Syaheerah L. Lutfi, J. M. Montero, R. Barra-Chicote, J. M. Lucas-Cuesta
Speech Technology Group, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
A. Gallardo-Antolin
Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Affective computing, Biometrics, Speech processing, Emotion identification.
Abstract: This paper concerns a sub-area of a larger research field of Affective Computing, focusing on the
employment of affect-recognition systems using speech modality. It is proposed that speech-based affect
identification systems could play an important role as next generation biometric identification systems that
are aimed at determining a person’s ‘state of mind’, or psycho-physiological state. The possible areas for
the deployment of voice-affect recognition technology are discussed. Additionally, the experiments and
results for emotion identification in speech based on a Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) classifier are also
presented. The result from experiment suggests that certain speech feature is more precise to identify certain
emotional state, and that happiness is the most difficult emotion to detect.
Biometrics has been a long used method in the field
of information security and wide interest to
biometrics is observed to arise in recent years. By
definition, biometrics identification is a process to
identify (or verify (Vaclave Jr. and Riha, 2000)) a
person based on some feature of their biological
makeup, with the help of automated systems that
apply pattern recognition techniques. There are two
types of biometrics identification techniques:
Behavioural: the identification tasks are based on
an individual’s psychology tendency, style or
preference such that through handwritten
signature (Bullington, 2005, Gamboa and Fred,
2003), keystroke dynamics or speaker
identification via his/her voice print (BenZeghiba
et al., 2001). Behavioural biometrics is
associated with less intrusive systems,
minimizing ethical issues and leading to better
acceptability by the users. On the other hand,
behavioural identification systems need to be
designed dynamically and receptive to variability
(Gamboa and Fred, 2004, Gamboa and Fred,
2003, Ronzhin et al., 2004), considering the
variability of most behavioural characteristics
over time.
Physiological: the identification tasks are based
on invariant physical characteristics, such as
finger print, hand silhouette, blood vessel pattern
in the hand or back of the eye, DNA samples,
patterning of the iris or the most popular
technology , face recognition (Gamboa and Fred,
2003, Bullington, 2005). Though physiological
identification technologies are based on more
stable characteristics, usually data cannot be
gathered passively, without the knowledge or
permission of the person who is being observed.
Hence, these technologies often constitute an
invasion of privacy and remains controversial as
there were attempts of physiological biometric data
being sold to interested third parties (Steinhardt,
While important in the area of biometrics, the
focus of this paper is not the trade-offs between the
security and privacy, but to highlight a possible
foundation for the next generation of biometrics
devices based on the process of the recognition of
human emotion or affect via voice. The next sections
discuss the importance of integrating the affective
computing field to biometrics, followed by the
L. Lutfi S., M. Montero J., Barra Chicote R., Lucas-Cuesta J. and Gallardo-Antolín A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 488-494
DOI: 10.5220/0001556704880494
possible use of vocal-affect biometrics, and the areas
where this technology could be deployed. Please
note that the words ‘affect’ and ‘emotion’ will be
used throughout this paper interchangeably.
Though ‘affect recognition’ systems such as the one
used for surveillance, the ‘HAL 9000’ computer
from the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” (“I’m
afraid, Dave…”) or personal domestic- assistant
robots in “ I, Robot” that have good senses of their
masters’ emotional states, sound like science fiction,
there is an interest in making them a reality
(Bullington, 2005). For example, a recent proposal
invitation from DARPA’s Small Business
Innovation Research Center calls for the
development of a “non invasive emotion recognition
system…suitable for deployment in
military/operational environments or in
environments in which discrete observation of
potential enemy threats is desired” (DARPA, 2003).
In addition, SRI lists ‘Affective Computing’ as one
of their ‘Next Generation Technologies:’ “Affective-
computing technology will reduce the intrusiveness
of human-machine interface technology and perhaps
make the technology more acceptable to people
because of its more natural interactions and its
seamless presence in the environment.” (SRI-BI,
N/A). Machine learning in recognition and
adaptation to a human’s affective state is important
for natural human-computer interaction, but in
biometrics, identifying a man’s affective state could
be aimed at determining a person’s psycho-
physiological state. So far, very little studies are
found in emotion recognition for the purpose of
biometric identifications. And the existing ones
focus on facial emotion recognition biometrics. For
example, Gray (Gray, 2003) has proposed a
surveillance system that attempts to read a person’s
involuntary facial muscle-changes or what is termed
as “microexpressions”, that corresponds to his or
her emotional state. Nevertheless, building an affect
recognition system particularly based on voice for
identification and possible intervention has almost
never been attempted (Bullington, 2005).
