Igor Santos, Yoseba K. Penya, Jaime Devesa and Pablo G. Bringas
Lab, Deusto Technological Foundation, Bilbao, Spain
Security, Computer viruses, Data-mining, Malware detection, Machine learning.
Malware is any malicious code that has the potential to harm any computer or network. The amount of malware
is increasing faster every year and poses a serious security threat. Thus, malware detection is a critical topic in
computer security. Currently, signature-based detection is the most extended method for detecting malware.
Although this method is still used on most popular commercial computer antivirus software, it can only achieve
detection once the virus has already caused damage and it is registered. Therefore, it fails to detect new
malware. Applying a methodology proven successful in similar problem-domains, we propose the use of n-
grams (every substring of a larger string, of a fixed lenght n) as le signatures in order to detect unknown
malware whilst keeping low false positive ratio. We show that n-grams signatures provide an effective way to
detect unknown malware.
The term malware was coined to name any computer
program with malicious intentions, such as viruses,
worms, or Trojan horses. As one may think, parallel
to the grow of the Internet, the amount, power, and
variety of malware increases every year (Kaspersky,
2008), as well as its ability to avoid all kind of security
The classic method to detect these threats consists
on waiting for a certain number of computers to be in-
fected, determining then a file signature for the virus
and finally finding a specific solution for it. In this
way, based on the list of signatures (also known as
signature database (Morley, 2001)), the malware de-
tection software can provide protection against known
viruses (ie. those on the list). This approach has
proved to be effective when the threats are known in
beforehand, and is the most extended solution within
antivirus software. Still, as already mentioned, it fails
when facing new ones.
Moreover, upon new virus apparition and until the
corresponding file signature is obtained, mutations of
the original virus released in the meanwhile may es-
cape to detection based on that signature.
These facts have led to a situation in which
malware writers develop new viruses and different
ways for hiding their code, while researchers design
new tools and strategies to detect them (Nachenberg,
1997). Such evolution makes very difficult to de-
velop an universal malware detector. Thus, the task of
the researcher is to achieve very good results against
known malware and to turn the attempt of writing new
undetectable virus more difficult.
Generally, there are several indicators to evaluate
the effectiveness of a new malware detection system.
First, we have to look at its malware detection ra-
tio (i.e. the amount of viruses of a sample that the
software detects). Second, we have to look at the
false positive ratio (i.e. the amount of non malicious
programs that are erroneously classified as malware),
since it determines how practical the method is to be
commercialised: a new system able to detect a lot of
malware but at the cost of a high rate of false positives
is not practical in the real world, where the system
must deal with a lot of benign software that should
not be classified as malware.
Therefore, antivirus companies usually prefer a
modest detection ratio with low (or ideally zero) false
positive ratio rather than a notable detection one with
high also a false positive ratio.
Language recognition is a research area that has
tackled a similar problem, since they also have to
deal with the retrieval of information that is hard to
see at the first glance. The most extended technique
against this problem has been the use of the so-called
Santos I., Penya Y., Devesa J. and Bringas P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001863603170320
n-grams. For instance, in Chinese document classi-
fication (Zhou and Guan, 2002) or text classification
(Jacob and Gokhale, 2007).
N-grams are all substrings of a larger string with
a length n. A string is simply split into substrings of
fixed length n. For example, the string “MALWARE”,
can be segmented into several 4-grams: “MALW”,
“ALWA, “LWAR”, “WARE” and so on.
Against this background, this paper advances the
state of the art in two main ways. First, we address
here a new methodology for malware detection based
on the use of n-grams for file signatures creation. Sec-
ond, we tackle the issue of dealing with false positives
using a parameter named d to control how strict the
method behaves to classify the instance as malware
or benign software in order to avoid false positives.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3
introduces the method proposed in this paper. Section
4 describes the experiments performed and discusses
the obtained results. Finally, Section 5 concludes and
outlines the avenues of future work.
Lately, the problem of detecting unknown malicious
code has been addressed by using machine learning
and data mining (Schultz et al., 2001). In their re-
search they propose to use differentdata mining meth-
ods for detection of new malware, however, none of
the techniques proposed had good balance between
false positive ratio and malware detection ratio in their
experimental results.
In a verge closer to our view, N-grams were used
first for malware analysis by an IBM research group
(Kephart, 1994). They proposed a method to automat-
ically extract signatures for the malware. Still, there
was no experimental results in their research.
Furthermore, Assaleh et al in (Abou-Assaleh
et al., 2004) addressed an n-grams-based signature
method to detect computer viruses. In that approach,
given a set of non malicious programs and computer
viruses code, n-grams profiles for each class of soft-
ware (malicious or benign software) were generated,
in order to later classify any unknown instance into
benign or malicious code using a k-nn algorithm with
k = 1. That experiment had very good results in terms
of malware detection ratio; still, no false positive ratio
was given in the experiment results. This lack of false
positives in the experimental results and the absence
of any technique to control the appearance of them
renders this method to be unpractical in a commercial
Our technique relies on a large set of training values
in order to build representation for each file in that set.
This set is composed of a collection of malware soft-
ware and benign programs. Specifically, the malware
is made up of different kind of malicious software (i.e.
computer viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, etc ).
Once the set is chosen, we extract n-grams for
every file in that set that will act as the file sig-
nature. Hereafter, the system can classify any un-
known instance as malware or benign software. To
this extent, we classify the unknown instance using k-
nearest neighbour algorithm (Fix and Hodges, 1952),
one of the simplest machine learning algorithms that
can be used in classifying issues. This algorithm re-
lies on identifying the k most nearest (say most sim-
ilar) instances, to later classify the unknown instance
based on which class (malware or benign) are the k-
nearest instances.
The following measure function is used in order
to detect how much the unknown instance looks like
the known ones:
card(X) + card(Y)
where X is the set of the n-grams of the unknown in-
stance, x is any n-gram in the set X, Y is the set of
n-grams of the instance its class is known, and f(x) is
the number of coincidences of the n-gram x in the set
When every instance of the known set is measured
comparing it with the unknown instance, we select
the k highest values of the measured instance, and we
consider the unknown instance as malware only if on
the k most alike files the amount of malware instances
minus the amount of benign instances is greater or
equal than a parameter d, as shown in the following
MW(K) GW(K) >= d (2)
where MW(K) is the amount of malware instances in
the k nearest neighbours, GW(K) is the amount of be-
nign software in the k nearest neighbours and d is the
parameter d.
This parameter d controls how strict the system is
going to be in order to classify the unknown instance
as malware or benign software. Moreover, this pa-
rameter is what we are going to use to keep low the
false positive ratio; with a high value of d (that has to
be always lesser or equal than k), we predict that the
false positive ratio is going to keep low.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In order to perform our experiments, a computer se-
curity software company provided us with a slice of
a larger malware database. More accurately, it con-
sisted of 149882 malware files and texts associated
to them, and 4934 benign software with their texts.
These texts have been extracted by several tools that
provide information of the execution of the malware
instances in a safe environment. In this way, these as-
sociated texts gave us a very valuable information of
the behaviour of malware instances.
The huge size of the database (100 GB) makes the
dataset to be nearly unpractical for research purposes;
therefore, we decided to use a small portion of it for
our experiments. In this way, we choose randomly
1000 malware files and 1000 benign software files to
accomplish our experiments, having an equal quantity
of malware and benign instances. This sample repre-
sents only a 1% of the original database, anyway the
amount of the sample is large enough to show us if
n-grams file signatures are able to achieve detection
of unknown malware.
Further, we divided this dataset into a set of train-
ing (the known files) and a set for classifying (the un-
known ones). This kind of division is usually per-
formed in machine learning experiments. In this way,
we train the model with enough information to build
representationfor capturing features of the behaviours
of the malware. To this extent, we divide the sample
into a set of training, that is going to be compound
by the 66% of the total sample and a 34% of benign
With the training set we train the model for later
test the model with the remaining 34%. The 66% to
act as the training instances can train the model in a
efficient way, as the 34% of the instances for testing
are able to show the capability of the model for de-
tecting new and unknown malware.
4.1 Parameters
There are three main parameters in our experiments:
the size of the n-grams, the number of nearest neigh-
bours for the knn algorithm and the limit that marks
the nature of the unknown instance as malware (this
value is over the half).
First, the size of the n-grams, or n, allows us to
decide how long in bytes the n-gram will be. In the
experiments presented here, we run tests with n = 2,
n = 4, n = 6 and n = 8.
Second, k; the number of nearest neighbours for
the knn algorithm. It is hard to establish an optimal
value for this parameter, and it usually depends on the
system’s behaviour.
Finally, the parameter d, as aforementioned, es-
tablishes how strict is going to be the system for clas-
sifying a unknown instance as malware. One of our
primary goals is to keep as low as possible the amount
of false positives, therefore this parameter is going to
take the same value as k in at least half of the tests
4.2 Results
In the experiments, we have built file signatures that
are made up of the set of n-grams for every file in
the sample (2000 files), for n=2, n=4, n=6 and n=8.
These files content n-grams of the texts retrieved from
the executables. We split these files containing the file
signatures into two separate files for every value of n.
One of the two files contents the n-grams of the files
that are going to be used as the training set, and the
other one contents the n-grams of the files that are
going to be used as the test set.
Figure 1 shows the obtained false positive and de-
tection ratio over the parameters n, k and d. More
accurately, for n = 2, the detection ratio is quite low,
achieving a maximum detection ratio of 69.66%, thus
2-grams do not seem to be appropriate for file signa-
tures. In this experiment we achieved best results for
detection ratio for n = 4, getting a maximum detec-
tion ratio of 91.25 % for k = 7 and d = 2. For the
following n values, detection ratio is lower than for
n = 4, however, the second best results are achieved
for a value for n of 8.
Besides, the false positive ratio and detection ratio
themselves do not show the potential of the system. If
we focus on the best results when false positive ratio
is 0%, we achieve the best result for n = 4, k = 17 and
d = 17, keeping a 74.37% detection ratio.
As the amount of malware and its variety is growing
every year, malware detection rises to become a topic
of research and concern. Further, classic signature
methods provide detection when the threat is known
in beforehand. It fails, however, when confronted to
unknown malware.
In this way, our method uses n-grams signatures to
achieve detection of unknown malware. In our exper-
iment we have chosen a set of decompiled malware
code and texts that have result of the monitorizing
of the execution of those file to act as the unknown
Figure 1: Detection and false positive ratio.
threats and other set to act as the known threats. Un-
der these premises, we extract the n-grams of the
known files and the n-grams of the unknownones. For
any instance of the unknown set, we are going to clas-
sify into malware or benign software, based upon the
coincidences of n-grams between the set of n-grams
of the known files and the set of n-grams of the un-
known ones.
We have demonstrated that n-grams-based
methodology signatures can achieve detection of
new or unknown malware. Furthermore, with the
inclusion of the parameter d in the classification
method, we have achieved a way to configure how
strict the system will be for classifying an unknown
instance as malware; thus, it is a way for controlling
the false positive ratio.
This method provides a good detection ratio and
the possibility to control the false positive ratio. This
way, this method can be applied in order to detect as
much malware as it can or it can be configured to give
a 0% false positive ratio.
Future work will focus on further research of the
capability of n-gram analysis in malware detection,
experiments with different and larger malware col-
lections, and combination of this technique with be-
havioural analysis of malicious code.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems