Saïda Boukhedouma and Zaia Alimazighi
University of Sciences and Technologies Houari Boumédiene (USTHB)
Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science
LSI Laboratoiry – ISI Team, USTHB, El Alia BP n°32, Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algeria
Keywords: Collective activity, Individual activity, Workload, Workflow, Resource manager.
Abstract: This paper deals with the modelling and the dispatching of individual and collective work in a workflow
system. It particularly, focuses on workflow processes of organizations where actors are organized by
teams. In such a system, participants must interact with each other, coordinate, exchange informations,
cooperate and synchronize their work. To do that, it is essential to define firstly, the way of dispatching
individual and collective parts of work to all participants in the system. We describe some static and
dynamic aspects of the system and we propose a simple algorithm for managing human resources at the
runtime of the process. The algorithm aims to balance the workload between human actors in the system, it
is based on a workload criteria computed according to the activities durations.
With the advent and the evolution of global scale
economies, organizations need to be more
competitive, efficient, flexible and integrated in the
value chain at different levels.
The human activity is never isolated, humans
need to cooperate and communicate with each other,
from that is born the concept of collective work.
The domain of collective work covers many areas of
study, it has a technological dimension which aims
to carry out computing devices and a human
sciences dimension which focuses on sociological,
psychological, economical and organizational
In the clover model, three perspectives for
supporting the collective work are given:
production, communication and coordination.
These three perspectives are supported by the
groupware technologies and partially by workflow.
Workflow technologies have been used to
support various types of business processes,
allowing a partial or a global automation of them. A
workflow management system covers three main
functionnalities which are: modelling the process,
managing resources (human, material, software) and
supervising the execution of process instances.
Depending on the type of workflow process,
actors (participants) may work individually or
collectively, in a synchronous or an asynchronous
way, to perform their parts of tasks. This paper deals
with the modelling and the distribution of individual
and collective work of actors in a workflow system.
It particularly concens workflow processes of
organizations where actors are organized by teams,
and have to accomplish individual and collective
activities. For example, a workflow process for
planing and tracking software development, can be
divided into individual and collective parts of work
which are performed by individuals or teams. In this
context, we establish a workflow meta-model
allowing the support of concepts attached to the
individual and the collective work. At runtime of the
process, actors receive activities instances
materialized by work-items in their individual or
their collective worklists.
In such a system, participants must coordinate,
exchange informations, cooperate and synchronize
their work. To do that, it is essential to fairly
dispatch parts of work to all actors in the system.
The affectation of work-items to actors (or
teams) is done by a resource manager according to
an algorithm that we propose. The algorithm takes
into account the workload (quantity of work) of each
Boukhedouma S. and Alimazighi Z. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 290-297
DOI: 10.5220/0001701302900297
actor or team based on two parameters: the
collective load and the individual load, in order to
guarantee a load balancing in the system.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 describes some related works dealing with
the collective aspect of work, also the question of
load balancing and managing resources in workflow
Section 3 gives some basic definitions of
workflow concepts manipulated in this paper.
Section 4 presents the workflow meta-model,
highlighting the three aspects of the process: the
organizational aspect, the informational aspect and
the process aspect. In the same section, we give
some dynamic views of the system, illustrated by a
sequence diagram of UML.
Section 5 describes an algorithm of affecting
individual and collective activities to individuals and
Section 6 concludes the paper and gives some
future works.
The concept of collective activity has given rise to
some research in the 90’s, increasing with the
emergence of communities of practices. In (Lorino,
2001), the author affirms that organizations are
formed particularly for practical reasons, in order to
implement processes that require the coordinated
intervention of multiple actors.
The modelling and implementing of collective
activities find their origins essentially, in the
educational domain. For example, (Betbeder &
Tchounikine, 2003a) and (Betbeder & Tchounikine,
2003b) present a framework that aims at supporting
collective activities in a learning context. (Draheim,
2003) presents a web enabled tool for the learning
methodology EASE.
In the domain of managing electronic
documents, (Cabanac & al, 2006) propose an
integated architecture allowing a collective
management of electronic documents.
Many researchers such as (Soulier &
Lewkowicz, 2004) and (Takamaya & al, 2007) have
focused on the collaborative aspect in workflow
For the problem of load balancing in workflow
systems, a mention may be made on (Jin & al,
2001), (Wang & Zhang, 2004) and (Katoh & al,
2004). These authors were concerned with the
problem of load balancing in distributed workflow
management systems, where several workflow
engines must interoperate and share the execution
and the control of the process activities.
Other works such as (Li & al, 2003), (Li &
Yang, 2005) and (Senkul & al, 2002) focused on the
management of conflict access to the same resource
by multiple activities. They define a model for
scheduling, comprising a component for solving
constraints to guarantee a proper allocation.
In this work, we focus on the problem of
assigning individual and collective activities to
actors and teams with the aim of securing a load
balancing in the system. After modelling some static
and dynamic views of the system, we propose an
algorithm for affecting activities to individuals and
teams, based on the workload criteria.
This section outlines the definitions of key concepts
handled in this paper:
Workflow Process - Workflow Sub-process
A workflow process is the automation of all or part
of a business process in which information flows
from one activity to another (respectively, one
participant to another) according to a set of
predefined rules
A workflow sub-process is a step in the overall
process, requiring inputs and producing results
(outputs). We mean that a sub-process is any internal
procedure which takes part in the achievement of the
overall process.
Individual Activity and Collective Activity
An activity is a step in a sub-process, requiring
inputs and producing outputs. We distinguish two
kinds of activities: an individual one which must be
performed by one actor, and a collective one which
must be performed by a team.
It should be noted that individual and collective
phases of work are done on a more or less alternated
way, as shown in figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: General schema of individual and collective
phases of work.
An individual phase of work is done
asynchronously and each actor must deliver his
individual result. A collective phase may possibly,
contain some asynchronous steps and must have
inevitably, a synchronous step allowing the team
members to deliver their collective result.
Resource- Resource Manager
A resource is any human, material or software
needed by an activity to be accomplished. In this
paper we consider particularly the organization and
the affectation of human resources to activities
A resource manager is a component of the
workflow system which has an overview on system
resources (identifiers, roles, states, localisation, …).
It is responsible for allocating adequate resources to
activities initiated by the workflow engine, and
releasing them at the end of activities executions. In
this work, we essentially, focus on human resources.
Actor, Team and Role
An actor is a human resource which participates
alone or conjointly with other members of a team in
the accomplishement of individual or collective
activities in the process.
A team is a set of two or more actors taking the
same roles in the organization. Members of a team
work collectively in order to perform collective
activities, in a synchronous (and eventually an
asynchronous) manner.
A role is a qualifier assigned to an actor or a
team designating its competency in the organization
and so in the workflow process.
Worklist and Work-item
A worklist is a "basket" where the activities
instances assigned to an actor or a team are
deposited, in order to be executed. Each activity
instance is materialized by a work-item. We assume
that each actor accesses to its own worklist to
perform individual activities. For collective
activities, we assume that each team has access to a
shared worklist called collective worklist.
The workload of an actor (resp. a team) corresponds
to the sum of the activities durations performed or
affected to the actor (resp. the team).
Formulas for computing the individual workload and
the collective workload are given in the sub-section
In this section, we describe some static and dynmic
aspects of the system using UML diagrams. First,
we present a meta-model for defining workflow
processes, which serves as a framework for
modelling processes including individual and
collective parts of work.
4.1 The Workflow Meta-model
The meta-model shown in figure 4.1 highlights the
main concepts of workflow processes defined by the
standard such as: actor, role, process, sub-
process, artefact, etc.. We add some concepts to
support the collective aspect of the process like:
team, collective activity, collective artefact,…etc.
The meta-model covers three aspects: the
organizational aspect, the process aspect and the
informational aspect which are detailed in the
following :
4.1.1 The Process Aspect
This aspect describes in one hand, the cutting of the
process in terms of sub-processes, activities and
tasks. The task is considered as the smallest entity of
work, (see figure 4.1).
In the other hand, this aspect focuses on the
intrinsic flow of control in the process, it shows the
states of activities and tasks (an activity is a
succession of executable tasks). An activity may be
triggered by one or several events, and submitted to
simple or complex conditions. The class "Activity"
is specialized in two sub-classes which are
"Individual activity" and "Collective activity". The
first one is a part of work that must be done by one
actor in a asynchronous way and which delivers an
individual result. The second one is a part of work
that must be done by a team in a synchronous and
possibly an asynchronous way, and delivers a
collective result.
4.1.2 The Informational Aspect
The informational aspect characterizes the
information system part containing all data needed
or produced by the execution of the process
instances. In the current work, we just exhibit the
concepts of individual and collective artefacts. Let’s
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notice that an individual artefact is produced by an
individual activity but can be used by an individual
or a collective one. In the same way, a collective
artefact is produced by a collective activity but can
be used by an individual or a collective one.
4.1.3 The Organizational Aspect
This aspect represents the organizational units
composing the full organization. Furthermore, it
describes the affectation of resources (human actors,
material and software) to these units. To support
collective activities, we define the concept of team,
all members of a team take the same roles in the
process. A role is a concept designating the
competency of actors (or teams) in the organization.
Consequently, it favours a flexible distribution of
activities in the system.
In figure 4.2, we present a part of the workflow
meta-model at the runtime level, in order to exhibit
changes affecting some classes.
Some new classes like "Process Instance", "Sub-
pocess Instance", "Activity Instance" and "Task
Instance" are defined. They inherit from classes
"Process", "Sub-pocess", "Activity" and "Task",
respectively. Also, additional attributes such as
"Process_state", "Sub_proc state", "Act_state",
"Actor_state", "Team_state" are defined to describe
the changing state of dynamic objects in the system.
Furthermore, in classes "Actor" and "Team", we
define two attributes "Actor_wload" and
"Team_wload" in order to store the workload of
actors and teams at the runtime of the process.
Figure 4.1: Workflow Meta-mode.
aggregation: composition
: class
association : inheritance
Figure 4.2: Part of the workflow meta-model at Runtime.
During the process execution, a collective activity
instance is affected to a team selected by the
resource manager, and an individual one is assigned
to an actor selected also by the resource manager.
We suppose that the necessary material and
software resources are available and assigned to the
activity instance for its execution. An activity
instance produces one or several artefact instances, it
is submitted to a well defined condition which has a
logical value.
In the following sub-section, we give some
dynamic views of the system.
4.2 Dynamic Aspects of the System
At any moment, an activity instance (or a task
instance) may be in one possible state "initiated",
"waiting", "active", "blocked", "completed" or
"resumed". We say that an activity is completed if
all the tasks composing it are performed.
When an activity instance is selected by the
workflow engine, it lies on the state "initiated", it
goes to the state "waiting" when it is placed in the
worklist of the selected actor or team (the selection
is done by the resource manager), it is in the state
"active" when its execution begins, until the end
when it goes to the state "completed". In exceptional
situations, an activity instance may pass throught
"blocked" and "resumed" states. The life cycle of a
sub-process is deduced from the life cycle of an
activity, since a sub-process is completed if all its
activities are completed. This can be generalized to a
process instance.
An actor is in a "free" state if his individual
worklist and the collective worklist of his team are
empty, he goes to the state "sought", if a workitem is
placed in his individual or collective worklist, he is
in the state "busy" when he removes a workitem
from its worklist and starts the execution of the
corresponding activity. In the same manner, a team
is in a "free" state if its collective worklist is empty
and all its members are "free". It goes to the state
"sought", if a workitem is placed in its collective
worklist, it is in the state "busy" when it removes a
workitem from its worklist and starts the execution
of the corresponding activity.
Figure 4.3 presents a sequence diagram
highlighting interactions between the resource
manager, the workflow engine and some objects
manipulated by the system, throughout the life cycle
of an individual or a collective activity instance.
To affect activities instances to actors or teams, a
resource manager applies an algorithm that we
describe in section 5. The algorithm operates at the
runtime level and aims to guarantee load balancing
of work for human actors in the system. The solution
is based on a property that we call Wload
designating a quantity of work (workload) assigned
to an actor or a team, and computed by aggregating
durations of activities affected, during a given period
which may be fixed by the organization managers.
Formulas for computing the workload of an actor
or a team are given in the sub-section 5.2.
If n is the number of activities in the process, and
m is the number of human resources, the algorithm
operates for each process instance in O(n* m).
5.1 Notations and Formulas
Ai : designates an actor identified by Ai
Actj : designates an activity instance
Tk : designates a team number k.
Roles(Ai) : designates the set of roles of actor Ai
Roles(Tk) :
designates the set of roles of the team Tk
Roles(Actj) designates the set of roles associated to
Actj (i.e roles capable of performing Actj)
WL (Ai) : is the individual worklist of the actor Ai.
WL (Tk) : is the collective worklist of team Tk.
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Ind: Individual Collec: Collective
Figure 4.3: Modelling Interactions in the system.
Associate (Actj,Ai): indicates if the actor Ai can
execute the activity Actj. It’s defined as follows:
if ( Roles(Ai) Roles(Actj) )
Then Associate (Actj,Ai) = 1
Else Associate (Actj,Ai) = 0
In the same manner, we define an association
between activity Actj and a team Tk, as follows :
Associate (Actj,Tk) : indicates if a team Tk can
execute the activity Actj
if ( Roles(Tk) Roles(Actj) )
Then Associate (Actj,Tk) = 1
Else Associate (Actj, Tk) = 0
At the runtime of the process
Affect (Actj,Ai) = 1 if the activity instance Actj is
affected to actor Ai.
= 0 otherwise
Affect (Actj, Tk) = 1 if the activity instance Actj is
affected to the team Tk.
= 0 otherwise
Wload(Ai): designates the workload of an actor Ai,
it is computed according to the durations of
activities affected individually to the actor and those
affected collectively to his team (because he takes
part in performing collective activities of his team).
j = n1
Wload (Ai) =
duration (Actj)
where Affect (Actj, Ai) =1
j = n2
+ (
duration (Actj)) /N
where Affect (Actj, Tk) =1 and Ai Tk.
