A Text Summarization Approach under the Influence of
Textual Entailment
Elena Lloret,
Oscar Ferr´andez, Rafael Mu˜noz and Manuel Palomar
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems Group
Department of Software and Computing Systems
University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante 03690, Spain
Abstract. This paper presents how text summarization can be influenced by tex-
tual entailment. We show that if we use textual entailment recognition together
with text summarization approach, we achieve good results for final summaries,
obtaining an improvement of 6.78% with respect to the summarization approach
only. We also compare the performance of this combined approach to two base-
lines (the one provided in DUC 2002 and ours based on word-frequency tech-
nique) and we discuss the preliminary results obtained in order to infer conclu-
sions that can be useful for future research.
1 Introduction
Text Summarization has become a very popular Natual Language Processing (NLP)
task in recent years. Due to the vast amount of information, especially since the growth
of the Internet, automatic summarization has been developed and improved in order to
help users manage all the information available these days. There are many other NLP
tasks, such as Information Retrieval (IR), Information Extraction (IE), Question An-
swering (QA), Text Categorization (TC) or Textual Entailment (TE), which can interact
together with the purpose of improving their performance and obtaining better results.
In this paper we explore the possibility of using Textual Entailment to help text summa-
rization task. The goal is to study how text summarization can be influenced by Textual
A summary can be defined as a text that is produced from one or more texts, that
contains a significant portion of the information in the original text(s), and that is no
longer than half of the original text(s) [1]. Summarization systems can be characterised
according to many features. Following the Sparck Jones approach [2], there are three
classes of context factors that influence summaries: input, purpose and output factors.
This allows summaries to be characterised by a wide range of properties. For instance,
summarization has traditionally been focused on text, but the input to the summariza-
tion process can also be multimedia information, such as images, video or audio as
well as on-line information or hypertexts. Furthermore, we can talk about summarizing
This research has been supported by the Spanish Government under the project TEXT-MESS
(TIN2006-15265-C06-01) and partially subsidized by the QALL-ME consortium, 6
work Research Programme of the European Union (EU), contract number: FP6-IST-033860.
Lloret E., Ferrández Ó., Muñoz R. and Palomar M. (2008).
A Text Summarization Approach under the Influence of Textual Entailment.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 22-31
DOI: 10.5220/0001732100220031
only one document (single-documentsummarization)or multiple ones (multi-document
summarization). Regarding the output, a summary may be an extract (i.e. when a se-
lection of “significant” sentences of a document is performed), abstract, when the sum-
mary can serve as a substitute to the original document or even a headline (or title). It is
also possible to distinguish between generic summaries and user-focused summaries.
The first type of summaries can serve as surrogate of the original text as they may try
to represent all relevant features of a source text. The user-focused summaries rely on
a specification of a user information need. Concerning also the style of the output, a
broad distinction is normally made between two types of summaries. Indicative sum-
maries are used to indicate what topics are addressed in the source text. As a result, they
can give an brief idea of what the original text is about. The other type, the informative
summaries, are intended to cover the topics in the source text [3,4].
On the other hand, Textual Entailment has been proposed recently as a generic
framework for modelling semantic variability in many Natural Language Processing
(NLP) applications. An entailment relation consists in determining whether the mean-
ing of one text snippet (the hypothesis, H) can be inferred by another one (the text, T)
[5]. Several approaches have been proposed, being the Recognising Textual Entailment
Challenges (RTE) [6] the most referred sources for determining which ones are the
most relevant.
The following examples extracted from the development corpus provided by the
Third RTE Challenge show a true and false entailment relation between two text snip-
Pair id=50 (entailment = true)
T: Edison decided to call “his” inventionthe Kinetoscope, combiningthe Greek
root words “kineto”(movement), and “scopos” (“to view”).
H: Edison invented the Kinetoscope.
Pair id=18 (entailment = false)
T: Gastrointestinal bleeding can happen as an adverse effect of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
H: Aspirin prevents gastrointestinal bleeding.
Both the text and the hypothesis have to be coherent expressions written in natural
language, and depending on the linguistic complexity of the sentences, a shallower or
deeper linguistic analysis will be required in order to verify the entailment inference.
This paper focuses on generic single-document summarization to produce informa-
tive extracts for newswire stories in English. We believe that, if other neighbour fields
of research, such as textual entailment, are integrated as features in summarization sys-
tems to generate partial or final summaries, this can lead to good improvements. Taking
this as our hypothesis, this paper suggests a novel approach that combines textual en-
tailment with summarization to tackle the task. We show some promising preliminary
results that can be useful for future research.
This paper is organized as follows: an overview of the background in the field of
summarization and the existing work combining summarization and textual entailment
is given in Section 2. In Section 3, the approach adopted in this research is explained,
followed by the preliminary results and discussion in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes this paper and discusses future work.
2 Background
Research on Text Summarization began in the late sixties, when Luhn [7] and Edmund-
son [8] started to study how to produce summaries automatically by means of a com-
puter with no human intervention. Since then, many different techniques have been
developed and used in text summarization and different approaches can be found in
the literature [4,9]. One that has been used as a point of reference from which many
techniques have been developed is the one suggested by Mani and Maybury in [3]. This
classification is based on the level of processing that each system performs and from
this point of view, summarization can be characterized as approaching the problem at
the surface, entity, or discourse level [3].
Two different ways can be adopted to tackle any NLP task and consequently sum-
marization: a knowlegde-based or a corpus-based approach. The former uses linguistic
knowledge, such as topics signature [10], rethorical structure of texts [11] or centroid-
based feature [12], whilst the latter focuses on machine learning algorithms, for in-
stance, support vector machine SVM as in the case of NTT system [13] or neuronal
nets in NetSum [14].
Some previous work related to the background of summarization can be found in
the literature. Sparck Jones in [15] carries out a review of summarization in the last
decade. Furthermore, Alonso et al. in [4,16] give a general overview of summariza-
tion systems providing also a description of their main features and techniques. These
papers give an idea of all the different resources and approaches existing today to deal
with summarization, and we can also realise that most systems combine several features
instead of using only one. For example, NeATS [10] combines techniques such as sen-
tence position, term frequency, topics signature whereas MEAD [12] relies on centroid
score or overlap with the first sentence, among other features.
On the other hand, attempts to study the influence of textual entailment on sum-
marization have been focused on the evaluation of summaries [17] to determine which
candidate summary, among a set of them, better represents the content in the original
document depending on whether the summary entails it or not. However, very little ef-
fort has been done to consider both fields together to produce extracts. Only in [18]
approaches to combine summarization and textual entailment can be found, where a
summary is generated either direclty from the entailment relations that appears in a text,
or extracting the highest scored sentences of a document. The score of each sentence is
computed as the number of sentences of the text that are entailed by it.
In contrast to the previous work, in this paper we have opted for a knowledge-
based approach for summarization which incorporates textual entailment recognition
into a summarization baseline system as a pre-processingtool extracting the meaningful
sentences to make the final summary constructionmore accurate, so we can discuss later
the encouranging results of this pilot study.
3 Text Summarization Approach
A knowledge-based aproach for summarization, which uses two different resources to
generate extracts of single documents: word-frequency and textual entailment, has
been developed. The aim of this paper is to show a preliminary study of the influence
that textual entailment has on text summarization. The output of our baseline system
produces extracts
from single documents of newswire stories, although it can be ex-
tended to any other domain. For further details of the experiments performed, see Sec-
tion 4.
WORD-FREQUENCY: The core of this approach employs a technique based
on the word’s frequency which assumes that the more times a word appears in a
document, the more relevant become the sentences that contain this word. There-
fore higher scored sentences will be extracted to produce the final summary. Let’s
suppose that a sentence S consists of a group of tokens t:
= t
then, the score for S1 would be
. (1)
tfi = frequency of word i, i.e, number of times that i appears in the source document
n = length of the sentence without considering stopwords.
For example, let’s have a look at these two sentences appearing in a text from DUC
The frequency for each word in the whole text is shown in brackets (note
that for stopwords, frequency is not considered).
: T ropical(2) Storm(6) Gilbert(7) f ormed(1) in(0) the(0) eastern(1)
Caribbean(1) and(0) strengthened(1) into(0) a(0) hurricane(7) Saturday(4)
: T here(0) were(0) no(0) reports(1) of (0) casualties(1).
Considering that the total amount of frequencies for these sentences are 32 and 2
respectively, and the first sentence has a length of 10 words and the length for the
second one is 2, the final score (Sc) for each sentence would be:
) = 3.20
) = 1.00
Therefore, from those two sentences the first one would be extracted because it has
higher score than the second one.
The extracts have been truncated to 100-word length approximately so that we can compare
them to the reference summaries provided by DUC 2002 data.
Sentences have been taken from AP880911-0016 document, which belongs to cluster d061j.
TEXTUAL ENTAILMENT: The main idea here is to make up a preliminary
summary by the sentences of the text that does not hold an entailment relation.
Let’s assume that a document consists of a list of sentences:
and we perform the entailment experiment as follows:
SUM = {S
SUM entails S
SUM = {S
, S
SUM entails S
SUM = {S
, S
, S
SUM entails S
SUM = {S
, S
, S
SUM entails S
SUM = {S
, S
, S
SUM entails S
SUM = {S
, S
, S
, S
Therefore, the final summary obtained by the processed entailment inferences com-
prises the sentences that are not entailed by the accumulated summary of the pre-
vious non-entailed sentences (i.e S
, S
, S
and S
regarding the above example).
