Dynamic Hints During Knowledge Collectors Move Mouse Over a Sentence
Po-Hsun Cheng
Software Engineering Department, National Kaohsiung Normal University
62, Shenjhong Rd., Kaohsiung, 82444, Taiwan
Ying-Pei Chen, Mei-Ju Su
Graduate Institute of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University
1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan
Data management, Information extraction, Intelligent data, Semantic web.
The more complicated web resources exist, the more professional web browsing technologies should be inno-
vated. This paper illustrates a concept for how to extract a web page semantic content and automatically follow
the cursor location to organize the likely-words from a sentence for data intelligence. Such a web browsing
concept could be implemented with a couple of cross-browser techniques. We believe this concept will be
popular with any other miscellaneous form in the future browsers. However, this concept will be another im-
portant step for human-computer interaction, especially, for minimizing the time expense and maintaining the
likely keywords library during further web surfing utilization.
When the Mosaic browser was announced in 1993,
the web resources blasted in fashionableness. A sta-
tistical web site distributesthe Internet usage and pop-
ulation statistics that essences out the usage growth
rate is 205.5% from 2000 to 2008 in the world (In-
ternetWorldStats.com, 2008). Those facts can imply
that users surf in the sea of the webs and try to collect
practical knowledge for further employment. Never-
theless, we conceive most users will lose their knowl-
edge searching direction after several browsing waves
in the web sea. Consequently, it will be a problem for
how to instantly organize knowledge searching routes
from a specific implication sentence during the web
browsing stage.
Likewise, in 2003, the Web 2.0 terminology pro-
posed by D. Dougherty to illustrate the trend which
there was an apparent alteration in how people and
businesses were utilizing the web and elevating web-
based applications. That is to say, the web infor-
mation still blows up. Then researchers found that
service-centric systems are a prominent multidisci-
plinary paradigm concerned with software that are
constructed as compositions of self-governing ser-
vices (Nano and Zisman, 2007). For the moment, Vit-
var said when no single service can gratify the entire
goal, the composition task tries to create a plan for
that goal (Vitvar et al., 2007). Therefore, we might
follow the Ding’s comments to assist users and soft-
ware agents find relevant knowledge on the semantic
web and examines the ontologies and facts that are en-
coded in semantic web documents (Ding et al., 2005).
Although the hindrances for supplying such an
service might be moderately unyielding, nevertheless,
Goth expressed that the obstacles in integrating man-
agement data across various boundaries demonstrates
a mother lode of opportunity (Goth, 2007). Mean-
while, Oren recommended that we can manipulate re-
sources depending on the source’s data access permis-
sions and capabilities (Oren et al., 2007). Accord-
ingly, we believe these suggestions will be upsurge
the accomplishment opportunity for solving affiliated
problems and also intensify our certainty.
Moreover, some researchers believe that extend-
ing service oriented architectures with semantics can
assist to invent service centric information systems
that better conform to transformations throughout
software systems’ lifetime and emerging applications
exploit the capability of a new breed of semantic tech-
nologies (Vitvar et al., 2007; Hendler, 2008). One of
them also predicted that emerging Web 3.0 corpora-
tions are combining the web data resources, standard
languages, ever-better tools, and ontologies into ap-
Cheng P., Chen Y. and Su M.
A WEB LIKELY-WORD INSTANT ORGANIZER (WEBLIO) - Dynamic Hints During Knowledge Collectors Move Mouse Over a Sentence.
DOI: 10.5220/0001843604350438
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
plications that take advantage of the powerof this new
species of semantic technologies (Hendler, 2008). For
instance, Missikoff has built a software environment
that supports the construction and assessment of a
domain ontology for intelligent information integra-
tion within a virtual user community (Missikoff et al.,
Primarily, the further complicated web resources
exist, the more experienced web browsing through
technologies would be innovated. Established on the
preceding listed problems, we proposed this paper
to depict a web likely-word instant organizer (We-
bLio) for transforming and probing user’s view of in-
tentions. That is, we compose related web search-
ing keywords instantaneously in order to reduce the
searching time for the Internet users, particularly for
students and other knowledge collectors. This pro-
posed methodology declares an intelligent keyword
list which relates to present cursor location, extracts
the corresponding sentence from a web page, parses
potential keywords, and wraps with Google search
The following paragraphs illustrate our WebLio
methodology for instantly constructing a clever key-
word list from an active web page. We also draw a
figure to allude to such a successive step in Fig. 1. It
comprises at least five principal processes: determine
the cursor location in a web page, obtain a sentence
from the cursor location, parse sentence and compose
keywords, map keywords to Google search syntax,
and then display tips-on-demand at cursor location.
Fundamentally, our WebLio based on the Google
Web Toolkit (GWT) to implement related functional-
ities in order to avoid writing web applications within
an error-prone process. In addition, such an emerg-
ing process will decrease the difficulties for building,
reusing, and maintaining large JavaScript code bases
and AJAX components.
2.1 Get Cursor Location
Preliminary of all, our methodology attempts to ob-
tain cursor location from an active web page. The
cursor location might be accompanying with mouse
moving, pointer moving, or keyboard typewriting. In
addition, we only intellect the user mouse moving
process during browsing through the web pages. Es-
sentially, the web browser system will be feedback
mouse location with two coordination position. The
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) proposed a Sim-
Figure 1: The web likely-word instant organizer (WebLio)
construction methodology.
ple API for XML (SAX) standard, and we emerge the
event-based StAX API to obtain the mouse position.
Streaming API for XML (StAX) is an API that en-
ables you to read and write XML documents in Java.
StAX is a parser independent, pure Java API founded
on interfaces that can be implemented by multiple
parsers. StAX was introduced in Java 6.0 and is delib-
erated superior to SAX and Document Object Model
2.2 Obtain Web Sentence
That is, we can invoke methods such as getName()
and getText() on the XMLStreamReader to retrieve
information about the item where the cursor is cur-
rently positioned. The interface XMLStreamReader
represents a cursor that is moved across an XML doc-
ument from beginning to end. At any given time, the
cursor always moves forward and usually only moves
one item at a time.
On the other hand, the tree-based DOM technol-
ogy from the W3C could let us access to all the ele-
ments on a web page, so we could refer to the cursor
location and use DOM technology to locate and ob-
tain the specific sentence which is pointed by the cur-
sor in a specific web page. The WebLio finds and
highlights the sentence element using getElement-
ById() and className().
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2.3 Parse Specific Sentence
After we obtain the specific sentence from an active
web page, we utilize a self-defined parser to parse it
and create an array of tokens which are extracted from
a sentence. Most of the tokens in this array are sin-
gle vocabulary at first, then we try to concatenate the
preceding tokens and the following tokens into other
keyword phrases. Such a task will be executed and
also append keyword phrases at the end of the array.
Our WebLio adopts the link grammar parser ap-
plication programming interface (API) (Sleater and
Temperley, 1993) to handle the sentence. This im-
plicit processing will create verbs and nouns in an
English sentence and then deposit these tokens into
a temporarily tiny database for next processing step.
Undoubtedly, this natural language processing is a
tough task and the complete success parsing possibil-
ity is depended on the parsing algorithm. Anyhow, we
choose this popular open source grammar parsing al-
gorithm as our sentence parsing basis. The advantage
is that we can develop another interface to dynamic
connect with different grammar parsing API’s, if there
are diverse grammar parsers in the world. Meanwhile,
the international language switching will be more ef-
In order to temporarily deposit the keywords in
an array for processing, we utilize an open source
slight database, SQLite v3.6.4, to take care of such
an array. Basically, the SQLite database is an
in-process software library that implements a self-
included, server less, zero-configuration, and transac-
tional SQL database engine. The SQLite is a highly
deployed SQL database engine in the world and the
source code is also in the public domain. Accompa-
nied by all features qualified, the library size can be
not so much than 250KB, relying on compiler opti-
mization environments.
2.4 Likely-word Mapping
Subsequently, we use the array of keywords which
is created at the preceding step to practice the key-
word mapping task. That is, we endeavor to map
our keywords one by one to Google search com-
mand. For instance, if there is a keyword ’human’,
then we will create a uniform resource locater (URL),
http://www.google.com/search?q=human, to refer to
the Google search command. Correspondingly, we
as well as can configure more detail search command
for Google searches with the locale definition of Mi-
crosoft Internet Explorer and get the same or similar
results form Google search engines.
2.5 Hints On-demand
At last, we attempt to benefit a notation container to
accompany with the right mouse click to display the
affiliated instant keyword list. If some of the knowl-
edge collectors want to instant capture all of the pos-
sible likely words during mouse moving over a sen-
tence, the system can be set for such an instant mode
rather the host mode. No matter that the instant mode
will detect the mouse moving and capture the possible
sentence after mouse is located beyond one sentence
for a second.
Generally, the host mode for our system will ob-
tain higher performance than instant mode. After ex-
ecuting either mode, all of the keywords in the instant
catalog can immediately open another web browser
and pass the related URL. Extraordinarily, you might
desire to open all of the keywords in the array list, and
we as well supply such a workability to open all of the
explorations which are related all of the keywords in-
stantly by grouping.
This document depicts a thought for how to extract
a semantic web content and automatically follow the
cursor position to systematize the keywords from a
sentence. Such a web browsing concept will be car-
ried out with a few cross-browser techniques. We
conceive this concept will be favorite with any other
miscellaneous fitness in the future browsers. Never-
theless, this concept will be another prominent stride
for human-computer fundamental interaction, espe-
cially, for deprecating the time spending during web
3.1 Not a Keyword Tool External
Practically, some users might deliberate for our
methodology will generate a list of keywords which is
similar to some of the Keyword Tool External (KTE)
tools, such as the SEOTools from SEOBook Co. The
KTE is a keyword insinuation tool which was show-
ing specific numbers for search terms instead of just
color bars. Anyway, our instant web keyword gener-
ator is not belonging to the KTE tools, and it is an-
other kind of the keyword generator which will sup-
ply the Internet users to smooth shift their focus to
another search keyword which is parsed and acquired
from a sentence and is located subordinate to the cur-
sor pointer.
A WEB LIKELY-WORD INSTANT ORGANIZER (WEBLIO) - Dynamic Hints During Knowledge Collectors Move
Mouse Over a Sentence
3.2 Security Consideration
Nonetheless, there is no important privacythoughtful-
ness for us to think about it. That is, it is not so privacy
for users to keep confidential from the other Internet
users, in spite of; we benefit the SQLite database to
affirm the keywords in the client side. We believe
such a utilization of SQLite might be as well satis-
factory for the majority of the Internet users.
3.3 Performance Consideration
The more hardware facilities are publicized, the
higher performance for web browsing through pro-
cess will be procured. This is a straightforward rea-
soning procedure that the web browsing operation
will not be an inconvenience in the hereafter web
browser with client-side high-speed hardware plat-
form. Considering that our branch of philosophy
only processes the text-based processing, it will use
slighter resources than the other multimedia system.
For that reason, our methodology approximately has
no coincidence to become the dealing with perfor-
mance bottleneck during the web browsing stage.
On the other hand, someone might comment that
the GWT will generate bloated codes with poor per-
formance and implicit information. However, we uti-
lize the GWT as our platform basis to fast develop
out. All of the toolkits, even programming languages,
have their own disadvantages, somehow, it is compul-
sory for us to make use of the GWT to construct our
system and avoid potential known bugs.
3.4 Dictionary Binding
It is further confident for the Internet users to bind our
scientific method with some open-sourced dictionary
gadgets. However, we did not originate such a chore
and envisage that we will embrace such a functional-
ity inside our methodology. Furthermore, some of the
popular dictionary-oriented functions will be supple-
mented with no harm.
The further intricate web resources exist, the addition-
ally professional web browsing technologies should
be initiated. This paper illustrates a concept for how
to extract a web page semantic contentedness and
automatically follow the cursor position to organize
the likely-words from a sentence for data cleverness.
Such a web browsing concept could be carried out
with a few cross-browser techniques. We conceive
this conception will be popular with any other di-
versified form in the future browsers. However, this
thought will be another important step for human-
computer interaction, particularly, for minimizing the
time expense and keeping the likely keywords for the
time of web surfing.
The author would like to acknowledge all of the at-
tending students, Chi-Heng Chung, Jun-Shen Chen,
Wen-Chen Jian, et al., for their collaborative sugges-
tions in the Software Engineering Department, Na-
tional Kaohsiung Normal University from September
2008 to January 2009.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies