Ana-Ramona Bologa, Razvan Bologa
Computer Science Department, Academy of Economic Studies, Piata Romana 6, Bucharest, Romania
Gheorghe Sabau, Mihaela Muntean
Computer Science Department, Academy of Economic Studies, Piata Romana 6, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: The paper Romanian universities, management information systems, ERP systems, integrated information
Abstract: This paper shortly presents the situation of the Romanian universities regarding information systems
implementation and deployment. The information presented is the result of a study regarding the current
state of the Romanian universities in the process of data and information system integration, performed at
the end of 2007 in 35 accredited universities. This study was used as a base for identifying and analyzing
the main factors of influence for developing an integrated university environment and for identifying
concrete action directions for accomplishing that integration.
The implementation of an information system
dedicated to the university management is nowadays
a fundamental option for the greatest majority of the
universities that understood the new trends at
international level. A higher-education information
system can be used as a vehicle for professionalizing
and transforming the traditional universities and for
developing an integrated and standardized Romanian
higher education environment, in the European
The present paper will present the results of a
first phase of a national research project, “Integrated
Information Solutions for Competitive Management
in Romanian Universities”. The objective of this
first phase was to perform a study of Romanian
universities in order to obtain a complete view over
the present situation of existing management
information systems, their integration level and the
problems faced in using those systems.
The following phases will analyse the solutions
that foreign universities apply, and finally make a
pilot implementation in the Academy of Economic
Studies of Bucharest.
Identifying the most important specific aspects
related to the implementation of university
governance systems in Romanian, and generally
speaking Eastern European, universities is the focus
of our current research. Local universities have
different process from their Western counterparts
and that is why implementations of solutions
developed in Western countries had limited success.
The incompatibility with international solutions
has led to a situation where local universities are
using a high number of various small and poor
information systems developed in-house or by small
local companies. Almost every faculty or department
has its own software applications, developed in-
house, applications that use various operation
systems, tools, databases and protocols. Those
applications are managed by that specific
faculty/department and there is no integrated view
over the activities developed in the university.
Our team has achieved a study about the current
state of the Romanian universities in the process of
data and information system integration.
This study is going to be used as a base for
identifying and analyzing the main factors of
Bologa A., Bologa R., Sabau G. and Muntean M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 425-428
DOI: 10.5220/0001904904250428
influence for developing an integrated university
environment and for establishing concrete action
directions for accomplishing that integration.
We used as a starting point the list of all
Romanian universities, offered by the Ministry of
Education (Romanian universities ), which consisted
of 56 accredited state universities, 32 accredited
private universities and 24 temporary accredited
private universities.
Through our research we will use the conventional
three-tier approach. When trying to connect to a
certain application, its architecture must be
considered. Most applications have a three layer
structured architecture (Microsoft - Integration
Patterns): Presentation level – is the level that
displays the information for the final user and allows
him to input data; Business logic level – contains the
business functions that action on business data; Data
level – accomplishes the persistent data storing in
data stores. This level is also called resource level.
Similarly, there are three connection ways
between applications and integration level
(Microsoft - Integration Patterns ): Presentation
level integration – the integration level can extract
information from the user presentation level using a
technique called “screen scraping”; Function level
integration – the interaction between the integration
level and the business logic level is accomplished by
application or service interfaces; Data level
integration – the integration level can move data to
and from data level.
The first phase of our research was to gather data
about the current commercial systems used by
universities. As expected, these were marginal
applications developed by local companies with a
limited presence. Our field studies revealed that the
number of players on the market was reduced, the
following being the most representative:
SICOB (Information System for Public
Organization Management) should be a result of a
project financed in 2001 by the Ministry of
Education in a first attempt of covering the gaps the
Romanian universities presented in the field of
applications for institution management. It was
developed by a Romanian software company and
proposed three modules: Financial, Research and
Payments. This solution was implemented in about
40 public universities and some of them are still
using it.
University Management System (UMS) should be
an integrated information system dedicated to higher
education institutions (public or private). Developed
and provided by a Romanian company, Redpoint SA
since 2004, UMS ensures the management of
academic processes, students, academic staff, tuition
fees, admission process, graduation process,
scholarships, lodging and accommodation, diplomas,
Naum Consult System was developed by Naum
Consult SRL and has been provided since 2003. The
system has modules for: accounting, provision
management, assets management, student
management, HR, financial.
GESCO 2001 should be an information system for
the management of higher education institutions
schooling process developed by a Romanian
company, Genisoft Group SA. The system offers
many facilities such as: student performances
management, budget assessment at department,
course and allows a correlation with data from
SICOB accounting module.
5.1 Implemented Solutions Analysis
The study was conducted on a number of 35 of the
Romanian universities, including both public and
private institutions and the full range of Carnegie
segments. This can be considered a representative
sample of Romanian universities, encountering a
percent of 31.25% of total accredited universities.
This study addressed a number of questions such as:
- What kinds of information systems were developed
within Romanian universities and for what
functional areas?
- Do those information systems succeed in fulfilling
the information requests of Romanian universities?
- Which were the major suppliers of software
solutions for Higher Education Management on
Romanian market?
Almost all universities have a financial solution,
and Sicob was the major vendor for the financial
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
module, encountering 36% of total number of
implementations, while Naum Consult follows with
a percent of 12%. Anyway, most universities use
self-developed solutions for financial and accounting
management activities.
Most universities felt the need to implement a
Students management module, so that 77% of
universities currently use such a module. 41% of
those preferred the UMS solution, 11% chose Gesco,
11% chose Naum Consalt and there is an important
percent of 37% that still use self developed
solutions. Although the Student module it wasn’t
very popular two or three years ago, the universities
have caught up and now most of them use a Student
solution, even if not a professional one.
Self-developed solutions are very popular for
Financial and HR/Payrolls modules, as they were
preferred in order to make cost savings but also to
cover the incomplete functionality of the existing
software. Another important remark is that big
universities use all the HE ERP modules,
commercial or self developed. Small universities, on
the other side don’t use commercial solutions,
because of their cost. Public universities always use
Financial and HR/Payrolls modules, regardless of
developer, as they have to make mandatory specific
reports. Our study indicates that the number of
players on the HE ERPs market is small. Most
universities use in-house or low-end solutions. The
chart 5.1 presents a comparison between the main
four software solutions used in Romanian
Table 5.1: University application analysis by architecture
and implementation technologies.
Gesco UMS Sicob
2000 Server
2003, Unix,
Sun Server
SQL Server
SQL Server
(ASP, Web,
JSP, Struts,
and analysis
based on
XML, self
transfer in
.pdf or .xls
with MS
5.2 Integration Level
A real process level integration is presented only by
University Management System solution. As its
developer, the company Redpoint, initiated
collaboration with SAP corporation in order to
develop the following modules: financial
accounting, management accounting, payroll, virtual
library, this solution has a big chance to become a
complete and competitive software package for
university management. In Naum Consult we have a
partly data level integration by using a common
database in several different modules. SICOB, on
the other side, is a simple accounting solution, so the
integration can be made only external, by another
application or support platform. As for the university
in-house solutions, there the integration is almost
inexistent. The modules doesn’t communicate
between them, at most they are exported from one
module, processes and transformed and then
imported into other modules.
5.3 The Example of the Academy of
Economic Studies, Bucharest
A preliminary analysis of the information system in
our university, the Academy of Economic Studies,
revealed the existence of 7 major independent
information systems, which are independent and
communicate with each other only by export files or
specially developed transfer programs. Here is a
short description of those systems and their
relationships with each other.
1. Student Management Application is a client-
server application that uses a Microsoft SQL Server
2005 database. Its interface was developed in Visual
Fox Pro and Visual Basic. It includes three modules:
a. Student Master Data: includes student
information, faculties, degrees and programs
information, their curricula, courses etc. It uses a
specially developed transfer program in order to
extract information from Admission Management
b. Student Academic History: includes a list of all
grades up to and including current term, earned
credit points, reprogrammed exams. The secretaries
are responsible for updates.
c. Student Bills: includes all kind of student fees,
charges, payments. Data are updated by the pay
offices (approximately 10 workstations).
2. Student Admission Management Application
uses as inputs data regarding student personal data,
their admission options, faculties and
specializations, student photos etc. It provides basic
data for the Student Management Application and it
uses outputs from Student Bills module, in order to
check out tuition fees payment. This application was
developed entirely in Visual Fox Pro.
3. The Academy Web Site: centralizes all the
relevant information for various visitors category,
students, inside and outside the university. Data are
not automatically displayed by interrogating a
database, but manually filled in by secretaries and
then converted to HTML format. As a result, there is
a high incidence of human errors in data and many
out of date or incomplete on-line information.
4. Social Information System was developed in
Visual Fox Pro and includes four modules: Lodging
and accommodations-student lodging on university
campus; Lodging Fees; Scholarships and financial
aids; Transportation reimbursement-public
transportation expenses reimbursement. It imports
data from the Student Management Application.
Figure 5.1 Communication flows in the applications of the
Academy of Economic Studies.
5. SICOB is used for financial and accountability
specific operation.
6. Human Resources and Payrolls Application
uses Microsoft SQL Server database and includes 2
specific modules: Payrolls and. Human resources.
7. Library for Universal (L4U): a classic system
for library management that uses data exported from
Student Management Application and personnel
database, after a previous filtering and
transformation by a specially designed program.
There is also Web-based Virtual Campus
management application for distance learning
The Romanian learning system was recently
integrated, at least at a formal level, in the European
learning system, automatically bringing the need of
adapting to European practices (e.g. ECTS).
The capacity of Romanian universities
information systems to respond to the demands and
the challenges of European education system was
very modest until now. Universities should realize
that they are not so drastically different and given
that, they should collaborate in order to influence
vendors to become more sensitive to higher
education needs. This way, ERP vendors should
provide some best practice models to reduce the
costs of ERP implementation.
European integration of Romanian higher
education system might benefit from the support of
European funds. But, in order to access the
European funds, the universities should manifest
interest, make congruent efforts and put some
pressure on the decision factors, on one side, and, on
the other side, the political support is also very
important. For the moment none of them seems to be
strong enough.
Ana-Ramona Bologa (Lupu), ERP for Romanian Higher
Education, the 8
Economic Informatics Conference,
“Informatics in Knowledge Society”, ASE, Bucharest,
p. 205-210, May 2007, ISBN 978-973-594-921-1;
Marti Harris, Michael Zastrocky, Jan-Martin Lowendahl ,
Magic Quadrant for Higher Education Administrative
Suites 2006, Gartner Industry Research 16 September
Ion Lungu, Ana-Ramona Bologa, Adela Bâra, Vlad
Diaconiţa – Integrarea sistemelor informatice, Editura
ASE, Bucharest, 2008;
Microsoft - Integration Patterns http://download.
The list of accredited Romanian universities, http://;
Ana-Ramona Lupu, Razvan Bologa, Gheorghe Sabau,
Mihaela Muntean, The Romanian Universities in the
Process of Data and Information, in The Proceedings
of The 7th WSEAS International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and
Data Bases (AIKED'08), Feb. 2008, Cambridge, U.K.,
p 527-532.
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business