N is the number of members in the team Tk.
Formula 5.1: Computing a workload of an actor Ai.
Wload(Tk): designates the workload of the team
Tk, it is computed according to the durations of
collective activities affected to the team Tk and
those affected individually to its members.
j = n2
Wload (Tk) =
duration (Actj)
where Affect (Actj, Tk) =1
+ (
duration(Actj)) /N
where Affect (Actj, Ai) =1 and AiTk
N is the number of members in the team Tk.
Formula 5.2: Computing a workload of a team Tk.
5.2 Assumptions
All data manipulated by the algorithm are stored in a
data base which is accessible by the workflow
engine and the resource manager. For the algorithm,
we put two assumptions As1 ans As2:
As1 : Actors are organized by teams. Two actors
Ai1 and Ai2 appartain to the same team if
Roles (Ai1) = Roles(Ai2).
As2 : It is assumed that teams are "stored" in
queues, a queue Qk is constructed for all teams
having the same set of roles. At any moment, Each
queue is ranged in ascending order according to the
teams workloads. The team at the head of the queue
has a smallest (minimal) workload, in fact it is the
first candidate to do the next activity associated to its
5.3 The Algorithm
For each Activity instance Actj such as
Actj.state = "initiated"
Do Begin
If (Actj.Type = "Individual") Begin
Construct the set E of Actors Ai / Associate
(Actj, Ai) =1 /* i. e all actors who can
execute the activity Actj */
E = { Ai, where Associate (Actj, Ai) =1};
Construct the subset E_Wload_Min of E,
containing all actors in E having a minimal
E_Wload_Min={Ai, such as
Wload(Ai) = Min (wload(Ai)), Ai E}
If (|E_Wload_Min| =1) /* there is one
potential actor Ai whith a minimal workload */
Affectation1 (Actj, Ai, Qk) ;
Else /* two or more actors Ai have a minimal
workload */
If exists an actor Ai E_Wload_Min
And Ai.State = "free"
Then Affectation1 (Actj, Ai, Qk) ;
Select an actor Ai E_Wload_Min
Affectation1 (Actj, Ai, Qk) ;
End; End ; End;
Else /* Actj.type = "Collective" */
Construct the set F of teams Tk / Associate
(Actj, Tk) =1 /* i. e all teams who can
execute the activity Actj */
Construct the subset F_Wload_Min of F
F_Wload_Min = {Tk, and Wload (Tk)
= Min (wload(Tk)), Tk F}
If ( |F_Wload_Min| =1 ) /* there is one potential
team Tk which has a minimal workload */
Affectation2 (Actj, Tk, Qk) ;
Else /* two or more teams Tk have a minima
workload */
If exists a team Tk F_Wload_Min
And Tk.State = "free"
Then Affectation2 (Actj, Tk, Qk) ;
Select a team Tk F_Wload_Min
Affectation2 (Actj, Tk, Qk) ; End ;
End; End;
/* functions Affectation1 and Affectation2 */
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Affectation1 (Actj : Activity, Ai : Actor, Qk : Queue)
Add Actj in WL (Ai); Affect (Actj, Ai) =1 ;
Wload (Ai) = Wload (Ai) + duration(Actj);
If (Ai Tk) then
Wload (Tk) = Wload (Tk) + duration(Actj)/ N;
/* N is the number of the team members Tk */
Update (Qk) ; /* to maintain ascending order of
workloads */
(Actj : Activity, Tk : Actor, Qk : Queue)
Add Actj in WL (Tk); Affect (Actj, Tk) =1 ;
Wload (Tk) = Wload (Tk) + duration(Actj);
For each actor Ai Tk,
Wload (Ai) = Wload (Ai) + duration(Actj)/N;
Update (Qk) ; /* to maintain ascending order of
workloads */
In this paper, we were interested by modelling and
dispatching individual and collective work in
workflow systems. We have given some modelling
aspects based on a workflow meta-model which we
have extended with concepts like team, collective
activity and collective artefact, to support collective
aspects of work.
At the organizational level, we assume that
actors are organized by teams. A team is a restricted
group of individuals which have the same roles in
the process and so, can perform the same kind of
activities. We have proposed a simple algorithm for
distributing individual and collective activities to
actors in order to guarantee a load balancing work
between actors in the system.The algorithm is based
on a workload criteria, which is computed according
to the duration of activities.
As future works, we intend to implement the
algorithm on a workflow system in order to check its
efficiency in practice. We also aim to define an
approach for scheduling activities particularly in
exceptional situations such as blocking, annulation,
and re-affectation.
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