Kevin Vlaanderen
Universiteit Utrecht, Padualaan 14 3584CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Francisco Valverde, Oscar Pastor
Department of Information Systems and Computation, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Web Engineering, Method Engineering, Model-driven development.
In recent years, the Web Engineering community has introduced several model-driven methods in order to
simplify Web Application development. However, these methods are too general and mainly focus on data
intensive Web Applications. A solution to this problem is the Situational Method Engineering. This approach
allows the creation or improvement of a web engineering method by reusing method fragments from previous
methods. This way, a method suitable for a concrete project or domain can be designed. In this work, the
OOWS method metamodel is defined with the purpose of applying Situational Method Engineering. Because
of this metamodel, OOWS method fragments can be formalised and used to improve the efficiency of another
Web Engineering Methods. Furthermore, the suitability of the OOWS method in the context of CMS-based
web applications is evaluated through a user-registration case study. The results of this evaluation, is a list of
current limitations of the OOWS Method in the CMS Web Systems domain and possible solutions.
As a reaction to the early, chaotic way in which Web
Applications were being created in the first years af-
ter the introduction of the Internet, (Deshpande et al.,
2002) introduced the term Web Engineering. Accord-
ing to them, Web Engineering is the application of
systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches
to development, operation and maintenance of Web-
based applications. Over the last years, the term ’Web
Application’ has become rather common inside the
Web Engineering domain, referring to the new fam-
ily of software applications especially designed to be
executed on the web (Pastor et al., 2003). However,
the quality of those applications is often poor and they
are difficult to maintain. In more recent years, several
methods for the design and/or implementation of Web
Applications have been developed (see section 2).
The development of specialised methods has certainly
improved the efficiency of Web development pro-
cesses. However, it is difficult to define a Web En-
gineering Method that is the most suitable in all the
domains. The main drawback of these approaches is
that a generic method is used for any Web Applica-
tion development. Furthermore, current Web Engi-
neering Methods are mainly designed to develop data-
intensive Web Applications. Therefore, when a new
Web Application domain needs to be supported the
method must be adapted, extended or redefined.
To develop a new Web Engineering method from
scratch for any possible domain is not a reasonable
approach. In this context, applying the Method En-
gineering principles provides interesting advantages.
Method engineering is ”the discipline to design, con-
struct and adapt methods, techniques and tools for
the development of information systems” (Brinkkem-
per, 1996). Situational method engineering (SME)
is a type of Method Engineering that focusses in the
method adaptation to a particular situation, as is de-
scribed in (Saeki, 2003) and (Ralyt´e et al., 2003).
This adaptation can be summarised in four generic
steps (van de Weerd et al., 2006): (1) Identify con-
crete method needs, (2) Select candidate methods that
meet some of the identified needs, (3) Analyse the
methods and store the relevant method fragments in
a method base and (4) Assemble a new method from
useful method fragments. Applying SME to Web En-
gineering methods has two main advantages:
Vlaanderen K., Valverde F. and Pastor O. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 147-154
DOI: 10.5220/0001712101470154
1. Building a common method-base allows the ana-
lyst to define a method for a concrete domain us-
ing previous and validated method-fragments.
2. A method can be easily adapted taking into ac-
count the needs of a concrete project.
The purpose of this work is to apply SME to a Web
Engineering method in order to improve the develop-
ment of Content-Management Systems. A Content
Management system (CMS) is a system used to man-
age the content (texts, images, resources, electronic
documents) of a Web site. The main difference from
traditional Web Applications is that the content is cre-
ated or added dynamically by the users of the Web.
The Web Engineering method selected in this work
to be improved is OOWS. This method extends OO-
Method, an automatic code generation method that
produces the equivalent software from a system con-
ceptual specification. With the possibility of creat-
ing code directly from a conceptual model, it enables
drastic improvements in the time and resources re-
quired for the creation of We b Applications. How-
ever, the OOWS method lacks expressiveness to de-
fine Web Applications in some domains as CMS. To
be able to apply OOWS in more fields, of which
CMS-based Web application development is one, a
better understanding and a more detailed specification
of the method is needed.
The first step to apply the SME to OOWS is to de-
fine a meta-model of the OOWS-method to be able to
fill the method-base. By creating a meta-model of the
method, the OOWS method fragments can be easily
detected. As a consequence these method fragments
can be used to develop new and improved methods
or to decide which are useful for a concrete domain.
Besides creating the method meta-model, it is wise to
analyse the current suitability of OOWS in the context
of CMS-based Web applications. This way it is pos-
sible to make a better decision about which OOWS
method fragments need to be replaced or to be im-
proved. To carry out this analysis, a little case study
based on a CMS application registration process has
been implemented. Both the method meta-model and
the evaluation, provides the foundation for further re-
search regarding SME and OOWS.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: section
2 presents some related work about Web Engineer-
ing methods. Section 3 briefly introduces the OOWS
Web Engineering method. Section 4, describes how
the OOWS method meta-model has been built. Sec-
tion 5 describes the use-case defined to analyse the
OOWS Method and the improvements needed. Fi-
nally section 6 presents our conclusions and further
In the last years several Web Engineering methods
have proposed a process to develop Web Applica-
tions. The generic method proposed can be sum-
marised in five main steps: 1) Requirements gather-
ing, using use cases or a textual specification 2) Def-
inition of the domain model, which gathers the enti-
ties of the Application by means of a UML-like class
diagram 3) Definition of the Navigational Model,
which represents the navigation between the applica-
tion nodes, 4) Specification of the presentation and
design aspects and 5) The final implementation phase.
Taking into account little differences and different
conceptual models, this five step process is followed
by approaches such as OOHDM (Schwabe and Rossi,
1995), WebML (Ceri et al., 2000), WSDM (De Troyer
and Leune, 1998) or UWE (Koch and Kraus, 2002).
Therefore it is possible to say that there is a common
agreement about the steps a method engineering must
However in practice, a rigid or generic method
doesn’t fit well for every Web Application domain.
For instance, a very exhaustive Requirements gather-
ing phase may be not necessary in small-size Web Ap-
plications. This fact leads to define Web Engineering
methods more flexibly applying the SME principles.
An example of a CMS-based Web-Application design
method developed using SME is the GX WebEngi-
neering Method (WEM) (van de Weerd, 2005; van de
Weerd et al., 2006). WEM is currently used at
GX creative online development, a web technol-
ogy company in the Netherlands, to implement web-
applications using their own content managementsys-
tem, called GX WebManager. (van de Weerd, 2005)
describes how this method has been created and im-
proved through the use of already existing (propri-
etary) methods such as (Koch and Kraus, 2002). In
this work the approach defined in WEM is applied
to OOWS. The main purpose is to define the OOWS
method using the SME principles and to find method
fragments which can improve both methods.
OO-Method (Pastor and Molina, 2007) is an Ob-
ject Oriented software production Method to auto-
matically generate information systems. OO-Method
models the system in different abstraction levels, dis-
tinguishing between the problem space (the most ab-
stract level) and the solution space (the lowest abstract
level). The system is represented by a set of Concep-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tual Models that represents the static structure of the
system (Class Diagram) and the behaviour (State and
Functional Diagrams). OOWS (Fons et al., 2003) is
the OO-Method extension used to model and to gener-
ate Web Applications. The OOWS Web Engineering
Method adds three models that describe the different
concerns of a Web Application:
User Model: A User Diagram allows us to specify
the types of users that can interact with the Web
system. The types of users are organised in a hi-
erarchical way by means of inheritance relation-
Navigational Model: This model defines the sys-
tem navigational structure. It describes the navi-
gation allowed for each type of user by means of a
Navigational Map. This map is depicted by means
of a directed graph whose nodes represent Navi-
gational Contexts and their arcs represent naviga-
tional links that define the valid navigational paths
over the system. Basically, a Navigational Con-
text represents a Web page of the Web Applica-
tion at the conceptual level. Navigational Con-
texts are made up of a set of Abstract Informa-
tion Units (AIU), which represent the requirement
of retrieving a chunk of related information (see
fig.3). AIUs are views defined over the under-
lying OO-Method Class Diagram. These views
are represented graphically as UML classes that
are stereotyped with the ”view” keyword and that
contain the set of attributes and operations which
will be available to the user.
Presentation Model: Using this model, we are
able to specify the visual properties of the in-
formation to be shown. To achieve this goal, a
set of presentation patterns is proposed to be ap-
plied over our conceptual primitives. Some prop-
erties that can be defined with this kind of patterns
are information arrangement (register, tabular,
master-detail, etc), order (ascendant/descendent),
or pagination cardinality.
These models are complemented by the OO-Method
models which represent functional and persistence
layers. THe OOWS development process is com-
pliant with Model Driven Architecture (MDA) prin-
ciples, where a Model Compiler transforms a Plat-
form IndependentModel (PIM) into its corresponding
Software Product. This MDA transformation process
has been implemented by means of a case tool and
a model compiler The OOWS Model Compiler gen-
erates the code corresponding to the user interaction
layer, whereas OLIVANOVA (, the
industrial OO-Method implementation, generates the
business logic layer and the persistence layer. Further
details can be found in (Valverde et al., 2007).
The meta-modeling technique used in this paper to
obtain a view of the OOWS-method is based on the
proposal of (Saeki, 2003). The technique uses a com-
bination of two UML diagrams (see fig.1) as is de-
scribed in (van de Weerd and Brinkkemper, 2007):
On the left hand side, an adaptation of the UML
activity diagram is used for modeling the process
of the method. This diagram consists of method
activities, sub-activities and transitions between
On the right hand side an adaptation of the UML
class diagram that models the concepts: A set of
objects which share the same attributes, opera-
tions, relations and semantics, used for capturing
the deliverable view of a method.
These two diagrams are integrated in a straightfor-
ward way after being built. Some of the activi-
ties from the UML Activity diagram are associated
to concepts from the UML class diagram through a
dotted line. The resulting model is called Process-
Deliverable Diagram (PDD) where each process step
represents a method fragment.
To validate the meta-model proposed in this work,
expert-validation has been applied. The meta-model
has been checked and revised by both a PhD-student
and a full-PhD working intensively on and with
OOWS. The OOWS method meta-model created in
this work consists of three PDDs that represent the
main phases of the method. Owing to space con-
straints not all PPDs are shown, but can be checked
in (Vlaanderen, 2007). The activities that made up
each phase and describe the OOWS method process
are briefly introduced below:
1. Requirements Modelling: The aim of the require-
ments modelling phase is to gather the user needs
in order to build the Web Application Conceptual
Model. The PDD is composed of three activities:
(a) Description of the main purpose of the system
as a summarised textual definition of the sys-
tems final goal.
(b) Identification of the different tasks the user ex-
pects to achieve when interacting with the web
application. Each task is described using UML
Activity diagrams in terms of input and output
activities that the user has to perform.
Figure 1: Process-Deliverable Diagram for OOWS Conceptual Modelling phase.
(c) Description of each user-task from the user-
system interaction. For each task a textual de-
scription of the input and output data struc-
tures/functionality is provided.
The output of this phase is a Web Application re-
quirements specification. Using model to model
transformations, it’s possible to obtain a first draft
of the Web Conceptual model. Further details
about this phase and the activities involved can be
found in (Valderas et al., 2005).
2. Conceptual Modeling: In this phase, the OOWS
and OO-Method models that define the Web sys-
tem are defined. Since OOWS is an extension of
OO-Method, these models are part of OOWS as
well. These models and their purpose were ex-
plained in section 3. Eight activities compose this
phase as the PDD in the figure 1 shows. For each
activity the conceptual model built is stated:
(a) Define the OO-Method Class Diagram (Ob-
ject Model). This model provides information
about the entities, their properties and the ser-
vices that define the information system.
(b) Define the possible states of an object and their
lifetime using a UML State Transition Diagram
(Dynamic Model). This model constrains what
kind of services can be executed in the particu-
lar state of an object.
(c) Detect the interactions between objects and
specify the communication between them (Dy-
namic Model).
(d) Specify the object changes after an event occur-
rence (Functional Model). These changes are
specified using a set of logic formulas applied
over the object attributes.
(e) Specify the different user types that can access
the Web application (User Model).
(f) Define the Navigational Contexts that a partic-
ular user can access (Navigational Map).
(g) Define the information and services available in
a Navigational Context (Navigational Model).
(h) Specify presentation requirements (layout, in-
formation order criteria) for a Navigational
Context (Presentation Model).
All the activities related to OO-Method models
specification (a to d) define the behaviour and data
structures (objects) of the system. On the other
hand, the OOWS models activities (e to f) define
a web interface. OO-Method models must be de-
fined before the OOWS models since there is a re-
lationship between them (for instance, a user type
is linked to a class from the Object Model). This
constraint implies that activities from a) to d) must
always be carried out before defining the OOWS
Models. In addition, for each model to be built,
a detailed PDD (Vlaanderen, 2007) describes the
sub-activities needed. The output of this phase is
an OOWS model that specifies the web system.
3. Implementation: The main purpose of this phase
is generating the software product. Four activities
are needed:
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Define the application architecture. By default
a three-layer architecture Web Application is
generated. However, it’s possible to obtain only
the web interface or a set of web services.
(b) Select the technological target platform (cur-
rently PHP, ASP .NET or JSF).
(c) Define the compiler configuration information.
This information is related to technological is-
sues such as database configuration, Web server
directory and so on.
(d) Send the OOWS Conceptual Model and the
configuration options file to the Model Com-
This last phase is carried out using both Oli-
vaNOVA and OOWS tools introduced in section
2. The result of this phase is the code of the final
Web Application.
The OOWS method metamodel provides a clear rep-
resentation of the method as a whole. Moreover,
a clear description of the activities involved in the
Web Application specifications are classified and ex-
plained. This metamodel is the starting point to detect
method fragments and which must be adapted into the
The main interest of this work is how the OOWS
method can be adapted to define CMS Web Appli-
cations. In the previous section, the OOWS method
meta-model has been introduced in terms of method
fragments or activities. In order to detect which cur-
rent method fragments should be adapted, a use case
from the CMS-domain has been modeled. The use-
case used for evaluation purposes, describes a possi-
ble user-registration process, which is an important
part of every CMS-based web-application. Figure 2
shows the activity diagram for the use-case. When
the user gets to the registration page, he will have to
enter some basic account info like username, email
and password. After this, he will be asked for per-
sonal information, like name and address. When the
information is confirmed by the user, the user will be
inserted into the database by the system. A confirma-
tion code is generated and sent to the supplied email
address. The user-account will not be active until the
user either clicks the link in the email or enters the
confirmation code on the website. By analysing the
results of this attempt we can also learn how potential
method problems can be overcome.
Figure 2: Activity Diagram for the simple registration use-
5.1 User Registration Use-case
The Navigational Model for this use-case is shown
in figure 3. Every user-type has a Navigational Con-
text ’Home’, on which currently nothing is shown
except links to the other available contexts. The
AnonymousUser has a ’Register’-context, which al-
lows the entering of all the required information that
is needed for executing the register operation. The
RegisteredUser has, next to its Home’-context, two
additional contexts: Confirm’, which allows the en-
tering of the confirmation code, and Phone’, which
shows all the related Phone entities and the available
’Phone’-services (InsPhone and DelPhone). The re-
sulting application provides a ’register’ service to ev-
ery ’AnonymousUser’ that enters the system. When
the user executes that service, he gets prompted for all
the required info. Upon completion of the form a new
’RegisteredUser’ is created. When the user logs on
to this account, he will have the opportunity to ’Con-
firm’ the email address by entering the confirm-code
through another service. If the confirm-code is cor-
rect, the ’authorised’ attribute is set to true, indicat-
ing that the user receives full access to his account.
Based on this attribute, decisions can be made regard-
ing which services, objects and attributes are visible
and/or active. The authentication mechanism pro-
vided by the OOWS-generated Web Applications is
a simple approach to user-registration and login. By
default a standard login screen is created in which ex-
isting users can enter only their login information (id
and password) to identify themselves. For this use-
case, the user-registration process has to be altered. It
is certainly possible to do this at the coding-level, but
this is not ideal. A better solution is to do it at the
conceptual level. However, this currently requires a
complex solution.
5.2 Issues Detected and Method
After modeling the use case, the resulting implemen-
tation has been analysed. From this analysis some
improvements have been detected to define a method
more suitable to the CMS domain. These method im-
provements can be summarised in three critical parts
to be solved:
1. Handling the ’Steps’ involved in the Input of the
Information. Usually in Web Applications, a ser-
vice execution is divided into several steps. For
example, when a customer places an order in an
e-commerce application, first he fills in his per-
sonal data, next he introduces the delivery op-
tions available and finally the payment informa-
tion. In the current method, the definition of this
kind of ”processes” is not an easy and straight-
forward job. Services are not classified attending
to its complexity. As a consequence the compiler
generates the same interface to execute a service:
a form with all the arguments. If the number of
arguments is high, the usability is compromised.
This issue is not only related to service execution.
When the user wants to recovera concrete piece of
information from a big amount, it’s useful to nav-
igate through several steps to filter the informa-
tion. The user-registration service is an example
of this kind of information input. To accomplish
this task using OOWS, several services and navi-
gational contexts were used to generate a wizard-
like interface. Since a navigational context is rep-
resented as a new web page, several linked navi-
gational contexts can represent a wizard to the fi-
nal user. However, this solution is not compliant
with the navigational context semantics. If a user
navigates to other contexts it is with the aim of
performing a different service. Therefore, the in-
clusion of a new method fragment to model com-
plex processes is needed. This method fragment
will be a new activityin the Conceptual Modelling
phase, after defining the Navigational Model (ac-
tivity 2.g). The purpose of this activity is to mark
how data input must be grouped. Currently, work
is being done by (Torres and Pelechano, 2006)
to support business processes inside the OOWS-
Method using BPM diagrams. This work could
help to implement activities that consist of multi-
ple steps, like the entering of user-information as
shown in this use-case.
2. User Information Profile. As stated in section
4.1, the user-registration and login processes pro-
vided are generally not suited for CMS web-
applications. In this kind of systems, user login or
id is not enough. To manage accurately the user
rights over the content, user personal information
(preferences, rights etc.) must be available along
the system. This information is used to adapt
which content the user can receive or which navi-
gational contexts can be accessed. User modeling
is currently supported in the OOWS Method (ac-
tivity 2.f). Therefore in this case, no new method
activity is needed. Nevertheless, new primitives
for modeling individual users are required. In a
CMS system, user-profile is a critical requirement
in order to decide what content a user can edit,
publish etc. As a consequence, the activity 2.f
must be redefined to include more expressiveness.
For instance, for each user logged in, we need to
know what his rights are (see information, execute
services, navigation links available) over the AIUs
of a Navigational Context.
3. External Services Integration. Certain process-
ing, like creating a confirmation code that is used
to validate the provided email-address and enable
the account, can not be modelled conceptually.
With the purpose of providing external function-
ality, OOWS (using OO-Method conceptual mod-
els) provides two mechanisms: (1) The inclusion
of ’Legacy Classes’ (activity 2.a), that enable the
creation of an object-like interface of a external
system, and (2) ’User Functions’, which are sim-
ply stub-services that can be manually defined in
the code. However, how and when this external
functionality is defined is not clear in the method.
In the implementation of this use-case, this prob-
lem has been solved by using a combination of
specific attributes, services and preconditions to
ensure a confirmation code is generated and the
user-supplied code is correct, before the user is
’authorised’. This approach is not recommended
because it adds a lot of complexity to the con-
ceptual model. Since external functionality needs
to be included, this activity must be introduced
in the OOWS Method. Firstly, in the Require-
ments Modelling phase defining which user task
are related to external services (activity 1.c). And
secondly, when the OO-Method Class Diagram is
specified (activity 2.a) distinguishing between the
structure of the system and the external services is
needed. Again, this method adaptation is not only
related to CMS Systems, but is critical in this do-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Navigational contexts for the User registration use-case.
Currently, Web applications are focused on more
specialised tasks besides the simple information re-
trieval. It is not hard to imagine that every Web Ap-
plication domain has its own requirements and there-
fore introduces its own problems. Creating an all-
encompassing method might not be the best approach.
A better way to handle this is the creation of domain-
specific adaptations of the method. In this paper,
Situational Method Engineering has been applied to
the OOWS Web Enginering method in order to im-
prove the support for a specialised domain: Con-
tent Management Systems. With the purpose of ap-
plying the SME principles to the OOWS Web En-
ginering Method two artifact have been introduced:
1) A formal description of the method by means of
a meta-model and 2) an analysis in the CMS do-
main, to detect which method fragments need to be
re-adapted. On the one hand, the meta-model for the
OOWS Method proposed in this work allow to decide
on the possible use and re-use of certain parts of the
method. On the other hand, the analysis of the method
in the light of CMS-based Web Applications has pro-
vided a new view on which certain decisions might
be made in the future. The results presented in this
paper have the aim of providing a better view of the
OOWS Method and its possibilities and impossibili-
ties. In addition to the methodological changes ex-
plained here, another technological issues regarding
CMS web-systems were detected. Examples are the
management of multimedia content, aesthetic presen-
tation or error prevention. However, these issues must
be solved from an implementation point of view in-
stead of methodological. It’s expected that future ver-
sions of the tools and the frameworkswill improvethe
code generation. After detecting the improvements
needed, new method fragments should be included in-
side the OOWS Method. Future works should analyse
other Web Engineering Methods, such as WEM, from
a SME perspective in order to find this kind of frag-
ments. The final goal of this research work must be
to create a new CMS Web Engineering Method from
a common knowledge method-base.
This work has been developed with the support of
MEC under the project SESAMO TIN2007-62894.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems