Jan-Marc Ehrmann,
Andreas D. Lattner,
Gabriela Lindemann
and Ingo J. Timm
at Frankfurt am Main, Institute of Computer Science
Information Systems and Simulation, P.O. Box 11 19 32, D-60054 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
at zu Berlin, Department of Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin, Germany
Emotion model, Emotion-based strategy selection, Board game.
One important issue in gaming design is to let the player’s opponents appear as humanlike as possible. The
underlying assumption of our work is that integrating artificial emotions to computer players will lead to a
higher diversity of game situations and thus, to more interesting and joyful games. In this paper, we integrated
an emotion model to agents playing the board game “Intrige”. The current emotional state influences the
behavior of the agent. In experiments we have shown that success of agents depends on the used emotional
states and the varying constellations of opponents lead to different distributions of emotional states.
The gaming industry aims to design computer games
providing a convincing projection of the reality. One
important issue in gaming design is to let the player’s
opponents appear as humanlike as possible. Emotions
are one important aspect attributed to human beings.
The underlying assumption of our work is that inte-
grating artificial emotions to computer players will
lead to a higher diversity of game situations and thus,
to more interesting and joyful games. The underlying
research question is if agents should be provided with
emotions at all, and if so, for which kind of applica-
tions it could be useful.
The objectives of this research are to select an
emotional model, integrate it into the behavior de-
cision process of agents, and investigate how these
emotions influence the results in a given environment.
In order to examine the differences of emotional
agents the players will be playing an implementation
of the existing board game “Intrige”. The investiga-
tion is about to find out whether emotional agents
show any different behavior in the interaction with
other players and if there are tendencies in the emo-
tional development in certain combinations. In addi-
tion, the success rates of the different strategies will
be compared.
Although the definition of emotions still varies
there are generally accepted approaches (Zimbardo,
1995). (Kleinginna and Kleinginna, 1981) define
emotions as a complex pattern of changes including
psychological arousal, affection, cognitive processes
and behavior. They state that emotions occur when
an individuum percepts a certain situation to be of
importance. A newer and more complex model de-
fines emotions as a combination of certain tuples in
an Cartesian coordinate system (Russell, 1980). Rus-
sell’s circumplex model of affect distinguishes be-
tween the activation and pleasure axis. He defines
28 different states of affect, while a modified ver-
sion of the circumplex model (Schmidt-Atzert, 1996)
uses only eight states which will be described later
on. While criticism claimed that states like tired-
ness cannot be regarded as emotions (Schmidt-Atzert,
1996), the circumplex model allows a fair distinction
between certain emotional states.
Intrige (engl.: intrigue) is a German board game
where every player manages a court with four re-
gions of different values. The player’s actions are
twofold: Every court owner has a number of schol-
ars (two priests, two writers, two physicians, and two
Ehrmann J., D. Lattner A., Lindemann G. and J. Timm I. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 547-552
DOI: 10.5220/0001768805470552
Figure 1: “Intrige” board, sending out two scholars.
natural scientists) he wants to place in the other courts
as well as he has to house scholars from other players
in his four regions. The goal of the game is to earn
as much money as possible. During the game, players
negotiate about which scholar they are willing to ac-
cept or reject on their house positions aiming to earn
the most money at the end by either collecting cred-
its from their placed scholars or from the negotiations
when accepting or rejecting the opponents’ scholars.
Since the game specifically allows every kind of con-
tract between the players and often forces the player
to break the contracts, it can be considered to possess
the tendency to induce emotions.
Each game lasts ve rounds in which each player
has to do the three following actions if possible:
1. collecting credits from the bank
2. accepting or rejecting pending scholars
3. sending out two of his scholars
The simulation implements almost every rule of the
game. However, the negotiations are currently based
on the amount of the paid bribery only.
Fig. 1 illustrates a situation where player red sends
out two of his scholars. He bribes player green with
7000 credits to get position 6000 and bribes player
yellow with 9000 to get position 10000. Paying bribes
does not guarantee that agreements are kept, i.e., play-
ers green and yellow are free to put the scholars in any
of the regions independent of the negotiation.
The game’s rules additionally have some restric-
tions, e.g., every court can only host one scholar of
each type and each region has only place for one per-
son. For more details we refer to the Intrige game’s
rules (Dorra, 2003).
Figure 2: Emotional states.
The emotional agents designed for this simulation im-
plement Russell’s simplified circumplex model with
a certain playing strategy in accordance to their game
experience. After experiencing emotionally relevant
incidents their emotional state can vary and therefore
their playing strategy can change. This section illus-
trates the origins of the emotional model and the dif-
ferent strategies, defined for each state.
3.1 Emotion Model
The emotion model is based on the circumplex model
(Schmidt-Atzert, 1996) where eight different emo-
tional states are listed: elated, excited, happy, con-
tent, tired, bored, sad, and angry. In addition a ninth
state called neutral was added knowing as a starting
point to investigate the changes in emotional states.
By differing the two values activation and pleasure
into three categories named low, neutral and high, it
is always possible to determine the emotional state of
the agent. Fig. 2 shows how these different emotional
states result from the different intensity values of acti-
vation and pleasure. Threshold values (±20) indicate
the regions’ borders of the different emotional states.
3.2 Agent Behavior
For the scenario outlined in the previous section we
developed an agent architecture which contains an ex-
plicit model of emotions. The underlying idea is to
enable an agent to select specific strategies in its be-
havior, i.e., bribing strategy, w.r.t. its emotional state.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Action types and substrategies.
Action Type Potential Sub-Strategies
conflict handling avoid, invoke, random
sendout position selection high, low, random
bribe value selection high, low, normal
accepting scholar preference old, new, random
The reaction of the other players as well as the suc-
cess of the agent’s actions are used for transforming
the emotional state:
sendout of scholar
accepted: increase activation
banished: decrease activation
balance, i.e., earnings minus expenses
increased: increase pleasure
decreased: decrease pleasure
The emotion model as well as the transformation rules
introduced above are used for determining and chang-
ing an emotional state of an agent. The agent se-
lects its behavior in accordance to its emotional state.
The mapping of state to behavior is implemented by a
strategy concept, i.e., one strategy is assigned to each
emotional state. Without consideration of emotions,
an agent has to perform different types of actions. It
has to be decided where to send a scholar, amount of
bribery, where to place foreign scholars, and how to
handle conflict situations. Therefore the strategy con-
cept consists of an allocation of one sub-strategy to
each of the four major action types (cf. Table 1).
The first three action types deal with sending out
a scholar. In the first step, the agent has to select
the destination court. In this process, conflicts can
be avoided or provoked; the agent can also select the
court by random. After court selection, it is decided if
the scholar is sent to a region with high, low, or ran-
dom value. The third step is to calculate the bribery
value, namely high, low, or normal. Normal bribery
equals the value of the region. Finally, the accepting
scholar preference addresses the handling of foreign
scholars in the own court. The substrategy old means
that in conflicting situations the scholar who entered
first is accepted while new accepts the latest.
Table 2 shows the combination of activation and
pleasure values in accordance to the resulting emo-
tional state and corresponding strategy. The strategies
of the agents are divided into three categories:
upper strategies: agents willing to pay large
amounts of bribe (excited, elated, happy)
lower strategies: agent paying small amounts of
bribe (content, sad, angry)
normal strategies: agent paying the position value
(tired, bored, neutral)
3.3 Agent Types
Each emotional state is combined with a certain strat-
egy which is basically connected to the way how a
player is sending out its scholars, how much credits
he is willing to pay, and how he deals with requests
of other players. Altogether the simulation consists
of eleven different types of agents, nine of them play
one certain emotional state, one is playing randomly
(random agent) and one plays all of the emotional
states in accordance to his activation and pleasure val-
ues (emotional agent). Additionally, a human player
has been implemented for testing purposes.
In order to investigate the simulation, different groups
of configurations have been defined which determine
what agent types participate in one set of thousand
games. The number of players is set to four and for
each position one out of the eleven agent types can
be chosen. Additionally, for the emotional agents, it
is possible to select if the emotional state should be
reset at the end of every game.
In the experiments, we focused on the observa-
tion of one agent in the game setting. Every config-
uration is described by a notational string of the type
031-1[ti](2)3r-nr-01 where “031” represents the ID of
the configuration “1[ti]” indicates that one emotional
player (in this case the tired player) on Position “(2)”
plays against three random player (“3r”) and the emo-
tion values will not be reset after the game (“nr”) and
the run number “01” has been investigated.
For evaluation purposes, different values are cap-
tured: The number of won games (i.e., highest cred-
its), the credits at the end of the game, and the emo-
tional state (for the emotional agent).
4.1 Calibration
The evaluation of the simulation is based on a cali-
bration. The calibration should guarantee that each
emotional agent can reach as many emotional states
as possible and at the same time being neutral for a
fairly amount of times after many games. In order to
evaluate the simulation the sensible bribe value had
to be re-adjusted by adding the suitable multiplying
values. Fig. 3 shows the distributions of emotional
states before and after an experimental reconfigura-
tion was accomplished (without reset of emotional
states). The calibration values have been identified
empirically. The charts show how often a player is
Table 2: Activation and pleasure of emotional states.
Emotional state Activation Pleasure Conflict handling Sendout position Bribe value Accepting scholar
neutral neutral neutral random random normal random
excited high neutral invoke high high random
elated high high invoke high high new
happy neutral high random random high new
content low high avoid low low new
tired neutral low avoid low normal random
bored low low avoid low normal old
sad low neutral random random low old
angry high low invoke high low new
Figure 3: Emotional states before and after calibration.
in a certain emotional state after one game (repeated
1000 times).
4.2 Hypotheses
In this work three different hypotheses have been
1. The different strategies vary in their success, i.e.,
there are strategies which are more successful
than others in certain configurations.
2. Emotional agents are influenced differently w.r.t.
their emotional state depending on the set of op-
3. Given a sufficient number of games, the results
using emotional agents vary from the results using
only random players.
In order to proof the first hypothesis a configuration
has to be found where one player has more success
in the sense that he wins the game more often than
another player does in another configuration.
The second hypothesis states that the artificial
emotional environment leads to different distributions
of emotional states. Given three different strategy
groups (upper, lower, and normal), hypothesis two
will be proven, if there exists a configuration in each
strategy group where the emotional agent is in more
than 50% of the games in a certain emotional state.
The third hypothesis states that the introduction of
emotional agents changes the outcome of the game
compared to configurations where only random play-
ers participate. While the first hypothesis aims to
show that the simulation is a “real” game in the sense
that different strategies lead to different outcome, the
second hypothesis claims that real tendencies of emo-
tional states can be found among the artificially cre-
ated emotions. The third hypothesis justifies the use
of emotional players by showing the variety arising
from their game results and is proven if
1. The root square deviation of the credits of the in-
vestigated configurations is bigger than when ran-
dom players compete (sc 50000)
2. There are configurations where the amount of vic-
tories is almost equally balanced among the play-
ers (sv 20)
3. Every emotional state can win in a certain config-
4. Every position can be victorious
4.3 Results
Among the so-called lower strategies, meaning a
strategy in which the emotional agent is not willing
to pay much bribe, there are two strategies which
were very successful even when running the config-
uration several times (in this case ten times). Com-
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Distribution of two successful configurations.
059-1e(1)3[ha]-nr 052-1e(2)3[ex]-nr
871, 841, 841, 843, 852, 794, 808, 821, 822, 818,
875, 857, 853, 846, 844 819, 828, 822, 821, 821
Table 4: Maximal number of emotional states with corre-
sponding configuration.
configuration state value
132-1e(4)3[n]-r neutral 538
072-1e(2)3[bo]-nr elated 115
070-1e(4)3[ti]-nr excited 660
150-1e(2)3[ti]-r happy 347
051-1e(1)3[el]-nr content 995
137-1e(1)3[an]-r sad 443
161-1e(1)3[an]-r bored 234
164-1e(4)3[an]-r tired 242
078-1e(4)3[sad]-nr angry 375
Table 5: Emotional state distributions for three selected
993, 987, 989, 606, 625, 598, 530, 516, 484,
990, 987, 988, 588, 599, 580, 506, 514, 520,
988, 991, 619, 600, 512, 522,
986, 990 580, 629 507, 525
paring these two successful strategies where the emo-
tional agent on player position 1 archives generally
more than 800 victories in 1000 games, the results of
the students t-test states that the two value sets are sta-
tistically significant differently and hence hypothesis
1 is proven. Table 3 shows the distribution of the two
successful configurations 059 and 052.
Regarding the different emotional states in which
the emotional agent can end up in accordance to
the configuration, Table 4 shows nine configurations
where (in comparison to all other configurations) the
player ended up in a certain state more often than any
other configuration.
By choosing configuration 051 of the upper strate-
gies (willing to pay much credits), configuration 070
of the lower configuration group and configuration
132 of the normal strategies (paying normal bribes),
one configuration of each group could be found where
more than half of the games the agent ends up in a
certain state. The execution of the Student’s t-test sta-
tistically proved that these values are significantly dif-
ferently proving hypothesis 2. Table 5 shows the ten
different emotional state distributions for all three se-
lected configurations.
In order to prove that the results of the simulation
Table 6: Distribution of won games.
Adam Betty Carry Dylan RSD
249,45 263,86 248,89 238,39 173,97
vary from the games where only random agents par-
ticipate, certain pre-defined requirements have been
tested. The hypothesis could be verified, because con-
figuration 4e-r and 4e-nr (4 emotional players com-
pete with and without reset) had a root square devia-
tion (RSD) of the credits sc 50000 and there were
more than one configuration with with sv 20 (168-
4[ha]-nr with a value of 14.02). In order to illustrate
the variety of the simulation, Table 6 sums up the
winning distribution among all players (ordered by
their position) and showing the root square deviation
(RSD) of the investigated set. The third requirement
can be deduced by referring to the results from this
table. The fourth requirement has also been proven so
that hypothesis 3 is proved as well.
Simulation affection in a computer environment was,
for instance, the approach D
orner chose when design-
ing PSI, a learning software agent designed to survive
on an “island” by investigating his surroundings. Al-
though PSI was designed to experience many differ-
ent “needs”, it has yet not been able to interact with
other PSI agents (D
orner, 2002).
The software agent Max, developed at the Univer-
sity of Bielefeld (Boukricha et al., 2007), is even able
to perceive emotions of the other players and there-
fore can be considered to be empathic. In an investi-
gation, Max is playing a card game against a human
player and is differently reacting on the test persons
emotions, giving the test person the opportunity to
evaluate Max reactions. Max is yet not able to change
his game play according to his emotions.
(Reilly and Bates, 1992) introduce the emotion
model Em which has been developed within the Oz
project. The project aimed at the development of tech-
nologies for interactive fiction and virtual realities.
The emotion model for the agents in the Oz world is
based on an cognition-based model by Ortony, Clore,
and Collins (OCC). The adapted model used by Reilly
and Bates consists of 14 emotions like joy and dis-
tress. The activation of emotions can have different
causes, e.g., depending on goal success or failure. The
behavior decision process is influenced by a set of fea-
tures which are controlled by functions based on the
emotional state (Bates et al., 1992).
(Camurri and Coglio, 1998) present an architec-
ture for emotional agents. The authors propose an
architecture including an emotional state that evolves
over time. The emotional changes depend on the input
and create an output possibly influencing rational or
reactive behavior of the agent. Two two-dimensional
“emotional spaces” are presented where emotional
stimuli move the current position of the emotional
state. While the motivation of this approach is similar
to the one in our approach (trying to create more re-
alistic or entertaining behavior), Camurri and Coglio
aim at an emotional architecture for robots with real-
time interaction.
An approach to modeling emotional BDI agents is
presented by (Pereira et al., 2006). They introduce the
multi-modal logic EBDI where an emotional compo-
nent influences the interactions of beliefs, desires, and
intentions. In their paper, besides the basic emotional
model they provide a specification of a fearful emo-
tional BDI agent. Pereira et al. consider threats and
unpleasant facts triggering fear.
(Steunebrink et al., 2007) introduce a formaliza-
tion of the OCC model of emotions mentioned above.
They introduce a logical language (and its semantics)
which they have used to formalize qualitatively all 22
emotional states of the OCC model.
The work proved that there are configurations which
are significantly less successful in their environment
than others and that the artificially created emotions
are indeed significantly influencing each other in the
context of the gaming environment. Although not yet
completely determinable the idea of game variety has
been investigated by guaranteeing that the new emo-
tional agents affect the game play severely.
Altogether the work achieved to construct a simu-
lation of artificial emotions in a gaming environment.
In order to investigate the plausibility of certain emo-
tional reactions a survey on the human player (like
Max) could be interesting. A competition with human
players could lead to interesting results, because it is
yet not sure that lower strategies might loose of their
strength when competing with human players (who
would accept an extremely small bribe?). Another
possible step is to adjust the complexity of the bribing
system by offering the players to bargain much more
as they like to.
Further interesting extensions could address the
integration of promises (in the sense of commitments)
as additional means for negotiations– and, of course,
the satisfaction or violation of such promises. In the
current emotional agents, each agent has only one
general emotional state. It would also be interesting
to introduce “directed” emotions, i.e., emotions w.r.t.
an individual player who has acted in a pleasant or
unkind way.
Bates, J., Loyall, A. B., and Reilly, W. S. (1992). An ar-
chitecture for action, emotion, and social behavior.
In Selected papers from the 4th European Workshop
on on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent
World, Artificial Social Systems, volume 830 of LNCS,
pages 55–68, Berlin. Springer-Verlag.
Boukricha, H., Becker, C., and Wachsmuth, I. (2007). Sim-
ulating empathy for the human max. In 2nd Interna-
tional Workshop on Emotion and Computing, in con-
junction with the german Conference on Artificial In-
telligence, pages 22–27, Osnabr
uck, Germany.
Camurri, A. and Coglio, A. (1998). An architecture for
emotional agents. IEEE MultiMedia, 5(4):24–33.
orner, D. (2002). Die Mechanik des Seelenwagens. Hans
Huber Verlag, Bern.
Dorra, S. (2003). Intrige. AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH.
Game’s rules (German).
Kleinginna, P. R. and Kleinginna, A. M. (1981). A catego-
rized list of motivation definitions with a suggesting
for a consensual defintion. Motivation and Emotion,
Pereira, D., Oliveira, E., and Moreira, N. (2006). Modelling
emotional BDI agents. In Dunin-Keplicz, B. and
Verbrugge, R., editors, Formal Approaches to Multi-
Agent Systems (ECAI Workshop Proceedings), pages
47–62, Riva del Garda, Italy.
Reilly, W. S. and Bates, J. (1992). Building emotional
agents. Technical Report CMU-CS-92-143, School of
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts-
burgh, PA.
Russell, J. A. (1980). A circumplex model of affect. In Jour-
nal of Personality and Social Psychology: 39, pages
Schmidt-Atzert, L. (1996). Lehrbuch der Emotionspsy-
chologie. W.Kohlhammer, Stuttgart.
Steunebrink, B. R., Dastani, M., and Meyer, J.-J. C. (2007).
A logic of emotions for intelligent agents. In Holte, R.
and Howe, A., editors, Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007),
pages 142–147, Vancouver, Canada. AAAI Press.
Zimbardo, P. G. (1995). Psychologie. Spektrum Verlag,
Berlin, 6th edition.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence