Integrating Privacy Policies into Business Processes
Michele Chinosi and Alberto Trombetta
Universit`a degli Studi dell’Insubria
Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione
via Mazzini 5, 21100 Varese, Italy
Abstract. The increased interest around business processes management and
modeling techniques has brought many organizations to make significant invest-
ments in business process modeling projects. One of the most recent proposal
for a new business process modeling technique is the Business Process Model-
ing Notation (BPMN). Often, the modeled business processes involve sensible
information whose disclosure is usually regulated by privacy policies. As such,
the interaction between business processes and privacy policies is a critical is-
sue worth to be investigated. Towards this end, we introduce a data model for
BPMN and a corresponding XML-based representation (called BPeX) which we
use to check whether a BPeX-represented business process is compliant with a
P3P privacy policy. Our checking procedures are very efficient and require stan-
dard XML technology, such as XPath.
1 Introduction
The ever-increasing interest around business processes management and modeling tech-
niques has brought many organizationsto make significant investments in business pro-
cess modeling efforts. The Business Process Management (BPM) has been identified
as one of the most important business priorities. The Workflow Management Coalition
(WfMC) defines BPM as a set of one or more linked procedures or activities which
collectively realize a business objective or policy goal, normally within the context of
an organizational structure defining functional roles and relationships [1]. As such, it
introduces methods, tools and techniques to support the development and the analysis
of operational business processes. Inside this context, business process modeling tech-
niques and languages are of absolute relevance. Again, WfMC defines business process
modeling as the time period when manual and/or automated (workflow) descriptions
of a process are defined and/or modified electronically [1]. One of the most recent pro-
posal for a business process modeling technique is Business Process Modeling Notation
(BPMN), adopted as standard by OMG [2].
The adoption of BPMN as a standard allows companies to define complex busi-
ness processes possibly encompassing different administrative boundaries and request-
ing non-public data whose access is regulated by security-driven policies. In particular,
privacy-related user data represent a relevant asset for companies and administrations.
As such, in the recent years, several efforts have been made in order to provide mech-
anisms for expressing (and in some cases, enforcing) privacy policies protecting such
Chinosi M. and Trombetta A. (2008).
Integrating Privacy Policies into Business Processes.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 13-25
DOI: 10.5220/0001743900130025
data. One of the most well-known efforts in such direction is the P3P privacy policy
description language [3]. P3P permits to represent privacy policies in an XML tree,
basing on an XML-Schema model, which can be published by service providers to
give users the capability to check automatically if the policies accomplish with the user
Therefore, it becomes a relevant, non-trivialissue to check whether a given complex
business process (describing how processes interact and what data items they access) is
compliant with a stated privacy policy (describing what processes are entitled to access
which data items, provided that the corresponding purposes and obligations have been
In this work we address the above mentioned issue by presenting a single frame-
work in which both a business process and a corresponding privacy policy can be ex-
pressed and the compliance of the former with respect to the latter can be checked.
We accomplish this by expressing both business processes and privacy policies in suit-
able XML formats and then proceed to check their compliance. We assume that privacy
policies are expressed in P3P format. Regarding business processes, we do not rely on
already disposable XML-based representations of BPMN, such as BPEL4WS [4] or
XPDL [5,6]. Both of them have disadvantages: BPEL4WS is strictly less expressive
than BPMN, since only one single business process can be represented, and only one
subset of BPMN elements can be deployed [7–9]. XPDL supports a larger fragment
of BPMN but it does not render properly the hierarchical logical relationships between
elements as well as it is not an executable language [5,6]. Thus, XPDL is not the best
way to represent BPDs if the goals are analysis, execution, extensions.
Hence, we present a new XML-oriented model, called BPeX, that faithfully de-
scribes all the relevant features of BPMN, such as the complete mapping of all the
elements provided by the specifications and a tree model which reflects the elements
dependencies and the hierarchical structure of diagrams. These features introduce some
useful capabilities such as the possibility to export and share the diagram with other
tools and to investigate processes to pinpoint bottle-neck or dead-locks (and conse-
quently to patch them).
Having presented in a single, coherent framework both business processes and pri-
vacy policies, we then define the procedures for checking the compliance of a BPeX-
based business process with respect to a P3P-based privacy policy. Such procedures,
relying on the unified XML-based format employed for business processes and privacy
policies are implemented using standard XML query languages, such as XPath.
2 Related Works
This paper starts from the official BPMN specifications as approved by OMG in 2006
and builds upon it. We don’t assume any formal semantics underlying BPMN [10–
12], rather we consider the semantics as it is presented in natural language in the OMG
documentation. We give for some elements a more formal definition in order to perform
some kind of queries and operations.
Other works about integrating privacy policies with business processes have been
published since 2002 [13–15] even though the first work proposing an algorithm to
verify P3P policies on BPEL4WS tree was published in 2006 [16]. Moreover, in [17] an
approach to extract RBAC models from BPEL4WS processes for the role engineering
process is presented.
Due to space limitations, you can find more detailed information about P3P and
BPMN on respective standard web-pages, [3] and [2]. For the same reason, we omit
in this work almost all the code and the pictures explaining our model. It is possible
to find them in the corresponding project web site under SourceForge repository at We will refer in this paper to the content pub-
lished there with [18]. On the same web-site you can also find an extended version of
this paper.
3 BPeX: a BPMN XML Linearization
At the present moment, BPMN defines simply a graphical notation without an explicit
definition of the underlying meta model; that is, what are the basic elements composing
a business process and what are the relationships among them. Clearly, providing a
BPMN model is a first, necessary step in order to precisely state what is the meaning
(or, more precisely, behavior) of a business process described as a BPMN diagram. As
such, it is an interesting problem in itself to define such a suitable, BP-oriented model
[10–12]. There are some research efforts aiming at the definition of a comprehensive
model representing all the main features of BPM, but all such efforts build upon existing
incomplete and/or inadequate formats. We have chosen a clean start by looking closely
into BPMN and building our model from scratch, thus obtaining a clear model natively
supporting all the relevant features of BPMN.
The result of our efforts is called BPeX and it is defined in a top-down fashion. We
start pointing out all the different BPMN symbol families, we then proceed refining
them through the definition of more precise symbol families, connected in a suitably
defined hierarchy. Then, we add a representation of flows, adopting the same method-
We provide an XML version of such a model, in order to obtain a complete schema
representing all the BPMN elements. The chosen hierarchical structure among BPMN
elements (and flows) can be represented in a very natural way using XML-Schema.
With a slight abuse of notation we call BPeX both the model and its XML-based ver-
sion. In the following sections we will mention the BPeX features relevant for the
present framework, namely how to smoothly integrate in it information about privacy
policies. Any further information can be found at the BPeX project site [18].
Figure 1 shows a comparison between BPMN (as understood from the available
documentation) on Fig. 1(a) and our BPeX meta model on Fig. 1(b). As it is possible to
see, in BPeX model all the elements are connected to each other, while in the BPMN
specifications most of the elements are only referenced by an external numerical value
(represented graphically with dashed arrows) and, thus, they do not accomplish to rep-
resent the diagram structure. One of the most immediate advantages on using a full
hierarchical model is, e.g., the complexity on check what Lane an element (an Event,
an Activity or a Gateway) belongs to. Using BPMN model, one has to control the val-
ues of the Pool-Ref and the Lane-Ref attributes and search for the element ID inside the
(a) BPMN, as from original docu-
(b) BPeX model
Fig.1. A comparison between BPMN and BPeX hierarchical model representation.
Process element. Instead, using BPeX one has just to check whether the element node
is a child of the Lane node.
The Process element is depicted with a gray background and no black boundary be-
cause it does not have a graphical representation inside a BPD. As it is possible to no-
tice in Fig. 1(b), we also include into the model flows specifications, represented with a
gray background, while in BPMN flows are disconnected from any other element. This
makes them more context-free but it is not clear using XPDL where a modeler can use
them or where they are defined.
Our model introduces some useful features like e.g. the hierarchical representation
of BPMN elements in a diagram and the feasibility of performing queries on XML
data. Our notation is fully compliant with XPDL graphical appearing notation and can
describe all the data interchange between processes like BPEL does. Using BPeX it is
easier to join together business processes and privacy policies, firstly because it can rep-
resent the whole set of BPMN elements. Secondly, it reproduces faithfully the diagram
structure without any loss of information. Thus, it is possible to find the right position
to declare a policy statement keeping privacy policies and BPs structures unaltered.
This makes easier to analyze BPs (at different levels of granularity) to determine if they
comply with the given privacy policy. Further information can be found on project Web
page [18].
4 P3P Policy Enforcement
Currently, the main use of the P3P language is for web services providers, which can
host policies in their servers leaving users to opt, using the service provided or not.
Some browsers can access P3P policy document and warn users if a server policy does
not accomplish the users’ preferences.
BPMN (and BPeX, consequently) can easily be adopted to describe business pro-
cesses whose tasks have to follow a given privacy policy. Extending the BPeX model in
order to add P3P support permits users to test if a web-enabled business process is com-
pliant with a given privacy policy. For example, a web service provider which asks user
for a credit card number to perform a given task could be in contrast with the privacy
policy which does not allow to ask for a personal information.
Fig.2. BPMN representation of a user connecting to a search engine to perform a query.
In our approach, we will extend less as possible BPMN notation in order to keep the
main requirements unchanged. Notice that P3P does not implement a full privacy poli-
cies tuple unlike for example the RBAC model. This is because P3P is a web-oriented
standard. The main aspects we will use to extend BPMN notation are Entity, Purposes,
Access, Data-group and Recipient.
For some of these elements (Entity, Data-group) we will use BPMN native attribute,
extending the notation to better explain and represent the values of P3P elements. For
Access element we will add a new attribute to a BPMN Process element. For the other
elements we need to redefine or tune BPMN elements modifying some attributes or
adding new ones. These modifications will be mapped also in BPeX to achieve a full
XML linearization of BPDs with P3P statements. We have developed also some simple
procedures to perform validation tests between BPeX and P3P policies trees. Some
examples will be shown in the following using W3C XPath queries.
4.1 Motivating Example
The example we introduce in this section sketches the environment we are interested
in. We start considering a web-oriented business process that we represent with BPMN.
Then we translate the BPD into a BPeX representation. In Section 4.2 we illustrate how
to integrate P3P policies and BPeX documents. Finally, we present some excerpts of
BPeX code enriched with privacy policies and the algorithms to enforce the process
For our running example we use a classical scenario of a user connecting to a search
engine to perform a query. For the sake of clarity, we opt for Google and its privacy
policies freely available on-line at Google Privacy Center
. Figure 2 shows the BPMN
model of the Business Process we choose to investigate and Listing 1.3 (available in
Appendix A) is part of its BPeX linearization. The text of the search engine privacy
policy has been taken from the on-line version and the Listing 1.4 (Appendix A) is
related to its P3P form.
4.2 P3P Representation Inside BPeX Code
We now summarize the formalisms we use to represent P3P clauses inside the BPeX
code, investigating more in detail as possible each correspondence.
Entity. This element refers the legal entity making the representation of the privacy
practices. There are only two elements in BPMN that can be used to map the Entity:
the BPD and the Pool. We can not use the Process element because there may be Pools
without a related Process (Black Boxes). Nonetheless, also in these cases a Pool rep-
resents a subject involved in the BP. Between BPD and Pool elements we choose to
use the latter, because a BPD is a set of all the processes pertaining the BP, while a
Pool represents a single actor (i.e., a single Entity). P3P binds some values to be
present in a policy. A P3P Entity must hold the orgname attribute and one of the
following categories of information: postal, telephone, email, URI. For a sake
of simplicity we extend the Name attribute of Pools (i.e., Pool/Name) adding a new
sub-tree starting with the <P3PExension> node, father of an <Entity> node. The
Entity node imitates the P3P Entity nodes structure, with the same constraints. The
new node P3PExtension/Entity/orgnamesubstitute the old Pool Name. To add the
same P3P Entity subtree to the Pool/Name attribute makes easier to compare values
and enforces this policies element: there should be a direct correspondence between the
two nodes structures, as depicted in Figure 4 in the Appendix A. This is a true advantage
in using BPeX model respect to the original BPMN proposal, because with the latter it
is not possible to make a comparison node-to-node.
Access. The P3P Access element represents the ability of the individual to view iden-
tified data and address questions or concerns to the service provider [3]. In this case,
BPMN does not have an element near to the Access, but each Pool holding activities
and flows has also a relationship with one Process. We add to Process element a new
attribute <P3PExtension>having as child the <ACCESS> element. Possible values
of <ACCESS> element are those provided by P3P standard.
Purposes. Every ‘Common Graphical Object’ (i.e., all the graphical objects that may
appear in a BPD) have a Categories attribute, defined as follows: “The modeler
MAY add one or more defined categories that can be used for purposes such as report-
ing and analysis”. Thus, the use of this element as a container for the P3P Purposes
element does not require any further adjustment unless a boolean attribute, named
IsP3PPurpose, to better define the purposes domain. All the BPMN elements ex-
cept for BPD and Process (that have not a graphical representation) have the Categories
attribute, so we can define, for every element, which purpose it is designed for.
Data-group. This is the most critical issue because P3P is very rich of details about data
while BPMN provides only an Artifact named DataObject to represent all kind of
data. To describe as good as possible the information exchanged through the activities
and the flows of a BP we use the Name attribute of the DataObject element to specify
what kind of data an entity or an user is working on. As well as we have done to map En-
tity element into the Pool/Name attribute, we extend the DataObject/Name attribute
with a <P3PExtension> node, containing the trees provided by P3P Data-Group
element. In addiction, BPMN DataObjects have a RequiredForStart boolean at-
tribute, that can be used to map the P3P always, opt-in and opt-out values for
purposes and recipients.
Recipient. This element contains one or more recipients of collected data. It is the legal
entity, or domain, where data may be distributed. The mapping of the Recipient el-
ement is a bit more complex. The best place to attach the Recipient data is a Message
Flow (which represents the messages exchanged between different Pools – and, thus,
different Entities). Unfortunately MessageFlows do not have a direct attribute where to
specify the Recipient constraints. It is unnecessary to control messages exchanged in-
side the same Pool, between different Lanes: we suppose that an Entity can freely share
data with its offices or internal employees. Again, we are not interested to investigate
where data come from (typically, in BPMN diagrams, through Message Flows) it is
the sender Entity which have to adhere to its privacy policy. We need to ensure that data
collected from an enterprise are the same of those declared in its privacy policy. What
we can not express in BPMN is the affiliation domain of the messages targets. P3P
does not need to know the target entity data, but only if the target, for example, has the
same privacy policies or if it is the legal entity following the practices, and so forth. To
add this kind of information, we extend the Target node of a Message Flow with
an attribute P3PRecipient expressing the P3P values provided for the Recipent
5 The Compliance Checking Procedures
Our goal is to check whether a BPMN diagram, representing a web-enabled business
process, is compliant with a P3P privacy policy. Thus, as discussed in the previous sec-
tion, we have enriched the BPeX XML-based BPMN representation with some P3P-like
attributes. Now, we provide checking procedures in order to verify such compliance.
The tests we are interested in focus on the presence of the same attributes either in
BPeX and in P3P trees. P3P notation is not used to express the values collected for
each instance of the service provided. Thus, the tests will not cover the correspondence
between the values which can be performed only when a process has been executed
through log analysis or using a monitor.
We start assuming that each Pool represents an Entity, and thus we make the tests
on Entity and Access between the Pool attributes and respectively POLICY/ENTITY
and POLICY / ACCESS attributes. All the other tests are performed for each P3P
STATEMENT clause, and focus on: what kind of data the process works on, how the
process uses collected data, and with whom an entity shares collected data. In general
it is not true that every STATEMENT element corresponds to one single Pool: a Pool
references one Policy but it may have more than one Statement.
The diagram shown in Fig. 3 relates to our Google example: there is one Pol-
icy with altogether four Data-Ref elements, three Purposes and two different Recip-
ients. This example shows how different Statements can act using different triples
<Data-Groups, Purposes, Recipients>. P3P standard specifies that each
Statement must hold one Data-Group node and may have more than one Purpose or Re-
cipient expressed. In our example, the Statement A uses all the four <DATA-REF> val-
ues as Data-Group for the Purposes <admin><develop>sharing data with Recipient
<ours>; the Statement B instead uses only two of the <DATA-REF>elements as Data-
Fig.3. Data-Groups, Purposes, Recipients relationships.
Group for the Purpose <pseudo-analysis>disclosing data to <unrelated>Re-
For the Statements verification we ensure firstly the correctness of the three fields
separately and then the accordance between them and against the referential P3P policy.
5.1 Policies Enforcement
We introduce nowa high level description of the checking procedures.For a sake of sim-
plicity, the procedures presented here do not consider the strings manipulation needed
to extract the P3P clauses from the attributes value. This aspect will be shown later on,
when we will illustrate an XPath implementation example of one of these procedures.
Considering that each one of the algorithms verifies a different aspect of the policy,
then all of these have to be executed to enforce the privacy policy in its entirety. For a
matter of space, Access, Purposes, Data-Group and Recipient listings can be found in
Appendix A.
ENTITY Verification. The Listing 1.1 shows the algorithm to enforce the policy of
a business process focusing on the Entity verification. This control applies on every
Pool (row 1). The first condition (row 2) verifies if the P3PExtension node, child
of Pool/Name, exists: if not, an error occurs (moreover, this implies that the di-
agram is not compliant with BPMN specifications, because the new node Name /
P3PExtension / orgname corresponds to the original Name value). The core of
the algorithm comparesthe P3PExtension/ENTITYsubtree with the P3P:POLICY
/ ENTITY one (row 5) like in Fig. 4.
1foreach (Pool/Name PN BPD) do {
2if (PN/P3PExtension/ENTITY == )
3then ‘‘Error’’
4elseif (PN/P3PExtension/ENTITY 6= P3P:POLICY/ENTITY)
5then ‘‘Error’’;
6else ‘‘OK’’; }
Listing 1.1. The ENTITY enforcement algorithm.
ACCESS Verification. The Access verification algorithm (see Listing 1.6) is quite sim-
ilar to the Entity one. It differs from the latter especially for the first condition (row 1)
in which there is a check to assure that the Pool is not a Black Box: otherwise, it can
not have an Access attribute because the content of the Pool is hidden and users can not
access their data.
PURPOSES Verification. In this case (see Listing 1.5), firstly we consider only a subset
of the all Common Graphical Objects. We argue that Swimlanes, Group and Text An-
notation can not have a related Purpose. Secondly, we check if the Categories element
has the required boolean attribute. Finally, we compare Categories children with all the
Purpose children. Notice that between POLICY and PURPOSES at row 7 there are two
slashes ‘//’ to show, using the XPath syntax, that Purposes nodes are not direct Policy
children but they are Policy descendants through the Statement node.
DATA-GROUP Verification. Similarly to Entity and Access verification, to enforce
Data-Group elements requires to check if the P3PExtension node has been declared and
successively if its values fall into the set of every Statement’s Data-Group (Listing 1.7).
RECIPIENT Verification. To determine if MessageFlows are compliant with their re-
lated policies, it is necessary to control if the value of the P3PRecipient attribute is one
of those declared as policy Recipient.
Listings 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8 need to be executed at Statement level, while Listings 1.1
and 1.6 at Policy level. To enforce the whole process against a privacy policies, we
need to evaluate the latter once and the former for each Statement. If all test pass we
can claim that the process is compliant with the privacy policy.
For a matter of space, we give now only one example of XPath translation (List-
ing 1.2). The BPeX code (which represents the process) and the policy code are marked
with different namespaces. In the example we omit the bpex namespace for a reason of
space. We employ to compare two node-sets the XPath 2.0 function fn:deep-equal
which assesses whether two sequences are deep-equal to each other. To be deep-equal,
they must contain items that are pairwise deep-equal; and for two items to be deep-
equal, they must either be atomic values that compare equal, or nodes of the same kind,
with the same name, whose children are ‘deep-equal’. For a sake of simplicity this code
uses the P3P 1.0 node structure POLICIES/POLICY/ENTITY/DATA-GROUP.
2then fn:deep-equal(//Pools/Name/P3PExtension/ENTITY,
Listing 1.2. The XPath version of the Entity algorithm.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed a new XML-based notation called BPeX allowing users to
represent all BPMN elements in a hierarchical tree-based structure. We introduced an
abstract representation of the BPeX notation, giving a close look to the data model rep-
resentation and to the flow relationships. Then, we defined the XML-Schema and the
XML linearizations of the BPeX data- and flow-model. Finally, we extended BPeX no-
tation with the support for P3P policies. We showed the feasibility to query the BPeX
representation of a BPD extended with P3P statements, in order to verify its adherence
to a given P3P privacy policy specification. Please, refer to project web-site for further
comparisons, case studies and related works.
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A Appendix
1<POOL ID=‘‘P001’’><NAME>Google</NAME>
2<LANE ID=‘‘L001’’><NAME>Google</NAME>
3<EVENT ID=‘‘E001’’ EventType=‘‘Start’’>
6<TASK ID=‘‘T001’’ Name=‘‘Receive request’’/>
7<TASK ID=‘‘T002’’ Name=‘‘Display form page’’/>
8<TASK ID=‘‘T003’’ Name=‘‘Receive query’’/>
9<TASK ID=‘‘T004’’ Name=‘‘Compute query’’/>
10<TASK ID=‘‘T005’’ Name=‘‘Display results page’’/>
11<EVENT ID=‘‘E002’’ EventType=‘‘End’’>
40<POOL ID=‘‘P002’’><NAME>User</NAME>
55<MESSAGE>‘‘Shakespeare poems’’</MESSAGE>
Listing 1.3. The BPeX linearization of the BPMN diagram.
2<POLICY name="Google Example Policy"
10<p3p11:orgname>Google Inc.</p3p11:orgname>
13<p3p11:street>1600 Amph.Parkway</p3p11:street>
14<p3p11:city>Mountain View</p3p11:city>
25<DATA ref="...">for backward compatibility</DATA>
34<DATA ref="#dynamic.clickstream"/>
35<DATA ref="#dynamic.http"/>
36<DATA ref="#dynamic.searchtext"/>
37<DATA ref="#dynamic.cookies"/>
46<DATA ref="#dynamic.http"/>
47<DATA ref="#dynamic.searchtext"/>
Listing 1.4. The P3P form of the Google Privacy Policy.
Fig.4. A comparison between P3P and BPeX Entity elements.
1CommonGraphicalObjects; CGO
:= CGO \ (Swimlanes,
2Group, TextAnnotation); foreach (Pool P BPD) do {
3foreach (CGOElement CGO
) do {
4if (CGOElement/Categories@IsP3PPurpose == )
5then ‘‘Error’’
6elseif (CGOElement/Categories * P3P:POLICY//PURPOSES)
7then ‘‘Error’’
8else ‘‘OK’’; } }
Listing 1.5. The PURPOSES enforcement algorithm.
1foreach (Pool/Process PP BPD | PP 6= ) do {
2if (PP/P3PExtension/ACCESS == ) then ‘‘Error’’;
3elseif (PP/P3PExtension/ACCESS 6= P3P:POLICY/ACCESS)
4then ‘‘Error’’
5else ‘‘OK’’; }
Listing 1.6. The ACCESS algorithm.
1foreach (DATAOBJECT DO BPD) do {
2if (DO/NAME/P3PExtension == ) then ‘‘Error’’
3elseif (DO/NAME/P3PExtension *
5then ‘‘Error’’
6else ‘‘OK’’; }
Listing 1.7. The DATA-GROUP enforcement algorithm.
2if (MF/Target@P3PRecipient == ) then ‘‘Error’’
3elseif (MFM/Target@P3PRecipient *
5else ‘‘OK’’; }
Listing 1.8. The RECIPIENT enforcement algorithm.