Gianluca Demartini
L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover, Appelstrasse 9a, D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Enterprise Search, Similarity measure, Semantic technologies.
Enterprise Search Systems are requested to provide more and more functionalities for supporting decision
at the management level. An important aspect to consider is the human power and the knowledge which is
available. For this reason, in this paper, after extracting a list of requirements out of a specific scenario, and
presenting the previous work, we describe an improved approach to compare experts in order to retrieve and
present to the user the most appropriate candidates for a given project.
The knowledgeworkers are starting to be the most im-
portant competitive advantage that an enterprise can
have in the age of information. For this reason, it is
every day more important that Enterprise Search (ES)
enables an easy managing of human resources. In or-
der to do an efficient planning and delegation, a man-
ager must be able to know all the abilities and skills of
her employees and also be able to make comparisons
among them for an easier decision making process.
The main contribution of this paper is an improved
approach to compare experts in order to retrieve and
present to the user the most appropriate people for a
given project. After presenting the scenario, we de-
scribe a previously proposed set of similarity mea-
sures and show how they do not meet simple require-
ments. Then, we describe our semantic based ap-
proach on expert search.
In the previous work, some first steps the direc-
tion of defining formal models for comparing people
and retrieving the most expert ones have been made
in the context of Expert Search: probabilistic mod-
els (Fang and Zhai, 2007) and language models (Az-
zopardi et al., 2006; Balog et al., 2006; Balog and
de Rijke, 2006a) have been proposed. Our work con-
tinues this line of work, and shows how to model ex-
pert search leveraging the hierarchical structure of ex-
pertise topics. Another model for expert search pro-
posed in (Macdonald and Ounis, 2006) views expert
search as a voting problem. The documents associ-
ated to a candidate are viewed as votes for this can-
didate’s expertise. Again, the relationships between
candidates and documents are only binary and not
continuous. In (Macdonald and Ounis, 2007b) the
same authors extended the model including relevance
feedback techniques, which is an orthogonal issue. A
interesting distinction has been made between expert
finding and expert profiling in (Balog and de Rijke,
2006b). The former approach aims at first retrieving
the documents relevant to the query and then extract
the experts from them. The latter first builds a profile
for each candidate and then matches the query with
the profiles without considering the documents any-
more (Balog and de Rijke, 2007). When an expert
profile for each enterprise employee is built is possi-
ble to make comparisons among them.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
the next section we present the specific scenario of
finding experts in the enterprise for which our tech-
niques havebeen designed. In section 3 we extract out
of the described scenario a list of requirements that we
aim to address with the proposed solution. In section
4 we present a previous attempt to define a similarity
measure among people and how we improve on that.
In section 5 we describe how we can improve expert
search effectiveness using semantic technologies. Fi-
nally, in section 6 we conclude the paper outlining
some possible future work.
In the rest of the paper we focus on one specific sce-
nario. We consider the situation of a human resource
manager that has to deal with employees in a big en-
terprise. Out of the many tasks, she has to hire new
Demartini G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 455-458
DOI: 10.5220/0001688404550458
employees for filling certain positions described by a
profile, she has to decide who to promote to an higher
position, and so on. The knowledge available to the
manager, for making decisions, is the skill profile of
each person she has to deal with.
The manager would highly benefit from a system
supporting her in these tasks. Here we list some pos-
sible tasks that can be solved using a systems that pro-
vides the user with a list of people ranked according
their expertise on the query topic.
Find the most suited candidate for a position
Build a new project team
Find someone for solving a problem
Identify qualification gaps in the enterprise
The most important tool for the manager and for
the system to solve these tasks is a similarity measure
being able to compare people, thus allowing to cre-
ate a ranking out of the set of possible candidates and
their profiles. In the next section we state which are
the most important requirements of such comparison
measure, for solving the tasks presented in this spe-
cific scenario.
When we want to compare people according to their
expertise, we need a special type of similarity mea-
sure. The goal here is not to present a comprehensive
list of requirements, but to highlight the most impor-
tant aspects for the scenario considered in this paper.
Therefore, we focus on the following important re-
Assume Continuous Scores of Expertise. When
we want to effectively compare people according
to their skills, a binary measure of expertise (e.g.,
Mr.X is/isn’t expert on “Ontology engineering”)
is not enough. We need a score which has value
in [0, 1] for each topic.
Deal with Topic Ambiguity. The comparison of
people should consider that there are ambiguous
topics of expertise (e.g., “Bank”) and, therefore,
it should not make the mistake of considering one
employee more skilled than another, if the topic
is not the same.
Leverage on the Hierarchical Nature of Expertise.
The topics of expertise are, obviously, more or
less specific: some of them include others when
they are very general (e.g., “Computer Science”
is more general than “Programming Languages”).
A similarity measure should not make the error of
considering the topics as a flat list of fields where
people can be skilled but it should exploit this
taxonomy for performing better comparison.
In the following we describe a set of similar-
ity measures, proposed in the past, underlining their
weak points. After, we propose our solution, taking
into account the requirementsextracted so far, also us-
ing semantic technologies and natural language pro-
After explaining the motivations and related work in
the context of expert search, in this section we criti-
cally analyse a previous work which proposed several
similarity measures for skill-profile matching (Biesal-
ski and Abecker, 2006). The authors describes the
module of an ESS and the four types of similarity
measures used:
Direct Skill Comparison. An exact match between
skills of people and those needed for a certain po-
Proportional Similarity. It identifies partially ful-
filled requirements;
Compensatory Similarity. It considers also
overqualifications to compensate partially
fulfilled requirements;
Taxonomic Similarity. It uses an expertise taxon-
omy to find close matches between skills;
The first criticism to these measures is that they
use a four level scale of expertise. While this is surly
better than a binary distinction between expert / non-
expert, it isnot enough to model the continuousaspect
of expertise. That is, a skill or expertise could be bet-
ter identified, for example, by a real number e [0, 1].
The first three measures do not take into account
a string similarity score between skill names assum-
ing that they comes from the same dictionary. More,
the Compensatory similarity assumes value 1 if the
expertise level required is the same of the one of the
candidate, and values greater than (less than) 1 if it
is lower (higher). This results in having a similarity
measure which, differently from the others, does not
assume values in [0, 1] making them not interchange-
The most advanced technique is the Taxonomic
similarity which leverages relations among topics.
This is also related with what we propose in the sec-
tion 5.1 where we suggest that the expertise topics are
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
not orthogonal as assumed for now in the Information
Retrieval community. One straightforward extension
to this could be to use a similarity based on the lowest
common ancestor between two nodes (Harel and Tar-
jan, 1984) given a suffix tree (Ukkonen, 1995) based
on the specificity of topics.
In conclusion, we want to stress the point of
having non-binary and bounded similarity measures
which would also enable an easier comparison of
ESSs for a faster decision making process.
In the scenario of expert profiling that we are tack-
ling, there are several ways to improve the retrieval
effectiveness using different evidences. One of such
ways is the use of semantics. As done for the web
context (Demartini, 2007), annotations can help to
identify the correct articles to consider for expertise
extraction, knowledge taxonomies can help in finding
the correct experts, and ontologies can help in disam-
biguating multi senses topics.
5.1 Using Ontologies as Expertise
The expert finding task is usually performed in enter-
prises where the significant knowledge areas are lim-
ited. For this reason the expert finding system usually
adopt customized and manually built taxonomies to
model the organization’s most important knowledge
areas (Becerra-Fernandez, 2006).
In days where the big enterprises cover several
markets, the expertise areas are much more wide than
in the past. For this reason finding expert in the enter-
prise will require much more effort to manually de-
velop a universal expertise taxonomy. We propose
to use the Yago ontology (Suchanek et al., 2007),
that is, a combination of notions from WordNet
, to model the expertise and to identify
the knowledge areas used to describe people’s knowl-
edge. In this way we can better define the expert pro-
files according to Yago. For example, knowing that
“Macintosh computer” is a subclass of “Computers”
can help the system when there are no results for the
query “Find an expert on Computer”. The system can
proceed looking for experts in the relative subcate-
gories. More, if we know that “Eclipse” is a “Java
tool” we can assume that an expert on Eclipse will be
an expert (with score proportional to the number of
children of the class “Java tool”) on Java tools.
5.2 Using Wordnet to Disambiguate
Expertise Topics
In the enterprise context there is one more problem to
take into account: the topic ambiguity. Multi sense
terms might represent topics of expertise. For exam-
ple, an expert on “Bank” might be expert on only one
of the several senses of this noun: slope/incline | fi-
nancial institution/organization| ridge | array | reserve
| ...
Using, for example, the algorithm JIGSAW (Se-
meraro et al., 2007) for word sense disambiguation
we can disambiguate between different topics of ex-
pertise. JIGSAW calculates the similarity between
each candidate meaning for an ambiguous word and
all the meanings in its context defined as words with
the same POS tag in the same sentence. The simi-
larity is calculated as inversely proportional to path
length between concepts in the WordNet IS-A hier-
archy. The assumption in this case is that the appro-
priate meaning belongs to a similar/same concept as
words in the context belong to. For example, if the
sentence John Doe manages the Citizen Bank that
has good availability of cash. is an evidence of the
expertise on the topic “Bank”, we can disambiguate
its sense using the context and, in this case, the mean-
ing of “cash”. The distance between all the meanings
of “Bank” and all the meanings of the nouns in the
context (defined as a window of text surrounding the
term) can be used in order to find the intended sense.
We can then add the sense “financial institution” to
the expertise profile of the candidate “John Doe”.
It is also possible to use co-occurrence statistics to
improve the quality of the profiles. If we take a user
profile we can disambiguate the topics looking at the
context in the related articles. For example, according
to the profile, the user is an expert on “Jaguar” and we
find that in the articles considered in his profile the
word “Car” often co-occur with the word “Jaguar”.
In this way we add the topic “Car” to the expertises of
the user always with the final goal of disambiguation.
When performing profile extension or relevance
feedback, we should anyway pay attention to cases of
expertise drift where a candidate “can have several or
many unrelated areas of expertise” as shown in (Mac-
donald and Ounis, 2007a).
from WordNet 3.0
In this paper we presented possible improvements on
similarity measures between employees, and how we
can improve the effectiveness of expert search tasks
adopting semantic technologies. As future steps, we
will deploy the designed techniques in a real-world
enterprise scenario in order to assess the effectiveness
of our methodology.
This work was supported by the Nepomuk and the
Okkam projects funded by the European Commission
under the 6th Framework Programme (IST Contract
No. 027705) and the 7th Framework Programme (IST
Grant Agreement No. 215032) respectively.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems