OR conditions that
appear in the queries are other problems that occur
because of having all codes in different columns.
Other problems with using traditional SQL is to
benefit from the underlying multi-hierarchical coding
scheme. How to integrate implement on the fly aggre-
gation and ranking mechanism with SQL? Probably
the recommendation system should be able to create
associations not based on particular cigarette and al-
cohol labels but rather certain aggregations or higher
level product groups. This will also make the SQL
queries complex.
Kernel methods are classes of algorithms that are used
for pattern analysis. The general task of pattern anal-
ysis is to find and study general types of relations in
general types of data. The types of relations can in-
clude clusters, principal components and correlations.
The types of data can be text documents, images, se-
quences, etc.
Kernel methods approach this problem by project-
ing the data into a high dimensional feature space, in
which each coordinate corresponds to one feature of
the data items. In this space, a variety of methods
can be used to find relationships in the data. The so
called kernel trick enables kernel methods to operate
in the feature space without ever calculating the coor-
dinates of the data in that space, but rather computing
the distance with different similarity functions in the
feature space. This operation is often computation-
ally cheaper and non-separable data set can become
separable after the projection.
Kernel-based algorithms such as term vector anal-
ysis are used in high dimensional data spaces for cal-
culating distances of two data sets. Frequently used
techniques for locating nearest neighbors are distance
measurements such as the Cosine Angle Distance
(CAD) and Euclidean distance (EUD) (Zobel and
Moffat, 2006). These distance measurements have
been reported to perform similarly in high dimen-
sional data spaces for nearest neighbor queries (Gang
et al., 2004).
Because of the flexibility requirements for the
analysis of the imprecise coded data sets and high di-
mensional domain data space, this study proposes us-
ing the vector space model analyzing existing coded
data set databases. The proposed model is referred
as information retrieval model as the applied kernel
techniques are commonly used in IR (Zobel and Mof-
fat, 2006).
The coded data sets are interlinked by the cod-
ing scheme. The similarity between the query vec-
tor Q = (q
) and document representing the
coded data set D
= (d
) using correspond-
ing query weights q
for each term, is described by
Equation 2:
) =
i, j
i, j
A common way for defining the document
weights is described in Equation 3 and query weights
in Equation 4 (Zobel and Moffat, 2006; Wilkinson
and Hingston, 1991; Haykin, 1999). In these equa-
tions the log(N/ f
) is the so-called inverse document
frequency where N is the number of documents in the
database and f
is the number of documents that con-
tain term t
. Furthermore, the t f
i j
is the within docu-
ment frequency indicating the number of occurrences
of term t
in document i.
i j
= t f
i j
· log(
) (3)
, if term t
appears in the query;
0 , otherwise.
This technique is flexible for weighting different
parts of the query vector which is appropriate in the
domain: some codes are more important than the oth-
ers. This also provides us flexible ranking if we want
to get not only exact matches, but rather data sets that
are somewhat close. We can also apply the under-
lying coding schemes to empower the query. While
searching for exact matches with the exact codes, we
can also use codes that are nearby based on the coding
scheme structure.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This section presents experimental evaluation of the
analysis of coded data sets using the proposed infor-
mation retrieval model. An essential component in
vast majority of commercial data warehousing and
B2B applications is a DBMS engine. Therefore
the proposed model is benchmarked against a lead-
ing commercial DBMS engine with two relational
database schemas suitable for coded data sets.
The use case is a recommendation system for a
large scale retail business with possibly hundreds of
millions of coded data sets. Therefore the three im-
plemented models are referred in this experiment as
Synthetic coded data sets were used to evaluate
the performance and accuracy of the recommenders
over a large range of data characteristics. The con-
tent of the coded data sets corresponding to the cod-
ing scheme were created using a method that was pre-
sented in (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994). Table 1 lists
the materials that were used in this experiment with
the corresponding initialization parameters. As can
be seen from Table 1, the number of coded data sets
varied from 10 thousand to 100 million and the size
of the material from 3.1 MB to 30.2 GB. Each coded
data set contained varying number of codes and the
total number of codes in the materials was over one
Table 1: Materials used in the experiments.
Name |T | |I| |D| Size (MB)
T10I10D10K 10 10 10000 3.1
T10I10D100K 10 10 100000 31.4
T10I10D1000K 10 10 1000000 322
T10I10D10000K 10 10 10000000 3 217
T10I10D10000K 10 10 100000000 30 192
The coding scheme was created with a hierarchi-
cal and mono-dimensional structure that contains four
hierarchy levels each with maximum number of 10
child nodes on each hierarchy level. Together the cod-
ing scheme contained 10 thousand codes.
4.1 Implementation
The materials listed in Table 1 were inserted into
a leading commercial DBMS under two differ-
ent database schemas and to the implementation
of the proposed information retrieval model. The
database schemas used in this experiment were the
de-normalized and normalized schema.
The benchmarks were implemented using Java
programming language using a range of Open
Source components. The recommender systems
were implemented using object oriented program-
ming. All common components were re-used, and
stub-recommender that uses the common components
was created for eliminating performance issues that
are not related to the actual recommender core com-
ponents. Web-based User interface was built for
viewing data sets interactively. The user interface
was implemented using Java Enterprise Edition and a
Java Enterprise Application Server. The database was
accessed using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
The hardware used for the performance tests was
a regular desktop pc with 2.0 GHZ dual core Intel
processor and with 2 GB of physical RAM memory
and a 160 GB hard drive. The experiments were ex-
ecuted on Windows Vista platform running Java(TM)
SE Runtime Environment version
4.2 Benchmarking
Important criteria for a recommendation system are
the accuracy of the recommendation and performance
with large number of data sets, various search patterns
and simultaneous users.
In the recommendation experiment, typical pat-
terns were used to evaluate the accuracy of the rec-
ommendation. As the materials used in this study
are synthetic frequent patterns and characteristics are
known. In the recommendation accuracy experiment
was conducted by removing one code from a com-
monly occurring pattern and letting the recommender
fill the missing value for that particular code. The
original code was used as a golden standard against
which the recommended code was compared.
In the performance benchmarking both frequently
and infrequently occurring patterns were used. In all
experiments 50 different patterns were used. These 50
different patterns were searched 100 times and each
experiment was executed 10 independent times. The
results represent average values from these all execu-
The parameters for the recommenders were kNN,
topN and the |D|. The kNN refers to k nearest neigh-
bours that defines the number of neighbours from
which the recommendation will be decided from. The
topN refers to the number of recommendations that
the recommender should provide for the users in a de-
scending order. The |D| refers to the generated data
set that are listed in Table 1.
4.3 Results
The performance of different recommenders with fre-
quent and infrequently occurring patterns are de-
Figure 1: Query speed using frequent and infrequent patterns (kN=5, topN=5)
picted in Figure 1. Five different recommenders
were implemented: 1) Stub recommender for elimi-
nating non recommendation core related performance
issues 2) RDBMS-de-norm used the de-normalized
database schema 3) RDBMS-de-norm-top used the
de-normalized database schema returning only topN
results 4) RDBMS-norm used the normalized database
schema and 5) IR that used the proposed information
retrieval model.
The variable in Figure 1 is the number of data sets
|D| in the materials that are listed in Table 1. The
variables kNN and topN were fixed: kNN = 5 and
topN = 5. Performance with frequently occurring
patterns is depicted in the left hand side of Figure 1
and infrequent patterns on the right. As can be seen
Figure 1, with frequent patterns the de-normalized re-
lational data schema using top kNN queries performs
reasonably well although it is clearly outperformed by
the information retrieval recommender. With frequent
occurring patterns and a fairly small kNN, the de-
normalized relational schema does not need to scan
through the whole database in order to retrieve the re-
quested kNN neighbors. This is because no ranking
mechanism is implemented to this recommender. As
can be seen from Figure 1, the normalized relational
schema has performance issues with smaller data sets
as de-normalized schema due to the time consuming
processing of three separate database table.
From the right hand side of Figure 1 it can noted
that recommending with infrequent data sets cause
performance problems for all recommender except
the information retrieval recommender. For infre-
quent data sets RDBMS engine needs to scan through
large portion of the database before being able to re-
trieve the requested kNN.
The recommendation accuracy for different rec-
ommendation core components are depicted in Fig-
ure 2 using topN as a variable on the left and kNN in
the middle and right. In this experiment, the recom-
mendation was based on the frequency distribution of
codes occurring in the kNN. From the left hand side
of Figure 2 we can see that recommendation accuracy
of the relational models increases as kNN is incre-
mented. This is because the recommender component
does not have a ranking mechanism that would return
nothing but exactly matching results. Therefore, in-
creasing kNN does not reflect the accuracy after all
matching neighbors have been located.
The information retrieval model, however, is able
to return accurate results with a fairly small kNN as
the ranking mechanism and similarity search provides
the kNN with a greater accuracy than pure boolean
algebra. The information retrieval recommender suf-
fers from increasing the kNN over certain point. That
is because the ranking mechanism is able to return
also data sets that are nearby although they are not
exact matches. This is both a pro and a con. As de-
picted in the right of Figure 2, the accuracy of the re-
lational recommendation models suffer from a rapid
decline as infrequent or partially invalid noisy pat-
terns are used: there are no exactly matching kNN
for those patterns. This could be the case if the data
warehouse is not up-to-date for instance with all new
product codes and customer purchases. Using pure
relational algebra appears to provide poor results.
This study proposed using information retrieval based
model for efficient analysis of coded data sets. The
model uses the vector space model to represents
coded data sets, such as patient care in healthcare or
customer purchases in retail business. Different sim-
ilarity functions enable flexible and scalable analysis
of large code data set masses.
Requirement for the analysis model was high scal-
ability to hundreds of millions of data sets as the use-
case was large scale retail business recommender sys-
tem. This study showed that building such a recom-
mender system is possible using regular desktop hard-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Recommendation accuracy using varying topN (left) and kNN (middle) with frequent patterns. Recommendation
accuracy using infrequent noisy patterns with varying kNN on the right.
ware. This study presented experimental comparison
between the proposed information retrieval model and
a leading commercial DBMS system with two rela-
tional database schemas. Based on these experiments,
the information retrieval model outperforms the rela-
tional schemas in both performance and flexibility.
The experimental results show that the pat-
tern analysis performance using relational database
schemas and a regular desktop computer begins to
have problems with several million coded data sets.
The results also show that the information retrieval
model is able to produce rapid results to flexible
queries with 100 million coded data sets with regu-
lar desktop hardware.
Overall the results show that the information re-
trieval recommender provides more accurate recom-
mendation with a small amount of kNN. The model
is able to produce recommendations also with noisy
and partially invalid patterns which is often the case
in the real world as the quality of the data is far from
The proposed model utilizes kernel methods and
vector distance functions for efficient nearest neigh-
bor queries. Different types of distance functions en-
able flexibility for different use cases. In the future we
are applying the model to healthcare data sets. This
includes empowering the similarity functions with do-
main specific knowledge from the healthcare coding
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