Emilia Garcia, Adriana Giret and Vicente Botti
Department of Information Systems and Computation, Technical University of Valencia
Camino de Vera, Valencia, Spain
Multiagent systems, agent oriented software engineering, multiagent systems developments tools.
Recently a great number of methods and frameworks to develop multiagent systems have appeared. Nowadays
there no an established framework to evaluate environments to develop multiagent system and choosing be-
tween one framework or another is a difficult task. The main contributions of this paper are an analysis of the
state of the art in the evaluation of MAS engineering and a complete list of criteria that helps in the evaluation
of multiagent system development environments.
Multiagent systems (MAS) are complex and dis-
tributed systems with autonomous components. The
development of MAS is a very complex task, so it
needs the use of software engineering techniques.
This techniques help developers to get complete, ro-
bust and functional systems decreasing the develop-
ment time.
Nowadays, there is a great number of methods
and frameworks to develop MAS, almost one for
each agent-research group (Wooldridge and Ciancar-
ini, 2001). This situation makes the selection of one
or another multiagent development tool, a very hard
task. The main objective of this paper is to provide
a mechanism to evaluate these kind of tools. This
paper shows a list of criteria that allows a deep and
complete analysis of multiagent development tools.
Through this analysis, developers can evaluate the ap-
propriateness of using a tool or another depending on
their needs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 briefly summarizes the state of the art of the
evaluation of MAS engineering. Section 3 details
some important features to develop multiagent sys-
tems. Finally, Section 4 presents some conclusions
and future works.
Shehory and Sturm (Sturm and Shehory, 2003) pro-
vide a list of criteria that includes software engi-
neering related criteria and criteria relating to agent
concepts. Also they add a metric evaluation. Cer-
nuzzi and Rossi (Cernuzzi and Rossi, 2002) present a
qualitative evaluation criteria employing quantitative
methods for the evaluation of agent-oriented analy-
sis and design modeling methods. The related works
focus their efforts on the analysis of methodologies,
but do not analyzes the tools that provide support for
these methodologies. It is a very important feature be-
cause a well-defined methodologyloses a great part of
its functionality if there is no tool to apply it easily.
Eiter and Mascardi (Eiter and Mascardi, 2002) an-
alyzes environments for developing software agents.
They provide a methodology and general guidelines
for selecting a MASDK. Their list of criteria in-
cludes agent features, software engineering support,
agent and MAS implementation, technical issues of
the MASDKs and finally economical aspects.
Bitting and Carter (Morales et al., 2003) use the
criteria established by Eiter and Mascardi to analyze
and compare ve MASDKs. In order to obtain ob-
jective results from the evaluation Bitting and Carter
add a quantitative evaluation. Sudeikat and Braunch
(Sudeikat et al., 2004) presents an interesting work in
which they analyzes the gap between modeling and
platform implementation. Their framework allows
the evaluation of the appropriateness of methodolo-
gies with respect to platforms.
This paper is based on the related works. The ob-
jective of this paper is to offera list of evaluation crite-
ria that allows to analyze and compare methods, tech-
niques and environments for developing MAS. These
criteria focus on the gap between the theorical guide-
Garcia E., Giret A. and Botti V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 181-184
DOI: 10.5220/0001763101810184
lines of the methodologies and what can be modeled
in the MASDKs. Furthermore, these criteria analyze
the gap between the model and the final implementa-
tion, i.e., which implementation facilities provide the
MASDKs and which model elements have no direct
translation in the implementation platform.
The following features allow a complete analysis of a
MASDK and the selection between one and another.
They are grouped in five categories.
3.1 Concepts and Properties of MAS
As it is well known, there is no complete agreement
on which features are mandatory to characterize an
agent and a MAS. This is the reason why an analy-
sis of the basic notions (concepts and properties) of
agents and MAS are necessary at the beginning of
the evaluation. This section deals with the question
whether a methodology and it associated MASDK ad-
here to the basic concepts and properties of agents and
These features are grouped into basic features that
represent the core of agenthood, and advanced fea-
tures that represent specific and desirable agent char-
Basic Features
Agent architecture: It represents the concepts that de-
scribe the internals of an agent. The importance of
this feature is not to say which approach is better than
other, but this feature is very useful to know if the ap-
proach is appropriate to specific requirements.
Properties: Agents are supposed to be autonomous,
reactive, proactive and socials. In this section which
agent properties are supported by the methodology
and by the MASDK is analyzed.
Advanced Features
Mental Attitudes: The agent has mental notions like
beliefs, desires, intentions and commitments.
Deliberative Capabilities: The agent is able to select
some possible plans to solve a problem and to choose
the most appropriate in this situation.
Adaptivity: It may require that the modeling tech-
nique be modular and that it can activate each com-
ponent according to the environmental state.
Meta-management: The agent is able to reason about
a model of itself and of other agents.
Support for MAS Organizations. At this point will
be analyzed only which kind of organizations are
supported by the evaluated methodology or develop-
ment environment, the other specific characteristics
of the organizations will be analyzed in the following
Support for the Integration with Services. Some
MAS software engineering has been expanded to
the integration with services (P.Singh and N.Huhns,
2005). At this point is interesting to analyze which
kind of integration is supported by the approach
(agents invoke services, services invoke agents or
bidirectional) and the mechanisms used to facilitate
the integration. Related with this, it is very interest-
ing to know which services communication and spec-
ification standards are supported.
3.2 Software Engineering Support
The development of a multiagent systems is a com-
plex task that can be simplified with the use of MAS
engineering techniques. This section will analyze
how MASDKs support these techniques.
There are some methodologies and MASDKs that
can be used to develop any kind of MAS, but other
approaches are specialized in a particular application
Traditionally, agents are the model-central element in
most MAS models, but in the last years there are an
evolution to the organization-oriented modeling and
service-oriented modeling.
It can be analyzed using the following criteria:
Based on Metamodels. Meta-model presents re-
lationships, entities, and diagrams, which are the
elements to build MAS models.
Models Dependence. A high dependence on some
specific models of a modelling method may imply
that if they are not well-designed it may affect all the
design process; hence, lower dependence is better.
Development Process. It indicates which software-
development process follows the methodology.
Lifecycle Coverage. In complex systems such as
MAS it is desirable to use tools that facilitate the
development of the application throughout the entire
Development Guides. They facilitate the developers
work and make the methodology more easy to
understand and follow.
Platform Dependent. Some methodologies are
focused on the development in a specific deployment
ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Organization Support. The methodology includes
agent-organization concepts in the development life
Service Support. The methodology provides support
to integrate services and agents at the different stages
of the life cycle.
The methodology should use a complete and un-
ambiguous modeling language. It can be formal,
informal or a mix of them. It should be expressive
enough to represent MAS structure, data workflow,
control workflow, communication protocols, concur-
rent activities and different abstraction level views.
Other advanced features are the possibility to repre-
sent restrictions in the resources, mobil agents, the
interaction with extern systems and the interaction
with human beings.
It is analyzed if the MASDK offers the possibility
to model, implement or import ontologies is analyzed.
The verification process can be analyzed from two
points of view:
Static Verification. It involves to check the integrity
of the system, i.e., that the specification of all
model elements and the relationships between those
elements are correct. The MASDK must be able to
detect inconsistencies and to notify when the model is
incomplete. In the best cases, the application not only
detects these mistakes, but also propose solutions.
Dynamic Verification. It involves testing the system
using simulations, i.e., the MASDK creates a simpli-
fied system prototype and test their behavior.
Three conflicted areas have been highlighted.
Complete Notation. The MASDK should provide
the possibility to model all the methodology elements
and their relationships. All the restrictions defined
in the methodology should be defined in the model-
ing language and should be taken into account in the
Lifecycle Coverage. This criterion identifies which
methodology stages are supported by the MASDK.
Development Guidelines. These guides are very use-
ful to develop MAS and if they are integrated in the
MASDK the development task become more intuitive
and easier. This integration reduces the modeling time
and facilitate the development of MAS to developers.
3.3 MAS Implementation
This section analyzes how the MASDK helps the
developer to transform the modeled system into a real
Graphical Interfaces. It represents the possibility to
generate graphical interfaces using the MASDK.
Limited Systems. The MASDK may support the
development of system with some limitations, i.e.,
the development of system that are going to be
executed in limited devices like mobile phones.
Real Time Control. Some application need real time
control, so it must be supplied for the MASDK.
Security Issues. The MASDK can provide security
mechanism to ensure that agents are not malicious
and do not damage other agents, that their agents are
not be damaged and has to avoid the interception or
corruption of messages.
Physical Environment Models. These are a library
of simulators of physical parts of some kinds of
systems for testing.
Code Implementation. The MASDK allows to
implement or complete the agents code in the same
Debugging Facilities. They are necessary for devel-
oping correct, reliable and robust system, due to the
complex, distributed and concurrent nature of MAS.
Match MAS Abstractions with Implementation
Elements. It is analyzed which agent architecture
elements, mental attitudes and deliberative attitudes
are translated into elements of the final implemen-
tation. Most times the approaches allow modeling
with this elements but they are not reflected in the
Automatic Code Generation. It is an important fea-
ture because it reduces the implementation time and
the errors in the code. Nowadays, there are a great
number of techniques and languages to transform au-
tomatically from models to code. Which technology
is used and if the generation code is complete or if it
only generate the skeletons of the agents are impor-
tant features. Furthermore is important to remark for
which agent platform and using which code language
is generated the code. Some MASDKs generate util-
ity agents. They offer services that do not depend on
the particular application domain (for example yellow
and white pages). Another MASDKs offer reengi-
neering techniques and furthermore, some of them
provides mechanisms to integrate services and agents.
3.4 Technical Issues of the MASDK
This criteria selection is related to the technical char-
acteristics of the development environment.
Programming Language. The language used to
implement the MASDK and the language used to
store the models are important keys.
Resources. System requirements to the MASDK
which include in which platforms can be executed
and if it is light-weight.
Required Expertise. It indicates if it is necessary be
a expert modeler and developer to use the MASDK.
Fast Learning. It indicates if the MASDK is easy to
use and does not need much training time.
Possibility to Interact with Other Applications.
For example this can provide the possibility to import
or export models developed with other applications.
Extensible. The MASDK is prepared to include
other functional modules in an easy way.
Scalability. This issue analyzes if the MASDK is
ready to develop any scale of applications (small
systems or large-scale applications).
Online Help. A desirable feature in a MASDK is
that it helps developers when they are modeling or
implementing, i.e., the MASDK takes part automati-
cally or offer online suggestions to the developer.
Collaborative Development. This functionality
may be very interesting to develop complex systems
in which there are a group of developers which
Documentation. An important aspect when dealing
with new proposals is how they are documented. A
good documentation and technical support should be
Examples. If the MASDK presents complete case
study is another feature to evaluate. The fact that the
MASDK has been used in business environments
also demonstrate the usefulness of the MASDK.
3.5 Economical Aspects
Economical characteristics are important to choose
between one or another MASDK. Obviously, one key
in the evaluation is the cost of the application, the cost
of it documentation and a technical service is pro-
vided. Also, the vendor organization gives an idea
about the reliability and the continuity of the applica-
This paper summarizes the state of the art in the eval-
uation of methods and tools to develop MAS. These
studies are the base of the presented evaluation frame-
work. This framework helps to evaluate MASDKs
by the definition of a list of criteria that allows to
analyze the main features of this kind of systems.
This list covers traditional software engineering needs
and specific characteristics for developing MAS. This
study allows the evaluation of the gap between the
methods and the modeling tool, and the gap between
the model and the implementation.
As future work, this framework will be used to
evaluate and compare a large set of MASDKs and
their methodologies. Also the MASDKs support for
agent organizations and service-oriented MAS sys-
tems will be studied in depth
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TIN2006-14630-C03-01, GV06/315, PAID-06-
07/3191, CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 under grant
ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering