Maria Sagrebin, Daniel Caparr`os Lorca, Daniel Stroh and Josef Pauli
Fakult¨at f¨ur Ingenieurwissenschaften
Abteilung f¨ur Informatik und Angewandte Kognitionswissenschaft
Universit¨at Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Model-based object tracking, Online model generation.
Although robust object tracking has a wide variety of applications ranging from video surveillance to recog-
nition from motion, it is not completely solved. Difficulties in tracking objects arise due to abrupt object
motion, changing appearance of the object or partial and full object occlusions. To resolve these problems, as-
sumptions are usually made concerning the motion or appearance of an object. However in most applications
no models of object motion or appearance are previously available. This paper presents an approach which
improves the performance of a tracking algorithm due to simultaneous online model generation of a tracked
object. The achieved results testify the stability and the robustness of this approach.
Robust object tracking is an important task within the
field of computer vision. It has a variety of appli-
cations ranging from motion based recognition, auto-
mated video surveillance, traffic monitoring, up to ve-
hicle navigation and human-computer interaction. In
all situations the main goal is to extract the motion of
an object and to localize it an image sequence. Thus
in its simplest form, tracking is defined as the problem
of estimating the trajectory of an object in an image
sequence as it moves in the scene. In high level ap-
plications this information could be used to determine
the identity of an object or to recognize some unusual
movement pattern to give a warning.
Although good solutions are widely desired object
tracking is still a challenging problem. It becomes
complex due to noise in images, abrupt changes in
object motion and partial and full object occlusions.
Changing appearance of an object and changes in
scene illumination also cause problems a good track-
ing method has to deal with.
Numerous approaches for object tracking have
been proposed. Depending on the environment in
which tracking is to be performed they differ in object
representations or how motion, appearance or shape
is modeled. Jepson et al. (Jepson et al., 2003) pro-
posed an object tracker that tracks an object as a three
component mixture, consisting of stable appearance
features, transient features and a noise process. An
online version of the Expectation-maximization (EM)
algorithm is used to learn the parameters of these
components. Comaniciu et al. (Comaniciu et al.,
2003) used a weighted histogram computed from a
circular region to represent the moving object. The
mean-shift tracker maximizes the similarity between
the histogram of the object and the histogram of the
window around the hypothesized object location. In
1994, Shi and Tomasi proposed the KLT tracker (Shi
and Tomasi, 1994) which iteratively computes the
translation of a region centered on an interest point.
Once a new position is obtained the tracker evalu-
ates the quality of the tracked patch by computing
the affine transformation between pixel correspond-
ing patches.
Thus usually some of the problems described ear-
lier are resolved by imposing constraints on the mo-
tion or appearance of objects. As stated by Yilmaz
(Yilmaz et al., 2006) almost all tracking algorithms
assume that the object motion is smooth with no
abrupt changes. Sometimes prior knowledge about
the size and shape of an object is also used to sim-
plify the tracking task. However the higher the num-
ber of imposed constraints the smaller is the area of
applicability of the developed tracking algorithm.
This paper presents an approach which implies no
prior knowledge about the motion or appearance of
an object. Instead the appearance of a previously un-
Sagrebin M., Caparròs Lorca D., Stroh D. and Pauli J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 392-397
DOI: 10.5220/0001659803920397
known object is learned online during an initial phase.
First all moving objects in the scene are detected by
using a backgroundsubtraction method. Then distinc-
tive features are extracted from these objects and cor-
respondences of detected object regions across differ-
ent images are established by using a point tracker.
The used point tracker does have several drawbacks.
However, during the initial phase it provides enough
information to the system to learn the appearance of a
tracked object. The generated multiview appearance
model is then used to detect an object in subsequent
images and thus helps to improve performance of a
tracking method.
In the following every step of the described ap-
proach is discussed in detail. First the used back-
ground subtraction method and the point tracker are
presented. The developed algorithm for online gen-
eration of an object appearance model is described in
section 4. In subsequent sections the results and pos-
sible improvement to this approach are discussed.
If the amount and the shape of moving objects in the
scene is unknown, background subtraction is an ap-
propriate method to detect those objects. Although
several background subtraction algorithm have been
proposed, all of them are based on the same idea. First
the so called background model is built. This model
represents the naked scene or the observed environ-
ment without any objects of interest. Moving objects
are then detected by finding deviations from the back-
ground model in the image.
Background subtraction became popular follow-
ing the work of Wren et al. (Wren et al., 1997).
He proposed a method where each pixel of the back-
ground is modeled by a Gaussian distribution. The
mean and the covariance parameters for each distri-
bution are learned from the pixel value observations
in several consecutive images. Although this method
shows good results, a single Gaussian distribution is
not appropriate to model multiple colors of a pixel.
This is necessary in the case of small repetitive move-
ments in the background, shadows or reflections. For
example pixel values resulting from specularities on
the surface of water, from monitor flicker or from
slightly rustling of leaves can not be modeled with just
one Gaussian distribution. In 2000, Staufer and Grim-
son (Stauffer and Grimson, 2000) used instead a mix-
ture of Gaussians to model a pixel color. This back-
ground subtraction method is used in the proposed ap-
proach to detect moving objects. In the following it is
presented in more detail.
Each pixel in the image is modeled by a mixture of
K Gaussian distributions. K has a value from 3 to 5.
The probability that a certain pixel has a color value
of X at time t can be written as
) =
· η(X
where w
is a weight parameter of the i-th Gaussian
component at time t and η(X
) is the Normal dis-
tribution of i-th Gaussian component at time t repre-
sented by
) =
where µ
is the mean and Σ
= σ
I is the covariance
of the i-th component at time t. It is assumed that the
red, green and blue pixel values are independent and
have the same variances.
The K Gaussians are then ordered by the value of
. This value increases both as a distribution
gains more evidence and the variance decreases. Thus
this ordering causes that the most likely background
distributions remain on top.
The first B distributions are then chosen as the back-
ground model. B is defined as
B = argmin
> T
where the threshold T is the minimum portion of the
background model. Background subtraction is done
by marking a pixel as foreground pixel if its value is
more than 2.5 standard deviations away from any of
the B distributions.
The first Gaussian distribution that matches the pixel
value is updated by the following equations
= (1 ρ)µ
+ ρX
= (1 ρ)σ
+ ρ(X
ρ = αη(X
and α is the learning rate. The weights of the i-th
distribution are adjusted as follows
= (1 α)w
+ α(M
where M
is set to one for the distribution which
matched and zero for the remaining distributions.
Figure 1 shows some results of the background
subtraction method. For this experiment a simple off
the shelf web camera was placed in one corner of the
room facing the center. The background model of
the scene was learned from the first 200 images taken
from that camera. Moving objects in the scene were
then detected by the deviation of pixel colors from the
background model. As shown in the lower image all
moving objects have been successfully detected.
Figure 1: Results of the background subtraction.
Here moving objects are represented by so called
foreground pixels. Pixels which belong to the back-
ground have a constant black value. Usually for later
processing foreground pixels are grouped into regions
by a connected components algorithm. This allows to
treat an object as a whole. After labeling the com-
ponents axis parallel rectangles around these regions
have been computed. The results are shown in the left
image. The centers of these rectangles have been used
to specify the positions of the objects in the image.
The positions and rectangles around all detected
objects in the scene form the input to the object track-
ing method. This method is described in more detail
in the next section.
The aim of an object tracker is to establish correspon-
dences between objects detected in several consecu-
tive images. Assuming that an object is not moving
fast, one could treat overlapping rectangles r
in two consecutive images t and t + 1 as sur-
rounding the same object. However as stated above
this assumption imposes a constraint on the motion
model of an object. In the case of a small fast moving
object the rectangles around this object in different
images will not overlap and the tracking will fail.
To overcome this problem a different tracking ap-
proach was used. The input to this method consists
of rectangles around moving objects which have been
previously computed in two consecutive images. To
establish correspondences between rectangles the fol-
lowing steps have been conducted.
Extraction of distinctive features in both images.
Finding correspondences between the extracted
Identifying corresponding rectangles. Two rect-
angles are considered as being correspondent
when features they surround are corresponding to
each other.
Figure 2 shows how two robots have been tracked.
The upper and lower pictures show images taken from
the same camera at timestamps t and t + 1 respec-
tively. First based on the background subtraction
method the robots have been found and then by us-
ing the connected components algorithm rectangles
around these robots have been computed. Simulta-
neously, distinctive features have been extracted and
tracked over these two images. In the upper image
those features are depicted through dots. Computed
rectangles were used to select features which repre-
sent the moving objects. Corresponding rectangles in
two consecutive images have been identified through
corresponding features which lie inside those rectan-
gles. The short lines on moving objects in the lower
image depict trajectories of successfully tracked fea-
tures which have been found on the robots. This
Figure 2: Tracking of moving objects in the scene.
approach is not restricted to a special kinds of fea-
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tures. Several interest point detectors can be used.
Morevec’s interest operator (Moravec, 1979), Harris
corner detector (Harris and Stephens, 1988), Kanade-
Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) detector (Shi and Tomasi, 1994)
and Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) detector
(Lowe, 2004) are often mentioned in the literature.
However in experiments presented here, SIFT detec-
tor has been used. According to the survey by Miko-
lajczyk and Schmid (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2003)
this detector outperforms most point detectors and is
more resilient to image deformations.
SIFT features were introduced by Lowe (Lowe,
2004) in 1999. They are local and based on the ap-
pearance of the object at particular interest points.
They are invariant to image scale and rotation. In
to these properties, they are also highly distinctive,
relatively easy to extract and are easy to match against
large databases of local features.
As seen on the left image in Figure 2 features are
extracted not only on moving objects but also all over
the scene. Previously computed rectangles around the
objects which were detected by background subtrac-
tion are used to cluster and to select features of inter-
est. These are features which are located on moving
objects. However one could also think of clustering
the features due to the length and angle of the trans-
lation vectors defined by two corresponding features
in two images. Features located on moving objects
produce longer translational vectors as those located
on the background. In such an approach no back-
ground subtraction would be necessary and a lot of
computational cost would be saved. This method was
also implemented but led to very unstable results and
imposed too many constraints on the scene and on
the object motion. For example to separate features
which represent a slowly moving object from those
which lie on the background it was necessary to de-
fine a threshold. It is easy to see that this approach
is not applicable when for example an object stops
moving before changing its direction. Later it will be
shown that the results of the background subtraction
method are also used to generate a model of an object.
Although the proposed tracking method was suc-
cessfully tested in an indoor environment, it does have
several drawbacks. The method tracks objects based
on the features which have been extracted and tracked
to the next image. However point correspondences
can not be found in every situation. It especially be-
comes complicated in the presence of partial or full
occlusions of an object. The same problem arises due
to changing appearance of an object. Usually an ob-
ject does have different views. If it rotates fast only
few or no point correspondences at all can be found.
The above problems could be solved if a mul-
tiview appearance model of a tracked object would
be available. In that case an object could have been
detected in every image, hereby improving the per-
formance of the tracking algorithm. Usually such
models are created in an offline phase. However, in
most applications it is not practicable. Such an ap-
proach also restricts the number of objects which can
be tracked. Depending on the application, an expert
usually defines the amount and the kind of objects to
be tracked and trains the system to recognize these ob-
jects. Next section describes how a multiview appear-
ance model of a previously unknown object is gener-
ated online.
Usually objects appear different from different views.
If such an object performs a rotational movement the
system has to know the different views of that ob-
ject so that it can track it. A suitable model for that
purpose is a so called multiview appearance model.
A multiview appearance model encodes the different
views of an object so that it can be recognized in dif-
ferent positions.
Several works have been done in the field of ob-
ject tracking using multiview appearance models. For
example Black and Jepson (Black and Jepson, 1998)
proposed a subspace based approach, where a sub-
space representation of the appearance of an object
was built using Principal Component Analysis. In
2001, Avidan (Avidan, 2001) used a Support Vector
Machine classifier for tracking. The tracker was pre-
viously trained based on positive examples consist-
ing of images of an object to be tracked and negative
examples consisting of things which were not to be
tracked. However, such models are usually created
in an offline phase, which is not practicable in many
In the approach presented here a multiview ap-
pearance model of a previously unknown object is
generated online. The input to the model genera-
tion module consists of all moving objects detected
by background subtraction and all correspondences
established through the object tracker described in
section 3. Figure 3 shows graphically the procedure
which is followed by the model generation module.
After background subtraction was performed and
moving objects were detected in the image, image re-
gions representing those objects were used to build
models of them. In the database a model of an ob-
ject was stored as a collection of different views of
that object. The database was created and updated us-
Figure 3: Graphical representation of a workflow of the model generation module.
ing the vision system of the Evolution Robotics ERSP
platform. Each view of an object was represented
by a number of SIFT features, which have been ex-
tracted from the corresponding image of that object.
Recognition was performed by extracting SIFT fea-
tures in a new image and by matching them, based on
the similarity of feature texture, to the features stored
in the database. The potential object matches were
then refined by the computation of an affine transform
between the new image and the corresponding view
stored in the database. Next all different cases shown
in figure 3 are described in more detail.
Case 1. In the very beginning when the system starts
working and the database is empty, there is
no matching of any extracted object with the
database. And since it is the first time that this
object is detected it is not tracked either. Thus a
new model consisting of one view only is added
to the database.
Case 2. If the same object could be tracked to the
next image but the new view could not be matched
with the database then this new view is added to
the model which matched the view of the object
in the previous image. This situation can occur
when an object is rotating and thus changing its
appearance. In this case only a few features can
be tracked. However these correspondences are
usually not sufficient to match the new view to the
one already existing.
Case 3. The detected object can be matched with the
database. In this case two situations can arise. In
the first case the object is matched to one model
in the database only. If the matching score is low
than a new view is added to that model. In the
second case the object is matched to more than
one model in the database. In this situation all
views of these models are fused together. It is sug-
gested that these views describe the same object
and therefore belong to the same model.
The second situation in the third case arises when dif-
ferent models in the database represent the same ob-
ject. Different models of the same object could have
been created when an object performs an abrupt mo-
tion and neither the new view is matched with the
database nor the tracker is able to track the object.
However after a period of time, if a new view can
be matched to these different models in the database,
these models will be fused together. The duration of
this period depends on the motion of the object. Fig-
ure 4 shows the multiviewmodel of a robot which was
created with the proposed approach.
Different views of the robot have been stored in
the database. In this figure points depict the posi-
tions of SIFT features which havebeen extracted from
these images. The generated model is specific to cam-
era position and orientation. No views are stored in
the database which can not be obtained from that par-
ticular camera. This results in a very accurate and
concise representation of an object. The obtained
database is optimally fitted into the application envi-
The described algorithm for model generation can
also work if no point tracker is available. In that case
the query for a successfully tracked object in figure
3 would always result in ’NO’. However experiments
have shown that an adequate point tracker reduces the
time needed to generate an object model.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Online generated model of the robot.
With object models being available, objects were
tracked more robustly. The trajectory of an object
was estimated via results of the feature tracker pre-
sented in section 3 in combination with the object
detection mechanism which located objects based on
their model stored in the database. Even in the case
of temporary partial or full occlusions of the tracked
object tracking was stable and could have been con-
tinued. After the object reappeared, it was detected
by the system based on the previously stored model
in the database.
In this paper a new object tracking approach was
presented which autonomously improves its perfor-
mance by simultaneous generation of object models.
The different multiview appearance models are cre-
ated online. The presented approach requires no pre-
vious training nor manual initialization. With such
characteristics it is very good suitable for automated
surveillance. Since the method automatically creates
a model of moving objects, it can also be used to re-
trieve information when or how often a particular ob-
ject was moving in the scene.
Although the presented approach was successfully
tested in an indoor environment, it sometimes suffers
from one problem which will be eliminated in the fu-
ture. Background subtraction does not work perfectly.
Due to noise or abrupt illumination changes artifacts
can arise. The resulting foreground image does not
contain only moving objects, but also some clusters
of pixels which actually belong to the background.
Since the system has no previous knowledge about
objects to track it treats these clusters as moving ob-
jects and starts to generate an appearance model. The
idea to overcome this problem is to develop a mod-
ule which monitors trajectories and appearances of
objects. Clusters of falsely classified pixels which ac-
tually belong to the background do not move and their
appearance does not change. Based on that informa-
tion wrongly created models can be deleted from the
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