Mayumi Ueda, Hironori Hattori, Yoshitaka Morimura
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Yoshida Nihonmatsu-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Masayuki Murakami
, Takafumi Marutani
, Koh Kakusho
, Michihiko Minoh
Research Center for Multi-Media Education, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
6 Kasame-cho, Saiin, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University, Yoshida Nihonmatsu-cho
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Keywords: Lecture archiving system, Students’ viewpoint, Detecting student’s face, Faculty development.
Abstract: Recently, there are many lecture archiving system that provide lecture video, presentation slide and written
text/figure on whiteboard. However, the contents of lecture archiving system are decided by the provider of
the service. In this paper, we propose a new lecture archiving method based on students’ viewpoint. Our
archiving method adopts the viewpoint that the majority of students are watching. We conduct verification
of our proposal method, by preliminary experiment. Furthermore, we consider that our acquisition
technology of lecturer and student action helps lecturers to recognize students’ ROI (Region of Interest) in
the classroom.
With the development of information technology in
recent years, web-based learning system including
lecture archiving system has become popular. And
the adoption of system to support teaching and
learning activities has been rapidly increasing in the
higher educational institutions. Recently, many
higher educational institutions distributed lecture
materials, including presentation slide and lecture
video, as a contents of lecture archiving system,
OCW (OpenCourseWare) and lecturer’s own web
Nakamura et al. work on creating lecture
contents that catch the attention of students (Naka
mura et. al., 2006). The system highlights important
term to keep pace with the tempo of lecturer’s
explanation. Nagai works on lecture recording that
uses a HDV (high-definition video) camera and
virtual camera work (Nagai, 2008). Le et al. propose
an automatic digest generation method from the
presentation video recorded by commercial software
(Le et. al., 2008). Many software are sold, which can
easily convert footage of lecturer and presentation
slide into web contents, and deliver lecture contents
over Internet.
Many lecture archiving system contains footage
of lecturer, presentation slide, written text/figure on
whiteboard, and interaction between lecturer and
students. The system provides lecture information
that combine several materials given above. Existing
lecture archiving system 1) provide footage of
lecturer depending on lecturer’s movement, 2) set
the direction of the camera beforehand, 3) edit the
video after the lecture. The contents of the system
are decided by the provider, lecturer, teaching
assistant and system administrator. Existing services
don’t consider the interaction between lecturer and
student that occurs in the classroom.
In higher educational institutions, interaction
between lecturer and student is the most basic
activity, and the classroom is the primary place for
Ueda M., Hattori H., Morimura Y., Murakami M., Marutani T., Kakusho K. and Minoh M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 448-451
DOI: 10.5220/0001982304480451
such interaction. In this paper, we focus attention on
student’s face orientation, as one of the non-verbal
interaction occur in the classroom. We propose a
new method that generates lecture archiving content
based on students’ attention, that is, using their face
orientation. We consider that our acquisition
technology helps lecturer to grasp students’
condition and ROI (Region of Interest). Lecturers
can use students’ attention for improving lecture
Figure 1: Equipment layout in the classroom.
In Section 2, we describe the overview of our lecture
archiving method. Then in Section 3, we describe
the acquisition of lecturer and students’ actions
occur in the classroom, and we propose a new
lecture archiving system based on interactions
between lecturer and student in Section 4.
In this section, we describe the overview of lecture
archiving system. We have been developing
automatic lecture archiving system that records
various information, such as lecturer and students’
voice, video, presentation slide and written
text/figure on whiteboard (Marutani et. al., 2006).
Figure 1 shows equipment layout in the
classroom. There are three screens at the front of
classroom; as a student’s view, presentation slide are
displayed on the left and center screen, written
text/figure on the whiteboard are displayed on the
right screen. The cameras located at rear side, right
side and left side of the classroom shoot lecturer,
and the three cameras located at front side are
shooting students. Furthermore, the system acquires
lecturer’s position and movement by the ultrasonic
location sensors, which set on roof, lecturer and
indication device.
Our lecture archiving system records and
synchronizes audio/video of lecturer and students,
presentation slide, written text/figure on the
whiteboard, then provide these data as a lecture
archiving system.
We have been working for the acquisition of time
sequential context occurs in the classroom, such as
lecturer’s action and movement; utterance, pointing
and writing whiteboard, and student’s action; face-
raising or note-taking (Marutani et. al., 2006),
(Hattori et. al., 2008).
3.1 Acquisition of Lecturer’s Action
In the classroom, there are three major classes of
lecturer’s action based on lecturer’s location and
orientation; descant, explanation of presentation
slide and explanation of text/figure on whiteboard.
Our system acquires these lecturer’s actions using
various sensors in the classroom. Ultrasonic location
sensors; installed on roof, lecturer and indication
device, given location information of lecturer and
pointing information. The archiving system records
the contents of slide and time to changing slide,
furthermore, contents of written text/figure on
whiteboard and time when the text/figure are
written. Then the system acquires lecturer’s actions.
3.2 Acquisition of Students’ Action
Three cameras located at the front of classroom
shoot students’ actions. Left camera is set up at the
top of left side screen, right camera is set up at the
top of right screen, and all three cameras focus on
center zone of students’ area. Then we acquire
students’ face orientation utilizing detecting faces
from recorded images.
Now, we categorize student’s action in the
classroom into four types; hear the lecturer’s
explanations, view a front screen, view a whiteboard
and take lecture notes. We identify these four types
based on installation position of equipments and
student’s face orientation.
3.3 Detecting Student’s Face
We experiment to verify the possibility of realize the
new archiving method based on student’s face
orientation. In usual, when lecturer explains using
left screen, students view left screen. At that time,
the system detects many faces from the image
shooting by left camera, on the other hands, the
system detects no faces from image shooting by
right camera.
Figure 2: Detection results when lecturer explains using
left screen.
Figure 2 shows the result of face detection when
lecturer explains displayed on left screen. Left figure
shows the detection result of the image shooting by
left camera, there are no faces, and then right figure
shows the detection results of the image shooting by
right camera, there are 8 faces.
3.4 Face Detection Performance
We conduct verification of student’s face detection
by preliminary experiment. 10 trial subjects take
seats in the central area of students’ area in the
classroom. Three cameras located at the front of
classroom shoot students’ actions. Lecturer moves
freely at the front side of classroom; to descant
standing in front of a center screen, to explain
presentation slide standing in front of left screen, to
write text/figure on whiteboard standing in front of
whiteboard. Students turn their face toward
lecturer/screen/whiteboard according to lecturer’s
Table 1: Face detection performance of sample situation.
Right camera Center camera Left camera
View front
5.08 10 4.42
Note taking 0 0 0
Sit chin in
0 3.7 0
View left
6.11 9.32 0
0 7.13 7.12
We conduct verification of student’s face detection
for student’s typical condition in lecture room; hear
the lecturer’s explanations, view a screen, view a
whiteboard, take lecture notes, and put their chin in
their hands. Table 1 shows the average number of
face detected in preliminary experiment. When
students view center screen, 5.08 faces were
detected by right camera, 10 faces were detected by
center camera, and 4.42 faces were detected by left
camera. “0” means no faces were detected. We make
sure that we can use students’ face orientation to
grasp their attention.
Most of lecture archiving systems provide many
kind of data, such as footage of lecturer, presentation
slide, written text/figure on whiteboard, and so on.
However, we consider that it is difficult for audience
to pay attention every data. Therefore, we propose
new archiving method based on student’s viewpoint
in real classroom.
In consideration of preliminary experiment
described in Section 3, we decide the archiving rule
as follow:
Over two-thirds faces are detected from the
image shooting by left camera, the system
judges most of students view left screen.
Then the system brings the presentation slide
displayed on left screen into our archive data.
Over two-thirds faces are detected from the
image shooting by right camera, the system
judges most of students view whiteboard.
Then the system brings the whiteboard image
into archive data.
Over two-thirds faces are detected from the
image shooting by center camera, and no faces
are detected form other camera, the system
judges most of students view lecturer’s
explanation. Then the system brings the
footages of lecturer into archive data.
There are no cameras detecting over two-thirds
faces, the system judges most of students are
taking lecture notes, and then the system
brings presentation slides into archive data.
Figure 3 shows the image of proposal lecture
archiving method. Horizontal axis is a time scale.
Upper 3 lines are data for archive; lecture video,
presentation slide and written text/figure on
whiteboard. Next 3 lines are data for estimating
students’ viewpoint; the image shooting by left side
camera, center camera and right side camera. And
bottom liee is generated archive data. At first, we
check leftmost row’s three images shooting by left
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Image of proposal method.
side camera, center camera and right side camera. If
over two-thirds faces are detected from the image
shooting by center camera, and no faces are detected
from other camera, the system judges most of
students view lecturer’s explanation. Then the
system brings the footages of lecturer into archive
data. Then the system checks next image, and the
system decides which image are incorporated into
archive data. By repeating same procedure, the
system generates new archive data. Students can use
these generated new archive data during their
commuting time by using PDA like iPod touch, and
full/traditional archive data are available on PC(web
We consider that good lecture have some
relationship between lecturer’s action and students’
action, interaction between lecturer and student. For
providing high quality educational service, lecturers
have to grasp students’ condition and then lecturers
should modify lecture materials or refine teaching
method. Our face detection method can help
lecturers for grasping students’ movement.
Therefore, our method can use in FD(faculty
development) field.
In this paper, we try to recognize students’ face
orientation using three types of images shooting by
three cameras. And we propose new lecture
archiving methods based on students’ viewpoint.
We consider that our acquisition technology of
lecturer and students action can use not only our
archiving system, but also grasping students’
condition in faculty development. As for future
works, we verify the effectiveness of our acquisition
technology to apply our technology to real lecture.
This work is supported in part by Kyoto University
Global COE Program: Informatics Education and
Research Center for Knowledge-Circulating Society
(Project leader: Prof. Katsumi Tanaka, MEXT
Global COE Program, Kyoto University)
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