Arnon Sturm
Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, 84105, Israel
Dov Dori
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel
Onn Shehory
IBM Haifa Research Lab, Haifa University Campus, Haifa, 31905, Israel
Keywords: Agent-based system, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Mobility.
Abstract: As the mobile agent paradigm becomes of interest to many researchers and industries, it is essential to
introduce an engineering approach for designing such systems. Recent studies on agent-oriented modeling
languages have recognized the need for modeling mobility aspects such as why a mobile agent moves,
where the agent moves to, when it moves and how it reaches its target. These studies extend existing
languages to support the modeling of agent mobility. However, these fall short in addressing some modeling
needs. They lack in their expressiveness: some of them ignore the notion of location (i.e., the "where")
while others do not handle all types of mobility (the "how"). Additionally, they lack in their accessibility, as
the handling of the mobility aspects is separated into multiple views and occasionally the mobility aspect is
tightly coupled with the functional behavior specification. View multiplicity reduces the comprehensibility
and the ease of specification, whereas the coupling with the functional behavior specification reduces the
flexibility of deploying a multi-agent systems in different configurations (i.e., without mobility). In this
paper, we address these problems by enhancing an expressive and accessible modeling language with
capabilities for specifying mobile agents. We provide the details of the extension, then illustrate the use of
the extended modeling language, and demonstrate the way in which it overcomes existing problems.
Agent mobility has been intensively studied in
recent years. Although mobility is not a primary
property of an agent, it may enhance agent
autonomy (which is definitely a primary attribute of
agents (Wooldridge et al., 2000)). Gray et al. (2001)
identified several advantages of using mobile agents:
conservation of bandwidth, reduction in total
processing time, reduced latency, connected
operation, mobile computing, load balancing, and
dynamic deployment of software. Due to these
advantages, mobile agents are sometimes the most
suitable paradigm for agent-based systems
engineering (Cabri et al., 2001). This paradigm has
been demonstrated beneficial in several application
areas, e.g., distributed information retrieval,
workflow management, and network management
(Bellavista et al., 1999; Brewington et al., 1999;
Gray et al., 2001).
Because of the increased industrial and research
interest in mobile agents, agent-oriented
methodologies should support the mobility aspect. In
particular, it is necessary to integrate agent mobility
into the modeling languages of these methodologies,
to provide a comprehensive engineering approach
for building agent-based systems. This will help
designers of agent-based systems to engineer mobile
OMG (2000) and FIPA (2001; 2003) carried out
many activities in order to standardize agent
mobility aspects. Those activities led to an
agreement on the required infrastructure for agent
mobility in terms of general mobility concepts (such
as places and regions) within a multi-agent system
Sturm A., Dori D. and Shehory O. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 79-84
DOI: 10.5220/0001680300790084
(MAS) and the required functionality of mobile
agents (such as agent migration, agent cloning, and
agent invocation). To support the standards (to be),
it is necessary that agent-oriented modeling
languages facilitate the specification of these agent
mobility concepts. In this paper, we enhance an
existing agent-oriented modeling language with the
capabilities of specifying the mobility aspects within
an agent-based system. Note that our study is not
first in addressing this need. Some of the agent-
oriented modeling languages recognized the need for
modeling mobility aspects such as why a mobile
agent moves, where the agent moves to, when it
moves and how it reaches its target (Mouratidis et
al., 2002).
In this paper, we address the problem of
integrating the mobility aspects of agent-based
systems into a modeling language by introducing
two key elements that should be supported by a
modeling language with respect to mobility: the
definition of places and environments and the
definition of agent mobility (i.e., migration, cloning
and invocation) (FIPA, 2003). We our approach
leverage on an exiting method – Object-Process
Methodology (OPM) and its MAS extension and
suggest a modeling language for specifying mobility
aspects of agent-based system. The choice of OPM
for modeling agent-based system is discussed in
Sturm et al. (2003), in which the authors present the
motivation for adopting OPM. They mainly discuss
the advantages of OPM with respect to accessibility
and expressiveness. We found it useful as well since
it provides a single unified model for capturing the
various system aspects and enables to view the
system as a whole, as we believe, required for
modeling mobile agents.
The contribution of this paper is the introduction
of a comprehensive modeling language for
specifying multi-agent systems including the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses related work. The Object-
Process Methodology for Multi Agent Systems
(OPM/MAS) is shortly described in Section 3.
Section 4 introduces the enhancements we propose
to support the modeling of the mobility aspects of
MAS, and Section 5 concludes with a discussion on
the advantages of the OPM/MAS approach for
specifying mobile agents and with future research
In the last decade many studies address the notion of
modeling mobile MAS. The Multi-agent Software
Engineering (MaSE) which is a general-purpose
methodology for developing heterogeneous MASs
(DeLoach et al., 2001) was extended to enable the
specification of mobile agents (Self and DeLoach,
2003). GAIA which is a methodology for agent-
oriented analysis and design (Wooldridge et al.,
2000) has been enhanced by m-GAIA to model the
mobility aspect (Sutandiyo et al., 2003). Several
extensions for UML (OMG, 2007), which is the
standard de-facto for modeling systems were
suggested including Park et al. (2000), Klein et al.
(2001), Mouratidis et al. (2002), Poggi et al. (2003),
and Kang and Taguchi (2004). The various
extensions mainly lacks in their expressiveness and
their accessibility. With respect of expressiveness
this are lacking in specify the locations related to the
mobility operation and the integration of the
mobility notion into the system functionality. The
accessibility limitation is mainly stems from the
model multiplicity problem discussed in Kabeli and
Shoval (2001) and Peleg and Dori (2000). The
problem is characterized by a lack of integration
between the models and the need to maintain
consistency across them and the need to gather
information from various models for understanding
the system specifications.
OPM/MAS is based on the Object-Process
Methodology (Dori, 2002; OPM, 2007), which is an
integrated approach to the study and development of
systems in general and information systems in
OPM is a general-purpose methodology, thus
using its core symbol set may be too low-level for
modeling a domain-specific application. This is so
because the pertinent domain uses specialized
concepts and building blocks that are at a higher
level of abstraction than the basic OPM entities
(objects, processes, and states).
OPM extension for MAS, as discussed by Sturm
et al. (2003), follows principles of the Meta Object
Facility (MOF) concept (OMG, 2002), which
enables its flexibility. In that work the authors
suggest a three layers architecture as follows: (1) a
meta-model, which is the OPM itself; (2) an
intermediate meta-model, which describes the
specific building blocks within the MAS domain
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
using OPM; and (3) a model, which is based on both
the meta-model and the intermediate meta-model.
That intermediate meta-model, which is the core
element of OPM/MAS, was designed based on
previous research. The designers of OPM/MAS
divide the set of MAS building blocks into two
groups. The first group consists of static, declarative
building blocks, while the second group consists of
building blocks with behavioral, dynamic nature.
In figures 1 and 2 the intermediate meta-model
for multi-agent systems using OPM is presented. It
also includes mobility-based concepts which were
not discussed in Sturm et al. (2003). This
intermediate meta-model provides guidelines and
constraints for modeling multi-agent systems,
including mobile agent systems.
OPM extension for MAS, as discussed by Sturm
et al. (2003), follows principles of the Meta Object
Facility (MOF) concept (OMG, 2002), which
enables its flexibility. In that work the authors
suggest a three layers architecture as follows: (1) a
meta-model, which is the OPM itself; (2) an
intermediate meta-model, which describes the
specific building blocks within the MAS domain
using OPM; and (3) a model, which is based on both
the meta-model and the intermediate meta-model.
That intermediate meta-model, which is the core
element of OPM/MAS, was designed based on
previous research. The designers of OPM/MAS
divide the set of MAS building blocks into two
groups. The first group consists of static, declarative
building blocks, while the second group consists of
building blocks with behavioral, dynamic nature.
In figures 1 and 2 the intermediate meta-model
for multi-agent systems using OPM is presented. It
also includes mobility-based concepts which were
not discussed in Sturm et al. (2003). This
intermediate meta-model provides guidelines and
constraints for modeling multi-agent systems,
including mobile agent systems.
Figure 1: System Diagram of the OPM/MAS meta-model.
In this section we present the OPM/MAS
enhancements to support agent mobility
specification. The first sub-section introduces the
new building blocks, whereas the second sub-section
demonstrates the use of the intermediate metamodel
for specifying agent mobility within the context of
4.1 Mobility in OPM/MAS
In this section we introduce the proposed changes to
OPM/MAS in order to make it suitable for
specifying agent mobility. As stated in Sturm et al.
(2003), the OPM/MAS meta-model can be changed
according to application needs. Following that
principle, we propose an enhancement to the
suggested set of building blocks.
The new the building blocks are the following:
Figure 2: OPM/MAS meta-model - Agent in-zoomed.
Mobilizing: A set of methods by which an
agent performs a mobility activity such as
migration, cloning, and agent invocation.
Type: The mobility type - migration,
cloning, or invocation.
Location: The location to which the agent
should migrate.
Priority: The importance level of the
mobility. This parameter is defined in order
to define priorities in case of several
possibilities for mobility within an agent.
Result: The indication of the mobilizing
process result.
The enhancement of the set of building blocks
proposed in this paper refers to the system structure
and to the system flow. The system structure is
separated into the logical architecture, which is
represented by the environment building block and
the physical architecture, which is represented by the
platform building block. Further, the relationships
between the architectures are also specified. Since
we are dealing with structural aspects of the system,
the above building blocks were chosen to be OPM
objects. The system flow enhancement consists of
adding the mobilizing process and its parameters.
Since we view mobility as part of the agent
functionality (as in other studies, e.g., Self and
DeLoach (2003) and Baumeister et al. (2003)), we
define it as an OPM process in order to integrate the
agent mobility into the regular flow of the agent
process and yet differentiate it from regular tasks by
its role (i.e., mobilizing). However, in contrast to
existing languages the mobility specification can be
easily removed by filtering out all mobility building
blocks mentioned above, allowing the specification
of a system without introducing mobility constraints.
4.2 The Technical Report Searcher
Case Study
In the following, we present an example of using
OPM/MAS for modeling mobile agents related to
distributed information retrieval via the technical
report (TR) searcher case study (Gray et al., 2001).
In this case study technical reports are distributed
across several machines, each executing a stationary
information retrieval agent. When these agents are
executed, they register with a virtual yellow pages
agent. In search for technical reports, a client agent
queries the yellow pages agent for the location of the
stationary information retrieval agents. It then sends
its "child" agents to these locations. These child
agents interact with the stationary agents, which in
turn reply to the child agents with the search results.
In addition, the client agent checks for the network
quality and determines whether it requires migrating
to a proxy site in order to communicate with the
machines hosting the stationary agents.
Figure 3: Technical Report Searching System – System
Figure 4: Technical Report Searching System – TR
Searching Agent in-zoomed.
Figure 3 presents the system diagram of the
Technical Report Searcher system. It consists of four
platform types: Client Platform, which hosts the TR
Searching Agent; Administrator Platform, which
hosts the Yellow Pages Agent; the Information
Resource Platform, which hosts the Stationary IR
(Information Retrieval) Agents; and the Proxy
Platform, which is capable of hosting the TR
Searching Agent in case of faulty communication
between the Client Platform and the Information
Resource Platform. The OPD in Figure 3 also
describes the communication paths (which are the
logical routes among the agents) and messages.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Technical Report Searching System – Searching
Task in-zoomed.
In Figure 4, the TR Searching Agent is in-
zoomed. The agent is activated by the Client User,
as shown by the agent link from the object Client
User (a human) to the process TR Searching Agent.
The TR Searching Agent performs its tasks
sequentially, as determined by the vertical order
within the OPD. The Querying Task accepts the
user's input and yields a Query object. The
Administrating Task follows the Querying Task
and yields an object indicating whether mobility is
required and an object representing the required
Agent Location. If mobility is required, the Proxy
Mobilizing process occurs and causes the TR
Searching Agent to migrate to the Proxy Platform.
If the Proxy Mobilizing process fails, then it is
triggered again. This is indicated by the “e”, for
"event", attached to the arrowhead of the link
connecting the failure state within the Mobility
Result object and the Proxy Mobilizing process.
When the mobility result is a success (or if it was not
required in the first place), the Searching Task is
performed, followed by the Results Receiving Task.
In Figure 5, the Searching Task from the OPD
of Figure 4 is specified by zoom into its
specification. It begins with the Agent Location
Mapping Task, which determines Mobility
Location, in which the Child Agent has to be
invoked. This task is followed by launching the
Child Agent in the appropriate platform. In case the
invocation fails, the agent tries to re-launch the
Child Agent until it succeeds. When the Child
Agent is running, the TR Searching Agent sends a
Request Query Message and waits for a reply.
Upon receiving the query results, Reply Query
Message, the results received from its child agents
are merged to obtain the Results Set, which the
Client User ultimately receives, as Figure 4 shows.
In this paper we leverage on the object-process
methodology to facilitate the modeling of agent
mobility. We show how the OPM/MAS intermediate
meta-model can be enhanced in order to support
agent mobility. Following that enhancement, we
demonstrate the use of that intermediate meta-model
to specify a MAS application. In particular, we
exemplify the way according to which the
OPM/MAS addresses the four questions of mobility:
1. Why a mobile agent performs a mobility action?
In OPM/MAS the reason of the agent mobility is
encapsulated within the task flow. This means
that the agent mobility is determined according
to the task flow and decisions that are made
during its process. The mobility is represented as
an OPM process (Mobilizing) thus easily
integrated within the task flow. In the TR case
study, the Client agent moves in order to
improve its communication, where as a Child
agent is invoked in order to search information in
another location.
2. When the agent performs a mobility action?
The timing in which the agent moves is specified
in OPM/MAS via the process sequence. It may
move due to other task termination, it may move
due to new information, or it may move due to a
user request. In the TR case study, the Client
agent moves upon determining Administrating
3. Where the agent moves to?
The destination of the agent in OPM/MAS is
determined by the mobilizing process parameter
– Location. The locations within a system
according to OPM/MAS could be platforms
(could be referred to as places) or environments
(could be referred to as regions). These are
usually specified within the top level OPDs.
4. How the agent reaches its target?
The path according to which the agent reaches its
target is specified by the order of the mobilizing
processes. In TR case study, the path is a straight
forward way, from the Client platform to the
Proxy platform.
The weaknesses of the existing agent-oriented
methods with regards to mobility are addressed
within the proposed solution. We refer to the
location notion with its various level of abstraction
by providing the environment building block and its
relationships with the platform building block. The
proposed solution refers to all mobility types by
defining the mobility type object. We integrate all of
the mobility aspects within a single-unified
framework, whereas in the other methods the
integration of some of the mobility aspects is not
clear, difficult to understand, or non-exist.
Further research is required to examine the
accessibility and adherence of the OPM/MAS
approach to build agent-based systems and in
particular, mobile agents.
This work was partially funded by Deutsche
Telekom Laboratories at Ben-Gurion University.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems