onica F. Bugallo, Michael Marx, David Bynum
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, U.S.A.
Helio Takai, John Hover
Brookhaven National Laboratories, Upton, NY 11973, U.S.A.
TabletPC, Wiki, Multidisciplinary education, MARIACHI, Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, Mobile technology.
This paper reports on the creative educational and research program of MARIACHI (Mixed Apparatus for
Radar Investigation of Cosmic-rays of High Ionization) at Stony Brook University, a unique endeavor that
detects and studies atmospheric phenomena (lighting, meteors, or cosmic rays) by using a novel detection
technique based on radar-like technology and traditional scintillator ground detectors. During the past and
current academic year, our program has been effectively modernized and streamlined in both research and
educational aspects with the implementation of mobile technologies by the use of TabletPCs and wireless
data collection systems as well as emerging cyberinfrastructure based on dynamic services as wiki, blog, and
Internet-based video conferencing.
This paper reports on the latest efforts of the MARI-
ACHI (Mixed Apparatus for Radar Investigation of
Cosmic-rays of High Ionization) program (Takai,
2008) at Stony Brook University, a unique en-
deavor that detects and studies atmospheric phenom-
ena (lighting, meteors, or cosmic rays) by using a
novel detection technique based on radar-like tech-
nology and traditional scintillator ground detectors.
The program provides intensive engineering, science
research and educational experiences for students at
all levels (high-school, undergraduate and graduate)
working with a multidisciplinary team of scientists,
engineers and educators (Bugallo et al., 2008).
Using atmospheric phenomena as vehicles to mo-
tivate research and educational activities, we develop
innovative hands-on modules in physics, engineering
and cyberinfrastructure based on a learning by doing
philosophy with particular emphasis on radar technol-
ogy (Bugallo et al., 2009). Students participate in re-
search projects, seminars, and workshops, where they
learn to use tools needed in MARIACHI. We create a
natural chain of instruction where undergraduate and
graduate students in the program participate in the in-
struction of high school students. To broaden the im-
pact of the project, many activities are offered to a
wide audience, with particular emphasis on tradition-
ally underrepresented groups. The latter commitment
is possible primarily due to the partnership of MARI-
ACHI with the Stony Brook Center for Science and
Mathematics Education (CESAME) (Bynum, 2008),
an award winning science education organization, and
the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) pro-
gram (Miller, 2008).
The current instruction of the educational activi-
ties offered by the MARIACHI team has been sub-
stantially improved by the use of mobile technologies
in the form of TabletPCs. Our research and educa-
tional facility is a large laboratory with an area for the-
oretical lectures, a radar set-up, a scintillator ground
site, and a data-acquisition room. Students participat-
ing in our offerings need to move from one place to
another to take notes, develop different experiments,
or attend seminars. The use of the TabletPCs has al-
lowed for advancing the teaching/learning activities
of our study program, and favor the joint use of facili-
ties and expertise among not only students but also the
rest of participants. Moreover, the physical separation
of participants (high-schools, research sites, or class-
rooms) has required implementation of a reliable and
secure data collection system and efficient tools for
F. Bugallo M., Marx M., Bynum D., Takai H. and Hover J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 205-208
DOI: 10.5220/0001971102050208
information exchange and communication. Emerging
cyberinfrastructure based on grid technology has al-
lowed for secure data exchange as well as for sharing
of common knowledge and interactions among par-
ticipants through dynamic services as wiki, blog, and
Internet-based video conferencing. Our goal of bring-
ing science research to classroom is achieved while
students are exposed to cutting edge technology.
The science of MARIACHI requires the collection,
processing and analysis of signals using radar-based
technology and scintillator ground detector sites
Figure 1).
TV signal reflected
by the cosmic ray
TV antennas
Data acquisition system
and cyberinfrastructure
Figure 1: The MARIACHI experiment.
Through our educational offerings, students are
not only exposed to the theoretical aspects of the
project through regular lectures but they also expe-
rience all the practical phases of experiments with
hands-on activities and by directly collaborating with
physicists and engineers. The range and variety of
activities is large and comprises from understanding
concepts like frequency or cosmic rays to calibration
of antennas (which are outside the laboratory) used
for data collection, counting of events with ground
detectors, collection and analysis of data, or report-
ing of results. Here we describe some of the main
educational activities of the program.
2.1 Workshops
Through a one-week summer workshop and several
one-day activities, high-school teachers and students
learn about the main elements of MARIACHI and
build scintillator ground detectors to be installed later
For a more detailed explanation of the MARIACHI re-
search experiment please refer to (Takai, 2008).
on in their schools with the purpose of collaborating
in the data collection and analysis (see Figure 2). The
workshops are a combination of training, brainstorm-
ing, and hands-on sessions and are instructed by fac-
ulty, technicians, postdoctoral students, graduate stu-
dents and high school teachers. Once the setup is in-
stalled in the schools, students are introduced to vari-
ous data analysis tasks, for example the study of cos-
mic ray rate dependence on barometric pressure.
Figure 2: Left: Building a scintillator ground detector.
Right: Brainstorming session.
2.2 Undergraduate Offerings
The undergraduate activities combine regular courses
and research projects:
An introductory course on scientific method, tech-
nology and modern cyberinfrastructure uses the
atmospheric phenomena to motivate students in
research activities. The objective is to introduce
the different components of the project and let
students propose their own topics of research and
carry out a complete experiment.
Various eight-session four-week inquiry-based
courses through the WISE mentoring program are
offered. The objective in this case is to provide
with series of basic exercises for data analysis and
comparison using the new technology.
Engineering students have shown interest for the
radar-like detector research and conducted their
senior design project (one year duration) under the
supervision of our engineering team. Last year a
group worked on calibration of the instrumenta-
tion for signal acquisition, and currently another
group is working on data analysis of radar data.
2.3 Research Projects
Some high school students have developed their In-
tel projects
under the supervision of MARIACHI re-
searchers. MARIACHI has also offered the opportu-
nity for teachers to participate in the ongoing research
The Intel Science Talent Search is a US pre-college sci-
ence competition.
experiments with many possibilities for personal as
well as professional growth. As mentioned in the pre-
vious section, some undergraduate students have car-
ried out their senior design projects in radar topics as
well as some master students who are preparing their
dissertations in data acquisition or cosmic ray detec-
tion, localization and classification.
MARIACHI is a widely geographically distributed
experiment and run by students and professionals of
different backgrounds. The body of data collected by
the experiment requires the use of modern day com-
puter and network technology. The participants need
to be trained in both the use of hardware and soft-
ware to fully take advantage of this technology. The
challenge of a widely distributed system is to pro-
vide mechanisms to guarantee data integrity and se-
cure transfer. This is especially true when a diverse
group is involved. The collaboration also needs se-
cure collaborative tools such as the wiki and secure
In the context of the Mariachi project, cyberinfras-
tructure has several facets. Learning how to handle
these tools is an essential step to perform experimen-
tal work in any area of science. Training and educat-
ing participants to use these tools is one of the main
objectives of MARIACHI. This process takes place
while the experiment explores its science.
Due to the physical separation of the experiment
resources and participants, in the past the offered
courses, workshops and projects needed a well de-
fined set of activities that could not be properly com-
bined and developed to full extent. The integration
and exploitation of mobile technologies as well as
modern cyberinsfrastructure tools has facilitated en-
hanced teaching and learning and efficient communi-
3.1 Use of TabletPCs
At the MARIACHI home, the exploitation of portable
computing technology in the class provides with
many opportunities for students to move from activity
to activity writing notes easily, storing data, sharing
results, asking questions, or presenting results (see
Figure 3). Mobile computing in the form of Tablet-
PCs has allowed for integration of the theoretical and
practical components of the deliveries in only one
classroom. All the needed resources are available
to perform theoretical explanations, programming ex-
periments, or research activities.
Figure 3: Use of a TabletPC during the summer workshop.
The use of TabletPCs has also enhanced the teach-
ing and collaborative learning by providing multime-
dia support for friendly explanations and presenta-
tions. By connecting the TabletPC to a projector, we
have a fully interactive presentation system that al-
lows for delivery of highly visual and dynamic lec-
tures with multimedia presentations and demos. Be-
sides, all the notes, students’ exercises, and live ele-
ments of the discussion sessions are saved, which fa-
cilitates keeping more accurate records of students’
progress. It also allows a more individualized atten-
tion to the students. At the conclusion of the offered
activities the participants are able to use the TabletPCs
in a mobile situation to collect, share and compare ex-
perimental data from both the scintillator sites and the
radar set-ups.
The communication between the instructor and
the students and among students as they move from
setup to setup has also been improved. Students and
instructors are able to communicate even if they are
carrying out different activities in different locations.
Finally, the TabletPCs are particularly good in
MARIACHI for field work where connectivity is
available and are used for field data collection and
recording. In training sessions mobile technology is
very useful for participants to perform different ex-
periments at different stations in a laboratory setting
while recording information.
3.2 Cyberinfrastructure in Action
MARIACHI has established a Linux-based server for
data repository and dynamic web content services.
One of the first projects undertaken was the creation
of a website based on two growing and popular con-
cepts: wiki and blog (Takai, 2008). The website is
publicly accessible, but contributing and editing is re-
stricted to registered MARIACHI users. The web-
site has been enthusiastically received and many peo-
ple have made substantial contributions. In particular
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
many of the participants have created their own per-
sonal user profiles which constitute an evidence of the
diversity of the group. We are increasing the level and
frequency of participation by assigning editors to spe-
cific areas of the wiki.
MARIACHI requires radar and ground detector
sites with cyberinfrastructure for data collection and
analysis. We demonstrated the ability to produce
complete ground detector kits, build and install de-
tectors in high schools, install antennas, and upload
data to the MARIACHI server. The detector assem-
bly workshops continues until the installation at cur-
rently affiliated high schools is completed. After the
mechanical installation of each system, detectors are
commissioned and calibrated in situ. Data uploading
from behind high school firewalls has also been ac-
complished. This step is significant for the progress
of MARIACHI as high school firewalls are extremely
secure and protective. Interactions with information
technology personnel from several schools were very
important in this task. The data collection is now be-
ing implemented and the status of each site is dis-
played on our website (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Oscillogram of signals and data collected from
four detectors in a classroom.
Though the data rate is not very large, the nature of
the experiments and searches to be performed require
participants to become familiar in handling statistical
data analysis. While spreadsheets such as Excel pro-
vide preliminary analysis, we are introducing modern
statistical data analysis packages, such as R.
Finally, videoconferencing has proved to be a
useful cyber tool to establish communication be-
tween MARIACHI sites. Its educational potential
was demonstrated when Ward Melville High School
students joined in a CERN (European Center for
Nuclear Research) Masterclass program (Pregernig,
2008) using internet videoconferencing to discuss
particle physics with students from Poland, Slovakia
and Greece. We have installed and evaluated commer-
cial software used by educators. Tests were conducted
with local high school teachers and internationally
with the University of Rio de Janeiro and CERN with
positive results for audio, video and whiteboard.
MARIACHI’s goal of bringing science and engineer-
ing research to classroom is achieved while students
are exposed to cutting edge technology. For the par-
ticipants, this infrastructure brings added flexibility,
excitement, and innovation in their process of learn-
ing and support programs that are necessary for run-
ning the educational and research activities, and facil-
itates the communication between them (e.g., e-mail,
instantaneous messaging, wiki).
The structure of the program has attracted addi-
tional sites not only nationally but internationally lo-
cated. These new participants have already attended
some of the workshops and courses and are imple-
menting similar activities with the collaboration of
our faculty, researchers and teachers.
This work has been supported by the National Sci-
ence Foundation (OCI-0636194), the 2008 Hewlett-
Packard Technology for Teaching grant (2397700),
the SBU/BNL Seed Grant Program (37298), the
Stony Brook Presidential Mini-Grant for Innovative
Teaching (420024-43) and the U.S. Department of
Energy (DE-AC02-98CH10886).
Bugallo, M. F., Takai, H., Marx, M., Bynum, D., and Hover,
J. (2008). MARIACHI: A multidisciplinary effort
to bring science and engineering to the classroom.
In IEEE 33rd International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’2008).
Bugallo, M. F., Takai, H., Marx, M., Bynum, D., and Hover,
J. (2009). Hands-on engineering and science: Discov-
ering cosmic rays using radar-based techniques and
mobile technology. In submitted to the IEEE 34th In-
ternational Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Sig-
nal Processing (ICASSP’2009).
Bynum, R. D. (2008). Center for science and math-
ematics education (cesame). [Online] Available:
Miller, C.-A. (2008). Women In Science and
Engineering (wise). [Online] Available:
Pregernig, L. (2008). Cern - European Center
for High Energy Physics. [Online] Available:
Takai, H. (2008). Mixed Apparatus for Radar Investi-
gation of Atmospheric Cosmic-rays of High Ioniza-
tion (mariachi). [Online] Available: http://www-