Min Li and Chris J. Hogger
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, U.K.
Keywords: GBMF, Business model, PayPal, Prolog.
Abstract: Logic-based modelling methods can benefit business organizations in constructing models offering flexible
knowledge representation supported by correct and effective inference. It remains a continuing research
issue as to how best to apply logic-based formalization to informal/semi-formal business modelling. In this
paper, we formulate aspects of the general business specification of PayPal in logic programming by
applying this in logic-based GBMF which is a declarative, context-independent, implementable and highly
expressive framework for modelling high-level aspects of business. In particular, we introduce the primary
PayPal business concepts and relations; specify simple but essential PayPal business processes associated
with a knowledge base, and set core business rules and controls to simulate the PayPal case in a fully
automatic manner. This specific modelling method gives the advantages of general-purpose expressiveness
and well-understood execution regimes, avoiding the need for a special-purpose engine supporting a
specialized modelling language.
Business changes fast, so do business rules/logic. No
company can guarantee an ever-effective structure
which requires no further change. The research
methods on how best to model or describe a business
organization should also advance with the times.
However, the majority of business models in the
market are comparatively weak in dealing with fast-
changing businesses, because a certain number of
them are purpose-built with a short lifetime. In this
circumstance, we believe it is necessary to abstract
the commonality of various businesses with different
types and scales, and then build a generic modelling
framework, on which any given business could be
further specified and modelled. We also argue that
an admissive formal method should be used to build
this framework in order to make it extensible, fault-
tolerant, easy to understand, and expressive.
Our related work in the field of formal business
modelling focuses on conceptual and logical aspects
of business of a general nature. As the foundation of
our work, we established a Generic Business
Modelling Framework (named GBMF) which is
mostly declarative, implementable, context-
independent, and of high expressiveness for
modelling high-level aspects of business. In the
implemented GBMF, business plans and action sets,
dynamically spawned processes, ontological
variables and manageable assets with rich
information are expressible transparently using an
economical repertoire of primitive constructs,
without requiring overly-burdensome programming
effort. To better demonstrate the beauty of GBMF
and its expressive power, we introduce the PayPal
case study. We firstly define those core business
plans aiming for personal users and corresponding
action knowledge base to interpret those plans. We
also build a small number of controls which are
required to ensure the main program continuously
and automatically output a certain amount of data
for analyzing business further.
The contributions of this paper can be
summarized as follows:
It introduces GBMF, an all-round framework
for representing diversified generic business
entities and their relations;
It implements an executable simulator upon
GBMF to simulate given business instances in
a automatic way;
It applies the PayPal case to GBMF. The
further analysis enables users to retrieve
essential information from ontological
variables and assets.
Li M. and Hogger C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001858600390044
In section 2 we discuss the related work. Section
3 outlines the basic structure and key concepts of
GBMF. We introduce the PayPal business protocol
in Section 4. Section 5 simply analyzes the
implementation of PayPal simulation. Finally, in
section 6 we present conclusions.
Existing business models vary from the abstract
level, investigating macroscopic business concepts
or general axiomatizations, down to the concrete
level, working on context specific implementations.
At the abstract level, many recommendations
exist as to the macroscopic concepts that need to be
considered in modelling business (Fox, 1998)
(Affua, 2003). There are clearly intersections and
exclusions among these works, but ascertaining it
precisely is difficult since not all of them are given
sufficiently formal anchorage. Whilst there are many
others intended for facilitating their design and
implementation, categorized as the concrete level.
Early exemplars include the business process
modelling methods IDEF0 (NIST, 1993) and PSL
(Schlenoff, 1997).
More recently, there emerges a community
exposing detailed commitments to representation,
formalization, logic and behaviours of business
models, whose research can be classified as a mid-
level in between abstract and concrete levels. From
their views, concepts and behaviour formulation,
logical transparency and expressivity power are all
subtle factors for a business company in choosing
their models. (Chen-Burger, 2002) expresses
conditions and actions of business processes,
relationships between them and constraints on the
data they deal with. Gordijn proposes an ontology-
based conceptual model named e3value, focusing on
modelling conceptualization and e-business
ontology, which is compared in detail by (Gordijn,
2005) with BMO (Osterwalder, 2005). The FBPML
(Chen-Burger, 2002; Kuo, 2003), as a sophisticated
amalgamation and extension of features drawn from
PSL and IDEF3, is declarative, using logic to
describe features of, and relations over, business
processes. Although sharing similarities with
GBMF’s basic representations of actions, entities
and process logic and behaviour, FBPML is a
purpose-built language requiring its own custom-
built engines and tools. GBMF is written directly in
the general-purpose Prolog language and so freely
inherit all the representational and execution power
of that formalism, including the well-understood
model semantics of normal-clause logic.
If we view business modelling, particularly the
formalization of modelling, in the context of AI, it is
inevitable to refer to business analysis and design.
Early approaches included the Vienna Definition
Method (Bjorner, 1978) and Structured Analysis
(Yourdon, 1989). GBMF borrows the idea in early
system engineering to further explore the semantic
foundation by performing reification and
decomposition to layers with acceptable details.
When facing the task of balancing deterministic
controls over ontological variables and declarative
controls expressed as business rules, a good
reference is the classical "logic+control" interplay
first emphasized by (Kowalski, 1979).
In short, inspired by most of the state-of-art
research on generic business modelling, GBMF not
only represent and simulate high-level business to
help users to better understand it, but also serve as a
formal and simple specification of a prototype-
supported method for quick business modelling.
In principle, the business of an enterprise can be
formulated as a purely declarative theory expressing
various business entities, their properties, inter-
relationships and controls (Hogger, 2004).
Achievable goals of the business can then be
identified with logical consequences of the theory,
and derivations of those goals can be interpreted as
particular simulations of the enterprise. A more
practical approach is to replace parts of that theory
by business plans and associated interpretation
which, though still expressed declaratively, are
inherently more deterministic to the extent that they
embody some preconceived commitments to the
control and interdependence of events.
3.1 An Overview of GBMF
Based on the above ideas in design, GBMF is built
upon the general notion of activities operating upon
any typical business entities. Activities are
composed from atomic basic actions organized into
action sets, which are in turn organized into larger
programmatic hierarchies called business plans. A
plan might, for example, embody the actions
entailed in a production process from inception to
delivery, with attendant impacts on strategy,
financial and temporal aspects of the business.
During manipulation of a business, such a plan could
be applied on multiple occasions, possible
concurrently. GBMF therefore treats a plan as a
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
template capable of spawning distinct instances
called processes, each acting upon its own vector of
business entities.
Many entities in a process will have a transient
existence, being only intermediates for creating the
eventual deliverables of that process. Those entities
to which this does not apply are the deliverables that
must survive, referred to as business assets. Thus the
macroscopic behaviour of an executing GBMF
instance is the transformation of an asset space,
when various processes are dynamically spawned,
possibly exploiting existing assets, copying or
acquiring its required assets and creating new assets.
The instigations and progressions of processes
are governed by business process rules, whilst the
internal relationships between their entities are
governed by the underlying procedures that define
the basic actions. A well-structured GBMF instance
should take a general form of self-controlling its
progression by consulting the asset space about the
required assets in advance. But in practice,
additional controls are usually required in order to
ensure that business process automation can be
simulated in a more reasonable and interactive way.
Figure 1: Overview of GBMF.
Figure 1 shows a structural view of GBMF.
There are three layers involved in modelling a
business with GBMF. The bottom layer contains
modules to deal with generic assets, to manage role
relations, and to parse business plans. independent of
concrete business data, serving as an interpretation
to make low level Prolog understand GBMF and
execute given business plans smoothly. The bottom
layer is treated as a minimum GBMF in semantic,
based on which we develop a function layer to
enhance the power of GBMF, in terms of managing
functional assets and implementing advanced
functional supporting tools.
In between these two layers, there is a data layer
in which a modeller needs to provide concrete
business data as GBMF input. GBMF can also be
viewed as interdependency of functional sub-
modules from a pure business perspective as
described in (Li, 2007).
3.2 Plans and Processes
GBMF represents each basic action as a term of the
form Action-name(Ontvars) in which Ontvars is a
vector of ontological variables. Each basic action A
appears within an action declaration whose general
syntax is as:
action(R, S, I, X).
or action(R, S, I, C, X)
or action(R, S, I, C, X1, X2)
R represents the role holder of this action, S
names an action set and I is a position index for A
within S. Each of X, X1, X2 is a basic action or an
action set name and C is a predicate, over one or
more ontological variables, expressing a condition.
Figure 2: The ‘register’ plan.
Figure 2 shows a fragment of the ‘register’
business plan formulated from the PayPal data file.
The ability of one action set to invoke others
inherently organizes a complete business model into
a set of plans. A plan comprises a root action set,
being invokable by no other, together with all those
other action sets that it may invoke directly or
indirectly. Some act sets could be repeatedly
invoked by other plans, to economize on the use of
common knowledge. Each action set has an
associated control declaration which is either of the
assertions control(A, seq) or control(A, con). This
specifies whether the basic action A is to be
performed sequentially or concurrently. The former
case uses the action declarations’ indices to
determine the temporal order, whilst the latter case
ignores them.
A GBMF process is an executing instance of a
plan. At any time in the animation of a model there
may exist zero or more active instances of each plan,
at various stages in their executions. A process is
denoted by P
where P is the plan name and i is a
unique instance identifier. P
has its own binding
) containing a pair (V, Val) for
each V
ont(P) signifying that V is bound to the
value Val. As P
executes, its variables become
% plan "register"
copy(accountlist, t1)).
checkacv(newemail,accountlist,tag, t2)).
instantiated by various ways - clock-binding, action
performing and constraint evaluation. Performing A
entails consulting an Action Knowledge Base
(AKB) containing an associated procedure for each
basic action type. If A is user-defined then its
procedure will have been supplied in the AKB by
the modeller. The primary effect of executing the
procedure is to update
3.3 Assets
By default, the termination of a process would leave
no trace of its prior existence, since its bindings will
be automatically garbage-collected. Instances of
relations between its ontological variables would
have been constructed or verified by the effects of
actions and constraints, but would not survive to the
lasting benefit of the modelled business as a whole.
In order to enable processes to manipulate
business entities of greater permanency, GBMF
allows the modeller to declare for any basic action
type that some of its arguments denote durative
assets. Concretely, such an asset is a value Val - a
compound structure conforming to a schema
declared in the AKB for any particular asset type,
tagged with a unique identifier, a type, a status
S and
an origin. The general schema of an asset is:
This schema makes it possible for the modeller
to represent any meaningful entity as an asset by
freely defining its value Val in AKB. The status of
the asset is either public or process-owned. Its origin
identifies the process π
from which it originated.
Besides the action-defining procedures, the AKB
contains asset declarations specifying any asset-
handling entailed in each action type, which can add
value to the fine controls over assets management.
For example, it will help to infer plan-asset
dependency or actionset-asset dependency.
Assets may serve many purposes, including
message-passing, information-displaying, process-
triggering etc. Our last remark about assets is that if
any assets are required to survive through its serving
process π’s termination then π must beforehand
make them public, by performing a system-defined
basic action ‘publish’. When a complete process
terminates, what survives is the set of public assets
still remaining in the asset space. These are the only
observable deliverables of the real time processes.
3.4 Plan-asset Dependency
The plans and the AKB’s asset declarations in a
model induce a plan-asset dependency which can be
treated as the fundamental logic to drive a business
progression in GBMF. Plan-asset dependencies are
logical consequences of the model and can be
inferred by the asset manager based on asset
declarations, however it serves the modellers’
interests to assert them explicitly in a component of
the model called the Business Process Rulebase
(BPR), independent of the business data. They
contribute to the formulation of business process
rules regulating process creation and behaviour.
Figure 3: Plan-asset dependency graph.
The plan-asset dependency can be demonstrated
as a graph whose nodes are plan names. Figure 3
outlines a small fraction of the plan-asset
dependency graph for the PayPal business model,
which is indeed a single thread of a successful
sending transaction. In Figure 3 two solid arrows
represent the entry and exit of a single money-send
thread. Each edge directed from one plan P to
another Q is labelled by two sets of variables in
ont(P), in which the set at the upper end of hollow
arrows are P’s produced assets, the other at the
lower end indicate those assets required by Q. For
example, the ‘setup’ plan produces three assets in
which only accountlist is required by its subsequent
plan ‘register’. The other two have a free existence
in the asset space for further use by other plans.
More generally and importantly, the BPR’s
process rules can express any user-defined controls
about the behaviours of the process pool if these are
expressible as logical conditions over existing
processes, or their binding environments, or the
existing assets. They are consulted by the model’s
execution manager to drive the model forwards and
to ensure that each process is spawned to serve a
declared purpose and that its subsequent behaviour
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
satisfies any declared conditions. The user-defined
controls and the intrinsic plan-asset dependencies
are both stored in a rule base.
The PayPal service allows a customer to pay in
various ways, including through credit cards, bank
accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without
sharing financial information ( The
popularity, the simplicity and the conveniences it
can bring to online payment are reasons why we
choose PayPal as one of our case studies.
In practice, we are not able to exploit a complete
business of PayPal because some derivative business
processes, designed for company customers, are
hard to obtain. However, there are some primary
business processes of PayPal for normal customers,
serving as our main target in this paper.
Based on (Burchell, 2004) and our practices, we
describe the business protocols of PayPal as follows:
1. Two roles are involved: user and server. We
further distinguish user into sender and receiver,
server into general admin, account admin,
transaction server and accountant.
2. All users should be authenticated by registering
and logging into PayPal system before they use.
3. A sender can send a transaction request by
providing minimum information such as sender
id, receiver id, amount and payment method.
Payment can be made through an existing
account or a valid credit card. The request will
be validated before it is set as ‘pending’ and
stored into the transaction database. The
requested money will then be debited from the
sender’s account and a message will be
generated to notify the receiver.
4. After log in, a receiver can either accept, by
crediting money into account and finishing the
transaction, or reject a transaction by setting as
‘rejected’ and returning money to sender.
5. Senders can cancel their pending transaction by
raising a cancel request. Any transaction older
than 30 time units will be removed from the
transaction database if it has not been claimed
by receiver or not been cancelled by sender.
6. Senders can claim money within 30 time units
from the completion date of the transaction if:
the sender didn’t claim on this transaction
before; the sender has less than two claims in
that year; the sender’s claim has been approved
by PayPal as legal by satisfying given claim
conditions. If the claim is successful, the money
will be transferred from receiver to sender.
PayPal business makes profit by charging a fee
comprised of a proportion of transaction amount and
a constant administration fee for every successful
transaction. The primary functions involved in the
above protocols make up the basic business
knowledge for our PayPal case design. We also
define some additional functions, such as transaction
query for modellers in exploring more information
through the PayPal simulation.
A general view on how the PayPal business
processes run under GBMF is shown in Figure 4. To
clearly describe and model the primary PayPal
business activities discussed earlier, we define 10
business plans in the data layer, represented by
rectangles in the graph. The plan ‘register’ shown in
Figure 2 is one of them in the form of source codes,
conforming to the plan schema. The defined assets
are listed in the cylinder in Figure 4, including three
types of customer requests, detailed transaction
information, several types of messages, PayPal’s
financial account balance, inventory of receipts and
records for all registered user accounts.
Figure 4: PayPal simulation in GBMF.
The simulation starts from ‘setup’, which is a
special type of plan to initialize the PayPal business
environment by clearing up the buffer and setting
three empty assets, including the accountlist. Then
the ‘register’ plan will actively look for accountlist,
whether empty or not, by searching the asset space
in a given time. Once accountlist is found, it will be
reserved and registered by the ‘register’ plan. Then
‘register’ will be triggered and executed, by
inserting a new list into the asset accountlist and
recording information of a new user. Along with the
advance of the system clock, the main simulation
will carry on. Thus, for all PayPal plans except
‘setup’, they will continuously and repeatedly check
the asset space, competing for assets they need. At
the same time, the additional trigger conditions
defined by users will be evaluated, as further
constraints. We use the tag assets&rules in
diamonds to denote controls, including plan-asset
dependencies and additional trigger conditions. The
one-way arrows in Figure 4 generally indicate the
ordinal relation between plans, conforming to plan-
asset dependencies we discussed earlier.
PayPal simulator runs over a timer controlled by
the execution manager. From bindings of temporal
variables, users are free to view business at a
specific time point or during a defined time interval.
Insofar as we want to automate the whole simulation
process as much as possible, we assume some
information is given, such as registration details of a
new PayPal user. Certain other information should
be generated in run-time, such as various requests
sent by customers in real-time.
Through the simulation of the PayPal use case,
users can understand the basic logic of PayPal as to
how different business processes compete for assets
needed, how a new business process is triggered
when all its required assets exist in asset space, how
an active process produces assets required by others
before they die with garbage-collecting, how the
business make profit by charging an administration
fee for some types of transaction. It is also possible
for the modeller to achieve high-level business goals
by either defining them in original business plans or
implementing them in advanced functional modules
in function layer.
GBMF facilitates business specifications by
establishing a generic business modelling framework
which offers logical formulations and reasoning
mechanisms aiming to provide a high-level,
transparent and flexible means of expressing the
diverse entities and constraints typically encountered
in business. Our case study in formulating aspects of
the PayPal business demonstrates the rich
expressiveness of GBMF in representing business
activities and goals. It is also shown in PayPal
business simulation that intrinsic plan-asset
dependencies and user-defined controls can easily
guild execution manager to manipulate various
ontological entities including ontological variables
and generated assets during the run time.
The ultimate purpose of GBMF is to provide an
alternative modelling method with a sound logical
structure and simple semantics, hence a synthesis to
support business consultation, validation and
prototype. The rich extensibility of GBMF enables
modellers to develop advanced functions to support
high level analysis for more complex business.
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