Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building
(CLiMB) Text Mining for the Automatic
Extraction of Subject Terms for Image Metadata
Judith L. Klavans,
Tandeep Sidhu,
Carolyn Sheffield,
Dagobert Soergel
Jimmy Lin,
Eileen Abels and
Rebecca Passonneau
College of Information Studies (CLIS), USA
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Science (UMIACS)
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University, Phila PA, USA
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, NY, USA
Abstract. In this paper, we present a fully-implemented system using computa-
tional linguistic techniques to apply automatic text mining for the extraction of
metadata for image access. We describe the implementation of a workbench
created for, and evaluated by, image catalogers. We discuss the current func-
tionality and future goals for this image catalogers’ toolkit, developed under the
Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building (CLiMB) research project.
Our primary user group for initial phases of the project is the cataloger expert;
in future work we address applications for end users.
1 The Problem: Insufficient Subject Access to Images
The CLiMB project addresses the existing gap in subject description in metadata for
image collections, particularly for the domains of art history, architecture and land-
scape architecture. Within each of these domains, image collections are increasingly
available online yet the availability of subject-oriented access points for these images
remains minimal, at best. In an initial observational study conducted with six image
catalogers, we found that typically between one and eight subject terms are added to
catalog records for images and many legacy records lack subject entries altogether.
The literature on end users’ image searching practices indicates that this level of sub-
ject description may be insufficient for some user groups. In a study of the image-
searching behaviors of faculty and graduate students in the domain of American his-
tory [3], found that 92% of the thirty-eight participants considered the textual infor-
mation associated with the images inadequate for the images searched in the Library
of Congress’ American Memory Collection. The individual records in this collection
typically contain quantities of subject descriptors comparable to—or exceeding- those
found in the exploratory CLiMB studies. Furthermore, this study found that this
This project was first funded by the Mellon Foundation to the Center for Research on Information Access at
Columbia University.
L. Klavans J., Sidhu T., Sheffield C., Soergel D., Lin J., Abels E. and Passonneau R. (2008).
Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building (CLiMB) Text Mining for the Automatic Extraction of Subject Terms for Image Metadata.
In Metadata Mining for Image Understanding, pages 3-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002338100030012
group of searchers submitted more subject-oriented queries than known author and
title searches. Similar results demonstrating the importance of subject retrieval have
been reported in other studies including [6], [4] and [2].
2 Solutions
The CLiMB project was initiated to address the subject metadata gap under the hy-
pothesis that automatic and semi-automatic techniques may enable the identification,
extraction and thesaural linking of subject terms. In particular, the CLiMB Toolkit
processes text associated with an image through Natural Language Processing (NLP),
categorization using Machine Learning (ML), and disambiguation technologies to
identify, filter, and normalize high-quality subject descriptors. Like [9] we use natural
language processing techniques and domain specific ontologies, although our focus is
on associated text rather than captions.
For this project, we use the standard Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) definition
of subject metadata
. According to this definition, the subject element of an image
catalog record should include terms which provide “an identification, description, or
interpretation of what is depicted in and by a work or image.” The CCO guidelines
also incorporate instructions on analyzing images based on the work of Shatford-
Layne (formerly Shatford).[11], building on [8], proposed a method for identifying
image attributes, which includes analysis of both the generic and specific events,
objects, and names that a picture is “of” and the more abstract symbols and moods
that a picture is “about”. Panofsky describes the pre-iconographic, iconographic, and
iconologic levels of meaning found in Renaissance art images. Shatford's specific and
generic level corresponds to Panofsky's pre-iconographic and iconographic level,
respectively, which encompass the more objective and straightforward subject matter
depicted in an image. The iconologic level (Shatford's about) addresses the more
symbolic, interpretive, subjective meanings of an image. To aid user access, catalog-
ers are encouraged to consider both general and specific terms for describing the
objective content of an image (the “of-ness”) as well as to include the more subjective
iconologic, symbolic, or interpretative meanings (the “about-ness”). Iconologic terms
may be the hardest for catalogers to assign but occur often in texts associated with
3 Preparatory Studies of Cataloging
In order to get a better sense of the cataloging process and to inform our system de-
sign, we performed some fundamental studies on the process of subject term selection
as it is currently undertaken. Our goal was to collect data on the process as a whole in
order to improve both our system function (either through rules or statistical methods)
and our system functionality (i.e. how to incorporate our results into an existing
workflow and how to perhaps replace that portion of the workflow with automatic
techniques). In this section, we briefly discuss two of these formative studies.
The first study was designed to identify the types of subject terms a cataloger may
assign to a given image. Identifying these expert term preferences will help guide the
development of heuristic rules for automatically identifying high-quality descriptor
candidates and filtering out term types which are rarely assigned manually. Partici-
pants were given four stimuli: 1) a hypothetical query for an image; 2) an image; 3)
another image—this time with associated text; and 4) an image paired with a list of
CLiMB-extracted terms. For the first two stimuli, catalogers were asked to generate
subject terms. For the third and fourth stimuli, catalogers were asked to select terms
from the associated text and list of terms, respectively. We selected four image/text
pairs from the National Gallery of Art Collection. To control for varying textual con-
tent which may occur with different art historical genres, we chose one image each
from the genres of landscape, portrait, still life, and iconography. Employing a Latin
Square Design, the study was administered to 20 image catalogers, recruited through
the Visual Resource Association. Each cataloger completed 1 stimuli of the study for
each image for a total of 5 participants per version (stimuli-image pair).
Through a combined quantitative and qualitative approach, we analyzed the num-
ber of terms assigned per task, the types of terms assigned, and the level of agreement
between catalogers in formulating terms for a single concept.
In analyzing the types of terms catalogers assigned to this image, we identified seven
categories (in order of frequency): content, place, artist names, period/date, type, style
and color. Results for landscape art showed 13 terms for content, 9 for place, 8 for
artist names, 7 for period/date, 6 for type, and 4 for style and color. This distribution
is typical of the other images, and will help guide the priorities placed on term selec-
tion in CLiMB.
For the second study, we took a broader look at the overall image-indexing work-
flow, including standards, local policies, and actual practices, to determine how the
CLiMB Toolkit fits into the cataloging process as a whole. This study not only en-
abled us to define interface parameters and necessary functionality, it also confirmed
the lack of subject access currently provided by human indexers. We examined the
similarities and differences in image cataloging practices both within a single institu-
tion and across three separate institutions, and at the number and types of subject
terms added per catalog record. Within and across these academic visual resource
centers, we found that general practices and workflow patterns varied little, and that
the number of subject terms entered per catalog record varied but typically fell some-
where between one and eight. One of the primary differences across institutions was
the use of different software and metadata schemas, some of which were locally de-
veloped. These results indicate that, with flexible export functionality built in to a
generic workbench, the CLiMB Toolkit should integrate smoothly with existing prac-
tices and different work environments, with little or no tailoring required.
4 CLiMB Architecture
This section describes the techniques we have developed to semi-automatically iden-
tify terms which qualify as potential subject descriptors. Our techniques exceed sim-
ple keyword indexing by:
applying advanced semantic categorization to text segments,
identifying coherent phrases,
associating terms with a thesaurus, and
applying disambiguation algorithms to these terms.
CLiMB combines new and pre-existing technologies in a flexible, client-side archi-
tecture which has been implemented into a downloadable toolkit, and which can be
tailored to the user’s needs.
Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the CLiMB Toolkit. The upper left
shows the input to the system, an image, minimal metadata (e.g. image, name, crea-
tor), and text. The first stage of CLiMB’s processing pipeline associates portions of
the input text with images. Note that this requires segmentation, and association of
segmented text with the image referred to and described. In clear cases, such as
online image captions or in exhibition catalogs, association of image with text is a
given. However, in cases where there is a more diffuse relationship between text and
image (as in art history texts, for example), it is a computational challenge to ensure
that text is accurately associated with the correct image, and not with an image in
close proximity (which might or might not be described by the text). This logic cre-
ates high-quality associations between text and image, unlike a broader approach
which simply grabs text surrounding an image in the hopes that it is relevant to that
Export results
Create Index
Input: image, metadata, text
Linguistic Analysis
Stanford Tagger
Stanford Parser
NP Chunker
Term Selector
XML marked-up text
with linguistic tags
Segment, Associate
and Categorize
CLiMB Toolkit
Map and
Fig. 1. CLIMB Architecture.
In addition to segmentation, we are developing methods to categorize spans of text
(e.g., sentences or paragraphs) as to their semantic function in the text. For example,
a sentence might describe an artist’s life events (e.g. “during his childhood”, “while
on her trip to Italy”, “at the death of his father”), geographical reference in a work
(e.g. “Lake Cuomo”), or style (“impressionism”.) A set of categories has been ini-
tially proposed through textual analysis of art survey texts, and piloted by asking a
range of users to label sample text; using this labeling, initial experiments in machine
learning have been conducted to extract features which will permit categorization of
sentences. These features can then be used in disambiguation to select between dif-
ferent senses of a term according to its category.
The next phase, Linguistic Analysis, consists of several subprocesses. After
sentence segmentation, a part-of-speech (POS) tagger labels (i.e. tags) the function of
each word in a text, e.g., noun, verb, preposition, etc. Complete noun phrases can
then be identified by the NP chunker based on tag patterns. For example, a deter-
miner, followed by any number of adjectives, followed by any number of nouns, is
one such pattern that identifies a noun phrase, as in “the impressive still life draw-
ing”. The tagger used for CLiMB, the Stanford tagger
provides sentential analysis
of syntactic constructions, e.g., verb phrases, relative clauses. The output of Linguis-
tic Analysis consists of XML-tagged words which now contain substantial part of
speech tagged and syntactic parsed labels. Lucene is used to create an efficient index
for these tagged words.
At this point, the noun phrases stored in the index are input to the disambigua-
tion algorithm, which then enables sense mapping, so that the proper descriptor can
be selected from a controlled vocabulary. Words and phrases often have multiple
meanings which correspond to different descriptors in a controlled vocabulary but
only one may be relevant in context. The ability to select one sense from many is
referred to as lexical disambiguation. We map to the appropriate descriptor from the
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), the Getty Union List of Artist Names
(ULAN), and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN).
The AAT is a
well-established and widely-used multi-faceted thesaurus of terms for the cataloging
and indexing of art, architecture, artifactual, and archival materials. In the AAT, each
concept is described through a record which has a unique ID, preferred name, record
description, variant names, and other information that relate a record to other records.
In total, AAT has 31,000 such records. Within the AAT, there are 1,400 homonyms,
i.e., records with same preferred name. For example, the term “wings” has five senses
in the AAT (see Table 1 below).
Table 2 shows the breakdown of the AAT vocabulary by number of senses
with a sample lexical item for each frequency. As with most dictionaries and thesauri,
most items have two to three senses, and only a few have more.
Both the tagger and parser are available at:
Lucene is a search engine library:
Getty resources can be accessed at:
Table 1. Selection of AAT records for term “wings”.
Wings (5 senses):
wings (costume accessories) Used for accessories that project outward from
the shoulder of a garment and are made of cloth or metal.
Sense#2: wings (visual works components) Lateral parts or appendages of a work of
art, such as those found on a triptych.
Sense#3: wings (theater spaces) The areas offstage and to the side of the acting area.
Sense#4: wings (furniture components) The two forward extensions to the sides of the
back on an easy chair.
Sense#5: wings (building divisions) Subsidiary parts of buildings extending out from
the main portion.
What Table 2 does not illustrate, however, is the semantic distance between senses,
i.e. how close the two or three senses might be. This is a measure of the difficulty of
disambiguation. Table 2 also does not illustrate the frequency of occurrence in the
corpus of these items. Thus, although there may seem to be few terms (types) to dis-
ambiguate, they occur with very high frequency (tokens) across the data set. Words
with one sense tend to be more rare and highly specialized.
Table 2. Scope of the disambiguation problem in the AAT Thesaurus.
# of Senses # of Terms Example # of Senses # of Terms Example
29576 scaglioni
8 2 Emerald
2 1097 bells 9 1 Plum
3 215 painting 10 1 emerald green
4 50 alabaster 11 1 Magenta
5 39 wings 12 1 Ocher
6 9 boards 13 1 Carmine
7 5 amber 14 2 Slate
Following standard procedure in word sense disambiguation tasks [7], two labelers
manually mapped 601 subject terms to a controlled vocabulary. Inter-annotator
agreement for this task was encouragingly high, at 91%, providing a notional upper
bound for automatic system performance [5] and a dataset for evaluation. We have
used SenseRelate [1], [10] for disambiguating AAT senses. SenseRelate uses word
sense definitions from WordNet 2.1, a large lexical database of English nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs.
First, we use all modifiers that are in the noun phrase to find the correct AAT re-
cord (Lookup Modifier). We search for the modifiers in the record description, vari-
ant names, and the parent hierarchy names of all the matching AAT senses. If this
technique narrowed down the record set to one, then we found our correct record. For
example, consider the term “ceiling coffers.” For this term we found two records:
“coffers” (coffered ceiling components) and “coffers” (chests). The first record has
the modifier “ceiling” in its record description, so we were able to determine that this
was the correct record. Next, we use SenseRelate to help select the correct WordNet
sense of the noun phrase (or its head noun). Using that sense definition from Word-
Net, we next examined which of the AAT senses best matches with the WordNet
sense definition. For this, we used a word overlapping technique which takes senses
of WordNet for each polysemous term in AAT and selects the highest value of word
overlaps. If none of the AAT records received any positive score (above a threshold),
then this technique could not find the best match. Other techniques, Best Record
Match and Most Common Sense, are presented in [12].
5 Evaluation
Table 3 below shows the breakdown of the data set terms based upon each disam-
biguation technique. Row 1 in Table 3 shows how few terms were mapped by the
lookup modifier technique. In fact, only one was mapped under the Training Set.
Table 3. Breakdown of AAT mappings by Disambiguation Technique.
Row Technique Training
1 Lookup Modifier 1 3
2 SenseRelate 108 63
3 Best Record Match 14 12
4 Most Common Sense 5 18
Rows 2 and 3 show that most of the terms were labeled using the SenseRelate tech-
nique followed by the Best Record Match technique. The Most Common Sense tech-
nique (Row 4) accounted for the rest of the mappings. An analysis of results and
errors shows that our overall accuracy is between 50-55%. General disambiguation
tends to run at about 70%, which gives us room for improvement. We are working in
a challenging domain with a highly specialized vocabulary. Currently we depend on
the external program SenseRelate to perform much of the disambiguation. Further-
more, SenseRelate maps terms to WordNet and we then map the WordNet sense to an
AAT sense. This extra step is overhead, and it causes errors in our algorithm. In
future work, we will explore the option of re-implementing concepts behind SenseRe-
late to directly map terms to the AAT. We will explore additional approaches to em-
ploy hybrid techniques (including machine learning) for disambiguation. At the pre-
sent time, we have tested disambiguation and the module will be integrated with into
CLiMB as soon as we test results with users. Our plan is to first use results to rank
and select a sense for mapping that the user will confirm; once we collect enough
feedback from users, we can apply learning to actually map fully and eliminate senses
with greater confidence than at present. Figure 2 shows a screen shot of the CLiMB
user interface, after having performed a search over images in the National Gallery of
Art, and having run the text through the Toolkit.
Note that the center top panel con-
tains the image, so the user can look at the item to be approved. The center panel
contains the input text, with proper and common nouns highlighted. Under this is the
term the user has selected to enter. The right-hand panel gives the thesaural informa-
Fig. 2.CLiMB User Interface for Term “landscape”.
At the top of the right are the two senses for the word “landscape” with an indication
of where they occur in the AAT hierarchy. Next is the text description of the sense
selected. Finally, the entire hierarchy is displayed, bottom right, for the user to view
and used to identify any related terms.
As part of the evaluation, we have established a series of test collections with
CLiMB partners, in the fields of art history, architecture, and landscape architecture.
These three domains were selected in part because of the existing overlap in domain
specific vocabulary. Testing with distinct but related domains enables us to test for
disambiguation issues which arise in the context of specialized vocabularies. For
example, the Art and Architecture Thesuarus (AAT) provides many senses of the
term “panel” which apply to either the fine arts, architecture, or both, depending on
context. In the context of fine arts, “panel” in the AAT may refer to a small painting
on wood whereas in the context of architecture, the same term may refer to a distinct
section of a wall, demarked by a border or frame.
In the interest of space, we have included a full screen shot, accompanied by text explanations. If reviewers
prefer, this can be enlarged or split into two Figures.
We are currently working with five image-text sets and one image collection for
which we are conducting experiments with dispersed texts located online. These six
collections will be used for different phases of evaluation, discussed under Future
Work. The texts and images for two of the collections, the National Gallery of Art
(NGA) Online Collection and the U.S. Senate Catalogue of Fine Arts, can be found
online and are in the public domain. For three of the other image collections, The
Vernacular Architecture Forum (VAF)
, The Society of Architectural Historians
, and The Landscape Architecture Image Resource (LAIR)
, we have secured
digital copies of relevant texts along with permissions for use in our testing. The final
collection is the Art History Survey Collection, made available to us through
6 Future Work
For future work, we have designed a series of studies to test the toolkit in situ. We
have partners from several museums and libraries, mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, that will first test CLiMB with their cataloging staff, and then who will
work with us to design evaluations of Toolkit success in three areas: 1) staff
perception on Toolkit ease of use for cataloging within their collections; 2) end user
satisfaction with these enhanced records; and 3) several component evaluations,
including the named entity recognizer, the noun phrase selector, and the
disambiguation component. The proverbial tradeoff between precision and recall may
be different for different sectors of the image community; we believe our research in
different venues will provide insights on this critical issue. Finally, we intend to
explore new directions for integrating CLiMB with current social networking
technologies, including social tagging, trust-based ranking of tags, and recommender
systems. These technologies offer CLiMB the potential to achieve more personalized
We acknowledge: the Mellon Foundation; Dr. Murtha Baca, director of the Getty
Vocabulary Program and Digital Resource Management, Getty Research Institute for
providing us with research access to resources; collections partners, including Jeff
Cohen, Bryn Mawr College and University of Pennsylvania; Jack Sullivan, Univer-
sity of Maryland; the Senate Museum and Library and ARTStor.
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