To compute such inferences we have used the entailment engine presented in [19]
trained with the corpora provided by the Third Recognising Textual Entailment
Challenge [6].
Moreover, in order to assess both the entailment engine on summarization task and
how the recognition of entailment relations can influence positively the overall per-
formance of a summarization system, we propose two different evaluations: (i) on the
one hand, we evaluate the summary directly obtained from the word-frequency ap-
proach; and (ii) on the other hand, we evaluate a final summary built from the highest
scored sentences belonging to the preliminary entailment summary and according to
the word-frequency calculus. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study is to develop an in-
cremental system which integrates different types of knowledge. Particularly, this paper
shows the performance obtained with word-frequency approach first, and then combin-
ing word-frequency and textual entailment. Results achieved for each experiment will
be described in detail in the next section.
4 Experiments and Discussion
In this section we describe the evaluation performed and the results we have obtained.
In summarization we can take two evaluation methodologies depending on whether we
use intrinsic or extrinsic methods [20]. Among these two types of evaluation, we have
chosen the intrinsic one, so that we can evaluate how good the automatic extract is, by
comparing it against human-made summaries using the ROUGE
tool [21]. This tool
allows us to obtain the Precision, Recall and F-measure for every automatic summary
(peer) compared to one or more reference summaries (models).
4.1 Evaluation Environment
As test data set, we havetaken the DUC 2002 test documents and human generated sum-
maries for single-document task.
That year was the last year in which single-document
summarization evaluation of informative summaries was performed. The data consisted
of 59 different clusters with non fixed number of documents in each one. All the doc-
uments are related to newspaper stories and those ones inside the same cluster deal
with the same kind of topic. The total number of documents is 567, and two different
assesors produced a 100-word manual summary for each document.
However, some
documents are duplicated and included in more than one cluster. Therefore, summaries
written for those documentswere assigned to different humans depending on the cluster.
For each document, we have not considered the tags that reference the author’s name,
document’s name, title or graphics so we have processed all documents as a previous
step deleting these kinds of tags. The reason why we did it was that these types of tags
introduced a lot of noise in our intermediate or final summaries and although some of
those tags have strong information within the summary, such as the title, in documents
talking about news, this information is usually reflected in the first sentence as well. At
the end, without considering repeated documents, we have dealt with 530 documents
in total with at least one reference summary for each of them, having 1079 reference
Futhermore, in order to evaluate our system with a different type of document (not
only with newswire documents) we have used “The Koan”
text in two different vari-
ants: the original text and the text incorporating manual anaphora resolution, which
consisted in replacing personal pronouns with their reference. We want to show how
our system can be extended to other domains, not only for newswire texts. Summaries
generated by our system are compared with two human-made summaries as gold stan-
dards. One of them is the Long variant of the human extract that can be found in [18].
The other one has been written by ourselves.
4.2 Results Analysis
All the experiments described in this section were evaluated using the ROUGE tool
[21]. We computed ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2 values as well as ROUGE-L and ROUGE-
Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation, http://haydn.isi.edu/ROUGE
Except for two particular clusters where only one human-made summary was written for the
documents in them.
This text is available at http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~dtatar/nlp/Koan-fara-anaph.txt and it con-
sists of 65 sentences. We would like to thank Professor Doina Tatar for providing “The koan”
corpus and its human-made summaries.
ROUGE version (1.5.5) run with the same parameters as in [22] (ROUGE-1.5.5.pl -n 2 -m -2
4 -u -c 95 -r 1000 -f A -p 0.5 -t 0 -l 100 -d).
SU4 and we obtained recall, precision and F-measure on average for the sytem’s perfor-
mance. ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 compute an n-gram recall between a candiate sum-
mary and a set of reference summaries, where the length of the n-gram, in this particular
case, are 1 and 2 respectively. ROUGE-L relies on the Longest Common Subsequence
(LCS) between two texts and ROUGE-SU4 measures the overlap of skip-bigrams be-
tween a candidate summary and a set of reference summaries with a maximum skip
distance of 4. Two independent evaluations were performed. For the first one the DUC
2002 data were used, whereas for the second evaluation “The Koan” text was used as
input data for the system.
In the first experiment four different tests were performed. In the first one, we took
the results performed by the DUC 2002 baseline, which consisted in generating the
summary with the first 100 words of a document. These results have been provided in
[22], where all DUC 2002 participants have been evaluated again, with the ROUGE
tool. For this evaluation we only have recall value.
Next, we decided to run our baseline, based on word-frequency feature, on the orig-
inal documents (non pre-processed documents) for DUC 2002 documents mentioned
before. The third test was identical to the second one, except that we pre-processed all
documents removing tags we considered noisy. Finally, in the last test we added the tex-
tual entailment feature as a previous step in summarization and we ran it on the same
data set as before. To evaluate all tests, the output of each test, that is, the automatic
extracts (peers) were compared to human summaries (models) using the ROUGE tool
previously mentioned. Results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Results obtained for the DUC 2002 data.
BASELINE DUC 2002 Recall 41.132% 21.075% 37.535% 16.604%
original texts)
Recall 42.483% 17.912% 38.247% 20.014%
Precision 40.567% 17.024% 36.529% 19.035%
F-measure 41.468% 17.442% 37.337% 19.495%
pre-processed texts)
Recall 43.741% 17.522% 39.575% 20.195%
Precision 43.398% 17.362% 39.248% 20.016%
F-measure 43.538% 17.435% 39.388% 20.094%
Textual Entailment +
Word Frequency
Recall 45.428% 19.533% 41.264% 21.779%
Precision 45.004% 19.324% 40.860% 21.553%
F-measure 45.184% 19.421% 41.038% 21.654%
As can be seen from Table 1, our three approaches obtain better results that DUC
2002 baseline in any ROUGE measure, except for ROUGE-2 value. Moreover, when
combining summarization with textual entailment F-measure values increase by 6.78%
on average with respect to applying summarization using word-frequency only. When
applying the word-frequency approach to the pre-processed documents, results also in-
crease by 4.14% with respect to the DUC 2002 baseline, regarding to recall value.
ROUGE version used in [22] (ROUGE-1.4.2) only computed recall measure.
However, when comparing our word-frequency baseline with the whole documents to
the DUC 2002 baseline, we observe that the improvement achieved is not as significant
as the other results, obtaining an increase of 2.68%. Therefore, this also reveals that
transforming the documents first by removing some kinds of tags in the original HTML
document does not lead necessarily to a loss of relevant information. In any case, textual
entailment helps positively text summarization and performs the highest improvements
among all the tests carried out in this experiment, which proves that the addition of
textual entailment in summarization has been appropriate.
For the second evaluation we used “The Koan” text as an input for our system. We
tested our system with the original text and with the one with the resolved anaphors.
The results of this evaluation can be seen in Table 2 where “NO” means that anaphora
has not been taken into account whilst “YES” means that manual anaphora resolution
has been employed. In this evaluation we carried out two tests: in the first one, we ran
our baseline based on word-frequency whereas in the second test we tested the textual
entailment together with word-frequency approach. Results in percentages are shown
in Table 2.
Table 2. Results obtained for “The Koan” text.
Recall 40.404 55.000 16.327 33.838 34.343 45.500 17.820 34.846
Precision 40.404 55.556 16.327 34.184 34.343 45.960 17.820 35.208
F-measure 40.404 55.277 16.327 34.010 34.343 45.729 17.820 35.026
Entailment +
Word Frequency
Recall 43.939 64.500 22.959 44.444 37.879 54.000 22.751 44.349
Precision 44.388 64.500 23.196 44.444 38.265 54.000 22.990 44.349
F-measure 44.162 64.500 23.077 44.444 38.071 54.000 22.870 44.349
From the results shown in Table 2 we can notice that the system also achieves
promising results when dealing with documents outside the news domain, obtaining
better results when textual entailment is applied. We perform 22.46% better on aver-
age when using textual entailment together with word-frequency summarization (and
lack of anaphora resolution taken into account) with respect to word-frequency only.
Nevertheless, the same test considering an ideal case of anaphora resolution achieves
an increase of 23% on average. On the other hand, in an ideal situation of anaphora
resolution context, results obtained when using word-frequency approach increase by
43.71% compared to non-anaphora resolution, whilst combining textual entailment and
summarization in the same case, performs 68.60% better, which means a significant
increase with respect to non-anaphora resolution.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper the positive influence of textual entailment on summarization has been
presented showing a successful approach combining both approaches. The preliminary
results obtained revealed that the improvements achieved by applying textual entail-
ment together with a summarization system, specially when incorporating some kind
of anaphora resolution, encourage us to consider these two research lines (textual en-
tailment and anaphora resolution) for further research.
The main problem to address for future research will be to extend the system for
multi-document summarization. Future work can be also related to the development of
a system that takes advantage of the techniques employed in textual entailment recog-
nition, not only as a previous stage to summarization task, as well as an anaphora res-
olution module as one of the important tasks to take into consideration in the future.
Another future research line could consist in adding more knowledge to the system,
exploring new approaches based on semantic relations (for instance, WordNet relations
such as synonymy or hyponymy) and graph-based relations.
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