Evaldo Silva, Jugurta Oliveira and Gabriel Gonçalves
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Viçosa, 36570-000, Viçosa, Brazil
Keywords: Conceptual Modeling, Analysis Pattern, Ontology, Sharing of Knowledge.
Abstract: This article shows the improving of analysis patterns in the geographic domain through ontological meta-
properties, where each pattern’s class has its concept analyzed ontologically. This improvement also permits
to restructure the class diagram of analysis patterns, increasing the reuse quality. Besides improving the
analysis patterns, it is proposed one more topic in the template for analysis patterns documentation. This
topic is based on the specification of the main classes defined during the process.
Some researchers consider ontologies and patterns
as mechanisms used during the phases of
specification and construction of information
systems (Guizzardi et al., 2002) (Devedzic, 1999)
(Hamza, 2004). The both are also defined as
mechanisms to reuse of knowledge. However,
ontologies are created by domain specialists, where
knowledge is reusable in a widely way. Analysis
patterns are discovery and reused in application
design level, by information systems designers.
According to Guarino (1995) “ontology is a
specification of a conceptualization described by
concepts and relationships that can exist in the real
world. The conceptualization can be developed
containing terminologies and vocabularies,
establishing properties and allowing the knowledge
to be reused, avoiding the rework or rediscover of
equivalent terminologies.”
The conceptual schema of an analysis pattern is
modelled through collection of classes and
associations, whose follows the notation of UML
(Unified Modeling Language), it has some meaning
in the context of an application, where the same
structure can be considered valid to other
applications. That causes the same conceptual
schema to be reused to compose the modeling of
other information systems (Fernandez, 1998).
There are researches that have been developed
aiming the improvement of the reuse of analysis
patterns through ontological approaches, increasing
the productivity and quality during the conceptual
modeling of systems (Guizzardi et al., 2002)
(Devedzic, 1999) (Hamza, 2004).
Guizzardi et al. (2002) propose an approach to
derive frameworks from domain ontologies. They
have shown how to implement an application of
information systems using such approach in the
developing process. According to the authors,
domain ontologies are used to support the analysis
activity, it is necessary its transformation in the view
of class diagram, without losing the explicit
representation of the knowledge.
Devedzic (1999) approaches that the concepts
used in ontologies and software patterns can
superpose each other, enriching the knowledge about
the domain. He proposes the use of software patterns
as a source of knowledge during the process of
conception and developing of ontologies. In a
similar way, Hamza (2004) proposes an ontological
approach to improve the quality of analysis patterns
reuse, where the knowledge taken from the patterns
is used to the development of ontologies. The
patterns are grouped and reused through ontologies,
enlarging the knowledge about the domain.
Hamza (2004) also points some problems related
to the reuse of analysis patterns, which can be
resolved through an ontological approach: (a) the
lack of formalism; (b) redundancy of patterns; (c)
indefiniteness of the reuse domain.
In this way, this article shows the improvement
of analysis patterns through ontological meta-
properties in the geographic domain. The
improvement permits restructure the class diagram
Silva E., Oliveira J. and Gonçalves G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 256-261
DOI: 10.5220/0001697002560261
of analysis patterns, increasing the quality of reuse.
It is also proposed the documentation of analysis
patterns based in the specification of the main
classes defined during the process.
To exemplify the process of analysis patterns
improvement, it will be used the Parceling of Urban
Land analysis pattern, proposed in Lisboa et al.
(2002). As a technique to the application of
ontological meta-properties, it will be used the
VERONTO (ONTOlogical VERification) developed
by Villela (2004). VERONTO technique is used to
the verification and adequacy of class diagrams of
UML (Unified Modeling Language), based on the
philosophical notions of rigidity, dependency and
identity, defined by Guarino and Welty (2000).
This article is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the VERONTO technique. Section 3
discusses the analysis patterns documentation using
one more topic, which identifies the main classes of
the domain. Section 4 shows the improvement of the
Parceling of Urban Land analysis pattern. Section 5
presents some final considerations.
The VERONTO technique, proposed by Guarino
and Welty (2000), uses meta-properties as rigidity,
dependence and identity, in the validation of
conceptual models specified through UML class
diagrams. Ontological meta-properties are based on
philosophical notions of essence, dependence and
identity defined by Guarino and Welty.
When developed this technique, Villela et al.
(2004) applied these meta-properties in elements of
the class diagram, making it possible to apply
taxonomic restrictions about the relationship
between classes. Such restrictions are based on
ontological analysis of meta-properties, applied in
the elements of the class diagram.
2.1 Representation of Philosophical
Notions through Ontological
The notion of essence is represented by the meta-
property rigidity. The meta-property of rigidity is
about the knowledge of how classes can change in
the course of time and other can’t. A meta-property
is rigid (+R) (~, anti-rigid) when an element of the
domain that instantiates such property will continue
to instantiate it during all its existence (Guarino and
Welty 2000). For example, in a conceptual schema
which specifies an application of urban transport, an
instance of the FAST TRAFFIC ROAD class can
stop being a fast track road to become a local road,
but it will always be a road within the context of the
transportation system. Thus, it is possible to analyze
that the FAST TRAFFIC ROAD class is anti-rigid
(~R), as a fast traffic road will not be like that for all
its existence. However, the ROAD class is rigid
(+R), because in the domain of urban transport
application, an instance of ROAD will be like that
for all its existence.
The philosophical notion of dependence is about
relations of dependency that can be intrinsic and
extrinsic, represented by +D (-D, otherwise)
(Guarino and Welty 2000).
According to Villela et al. (2004) dependency
involves different relationships, such as the ones
existing among people and their parents, being
extrinsic and intrinsic. An intrinsic property is inhe-
rent to the individual, non dependent on other indivi-
duals, like having a heart or a fingerprint. Extrinsic
properties are not inherent and they have a relational
nature, like “being the mayor of the São Paulo City”.
For example, an instance of the DISTRICT SEAT
class is externally dependent on the MUNICI-
PALITY class, as it can only be a district seat if
there is a municipality in which it was created.
At last, identity is about the way we recognize
individual entities, and it is based on the concept of
Identity Condition (IC), proposed by Guarino and
Welty (2000). A class that has an identity condition
is represented by the symbol +O (-O, otherwise),
only if it is rigid and executes an IC (+I) (-I,
otherwise). A non-rigid class can execute an IC, if
and only if this is inherited by a class that has a rigid
meta-property, which subsume it. For example, the
subclass FAST TRAFFIC ROAD, classified as non-
rigid, can only execute its IC’s, inheriting them from
rigid meta-properties that superpose it, as a meta-
property (+O) from the super class ROAD.
The meta-properties described above create some
natural restrictions in the taxonomic structure of
ontology (Guarino and Welty, 2000), supporting the
analysis and adequacy of conceptual models. Be it
two arbitrary classes (Φ and ψ). The notation Φ
used to show that a class Φ has the meta-property
with the restrictions showed in Table 1.
Table 1: Taxonomic restrictions (Guarino, 2000).
Meta-Properties Restrictions
can't subsume ψ
can't subsume ψ
can't subsume ψ
Besides the meta-properties seen before, it is part of
the VERONTO technique the addition of rules to the
use of relationships, based on the rules proposed by
Wand et al. (1999) that follow:
a) Rules to optional relationships:
Optional associations (minimum cardinality 0)
must be avoided.
Acquisition or loss of an association must be
modeled as a change of class.
The capacity of instances of a class to participate
in an association, without losing properties, must
be modeled as a sub classification.
b) Rules to aggregation
Each class component must be associated with a
class composed through an aggregation.
The emergent properties of the composed class
(“whole”) must be modeled as attributes and
Practical implications of such rules, as well as some
advantages are discussed by Villela (2004).
The analysis patterns description is important to
register the definitions of the context in which the
analysis patterns should be reused. Besides, it serves
as a repository, allowing the sharing of the
knowledge by designers of information systems.
The analysis patterns template proposed on this
work follows the model proposed in Meszaros and
Doble (1998), which defines the following topics
that specify the catalog: Name, Problem, Context,
Forces, Solution, Participants, and Related Patterns.
Nevertheless, this specification does not follow a
generic format. Some analysis patterns are
documented and cataloging in a narrative form, but
generally there are coincidences in the description of
the analysis patterns in a topic structure. Though
there is not a generic topic structure to use, the
topics listed before have a basic format to the
specification of analysis patterns.
Based on the template’s structure mentioned in
Meszaros and Doble (1998), it will be specified one
more topic, called Rigid Classes. The Rigid Classes
topic is based upon the taxonomy concept
backbonedefined by (Guarino and Welty 2000).
The “backbone taxonomy” is defined by rigid classes
found in the hierarchical structure of ontology.
Those classes model the main concepts, embracing
the entire domain and describing the basic structure
which serves as a reference to the reuse of
Thus, after the improvement of patterns through
the VERONTO technique, it is also possible to
identify the rigid classes that exist in the analysis
patterns. The documentation based on the rigid
classes aims at helping the designer in the reuse of
patterns, identifying the main classes of the domain.
The patterns improvement process occurs through
the ontological analysis, classifying each class based
on the meta-properties described before.
To develop this section, it was chosen the
Parceling of Urban Land analysis pattern (Figure 1),
proposed in (Lisboa F. et al. 2002). The diagram
follows the UML-GeoFrame model, a UML profile
to model geographic database (Lisboa F. and Iochpe
2008). It was depicted using a CASE tool called
ArgoCASEGEO (Lisboa F. et al., 2004).
The result of the ontological analysis about the
Parceling of Urban Land pattern is the following.
According to Demographic Census from IBGE -
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
(IBGE 2008), a city is classified as an urban area of
city (municipal seat) or village (district seat).
Therefore, a village or district seat, for example, can
be emancipated and become municipal seat. So, the
CITY class is classified as: Anti-rigid (~R) – all city
will not be like that for all its existence; it does not
give identity (-O) – all city can exist in several urban
regions as district or municipal seats; it executes
identity (+I) – it executes identity inherited from
seat; it is non-dependent (-D) – it does not depend
on any other class.
models the subdivision of municipal territory. It is
classified as: Rigid (+R) – every administrative
division will be like that for all its existence; It gives
identity (+O) – all instance of the ADMINISTRA-
TIVE DIVISION class can be identified through a
territorial division; it executes identity (+I) – if it
gives identity it can also execute it; it is dependent
(+D) – it is externally dependent on a municipality.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Parceling of Urban Land Analysis Pattern (Lisboa Filho et al. 2002).
The DISTRICT class is defined as an administrative
unit of a municipality. It is classified as: Anti-Rigid
(~R) – a district can emancipate itself, therefore, it
will not be like that for all its existence; it does not
give identity (-O) – the existence of the
administrative division of a municipality identifies
the districts; it executes Identity (+I) – it executes an
identity inherited from the ADMINISTRATIVE
DIVISION class; it is Dependent (+D) – it is
externally dependent on a municipality.
The QUARTER class stores information about
the intra-urban regions of a city or village, and
through a municipal law, can become an administra-
tive unit (IBGE 2008). It is classified as: Anti-Rigid
(~R) – every instance of quarter it will not be like
that for all its existence; it does not give identity
(-O) – the quarter is identified from the existence of
an intra-urban region; it executes identity (+I) - it
executes identity inherited from the definition of an
intra urban region it is non-dependent (-D) – it does
not depend on any other class.
The BLOCK class stores information about
urbanized areas of a city. A block can be created
through a municipal law (IBGE, 2008). It is
classified as: Rigid (+R) – every instance of the
BLOCK class it will be like that for all its existence;
it gives identity (+O) – every block can be identified
within the urban area, through its spatial
localization; it executes identity (+I) – if it gives a
condition of identity, it also executes it; it is
dependent (+D) – it is externally dependent on a
The PARCEL class stores information about a
portion of a parceled land, with its front to public
way and meant for receiving a construction. It is
classified as: Rigid (+R) – every instance of parcel it
will be like that for all its existence; it gives identity
(+O) – every parcel can be identified within its ur-
ban area, during its existence, through its spatial
localization; it executes identity (+I) – if it gives a
condition of identity, it also executes it; it is not de-
pendent (-D) – it does not depend on any other class.
The FOREFACE class stores information about
the alignment of a parcel or group of parcels facing
the same road. It is classified as: Rigid (+R) – all
foreface of parcel will be like that for all its
existence; it gives identity (+O) – every foreface can
be identified within the urban area, through its
spatial localization; it executes identity (+I) – if it
gives a condition of identity, it also executes it; it is
dependent (+D) – it is externally dependent on the
PARCEL class.
The SIDE OF THE BLOCK class stores
information about the composition of the Foreface of
the parcels. It is classified as: Rigid (+R) - every
instance of the SIDE OF THE BLOCK class will be
like that for all its existence; it gives identity (+O) –
every side of the block can be identified within the
urban area, through its spatial localization; it
executes identity (+I) – if it gives a condition of
identity, it also executes it; it is dependent (+D) – it
is externally dependent on the BLOCK class.
4.1 Adequacy to the Restrictions
Imposed by Meta-Properties
Following the technique VERONTO (Villela et al.
2004), the CITY class must be a subclass of a rigid
class so that it can inherit a condition of identity. In
this case, it was included the SEAT class as
superclass of CITY, with the meta-property rigid
(+R), giving an identity (+O). Following the same
principle to the QUARTER class, it was created a
superclass, called INTRA-URBAN REGION, with
the meta-properties rigid (+R), giving an identity
The DISTRICT subclass must continue as a
superclass. In other words, according to IBGE
(2008) a district is considered a subdivision of the
political-administrative organization of a
The VILLAGE class can also be suggested and
modeled in the analysis of the hierarchical
relationship. According to IBGE (2008), a village is
a District Seat, therefore it was suggested as a
subclass of the SEAT class.
In a similar way the SEAT class, it was also
included the MUNICIPALITY class, since it is
through it that it is possible to have relationships
with the municipal seat and the administrative
Besides the hierarchical relationships, it is part of
adequacy of pattern the verifying of optional and
aggregation relationships through the rules proposed
by (Wand et al. 1999).
The association between MUNICIPALITY and
SEAT must be mandatory, that is, every
municipality must have a seat. The CITY and
VILLAGE classes can have one or several urban
regions, because are considered as an urban area of
city (IBGE, 2008).
The association between CITY and
because it is the municipality that has administrative
units, having an association with the Administrative
The association between QUARTER, BLOCK,
obey to the rules of aggregation and, therefore, will
not be altered.
Figure 2 shows the Parceling of Urban Land
analysis pattern revised according to the technique
VERONTO, and then it is shown the specification of
analysis pattern according to the topics presented in
the item 3.
The Rigid Classes topic specified in Table 2
allow identifying the main classes of the domain.
These classes can help in reuse of analysis
pattern during the conceptual modeling of
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Besides,
through analisys pattern catalog, the Parceling of
Urban Land Pattern can be reusable for several
designers, in diferents regions of country. For
example, the catalog could be published in a SDI
(Spatial Data Infrastructure), where the analysis
pattern can be shared in a widely way.
Figure 2: Parceling of Urban Land Analysis Pattern.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: New description of the Parceling of Urban Land analysis pattern.
How to structure a database of urban cadastre?
The aim is to permit the manipulation of geographic information to support the public
administrator. Those databases are used by many applications as distribution of health stations,
taxes charging, and others. This kind of application needs information about the geographic regions
within a municipality.
It is not financially easy to create a base with the aimed scale. The bigger the scale the bigger the
cost to the creation and maintenance of data. A lot of kinds of regions are used depending on the
size and organization of the city. The most common kinds include quarters, administrative divisions
or urban zones.
Parceling_of_Urban_Land.xmi (Figure 2)
The Municipality class has mandatory a seat, or urban area of city, and can have administrative
units. An administrative unit can be a district or sub district. The quarter class is related to the
Block class, through a multiplicity of one-to-many. But this association must be adapted to each
specific situation, according to the municipal law.
Related Pattern
Circulation network
Rigid Classes
Municipality, Administrative Division, Municipal Seat, District Seat, Intra-urban Region, Parcel,
Foreface, Block, Side of the Block
The process of improvement of analysis patterns
shown in this article permits to restructure the
pattern’s class diagram from an ontological analysis.
The pattern catalog according to its domain and rigid
classes, it is esteemed that it will be possible to reuse
it more widely with a well-defined purpose.
With the improvement process and the analysis
patterns catalog through ontological meta-properties,
it is possible to integrate them with domain
ontologies. Through this integration, it is possible to
create mechanisms to recover analysis patterns
through the existing knowledge in the ontology,
increasing the quality and productivity of conceptual
modeling of information systems.
This project was partially supported by the Brazilian
National Research Council (CNPq), MCT/CTINFO
and Fapemig.
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