Diana Gorea
Faculty of Computer Science, University ”Al. I. Cuza”, 16 G-ral Berthelot, 700483 Iasi, Romania
Prediction model composition, PMML, online scoring, web services, XML.
The paper presents a general context in which composition of prediction models can be achieved within the
boundaries of an online scoring system called DeVisa. The system provides its functionality via web services
and stores the prediction models represented in PMML in a native XML database. A language called PMQL
is defined, whose purpose is to process the PMML models and to express consumers’ goals and the answers
to the goals. The composition of prediction models can occur either implicitly within the process of online
scoring, or explicitly, in which the consumer builds or trains a new model based on the existing ones in the
DeVisa repository. The main scenarios that involve composition are adapted to the types of composition
allowed in the PMML specification, i.e sequencing and selection.
In general the composition of prediction models can
be realized in various ways. They all have in com-
mon the goal of making predictions more reliable.
Composing several prediction models means merging
the various outputs into a single prediction. Several
machine learning techniques do this by learning an
ensemble of models and using them in combination.
The most popular are bagging, boosting and stacking
(Ian H. Witten, 2005).
Bagging applies an unweighted voting scheme on
the outcomes of different classifiers built on possibly
different data sets (which can be obtained by resam-
pling the original data set). In the case of numeric
prediction, instead of voting on the outcome, the indi-
vidual predictions, being real numbers, are averaged.
The component models are usually built separately.
Boosting also uses voting or averaging schemes to
combine the outcomes, but, unlike bagging, it uses
weighting to give more influence to the more success-
ful models. Furthermore the process is iterative, each
component model is built upon the previous model
and therefore influenced by their performance.
Stacking applies on heterogeneous classifiers and
trains a new meta learner on the predictions of the
component classifiers using a validation data set. The
meta learner can be of various types depending on the
set of attributes used for meta learning. Some meta-
learners use only the class predictions of the compo-
nent models for training, while others use both the
class predictions and all the original input attributes.
It applies both to categorical and numeric predictions.
Another approach which is mostly useful in dis-
tributed data mining is combining models with var-
ious levels of granularity. For instance, it might be
the case that a model classifies an instance at a coarse
level, while another model does it with a finer granu-
larity. One can use the first model to tag the instances
with a more general class and then to use a special-
ized classifier for each of the resulted groups. This
technique is also useful in classification when an al-
gorithm cannot predict multi-class attributes, such as
standard SVM. Another direct use of this technique is
model selection in PMML, which is described in 2.
In the distributed data mining model different
models might be built on vertically fragmented data
(usually that reside at different sites). Each of the in-
dividual models is built on projections on the same
relation, but unable to detect cross-site correlations.
A meta-learning approach has been proposed in (Pro-
dromidis et al., 2000) that uses classifiers trained at
different sites to develop a global classifier.
Another possibility to combine data mining mod-
els is to adjust a given model to a consumer’s specific
needs - model customization. A model consumer re-
peatedly uses the model in its knowledge integration
processes and may collect information on its perfor-
Gorea D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 300-303
DOI: 10.5220/0001890503000303
mance. A new model can be constructed based on
the specific needs for the consumer. The same ap-
plies to refreshing a model to reflect the new trends in
the data. This is related to the concept of incremen-
tal data mining, which was introduced in (M.Harries
et al., 1998). A related approach can be found in
(Kuncheva, 2004), where strategies for building en-
sembles of classifiers in non-stationary environments
in which even the classification task may change are
The current work aims to provide a general con-
text in which composition of data mining models can
be achieved within the boundaries of an online scor-
ing system called DeVisa. While in (Gorea, 2008) and
(DeVisa, 2007) a general description of the system is
given, the current paper focuses on the model compo-
sition aspect. DeVisa only stores the prediction mod-
els expressed in PMML (PMML, 2007), not the orig-
inal training data. Therefore we consider the training
data as not being available. Subsequently the model
composition in DeVisa is limited to certain techniques
which are described in 2. However the consumer ap-
plication can build new models based on the existing
DeVisa models and its own validation set.
DeVisa supports two types of composition methods
described in the PMML specifications: model se-
quencing and model selection. In its current version
(3.2), PMML supports the combination of decision
trees or rules and simple regression models.
Model sequencing is the case in which two or
more models are combined into a sequence where
the results of one model are used as input in another
model. Model sequencing is very often an intrin-
sic part of a model, namely a transformation func-
tion. For instance, a supervised discretization algo-
rithm is applied to a certain attribute, which is de-
scribed within a transformation dictionary, or missing
values for an attribute are filled using a transforma-
tion function made of decision rules. Model selection
is when one of many models can be selected based on
decision rules. A common model selection method
for optimizing prediction models is the combination
of segmentation and regression.
Although the producer applications can upload
composite models in DeVisa, in this section we fo-
cus moreover on the situations in which DeVisa is re-
sponsible for composing the models. Depending on
the moment when the composition process occurs, we
can further classify the composition in DeVisa in im-
plicit or explicit composition.
Implicit composition is the situation when the mod-
els are composed within the orchestration of the scor-
ing or search service (see 3).
A scoring goal (query) is a tuple (MSpec, R),
1. MSpec is the model specification, defined as
MSpec ::= {MRef} | ({Filter}, SRef | S[, DRef])
The model specification has several instances:
Exact model case, in which exact references to
one or more DeVisa model that the consumer wishes
to score on is given via MRe f.
Exact schema case, in which the consumer gives
an exact reference to a mining schema SRef and
wishes to score on the models complying to that
schema. However, an additional set of filters corre-
sponding to the properties that the model needs to
conform to can be specified via the Filter element.
Match schema case, in which S describes a min-
ing schema that needs to be matched against one or
more in the DeVisa Catalog. To restrict the search,
an existing DeVisa data dictionary can be optionally
referenced. A reference to an ontology in order to
explain the terminology can be included. Also an op-
tional Filter element can be specified.
2. R is the dataset to score.
The implicit model composition is applicable in
two situations, given that the consumer allows scoring
on composite models:
1. More models complying to MSpec can be found;
2. No model complying to MSpec can be found.
The first situation can occur in all the model
specification instances (exact model, exact schema or
match schema).
In the first two instances, given the models or
schema reference, an existing data dictionary is im-
plicit. In the match schema case a mining schema
S and a reference to a data dictionary in DeVisa, D
should be provided.
In the exact model case, all the referred models are
retrieved. In the exact schema case the engine finds
all the models complying to the specified schema. In
the match schema case, the engine tries to find one
or more models that match S. The composition de-
scribed below applies to the situation in which more
models satisfy the requirements. They are combined
to give the best prediction as follows. The composer
component of the engine (see 3.1) scores on all the
models and then applies a voting procedure (similar to
the bagging approach) and returns either the outcome
that has the highest vote (in the case of categorical
predictions), or the average (in the case of numeric
predictions). Note that if the model composition is
not allowed the engine builds a query plan and exe-
cutes it against the retrieved model (or models) in the
repository - classical scoring scenario.
In the match schema case, the names of the at-
tributes in S should either be among the attribute
names in D , or they should refer to the same terms
in an ontology/taxonomy, so that a clear mapping
can be made. Thus we refer to the case when no
model applicable on S can be found. Then the en-
gine is going to invoke the composer module that at-
tempts to build a new model from the models com-
plying to the data dictionary D via composition. An
example can be seen in Figure 1, which depicts a
sequencing composition. The two DeVisa classi-
fication models φ
, φ
are defined on the schemas
({A, B, D, F}, P
), S
({E, F, G}, P
) in the data dic-
tionary D . The scoring goal specifies a mining
schema S = ({A, B, C, E, G}, P). The composer at-
tempts to build a new model by sequencing φ
Figure 1: An example of implicit sequencing of models.
In the implicit composition scenario the PMQL
engine builds the sequenced model in order to score
on the dataset provided in the scoring request. It then
stores the model back in the repository for future use.
Explicit Composition is when a DM consumer ex-
plicitly specifies in its goal that a composition is de-
sired. The composition query usually includes the
models to be composed, the composition method and
a validation data set. DeVisa identifies the specified
models and checks them for compatibility. If all the
prerequisites for the composition are fulfilled then a
new valid model is returned to the user/stored in the
An explicit composition scenario occurs when a
consumer wants to make the best out of several het-
erogeneous models in DeVisa complying to the same
mining schema. In this case it provides a composition
goal (MSpec, R), where MSpec is defined as above.
R is a validation set with classified instances defined
on the same schema as the models satisfying MSpec.
DeVisa uses a stacking approach (see 1) to train
a meta-learner ϕ based on the outcomes of the ex-
isting DeVisa base models, i.e the models that sat-
isfy MSpec and the relation R provided by the con-
sumer. Let’s assume that the base schema is S =
(U, P), where U = {A
, A
, . . . , A
} and the base
classifiers φ
, φ
, . . . , φ
: dom(A
)× dom(A
)× ··· ×
) dom(C) , whereC U. The meta-learner
is a simple decision tree ϕ : dom(C)
dom(C) (by
default DeVisa uses ID3), since the main work is
done by the base classifiers. The outcome is another
classifier φ : dom(A
) × dom(A
) × ··· × dom(A
dom(C), as depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Explicit DeVisa composition - stacking approach.
This approach has the advantage of fitting the
model to the consumer needs and the particularities
of its own data (model customization instance).
Model composition is allowed only within a com-
mon data dictionary. Intuitively, a data dictionary
refers to a strict domain. In the absence of a refer-
ence to a data dictionary in the consumer’s goal, the
same results can be achieved upon the availability of
a common domain ontology, composed of concepts
describing the domain in different abstraction levels,
into which URLs are mapped.
3.1 PMQL
DeVisa defines a XML-based language called PMQL
(Predictive Model Query Language) (PMQL, 2008)
that is used to realize both the communication with
the consumer application and the internal communi-
cation between DeVisa components. The consumer
application expresses its goal in PMQL and wraps
it in a SOAP ((SOAP, 2007)) message that is sent
to the PMQL Web Service. The PMQL Web Ser-
vice forwards the PMQL goal to a DeVisa compo-
nent called PMQL engine, which is responsible with
processing PMQL. It transforms the goal (query) so
that it matches the existing DeVisa resources and, af-
ter successful matching, transfers the PMQL answer
back to the consumer ( Figure 3). To resolve a scor-
ing or composition goal, the PMQL engine performs
a sequence of steps: annotation, rewriting and plan
building (Gorea, 2008). If a composition is necessary
then an additional composing phase, which assembles
the base models, is performed. The execution invokes
certain XQuery (XQuery, 2007) functions against the
repository of PMML models.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
PMQL Engine
Plan Builder
Query plan/
Figure 3: Resolving consumers’ goals in DeVisa.
3.2 The PMQL Web Service
DeVisa’s approach uses several layers of abstraction
in defining its services. The PMQL Web Service is
an abstract computational entity meant to provide ac-
cess to the concrete DeVisa services. The materializa-
tion of those services is achieved after interpretation
of the PMQL goal. The services are the effective val-
ues that are provided to the user as a response to its
goal. They are tightly coupled with the business con-
text (metadata) or with the circumstances of the re-
quest. More exactly, it depends on a data dictionary,
on the existence of a DeVisa applicable model etc.
The PMQL Web Service deals with arbitrary XML of
the incoming and outgoing SOAP Envelopes without
any type mapping / data binding - message service
(Axis, 2007). The raw XML in a received SOAP en-
velope is passed to the PMQL engine, which attempts
to interpret the XML as a PMQL query. This type of
service has the advantage of separating the expression
of the consumer’s goal from the choreography of the
concrete services.
DeVisa borrows some principles used in the
WSMO framework (Fensel et al., 2007): web compli-
ance, ontology as data models, strict decoupling of re-
sources definitions, separation of the description from
the implementation, ontological role separation, exe-
cution semantics. A clear distinction between a ser-
vice and a web service is made. The web service is a
computational entity able to achieve the user’s goal by
invocation whereas the service is the actual value pro-
vided by the invocation of the web service.The model
composition in DeVisa follows a resembling pattern.
The consumer provides a goal, providing the available
input and the expected output. The composer will at-
tempt to produce an orchestration, which at least pro-
duces all expected outputs, and at most expects all
possible input messages.
The paper presented a theoretical foundation on the
prediction models composition problem within an on-
line scoring system called DeVisa. The prediction
models are stored in PMML format in a native XML
database. The model composition in DeVisa is limited
by the non-availability of the original data set and to
model sequencing and selection supported by PMML.
Nevertheless, the consumer can provide a validation
data set to train a new customized model. The pa-
per identifies the contexts in which model compo-
sition can occur (implicit or explicit) and analyzes
the possible approaches.To achieve a clear separation
between the consumer’s goal and the effective De-
Visa services a specialized language (PMQL) is in-
troduced. Because the main DeVisa functionality is
available through Web Services, the model composi-
tion can follow some of the principles used in the web
services composition process.
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