Formal Specification of Matchmakers, Front-agents,
and Brokers in Agent Environments using FSP
Amelia B˘adic˘a
and Costin B˘adic˘a
University of Craiova, Business Information Systems Department
A. I. Cuza 13, Craiova, RO-200585, Romania
University of Craiova, Software Engineering Department
Bvd. Decebal 107, Craiova, RO-200440, Romania
Abstract. The aim of the paper is to precisely characterize types of middle-
agents matchmakers, brokers and front-agents by formally modeling their inter-
actions with requesters and providers. Our approach is based on conceptualizing
these interactions by formal specification using FSP process algebra. The main re-
sult is the development of formal specification models of middle-agents that help
designers and developers by improving their understanding of available types of
middle-agents (including matchmakers, front-agents and brokers) and enable the
formal analysis of software agent systems that incorporate middle-agents.
1 Introduction
Development of agents that enable dynamic interaction between parties that request and
provide information, services or resources requires a careful analysis and understanding
of their capabilities. Our recent work in this area was focused on i) implementation of
middle-agents for connecting requesters with providers in e-commerce scenarios [2]
and ii) formal modeling of middle-agents with the goal to precisely characterize their
interactions with other agents in the system [3,4].
Connecting requesters with providers is a crucial problem in an agent environment
and its solution requires the use of middle-agents ([5]). Typical use of middle-agents
is encountered in e-commerce. The model agent-based e-commerce system discussed
in [2] uses middle-agents to connect user buyers on the purchasing side with shops on
the selling side in a distributed marketplace. Each user buyer is represented by a Client
agent and each shop is represented by a Shop agent. User buyer submits an order to
the system for purchasing a product via his or her Client agent. Client agent acts as a
Front-agent with respect to connecting the user buyer with an appropriate Shop agent
that provides the requested product. Moreover, Client agent uses a special agent called
Client Information Center CIC that is responsible for providing information which
shop in the system sells which products. So, it can be easily noticed that CIC is in fact
a Matchmaker with respect to connecting Client agent with an appropriate Shop agent.
In this paper we consider formal models of domain independent interaction pat-
terns between agents involved in intermediation – i.e. we omit in our models i) domain
a A. and B
a C. (2008).
Formal Specification of Matchmakers, Front-agents, and Brokers in Agent Environments using FSP.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 9-18
DOI: 10.5220/0001729100090018
dependent details of the environment and ii) details of the content languages used for
representing requests, responses, preferences, and capabilities. Thus we assume that
these interaction patterns are a defining characteristic of each type of middle-agent. In
this work we employ our framework firstly proposed in [3]. This framework is utilizing
the finite state process algebra – FSP ([11]) modeling language.
We start in section 2 with an overview of middle-agents focusing on Matchmaker,
Front-agent, and Broker. In section 3 we introduce FSP and some guidelines of model-
ing agent interactions with FSP. Then we present detailed FSP models of Matchmaker,
Front-agent, and Broker middle-agents. We follow in section 4 with experimental eval-
uation of the models. The last part of the paper contains related work and conclusions.
2 Background on Middle-Agents
The starting point of our work is the classification of middle-agents introduced in sem-
inal work [5]. Based on assumptions about what it is initially known by the requesters,
middle-agent, and providers about requester preferences and provider capabilities, au-
thors of [5] proposed 9 types of middle-agents: Broadcaster, Matchmaker, Front-agent,
Anonymizer, Broker, Recommender, Blackboard, Introducer, and Arbitrator. Based on
literature overview (see survey from [10]) we noticed that frequently utilized middle-
agents for connecting provider and requester agents are Matchmaker, Front-agent, and
Broker. Additionally, quoting [10], observe that “notions of middle-agents, matchmak-
ers, brokers [...] are used freely in the literature [...] without necessarily being clearly
defined”. Therefore in this paper we focused on improving this state-of-affair by pre-
senting and discussing formal models of Matchmaker, Front-agent, and Broker middle-
agents with the goal of highlighting their similarities and differences. Matchmaker. A
Matchmaker middle-agent assumes that requester preferences are initially known only
to the requester, while provider capabilities are initially known to all interaction partici-
pants. This means that a provider will haveto advertise its capabilities with Matchmaker
and Matchmaker has responsibility to match a request with registered capabilities ad-
vertisements. However, the fact that provider capabilities are initially known also by
the requester means that the result of the matching (i.e set of matching providers) is re-
turned by Matchmaker to requester (so provider capabilities become thus known to the
requester), and the choice of the matching provider is the responsibility of the requester.
Consequently the transaction is not intermediated by Matchmaker, as would be the case
for example with a Broker or Front-agent.
Front-agent assumes that requester preferences are initially known only to the re-
quester, while provider capabilities are initially known both to provider and middle-
agent. This means that a provider will have to advertise its capabilities with Front-agent
and Front-agent is responsible to match a request with registered capabilities advertise-
ments. Additionally, as the provider capabilities are not initially known to the requester,
Front-agent also has the responsibility of intermediating the transaction between the re-
quester and the matching provider (this is why often this type of middle-agent is called
Broker rather than Front-agent; in our opinion a true Broker is different, see below).
Broker assumes that requester preferences are initially known only to the requester
and the middle-agent and provider capabilities are initially known only to the provider
and the middle-agent. The crucial point is that, however, requester preferences are not
initially knownto the provider and provider capabilities are not initially knownto the re-
quester. This means that a Broker will truly intermediate transactions between providers
and requesters in both directions: i) if a requester submits a request either it cannot be
matched and it is registered with the Broker or it is matched with a provider capa-
bility and then transaction is intermediated by the Broker, and ii) if a provider adver-
tises a capability then capability is registered with the Broker and also capability is
matched against registered requests; neither match is found and nothing more happens
or matches are found and corresponding transactions are intermediated by the Broker.
3 FSP Models
Overview of FSP. FSP is an algebraic specification technique of concurrent and coop-
erating processes that allows a compact representation of a finite state labeled transition
system (LTS hereafter), rather than describing it as a list of states and transitions.
A FSP model consists of a finite set of sequential and/or composite process defi-
nitions. Additionally, a sequential process definition consists of a sequence of one or
more definitions of local processes. A process definition consists of a process name
associated to a process term. FSP uses a rich set of constructs for process terms (see
[11] for details). For the purpose of this paper we are using the following constructs:
action prefix (a P), nondeterministic choice (P|Q), and process alphabet extension
(P + {a
, . . . , a
}) for sequential process terms and parallel composition (P||Q) and re-
labeling (P/{new
, . . . , new
}) for composite process terms. The modeling
that we propose here follows the general guidelines outlined in [3]. Briefly: i) agents
are modeled as FSP processes and a multi-agent system is modeled as a parallel com-
position of processes; ii) sets R of requesters and P of providers are assumed to be
initially given and agent requests and replies are indexed with requester and/or provider
identifiers; iii) matching operation is modeled as a relation M R × P.
We assume that our system contains providers, requesters and a middle-agent. So
in our models we have Provider, Requester and middle-agent FSP processes. Addi-
tionally we assume that Provider offers are reproducible and Requester requests are
non-reproducible (see [3] for a more detailed discussion on this topic).
Matchmaker Middle-Agent in FSP. The block diagram and the FSP specification of a
system with requesters, providers and a Matchmaker are shown in figure 1.
Provider agent registers its capability offer (action of fer) with the Matchmaker
and then enters a loop where it receives requests from Requester agents via action
request and processes and replies accordingly via action send reply. Note that
a Provider can also withdraw a registered capability offer and while its capability is not
registered it always refuses to serve a request (action refuse request).
Requester agent submits a request to the Matchmaker (action send request) and
then waits for a reply. The Matchmaker replies with a set of matching providers (ac-
tion tell with argument M(r) P representing the set of matches; here P is the set of
registered providers and M(r) is the set of matching providers). Next Requester has the
option to choose what provider from set P to contact for performing the service (ac-
Requester(r) Matchmaker
Provider = (o f fer ProcessRequest |
request re fuse request Provider),
ProcessRequest = (receive
request send reply ProcessRequest |
withdraw Provider).
Requester = (send
request WaitReply),
WaitReply = (tell(P P) if P , then ContactProvider(P) else Requester),
ContactProvider(P P) = (while P , send
request to provider(p P)
reply(p), refuse request(p)} Requester).
Matchmaker = Matchmaker(),
Matchmaker(P P) = (request(r R) MatchReq(r, P) |
of fer(p P \ P) Matchmaker(P {p}) |
withdraw(p P) Matchmaker(P \ {p})),
MatchReq(r R, P P) = (tell(r, M(r) P) Matchmaker(P)) + {tell(r
R, P
Requester(r R) = Requester/{request(r)/send
request, tell(r, P P)/tell(P),
request to provider(r, p P)/send request to provider(p),
reply(r, p P)/receive reply(p), re fuse request(r, p P)/refuse request(p)}.
Provider(p P) = Provider/{o f fer(p)/o f fer,
request to provider(r R, p)/receive request,
reply(r R, p)/send reply, refuse reply(r R, p)/re fuse reply}.
System = Matchmaker || (||
Requester(r)) || (||
Fig.1. System with Matchmaker middle-agent.
tion send
request to provider with argument p P representing the chosen provider).
Finally, Requester waits for a reply from the contacted provider (action receive reply).
Matchmaker agent registers and deregisters Provider offers and answers Requester
requests for matching offers. Matchmaker informs Requester about available registered
offers (action tell). Note that Requester is responsible to choose an appropriate match-
ing offer from the available matching offers (action send
request to pro- vider). This
complicates a bit Requester behavior as compared with Front-agent and Broker cases.
Special care is taken to accurately model agent communication using FSP synchro-
nization. Matchmaker model requires alphabet extension (construct {tell(r
R, P
P)} in figure 1) to model correctly communicationbetween Matchmaker and Requester.
A critical situation may occur when a matching offer is found but the matching
Provider chooses to cancel its offer by deregistering it with the Matchmaker before
it is actually contacted by the Requester. This ability of the Provider is modeled with
action re fuse
request. Note that this situation cannot occur with the Front-agent and
Broker (remember that both Front-agent and Broker intermediate the request on behalf
of the Requester) so we did not have to model this ability of the Provider in those cases.
Requester(r) Front-agent
fragent_req (p)
Provider = (o f fer ProcessRequest),
ProcessRequest = (receive
request send reply ProcessRequest |
withdraw Provider).
Requester = (send
request WaitReply),
WaitReply = ({sucess, fail} Requester).
Frontagent = Frontagent(),
Frontagent(P) = (request(r R) ResolveReq(r, P) |
of fer(p P \ P) Frontagent(P {p}) |
withdraw(p P) Frontagent(P \ {p})),
ResolveReq(r, P) = (if M(r) P = then fail(r) Frontagent(P)
else ContactProvider(r, M(r) P, P)
ContactProvider(r, P
, P) = (while P
, fragent
req(p P
) fragent reply(p)
success(r) Frontagent(P)).
Requester(r R) = Requester/{request(r)/send
request, fail(r)/ fail, success(r)/success}.
Provider(p P) = Provider/{o f fer(p)/o f fer, fragent
req(p)/receive request, fragent reply(p)/send reply,
System = Frontagent || (||
Requester(r)) || (||
Fig.2. System with Front-agent middle-agent.
Front-agent Middle-Agent in FSP. The block diagram and the FSP specification of a
system composed of requesters, providers and a Front-agent are shown in figure 2.
Provider agent is similar to Matchmaker case. Requester agent is simpler than
Matchmaker case: it submits a request to Front-agent (action send
request) and then
waits for Front-agent to either resolve that request (action success) or fail (action f ail).
Front-agent agent processes requests from Requester agents and registers offers
from Provider agents. Note that, differently from the Matchmaker, Front-agent has the
responsibility to choose an appropriate matching provider from the available match-
ing providers M(r) P (here P is the set of registered providers and M(r) is the set
of matching providers) using action fragent
request and to resolve the request (ac-
tion fragent request). Finally the result is passed to the Requester agent using action
success. In conclusion, the actual Provider that fulfils the request for the Requester on
behalf of the Front-agent is hidden from the Requester that issued the request.
Broker Middle-Agent in FSP. The block diagram and the FSP specification of a system
composed of requesters, providers and a Front-agent are shown in figure 2. Provider
and Requester agents are similar to the Front-agent case.
Broker processes requests from Requesters and processes and registers offers from
Providers. If arequest can be served based on available matching offers then Broker
behaves similarly with Front-agent. Differently from Front-agent, if a request cannot be
Requester(r) Broker
broker_req (p)
Provider = (o f fer ProcessRequest),
ProcessRequest = (receive
request send reply ProcessRequest |
withdraw Provider).
Requester = (send
request WaitReply),
WaitReply = ({sucess, f ail} Requester).
Broker = Broker(, ),
Broker(P, R) = (request(r R \ R) ResolveReq(r, R, P) |
of fer(p P \ P) ResolveOf f (p, R, P) |
withdraw(p P) Broker(R, P \ {p}) |
while R , fail(r R) Broker(R \ {r}, P)),
ResolveReq(r, R, P) = (if M(r) P = then Broker(R {r}, P)
else ContactProviderReq(r, R, M(r) P, P)),
ContactProviderReq(r, R, P
, P) = (while P
, broker
req(p P
) broker reply(p) success(r) Broker(R, P)),
ResolveOf f(p, R, P) = (if M
(p) R = then Broker(R, P {p})
else ContactProviderO f f(p, M
(p) R, R, P)),
ContactProviderO f f(p, R
, R, P) = (if R
, then broker
reply(p) success(r R
) ContactProviderOf f(p, R
\ {r}, R \ {r}, P)
else Broker(R, P)).
Requester(r R) = Requester/{request(r)/send
request, fail(r)/ fail, success(r)/success}.
Provider(p P) = Provider/{o f fer(p)/o f fer, fragent
req(p)/receive request,
reply(p)/send reply, withdraw(p)/withdraw}.
System = Broker || (||
Requester(r)) || (||
Fig.3. System with Broker middle-agent.
served based on currently registered offers then, rather than reporting failure, the request
is recorded until: i) either a new matching offer is registered with the Broker or ii) the
request is deemed failed. Note that when a new offer is registered the Broker determines
the set of recorded (i.e. not yet served) matching requests – M
(p) R (M
(p) is the
set of matching requesters and R is the set of recorded requesters) and serves them using
the matching provider p ContactProviderOf f sub-process in figure 3.
System Properties. A basic desirable property of systems with middle-agents is that
they are free of deadlocks. The result is formally stated as follows.
Proposition 1. The systems with Matchmaker, Front-agent and Broker shown in g-
ures 1, 2 and 3 are deadlock free.
Proof. We consider the Matchmaker system proof (other proofs follow the pattern).
Let us consider an arbitrary system state S. As the system is a parallel composition
of processes, state S is composed of sub-states corresponding to the Matchmaker and
to each of the Provider an Requester processes. Any progress from S will be caused
by an interaction between two processes: Matchmaker with a Provider, Matchmaker
with a Requester or a Requester with a Provider. Note that Matchmaker can be in one
of two states: i) Matchmaker(P) with P P; ii) MatchReq(r, P) with r R and P P.
In the first case it means that Matchmaker finalized to process a request and it
is waiting for a new one. If a new request is available we are done. If a Provider is
available to register/deregister a capability offer, we are are again done. Otherwise it
means that all requesters submitted requests to providers and wait for service. In this
case we pick randomly a pair Requester(r) and Provider(p) with r R and p P and
system will proceed with interaction between Requester(r) and Provider(p).
In the second case progress will occur through interaction between Matchmaker
and Requester(r), as Requester(r) is definitely in state WaitReply.
4 Experimental Results
We conducted a series of experiments to check correctness of our models introduced in
section 3. As a side effect we have also recorded the size of the state model expressed as
number of states and transitions, depending on the number of requesters and providers.
Experimental Setup. Firstly we had to express the general models shown in figures 1,
2 and 3 using the FSP language supported by the LTSA tool [11]. The main difficulty
is encoding of processes indexed with sets in the language supported by LTSA.
Assuming that S is a set with n elements, mapping of processes indexed with sets
and/or set elements to the FSP notation supported by LTSA follows the guidelines: i)
an index s S is encoded as [s]; ii) an index S S is encoded as [s
] . . . [s
] s.t.
= 1 if i S and s
= 0 if i < S . For example ResolveReq(2, {1}, {1, 3}) is mapped to
ResolveReq[2][1][0][1][0][1] and tell(1, {2, 3}) is mapped to
Note that a mapping can be defined such that the size of resulting FSP specification
is linear in the product of number of providers with number of requesters
. This is an
important desiderata to make the resulting FSP specification of a practical value.
Proposition 2. Let m = |R| and n = |P|. The systems with Matchmaker, Front-agent
and Broker shown in figures 1, 2 and 3 can be mapped to the FSP language supported
by LTSA tool such that size of resulting specification is O(m × n).
Proof. First note that mapping of set indexed names of processes and actions produces
new names of size linear with m and n..
Second, application of the following mapping rules produces parts of FSP specifi-
cation that clearly have a size O(m × n).
If Proc(S S) is a set indexed processes and |S| = n then the construct:
Proc(S S) = (while S , action(s S) . . .)
is mapped to (here assuming n = 3):
Do not confuse size of FSP specification (i.e. size of FSP code measured for example as the
number of nodes of its syntax tree) with size of LTS corresponding to this specification.
Table 1. LTS size of the system with Matchmaker middle-agent.
# requesters # providers # states # transitions # states after minimization
2 3 608 2272 376
3 4 3392 14720 2064
4 5 166400 1010176 N/A
5 6 > 1000000 > 7000000 N/A
Proc[s1:0..1][s2:0..1][s3:0..1] = (
while s1 == 1 action[1] ... |
while s2 == 1 action[2] ... |
while s3 == 1 action[3] ...)
Note that the size of the resulted specification is O(n).
If Proc
(S S), i = 1, 2 are set indexed processes and |S| = n then the construct:
(S S) = (while S , Proc
(S) . . .)
is mapped to (here assuming n = 3):
Proc1[s1:0..1][s2:0..1][s3:0..1] = (
if s1 == 1 || s2 == 1 || s3 == 1
then Proc2[s1:0..1][s2:0..1][s2:0..1] ...)
Note that the size of the resulted specification is O(n).
If |S
| = m and |S
| = n are sets, M S
× S
is a relation then the construct:
(s S
, S S
) = (if M(s) S = then . . . else Proc
(M)s) S). . .)
is mapped to (here assuming m = 2, n = 3 and M = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2)}):
Proc1[s:1..2][s1:0..1][s2:0..1][s3:0..1] = (
if s == 1 then
if s2 == 0 && s3 == 0 then ...
else Proc2[0][s2][s3] ...
else if s == 2 then ...
if s1 == 0 && s2 == 0 then ...
else Proc2[s1][s2][0] ...)
Note that the size of the resulted specification is O(m × n).
Results and Discussion. In the experiments we considered 3 systems composed of: i) n
requesters and n + 1 providers, 2 n 5; ii) 1 middle-agent per system (Matchmaker,
Front-agent and respectively Broker), and iii) the matching relation M = {(i, i + 1)|1
i n} {(i, i + 2)|1 i n 1} {n, 1)}
We utilized LTSA tool to analyze the resulting FSP models of systems with Match-
maker, Front-agent and Broker middle-agents. All the models are free of deadlocks
(thus confirming theoretical results). Sizes in terms of number of states and transitions
of their corresponding labeled transition systems are presented in tables 1, 2 and 3.
FSP models used in experiments are available at
Table 2. LTS size of the system with Front-agent middle-agent.
# requesters # providers # states # transitions # states after minimization
2 3 56 92 52
3 4 160 268 148
4 5 416 704 384
5 6 1024 1744 944
Table 3. LTS size of the system with Broker middle-agent.
# requesters # providers # states # transitions # states after minimization
2 3 293 464 281
3 4 1788 2997 1718
5 Related Work
Middle-agents were recently put forward in [7] in the context of applications of agents
in e-commerce. [7] covers in some detail Matchmaker, Broker, Broadcaster and Rec-
ommender with a focus on interaction protocols and languages for describing provider
capabilities. However, while Matchmaker description fits within our model, note that
Broker described by [7] actually corresponds to our model of a Front-agent.
Our literature review indicates that while there is a growing interest in the subject
of ”middle-agents”, only a few papers address the problem of a concise definition of
middle-agents in terms of their interaction capabilities.
For example [1] suggests the use of LTSs for modeling agent types without provid-
ing definitions of middle-agents. [10] shows only models of matchmakers and brokers
using input/output automata (following initial proposal in [14]), while [9] informally
describes interactions of middle-agents with requesters and providers as sequences of
message exchanges presented in natural language. Rather, many references to middle-
agents focus in more or less detail on various applications and systems that use different
types of middle-agents, most often brokers and/or matchmakers (see overview in [10])
and highlighting implementation and/or performance issues.
Some recent works propose the use of process algebras for concisely modeling
middle-agent interactions. Paper [3] introduces a general framework for FSP modeling
of middle-agents and shows how this framework can be used to model a Recommender
agent. Using the same idea, paper [4] presents a model of an Arbitrator middle-agent
for coordination of participants in single-item English auctions. Our present work is an
extension of [3, 4] for modeling Matchmaker, Front-agent and Broker middle-agents,
including both theoretical and experimental results.
Our “agents-as-processes” modeling approach is not entirely new. Paper [6] pro-
poses the use of π-calculus ([12]) and shows models of a prototype agent system LO-
GOS for an unattended grounds operation-centerusing a fault resolution scenario. How-
ever, while this paper shows how to use a software tool for checking the proposed spec-
ifications, it does not provide any experimental results only general guidelines are
given. Paper [13] focuses also on the LOGOS agent system, but using a CSP [8]. While
this paper discusses some benefits of the method (detecting race conditions, message
omissions, and better understanding of the system) it still does not provide any experi-
mental results and neither discusses the practical problems encountered.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we applied a formal framework based on FSP process algebra for mod-
eling a system that contains requesters, providers and middle-agents. We considered
three types of middle-agents: Matchmaker, Front-agent, and Broker. For each system
we checked the resulting model with the help of LTSA analysis tool.
We also identified some paths for continuing this research: i) modeling of more
complex systems containing more types of middle-agents; ii) introduction and analysis
of qualitative properties of agent systems.
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