2.1 Voice Affect Biometrics
In general, biometric analysis of speech aims at
identification of a person. However, analysis on the
emotion conveyed in the speech could reveal the
presence of a particular psychophysiological state of
the person via extralinguistic information (Ronzhin
et al., 2004, Huang, 2001). Simply put, voice-affect
identification could seek to predict an individual’s
‘state of mind’ and reach judgments about his or her
emotional states, impairments or behavioural
intentions (i.e.: criminal intent) (SRI-BI, N/A)),
despite the impostor deliberately trying to deceive
the system, in some cases. Naturally, such a system
will also recommend a possible course of prevention
(Bullington, 2005). Physiological-based biometrics
is constrained in terms of time, cost and detection of
certain emotional ‘colouring’ such as boredom or
fatigue. Additionally, these systems are dependent
on human observers, invasive and impose ethical
issues to some degree which make them unpopular
(Bullington, 2005, Ronzhin et al., 2004). In contrary,
voice-affect recognition systems are ideal and easy
to deploy as they are individual oriented system, that
does need human observers such that in facial-based
recognition system. It uses machine learning
algorithms to analyze and learn about the distinctive
patterns of emotional states responding of individual
users. Therefore, speech-based affect recognition is
more natural, contact-free and offers high processing
speed (Ronzhin et al., 2004). Though this kind of
technology is unsuitable to be used in a crowd
setting (i.e.: surveillance) on its own, it is ideal to be
deployed in smaller scoped, specific high risk
environment, where operator error could lead to
serious problems such as injuries or fatalities. An
example is the transportation industry or nuclear
power plant. Apart from that, employment agencies
or offices that recruit people for high-level security
jobs such that in financial industry, military etc. can
take advantage of this technology. In what follows,
three possible areas for the implementation for
voice-affect recognition technology are discussed:
1. Recruitment: Emotion detection in voice can
estimate the psychophysiological state that leads
to the determination of the psychological
compatibility and the readiness of a candidate to
accept a high security or stressful jobs. Industries
such as nuclear, aerospace, transportation,
financial etc. require workers that are fit for duty
in these kinds of work nature. They may be able
to determine when employees are not in the right
state of mind to complete their tasks or determine
the optimal conditions and most productive
situations for each individual. Rohnzin et al
(Ronzhin et al., 2004) proposed that the system
takes into consideration the lexical and
grammatical accuracy, apart from phrase
understandability of a conversation during
testing. Then, the output is matched against a
speech understanding model, to determine their
psychological compatibility. Bullington
(Bullington, 2005) pointed out that facial affect
recognition system can be deployed to detect
“possibly sleepy, intoxicated or distressed”
worker to alert in-charged security personnel or
deliver a warning to the worker himself. Such an
application can be integrated with speech
modality to enhance its functions.
2. Pathological detection and treatment: As
mentioned earlier, analysis of voice can reveal
hidden information, such as the true state of
emotion, even if a person is faking it.
Psychiatrists could benefit from this with regards
to diagnosing and treatment of psychological
disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorders (PTSD) (Castellanos et al., 2006,
Morales-Perez et al., 2008). An example is the
study from Morales-Perez et al (Morales-Perez et
al., 2008) that utilizes a speech recognition
application that employ time-frequency
transformation techniques to extract relevant
speech features correlating to both time and
frequency domains. This information gives
pathological information for detecting the
anxiety level of a patient, thus providing the
suggestion of the suitable treatment required.
3. Group Decision Support: Affective data obtained
from speech analysis provides a more reliable
indicator about the level people’s feelings
(strength of support or dissent) about an issue
compared to a typical survey-based model
(Bullington, 2005).
The next sections present the speech emotion
identification experiments and the results.
This section presents the speech emotion
identification experiments and the results obtained
3.1 Experiments
The experiments are run on a classifier based on
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which is
implemented on the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit
(HTK) (Young et al., 1995), originally developed for
speech recognition. The output of the HMM
classifier are ‘fake’ phonemes that are correlated to
emotion with the highest probability among all
emotion models together with its score value
(accuracy). This will be assumed as the emotion that
is identified from the speech input.
3.2 How HMM Works
HMMs are widely used in the field of pattern
recognition. Their original application was in speech
recognition (Rabiner, 1989). Given an HMM with a
predefined architecture, there exist some well-
established training algorithms to automatically
optimize the parameters of that architecture. An
example is the Baum-Welch training procedure
(Rabiner, 1989) which uses the Maximum
Likelihood Estimation (MLE) criterion. However,
the architecture of HMM as well as the number of
Gaussian mixtures per state and the number of
training iterations are usually empirically
determined. This section’s summarizes how HMMs
work, based on (Gunter and Bunke, 2004). When
using HMMs for a classification problem, an
individual HMM is constructed for each pattern
class. For each observation sequence, i.e. for each
sequence of feature vectors, the likelihood that this
sequence was produced by an HMM of a class can
be calculated. The class whose HMM achieves the
highest likelihood is considered as the class that
produced the actual sequence of observations. An
HMM consists of a set of states and transitions
probabilities between those states. One or several of
the states are defined as final states. For each state a
likelihood value for each possible observation is
defined. If there is a finite number of observations
then a probability for each observation, i.e. feature
vector, is defined, but if we have continuous
observation vectors a probability distribution is used.
Each instance of a state in the training set has an
impact on the training and leads to better parameter
estimation. This software employs the Baum-Welch
algorithm for training and the Viterbi algorithm for
recognition. These algorithm are used to define the
likelihood of an observation sequence for a given
HMM. Viterbi recognition uses the highest
likelihood of all possible state sequences, and the
Baum-Welch recognition considers the sum of the
likelihoods of all possible state sequences (Huang et
al., 2001). The output of the HMM classifier are
phonemes that are correlated to an emotion with the
highest probability among all emotion models
together with its accuracy value.
The figure below depicts the state, iteration and
transition probabilities between states in an HMM:
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
x — states
y — possible observations
a — state transition probabilities
b — output probabilities
Figure 1: Probabilistic parameters of a hidden Markov
model (Rabiner, 1989).
3.3 Data Set
The use of acted speech recordings, though widely
criticized (Douglas-Cowie et al., 2000, Campbell,
2000), is chosen over natural speech for the
experiments reported in this paper. Though we are
well aware that natural speech corpus such as
Speech under Simulated and Actual Stress Database
(SUSAS) (Hansen et al., 1998) is more suitable for
this kind of study, we chose to use a readily
available corpus as a pilot study. A Spanish corpus,
The Spanish Emotional Speech corpus (SES), which
is described in detail in (Montero et al., 1998) is
used. It is a speaker-dependent database that
contains three emotional speech recording sessions
played by a professional male actor in an
acoustically-treated studio. The data taken are from
three sessions of recordings of paragraphs and each
session contains 4 paragraphs (12 in total). The
recordings simulate three primary emotions
(sadness, happiness and cold anger), a secondary
emotion (surprise) and a neutral speaking style. Each
of these paragraphs are recorded in three sessions of
each emotion, with exception to neutral, which was
recorded only in two sessions, as it is assumed that
there would not be a significant difference in any
two different neutral speaking style (producing 168
paragraph recordings in all of the emotional states).
From this, training dataset contains 165 paragraphs
while recognition set consists of the sentences from
3 remaining paragraphs for all the emotional states,
excluding cold anger (151 sentences). Therefore it
should be noted that this is not a text-independent
experiment and the result could be influenced by the
fact that data have been segmented differently
(multiple silence points in the paragraphs of training
set; silence-speech-silence-speech-….-silence, and
only two silence points in the recognition set;
silence-speech-silence. The texts used carry non-
emotionally inherent contents; they do not convey
any explicit emotional content.
3.3.1 Feature Extraction
All utterances were processed in frames of 25ms
window with 10ms frame shift. The two common
signal representation coding techniques employed
are the Mel-frequency Ceptral Coefficient (MFCC)
and Linear Prediction Coefficient (LPC) and are
improved using common normalization techniques;
Cepstral Mean Normalization (CMN).
Feature extraction in speech recognition system
consists of two steps. Kumar and Andreou (Kumar
and Andreou, 1998) points out that the
dimensionality of the speech waveform is reduced
by using procedures such as cepstral analysis, or
other form of analysis motivated by human speech
perception. In the latter, the dimensionality of the
obtained features vector is increased by an extended
form of features vector that includes derivative and
acceleration information. Therefore, in addition,
experiments with speech identification that exclude
accelerations and derivatives information are also
carried out.
3.3.2 States
As the speech representing the feature combination
will have dynamic properties, it is also natural to
consider using more than one state in the HMM;
common choices are to use three states.(Donovan
and Eide, 1998, Donovan and Woodland, 1995).
This can be formally thought of as modeling the
beginning, middle and end of the sentence file. In
the experiments reported here, the training set
contains ‘forced’ silences in the beginning and at the
end of the sentence. For this reason, the actual
minimum number of state is one. Additionally, the
experiment is run using two and three states per
HMM, to determine any improvements. This is
because it is assumed that each instance of a state in
the training set has an impact on the training and
leads to better parameter estimation.
3.3.3 Training Iterations and Gaussians
The numbers of training iterations used in all the
experiments are from six (6) to thirteen (13), and up
to thirty (30) Gaussians per state
From the base experiments, a number of iterations
with highest accuracy average are chosen. From this,
experiments employing training iterations 6, 7 and 9
have the optimum average accuracy. Therefore, the
results presented below uses the information from
one of those experiments, specifically with 6
training iterations, for both base and normalized
features (with and without derivations and
accelerations). The results of emotion identifications
are measured in terms of error rates.
Comparisons of Recognition Results
According to Based and Normalized Features
(w ith de riv + acc)
Error Rate (%)
mf c c
mf c c _ c mn
Figure 2: Recognition Results according to Features with
30 Gaussians per state, and 6 training iterations for all
states, before and after normalizations (with derivations
and accelerations).
Com parisons of Recognition Results
According to Based and Norm alized Feature s
(w ithout deriv + acc)
Error rate (%)
Figure 3: Recognition Results according to Features with
30 Gaussians per state, and 6 training iterations for all
states, before and after normalizations (without derivations
and accelerations).
Further, Table 1 and 2 below show the
comparisons of confusion matrix for emotion
identifications for base and normalized features
respectively. The last row of the tables show the
precision of the identification task, in other words,
how precise the identification is. This is defined by
the number of times the intended emotions are
correctly identified in proportion of the total number
of identifications (regardless of the accuracy).
Comparing the base features with derivatives and
accelerations in Figure 2, PLP is shown as a slightly
better feature, with error rate of 15.9 percent. The
horizontal lines representing both the base features
show that the number of states does not make much
difference. However, after normalization is applied,
number of states seems to influence the parameter
estimation. After normalization, the optimum
number of states for MFCC is one (1) while the
worst is three (3). It is however, reversed with the
PLP feature. The fact that in certain number of states
(i.e.:MFCC with 3 states) worst parametric
estimation is produced compared to the base-feature
results implies that normalization may cause some
important speech information to be eliminated. As
for testing the features with and without derivatives
and accelerations, the comparison of Figure 2 and
Figure 3 clearly depicts that for test-set of 6 training
iterations, results for base-PLP feature without
derivatives and accelerations declined while it was
the opposite for MFCC, though the Level of
Confidence (LOC) for the differences of both
features were not significant. In contrast, the
normalized features without derivatives and
accelerations are almost equal to that of features
with derivatives and accelerations. Finally, the
confusion matrix for emotion identifications of both
base and normalized features in Table 1 and 2 shows
that happiness is the most difficult emotion to detect.
Additionally, Table 1 shows that MFCC is a more
precise feature at identifying happiness. These
results for happiness identification is also similar to
the identification by human listeners using the same
corpus in (Barra et al., 2006). As for the
identification of the rest of the emotions, both
features are almost equal, before and after
normalization. Perhaps the use of different features
is essential when it comes to the target emotions to
be identified, as suggested by the results shown in
the Tables.
This work has been partly funded by the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation with the
contract: ROBONAUTA (DPI2007-66846-c02-02).
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Comparisons of Confusion Matrix for Emotion Identification between Base MFCC and PLP Features.
Table 2: Comparisons of the Confusion Matrix for motion Identification between Normalized MFCC and PLP Features.
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EMOTIONS Hap Sur Sa Neu Ang
46,3 75,6 22.0 19,5 0 0 4,87 0 26,8 4,9
2,22 24,4 97,8 75,6 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 96,8 93,5 3,2 6,5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 97 97 2,94 2,94
95 73,8 83 80,9 100 100 91,7 94,3
Hap Sur Sa Neu Ang
56,1 46,3 29,3 46,3 2,4 0 0 2,4 12,2 4,9
6,7 2,2 93,3 95,6 0 2,2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 0
8,8 2,9 0 0 0 0 88,2 94 2,94 2,94
79,3 90,5 77,8 69,3 96,9 96,9 100 97
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