Simon Schwantzer, Dirk Henrici
Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Paul Mueller
Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
CSCL, Learning environment, Synchronous collaboration, Synchronous Learning Environment.
In complex fields of knowledge, working in unmoderated small groups is a common approach for creating
knowledge out of given information. Taking a look at the portfolio of learning environments, only a few
systems provide the necessary functionality for synchronous collaboration. In most of them, synchronicity is
reduced to communication. The aim of this work is the design of a synchronous collaboration environment
which fulfills the requirements to enable members of a small group working together efficiently via computer
networks. Based on the three elements communication, cooperation and coordination, a concept for an appro-
priate groupware is created and a flexible model defined. A sample environment called ”SLE” is developed to
demonstrate the applicability.
Learning in complex scenarios is difficult to be done
by an individual alone. A common approach to han-
dle even sophisticated learning scenarios is collabora-
tive work in small groups. In these scenarios, learn-
ing is based on different persons having a comparable
level of knowledge but different views on the subject.
The required information is available and provided
in different forms such as books, scripts, and exer-
cises. The information is transformed into knowledge
through close collaboration of the group.
Common environments for distributed learning -
like Learning Management Systems - focus on loose,
asynchronous collaboration. Close and therefore syn-
chronous collaboration is often only supported by
small communication tools like text, audio, or video
chats and whiteboard functionality. Aim of this work
is to build a virtual environment designed to fulfill the
requirements for a close, synchronous collaboration
amongst a small group of learners.
To identify the requirements for such an environ-
ment, elementary works about close collaboration and
learning have to be considered as well as existing so-
lutions with a comparable functionality. Therefore,
two areas of research, computer supported collabora-
tive learning (CSCL) and computer supported coop-
erative work (CSCW), are relevant for the given sce-
nario. Based on results of theoretical works and func-
tionality of existing solutions, a basic model which
fulfills the identified requirements is designed, which
considers aspects of navigation, interaction, and co-
A sample environment, so-called Synchronous
Learning Environment’, is introduced to demonstrate
the applicability of the concept. Based on this imple-
mentation, first results of an evaluation are presented.
The analyzed tools for distributed and synchronous
cooperative work mainly divide into two classes:
shared text editors and shared whiteboards. Shared
text editors came up at the beginning of the 1990s.
One of the first was GROVE. The underlying work
(Ellis et al., 1991) introduced several important basics
of groupware like concurrency issues and views. In
(Dourish and Bellotti, 1992) the term ’awareness’
was coined and extended with a new type, the
Schwantzer S., Henrici D. and Mueller P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 423-426
DOI: 10.5220/0001972804230426
so-called ’passive awareness mechanisms’. Part of
this work is the implementation of an editor called
ShrEdit. Beside this basic developments, newer rep-
resentatives of shared text editors like NetEdit (Zafer
et al., 2001) emerged, which implemented more
recently developed improvements concerning aware-
ness mechanisms and application design. Parallel to
this, shared whiteboards’ where examined, which
were not restricted to simple text manipulation. An
early representative of these is wb, part of the MBone
groupware architecture (Eriksson, 1994). Aiming
to share and annotate presentations, it offers simple
drawing routines for all users. This concept was
extended by MediaBoard (Tung, 1998). Based on
the possibilities for interactive presentations, shared
whiteboards where developed towards interactive
conferencing systems like Adobe Connect Pro
Figure 1: Different groupware in the 3C Model.
Each collaborative technology can be divided into
three parts: communication, cooperation, and coor-
dination, see Figure 1. We can thus look at the parts
separately and classify the requirements accordingly.
Basics of distributed communication were ex-
tracted from (Fuks et al., 2006). The optimal form
of communication between human beings is a face-
to-face conversation because there are no limitations
to the communication channels. The available chan-
nels are voice, mimics, and gestures. In (Olson et al.,
1995) text, voice and video chats were exermined for
their value in small group collaboration. According to
this study, high quality voice communication enables
a distributed group to achieve the same results in col-
laboration as a local group. While a video communi-
cation is only of little additional value for the result,
it is beneficial to the acceptance of a collaboration en-
Elements of coordination are based on the above-
named groupware solutions and their workspace
awareness mechanisms. Main issue of coordination
Adobe Connect Pro, Adobe Systems,
is the concurrency handling. The advantage of a more
restrictive system is providing clearer role definitions
and requiring less organization between the users. In
the given scenario, roles are surely existent, but the
role allocation is very dynamic. The role definition
should be as dynamic as possible and the concurrency
handling therefore less restrictive. With a less restric-
tive concurrency handling, the cost for organization
between the users increases. Aiming to reduce this
operative overhead, passive awareness mechanisms
collect awareness information in the background and
present them directly on the workspace.
In (Dwyer and Suthers, 2006) collaboration with
artifact-mediated cooperation was analyzed. Coop-
eration is defined by the interaction of multiple users
with a ’shared material’. The goal is to reclaim know-
ledge by structuring information, so this is the starting
point to find an appropriate material for the environ-
ment. A common definition of ’knowledge’ is ’net-
worked information’. ’Information’ is interpretable
data. In the given scenario, we can work directly
with information because it is already available.
cording to this definition, the shared material is a
workspace which allows to place and link informa-
tion. The combination of a workspace, information
objects, and links is named ’information space’ be-
The information space should provide a wide variety
of information object types and good possibilities to
structure information objects. On the other hand, the
information space structure should be as simple as
possible to avoid distracting the users from the con-
tent. A concept for an information space has to con-
sider both requirements and therefore needs to find an
adequate balance between them.
The simplest structure for an information space is a
linear array of information objects. An example for a
linear information space is pure text: the information
objects are words, sentences or sections. The link-
age is provided by their order. Linear information
spaces are easy to access, but aside from the order
of objects, there is no possibility of structuring infor-
mation. The dimension has to be increased to enable
those structuring mechanisms. This leads to a class
of two-dimensional information spaces. A member
of this class is the classic whiteboard. Following the
common nomenclature for two-dimensional spaces,
In scenarios of moderated learning, the interpretation
of data would be an additional step.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
an information space with this structure is called ’in-
formation graph’ in the following.
Many restrictions of classic whiteboards are om-
mited with the generalization to an information graph
Workspace: A virtual workspace needs not to be
bounded. There are no restrictions to the level of
detail a workspace can have.
Objects: Information objects can be of any dig-
itally representable form and are not restricted to
text and graphic types. Objects can easily be ma-
nipulated, moved and removed.
Links: Links are not restricted to symbols. They
can be moved easily with the linked objects.
Beside text and graphic objects, common object
types in virtual environments are multimedia data,
documents, and internal/external links.
While the information space model is synchronized
between all users, the visualization is not. This allows
a much more flexible handling and dynamic changes
between close and loose collaboration. While the lo-
cal workspace is bounded, the global workspace (i.e.
the information space) is not. Users also can have
different views on the (global) workspace. A differ-
entiation between the global coordinate system of the
information space and the local coordinate system of
the local workspace is required. The visualization
therefore is a projection from the information space to
the local workspace. As part of the global workspace,
the information objects are also being projected. This
allows assigning multiple representations for a sin-
gle object type. Two possible representations are a
workspace representation, like an icon or label, and a
detail representation, which enables access to all ob-
ject information. The visualization of links between
objects strongly depends on form and complexity of
the chosen link model.
For the interaction with the information space, a
minimal set of object operations has to be realized:
creation, manipulation, movement, and deletion. In-
teraction between users takes place through interac-
tion with information space objects, so a small exten-
sion to the set of object operations is required: selec-
tion and deselection. An object can only be selected if
it is not selected by another user. In addition to the ob-
ject operations, linking of objects has to be provided
as inter-object operation.
’Workspace Awareness’ is part of visualization
and interation. It comprises all mechanisms which
support the awareness among the users interacting in
the (shared) information space. For visual aware-
ness mechanisms, an additional information channel
is needed, which allows identifying the interacting
users easily. An appropriate channel is available in
form of coloring. Because the workspace visual-
ization realizes loose WYSIWIS
, awareness mech-
anisms for loose and close collaboration are required.
In a loose collaboration, a user must be informed
where the other users are acting. In close collabo-
ration, a user must be informed about what the others
are doing.
The so-called Synchronous Learning Environment
(SLE) is a sample implementation of the concept in-
troduced in section 3. It is divided into four separable
modules: data management, user management, com-
munication, and workspace. The modularization has
several advantages: It allows to enhance or to replace
single modules without affecting the others as long as
the interface is maintained. For example, the commu-
nication module can either be a voice or a video chat
depending on user preferences, bandwidth or hard-
ware requirements.
The user management module provides user iden-
tification and user session handling. The data man-
agement module is informed about information space
changes and maintains a persistent representation. In
the current version, the communication module real-
izes a simple voice chat. Central element of the SLE
is the workspace module. It is built as client-server
achitecture. The server provides a reference model of
the information graph. The clients share the global
workspace and are responsible for projection, visual-
ization and interaction.
The considerations in section 3 leave room for
models of different complexity. The currently imple-
mented information space model is a minimal model
according to the findings. The information space has
the form of an information graph (two-dimensional),
is unbounded and provides the functionality of plac-
ing information objects in an origin-centered, real-
valued coordinate system.
Implemented information object types are: Label,
Image, Binary, URL, and Graphlink. Label is a simple
single-line text object. Image is a container for JPG,
PNG, and GIF graphics. A Binary object corresponds
to the ’universal’ object and handles arbitrary binary
files. External and internal links are realized with the
URL and Graphlink object types. Links are realized
as simple non-directed 1:1 mappings.
What You See Is What I See.
The implemented Workspace Awareness includes
mechanisms for close and loose collaboration. Close
collaboration is supported with colored selections
and viewport tracking. Colored projections of all
viewports on a map simplify orientation during
periods of loose collaboration.
Figure 2: Synchronous Learning Environment.
The evaluation aims to analyze the concrete model se-
lection done in the sample environmentSLE. The SLE
was tested in groups of two and three users. The test
started with a blank information space. The topic was
unknown to the participants to create an equal level
of knowledge. Information material was provided in
digital form.
The basic information space structure was ac-
cepted by all users. The unbounded global workspace
accommodated the demands of a dynamically grow-
ing information space much better than a bounded
workspace does. Information objects of type Label
were significantly more often placed than any other
types. Beside this fact, the usage of other object types
strongly depends on the form of the provided infor-
mation material. As extension to the given set of ob-
jects, a type which provides the possibility of holding
complete text was requested. In many situations the
possibility of changing the object type was required.
This functionality is therefore an important feature
for further implementations. The available 1:1 map-
pings given by the implemented link model fulfilled
the users’ needs whereas a feature to measure a links
weight was missed.
The implemented concurrency handling worked
well in learning groups of the given size. It has to
be observed how collaboration efforts scale with the
number of members in larger groups. An extension
showing the current actions of the other users (like
’editing’, ’navigating’, and ’idle’) was requested. In
the testing groups, this information was exchanged
with the help of voice communication. All in all the
provided voice communication was rated as a very
important element for the collaboration.
The aim of this work is to virtualize a scenario in
which knowledge is built up via information struc-
turing. Such a virtualization provides the possibility
of distributing the collaboration. With the informa-
tion space model, a concept is created which enables
a close cooperation. Aspects of coordination are taken
into account with the construction of adequate passive
awareness mechanisms. A high quality voice commu-
nication completes the functionality.
With the SLE, an implementation for the created
concept is available to demonstrate its applicability.
It enables an early evaluation of the concept, which
is at its current state limited to usage experiences.
Therefore the evaluation does not replace a compre-
hensive study about advantages and disadvantages of
unmoderated learning in a two-dimensional informa-
tion space as developed in section 3. So next, such a
study needs to be performed, ideally based on a full-
featured and refined implementation of the concept.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education