Mihai Bîzoi, Ana-Maria Suduc and Gabriel Gorghiu
Valahia University of Targoviste, Unirii Bv., No. 18-22, Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: Web design, Multi-languages, Educational Comenius project 2.1.
Abstract: Language promotes the most suitable way for expressing ideas, habits and values. For a multinational
educational project (Comenius 2.1.) with a widespread European target group, it is very important to
provide the online educational resources (courses, virtual instruments, etc.) through the project website, in
several languages: English (as a worldwide spoken language) and partners’ languages. This paper briefly
presents three methods to create multi-language web sites and proposes a new architecture – the hybrid
method architecture. In addition an example of a multi-language web site implementation is illustrated.
Communication is based on language even it
involves a mixture of verbal and nonverbal messages
or a blend of written and spoken messages. The huge
development of telecommunications - including
television, radio and the Internet - has led (in the last
years) to increasingly sophisticated combinations of
visual, spoken, and written “texts” (Tiscali, 2008).
The European Union, had, from the very
beginning, as heart of its policies, the preservation of
the linguistic diversity. The EU policy of
multilingualism as a deliberate tool of government is
unique in the world and the use of EU citizens’
languages is one of the factors which make it more
transparent, more legitimate and more efficient.
In the Consideration in the Design of Multi-
language Websites paper, Zev Itzkowitz and David
Grunwald propose four architectures for a multi-
language web site development. The basic ideas of
these methods consist of common operations such as
replication and dynamic content generation.
First method, site replication is the most
common method used to create multi-language web
sites. Virtually, the web site consists of architecture
of directories, each directory containing the same
web site, but in other language. One of these sites is
the default site and to access it, in the root of the
web, a file that generates a redirection is used. To
change the default language, only the redirection file
from the root site must be changed.
The European Union web site is the most
representative one for the multi-language web site
category, mainly due to the fact that it is the most
translated site – at present, its translation is available
in 23 languages. This web site is built based on the
replication method but with different architecture of
directories– the directories represent topics and each
of them contains HTML files, translated in each
language with a particular name.
The main advantage of this method is offered by
the possibility to add a new translation without
major changes on the web site infrastructure.
However, there are many disadvantages that make
this method not very attractive: difficult web site
maintenance, possible differences between the site
versions (in different languages); lose of the uniform
image worldwide (for example a 10 web pages site
will become a web site with 70 pages when it is
translated in 6 languages). Any update or change
must be done in each site in each language.
The selective replication method uses the same
principle as the replication method. This method
consists of partial replication of the web content. A
pattern file is created for each web page. This file
imports data from files with generic names and the
Bizoi M., Suduc A. and Gorghiu G. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 427-430
DOI: 10.5220/0001973304270430
data is stored in a structure of directories based on
the available languages. This method provides the
preservation of the web site uniformity but still
remains the site maintenance problem.
Dynamic Content Generation using Database is
a method that can be implemented in certain
conditions: (a) the web site host server must be fast,
(b) the site shouldn’t be too large and it will be
translated only in a few languages (usually 2-3), (c)
the graphical elements are few. The data is stored in
tables; every message is identified by a unique ID.
The disadvantages of this method are presented
in Table 1.
The last method, Dynamic Content Generation
using XML Files, combines elements of the previous
presented methods. In the frame of this method, a
template is designed for each web page. This
template generates the format for the web page
displayed to the client. The texts and images for
each language are maintained in a separate XML
file. The XML files are stored in a structure of
subdirectories according to the languages associated.
The template file imports messages from XML files
and generates the content displayed on the client.
Thus, this method is similar, in principle, with
the previous method; the main difference is that the
data is stored in XML files, not in a database.
Storing data in XML files offers many advantages
(see Table 1). This method requires a good initial
strategy and organization plan. If this strategy is
optimal developed, the site maintenance will not
cause problems and adding a new language will not
change in a great extent the site infrastructure.
2.1 Hybrid Method Architecture
The hybrid method architecture emerges elements
from all the methods presented before. This new
method proposes to valorise the advantages of the
methods presented above and reduce their
disadvantages. Table 1 explains how the
disadvantages of one method can be eliminated,
using the powerful characteristics of another one.
The disadvantages of the hybrid method can be
eliminated by creating several web instruments for
information uploading on the server and the web site
maintain. The programming language selected to
create the script and the server performances are also
very important.
According to this method, a template file will be
created for each web page. The template can be
created using any programming language for CGI
The template file will generate the web page
format using the data extracted from the database
and XML files.
Table 1: Hybrid method versus other methods.
Method Advantages Disadvantages
(Site /
Increased number of
High performance - low
server overhead.
The uniformity of the
site is not preserved;
Large number of web
files to maintain.
Maintain the site
uniformity using a web
It is a good choice for
small sites with reduced
multimedia content.
Reduced number of
Slow performance on
Difficult to load
information in the
XML Files
Better performance on
server unlike dynamic
content using database;
It is a good choice for
larger sites.
Can be implemented
only at the initial
phase of the design.
Difficult to store
information on site.
There is no limit for
numbers of languages;
Better performance on
server (use files on disk
and database);
The uniformity of the site
is preserved;
The web site is easy to
It is difficult to
maintain the
information on site
without any
Medium server
All the messages to be translated are stored in
XML files and the database contains only general
information used by the template script. In addition,
the XML files are stored using a subdirectories-
based architecture, in order to be easily accessed.
The method architecture is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Hybrid method architecture.
The XML files are created using a web
instrument - Translation tool. This instrument cannot
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
make the translation itself; it is used only by the
translators to on-line introduce the translated web
page content. Using this procedure, the web master
doesn’t interact with the translation web page
content. In this case, the role of the persons involved
in translation activities and site maintenance is
clearly defined.
2.2 VccSSe Web Site Architecture
VccSSe (Virtual Community Collaborating Space
for Science Education) - http://vccsse.ssai.valahia.ro
- is a Comenius 2.1. Project funded by the European
Commission. The project is aimed to adapt, develop,
test, implement and disseminate training modules,
teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies
based on the use of Virtual Instruments, with the
view to their implementation in the classroom,
through Information and Communication
Technology tools. In this sense, the partnership
assumes to build various pedagogical approaches in
a virtual space able to offer efficient ways of using
specific tools for logical understanding of the
fundamental concepts in sciences. The target groups
are formed by approximately 180 in-service teachers
from primary and secondary schools involved in
Sciences teaching areas in the partner countries
(Romania, Spain, Poland, Finland and Greece),
institutions’ local coordinators, tutors, researchers,
local educational authorities and over 3500 pupils
who become indirect beneficiaries. In addition,
teachers and trainers from Europe will benefit from
the project outputs consisting of a number of on-line
simulating laboratories.
Having in view the huge amount of transnational
work and outputs, the main channel of dissemination
is represented by the project web page. In this
context, the whole on-line content - first created in
English - had to be translated in other 5 languages:
Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Finnish and Greek. The
increased number of translation languages eliminates
the possibility to implement the Dynamic Content
Generation using Database method.
Using the hybrid method architecture described
before, the translation process is simplified. The web
masters developed for each web page a template
using a powerful programming language: Perl. The
web template is used only to generate the web page
format and, in general, it doesn’t contain any text
that can be displayed in the web page. The web
template queries a MySQL database to obtain any
information needed to generate the web page or
useful for other operations. The content stored in the
database is not intended to be translated. All the
messages that will be displayed in the web page are
stored by in a XML file, created for the English
version of the web site. The XML files are stored in
the subdirectories architecture based on languages
When a user accesses the web page, the web
template is executed on the server. The Perl script
contains a subroutine (presented below) that verifies
the existence of the XML files for each language and
creates a list with these languages.
sub langs {
my $tran;
my @flags =
my $altlg =
foreach (@flags) {
if (-e
{$tran = $tran." ".$q->a({-
, $q->img({-src=>"/images/$_.gif",-
border=>"0",-alt=>"$altlg->{$_}"})); }}
return $q->div({-
Based on this list, an image of the flag and a link
to the web page in that language is displayed. If the
XML file, for a specific language, is missing, the
associated flag is not displayed and the web page (in
that language) cannot be accessed.
2.3 Results
To translate a web page from English in other
language, the person in charge, must access the
translation tool, available on the web page. For
example, if a Romanian translator wants to translate
the Introduction web page, he must access the
Translation tool button, located on the English
Introduction web page. After an authentication
process, he is forced by the translation interface to
translate only for the Romanian version of the page
(this is accomplished by the authentication
information stored in the MySQL database). The
translation tool dynamically generates an interface
based on the English messages stored in the XML
file; the fields dimension where the Romanian
messages will be written are proportionally
calculated by the numbers of characters of the
English messages. These dimensions are only visual
and don’t restrict the translated messages size.
The translation tool has two purposes: to create
the XML files that contain messages in specified
language when it is used for the first time on a web
page and to update messages on specified web page.
The translators use the keyboard in their languages
and the specials characters are dynamically
converted by the CGI script in web codes; as a result
of this feature the problem of the character set is
eliminated – it is not necessary to generate web
pages with a specific character set declaration.
The translation tool is the only instrument used
by the partners to translate and update the web
content in their languages. This Perl script (partially
presented below) is very small - 4.1 Kbytes and
contains only 345 words, being executed very fast
by the server (a Dual Core CPU server).
print $q->b("Language: $lang");
print $q->start_form(-name=>
my $count = 0, $bgcolor = '';
foreach (keys %{$en}) {
if ( $count/2 == int($count/2) ) {
$bgcolor = "bgcolor='#CCCCCC'"; } else
{ $bgcolor = ""; }
my $lines = (length $en->{$_})/50;
print $q->Tr({$bgcolor},[$q-
print $q->end_table,$q->hidden(-
print $q->start_form(-
Using this hybrid method, the web site
uniformity is preserved. The persons that translate
the web content are forced to translate phrase by
phrase; the text is presented in a random list. The
number of people involved in this action is reduced
and the possibility to appear errors is insignificant.
The hybrid method architecture for designing multi-
language web sites was implemented in the
Comenius 2.1 Project VccSSe (Virtual Community
Collaborating Space for Science Education). The
website is available since the beginning of the year
2007 and it can be accessed at:
http://vccsse.ssai.valahia.ro. The web site is under
development until the end of the project. It is easy to
add new web pages or new languages for translation
without making changes in the site architecture.
The English content posted on the site has been
translated in all five languages of the project
partners (Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Finnish and
Greek) using only the translation tool. The
translation tool – a very small and fast script - can be
used to create new web pages in other languages or
to update the online-content for a specific language.
This tool cannot be used to change the English
content. To fulfil this action, another web tool is
This work was funded through Project 128989-CP-
1-2006-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21 from European
Commission, Education and Training, School
Education: Socrates: Comenius. We thank all Project
institutions and all the participants for their
cooperation and work.
Itzkowitz, Z., Grunwald, D., link verified in 2008.
Considerations in the Design of Multi-Language
Websites, http://www.global-translation-
Stylusinc, 2005, How can your website speak multiple
languages to your customers?, StylusInc Pvt. Ltd.,
Tiscali, 2008. Tiscali Encyclopaedia:
VccSSe, 2008. Virtual Community Collaborating Space
for Science Education – VccSSe European Project
web site, http://www.vccsse.ssai.valahia.ro
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education