Adaptive User Profiling in Human-Computer Interaction
Andrzej Niesler and Gracja Wydmuch
Institute of Business Informatics, Wrocław University of Economics
ul. Komandorska 118/120, 54-345 Wrocław, Poland
Keywords: Predisposition-based teaching, intelligent tutoring system, human-computer interaction (HCI).
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the conception of the new approach to human-computer interaction in
intelligent tutoring systems. Teaching supported by technology is one of the most important issues these
days. The crucial problem is how to learn effectively and how to substitute the student-tutor contact.
However, traditional education also does not provide individual, predisposition-oriented teaching programs.
Many of the people all over the world choose electronic way of studying. Therefore, it is crucial to evolve
methodology of user-adapted solutions. In this paper we present the learning predisposition-based tutoring
in intelligent instruction system, with individual user profiling, based on psychological conditions.
Following the old Chinese proverb “Tell me, and I
forget, show me, and I remember, involve me, and I
understand”, one can make a clear conclusion about
the importance of the appropriate education process.
Traditional lectures are noticeably less effective than
exemplifying and drilling, because hearing alone is
not the strongest of the human senses. For efficient
learning, all of the senses need to be involved.
From the learner’s perspective, the process of
learning can be perceived as the combination of both
cognitive and psychical processes, concerned with
the assimilation of information. All these processes
encompass acquirement and improvement of skills
and knowledge, but also attitudes and behaviours.
In this paper we define tutoring as the activity of
providing knowledge and coordinating the process
of learning. We focus on the category of education,
as the instruction process supported by technology.
In our opinion, there is a significant issue with
efficiency in learning systems. The commonly used
mechanism of repetition provides means only for
memorizing some sort of information. What is more
important, however, is to understand the educational
material thoroughly and absorb it persistently. Most
of the tutoring systems available currently on the
market are focused on the cognition process, leaving
the psychological aspects uncovered. Combining the
two facets together may yield better results.
Common pedagogical methods used in electronic
teaching are dedicated mainly to the general group
of students, not to the individuals. The benefits from
the usage of instruction programs are therefore more
like in the traditional high-numbered class groups. It
means that the tutor has little time for each student
and cannot deliver the required level of attention.
The technology-supported tutoring system ought
to provide an instruction program for each of users
individually, adapting in a dynamic way to his or her
particular needs and preferences The adjustment to
such kind of factors is usually realised through the
use of customised interface themes, individual visual
arrangements, flexible course time scheduling, and
so on. Nevertheless, despite the increase in comfort,
it does not make the learning process more effective.
The differences in human nature, character and
individual predisposition for learning imply what
sort of teaching method should be applied towards a
particular human being. Leveraging the adaptation to
user’s needs, the predisposition-oriented approach
can be more effective than the traditional tutoring.
The article discusses the conception of a new
approach to intelligent tutoring systems, based on
user profiling according to their individual learning
predispositions. We describe a universal method for
user profiling, in spite of the domain of tutoring
program or performing institution. We focus on the
category of education as the technology-supported
instruction process from application perspective.
Niesler A. and Wydmuch G. (2008).
PREDISPOSITION-BASED INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEM - Adaptive User Profiling in Human-Computer Interaction.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 435-440
DOI: 10.5220/0001532504350440
The conception of concentrating on the student’s
individual learning predispositions derives from the
psychological and pedagogical premises. In the
traditional teaching, the tutor’s acquaintance of a
student plays a very important role, as it is used for
choosing the best teaching method, leveraging his or
her skills and learning predispositions.
The tutoring model based on the individual user
predispositions can provide a real-time adjustments
in the general teaching program (Warren, 2005). The
advantage of such an approach is mainly in
operating with the consideration of the current user’s
needs. Therefore, a very significant increase in the
course overall effectiveness can be achieved.
2.1 Learning Determinants
There are three main determinants that can affect the
learning process. Those are the following:
Content association.
Memory concerns all of the activities that require to
keep in mind data and simple information. Next,
understanding represents cognitive process based on
the comparison between oneself interpretation of an
information and its objective meaning or intention of
the sender. Content association can be considered as
the ability to compare the information meaning, and
associate it in logical, causal-result relationship.
Figure 1 represents the mutual relations between
those three main factors in learning environment.
Figure 1: Memory, understanding and content association
connections schema in learning environment.
There are three standard elements of information
system (IS), as the domain of the learning process:
Context of information.
Information is a form of structuralized data set.
Context of information may be provided by a user,
group, or community. Double-sided arrows between
information and its context represent the continuous
process of creating and using context to generate
new information. Process of enriching information
with context gives the base for creating knowledge.
We use ‘Memory’ for all three IS elements: data,
information (with participation of ‘Understanding
process) and context (involving of ‘Understanding’
and ‘Content association’ processes).
Those three determinants can be activated in a
various ways by different individuals. It all depends
on their immanent predispositions for learning.
2.2 Basic Predispositions for Learning
In the history of psychology science, there were two
standpoints. One was gathering the followers of the
theory, that the entire human is similar and has
practically unlimited potential for development. The
other group claimed, that individual differences
between people are determined by the biological
conditions, which should be treated as guidelines for
upbringing and personality moulding. It implies the
necessity of creating the society structure that would
enable activities consistent with individual’s innate
abilities and predispositions (Anastasi, 1958).
Gerald M. Edelman (1972 Nobel Prize laureate)
proved the theory, that there is no identical brain
system, determined by different neural connection. It
leads to conclusion that the brain of each individual
is as unique as fingerprint. So are the predispositions
for learning and the corresponding user profile.
The essential role in researches over individual
differences plays the problem of reality perception.
It concerns the elementary experience processes,
such as: impressions, sensations and imaginations.
In practice we meet number of people whose mental
imagery is visual rather than auditory, or conversely.
The other factor is the process of memorizing. It
includes the following types of memory: semantic,
logical, visual, mechanical, associative, lexical, and
many others. The typology of memory depends on
the predispositions. It gives a variety of possibilities
for using memory in creating instruction programs.
Simultaneously, it brings the problem into teaching
methods’ effectiveness, because there are too many
inexactly defined categories of predispositions.
Learning environment
Content association
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The solution appeared with intelligence category as
a factor responsible for the process of learning
(Guilford, 1967). We can analyse the Mensa
questions for measuring the intelligence quotient.
There are four categories of problems that concern
the perceptive, language, logical and numerical
predispositions. People always have one of the
abilities stronger than others. In that field we can
identify the predispositions, which can be useful in
the tutoring methods particularly.
2.3 Predisposition Matrix for Tutoring
Following the statement, that every person has the
individual suite of learning predispositions, we can
conclude that the tutoring program, as well as its
instruments, should be adapted to the needs of a
potential student. There could possibly be a problem
in defining unique instruction path for each student.
Therefore we need to find the way how to analyse
learning potential and how to create the model that
would help in defining tutoring methods.
First of all, as we now have the general learning
determinants, we should discern the instruments for
tutoring based on predispositions. Each instrument
represents the category of tutoring methods (table 1).
It results from learning determinants and represents
the predisposition aspect.
Table 1: Predisposition-based tutoring instruments.
based tutoring
high repetition
low repetition
short, intensive
time unit
long, extensive
analytics deduction
synthetics induction
perceptiveness visualization
keywords, word
Directly from the ‘Memory’ determinant, we can
receive a frequency of the instruction program and a
time unit, designed to realise each exercise, task, or
problem. According to the ‘Understanding’ process
determinant, we have two ways of brain processing:
the analytic and the synthetic one. It corresponds to
the following methods: deductive and inductive.
For the content, we have specified instruments
based on the intelligence perception: perceptiveness,
language, logic and numbers. For each instrument a
different method of tutoring has been allocated:
visualisation, for those who are more perceptive,
keywords with the word relations, for the language
intelligence, the causal-result relationship problems,
for logic-guided people, and formula representation,
for the so-called mathematical brains.
For the usage of the previously mentioned three
main learning determinants, we have to allocate a
combination of all the instruments. Table 2 presents
the matrix of the predisposition-based methods in
aspect of memory, understanding, and content usage.
Table 2: Matrix of the predisposition-based methods for
tutoring programs.
high repetition
low repetition
short, intensive
long, extensive
word relations
Because there are 4 instrument methods for the
‘Memory’ determinant, 2 for the ‘Understanding’,
and 4 for the ‘Content’, it gives 32 complex methods
for tutoring in total. This means that e.g. for one
individual there can be prepared a tutoring program,
specified by the following set of methods: intensive
training with high repetition of instructions, based
on deductive thinking with causal-result relationship
presentation of information.
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is nowadays one
of the biggest issues in the IT development (Preece,
2002). In this paper, we perceive it mainly from the
Figure 2: Conceptual model of HCI tutoring framework.
perspective of a tool, used for increasing the tutoring
efficiency through the adaptation to user’s needs.
Technology usage methodology is determined by
the quality of the tutoring process optimization. It
implies the need for adapting interaction to the user
profile (Chung, 2004). The tutoring process is led by
the individual program for each defined profile.
3.1 User Predisposition Profiling
The major problem is to generate the profile that
would be the foundation of the interaction process
with the computer, with respect to the individual
preferences of a particular user. In the case of our
intelligent tutoring system, we have to concentrate
mainly on the learning predispositions.
User profiling is used for creating the individual
teaching environment. It consists in identifying user
preferences, such as the ability for learning. After
diagnosing of the user type, all suitable instruction
methods should be applied in the system. The data
computation helps with recording user parameters
and defining the suitable tutoring program. For the
communication between the user and the system, we
have the category of HCI framework.
3.2 HCI Tutoring Framework
The HCI framework is dedicated for tutoring. The
main element is the human constituent, i.e. the user.
Therefore, the HCI design should be user-centred.
The user executes the learning process by himself.
The computer part of the interaction process gives
the instruction set and invokes human reaction. HCI
tutoring framework is settled on intelligent system,
which plays the role of a teacher, so it has to respond
abreast of the student needs and behaviours. Figure 2
presents the HCI framework for tutoring.
On the computer side, we can see the two system
layers: representation, concerning data, information
and knowledge procedures used during computation,
and application layer, which includes interface for
communication with user and the applied instruction
program. On human side, we have the user and his
learning abilities. The processes on the left represent
learning determinants: memorizing, understanding
and association of absorbed information.
We can observe that the application layer is the
common field for the human and computer activity,
including interface, tutoring programs, and activated
user learning. The invoked process of knowledge
acquisition concerns two processes of the human
brain: cognition and perception.
There appears to be the necessity of implying the
concept of the individual predispositions, based on
the quality of executing processes of cognition and
perception, such as memorizing, understanding and
3.3 Adaptation of HCI Tutoring in
User Profiling
Adaptation consists in adjusting HCI tutoring to the
user profile, accordingly to the individual learning
predispositions. It means that there are significant
differences between each profile on the application
and the interface level.
Application layer
Representation layer
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Figure3: Model of intelligent predisposition-based tutoring system.
For the tutoring process, we can use the method
matrix, adequate to each single profiling. For the
information presentation (content determinant) and
the proceeding method (inductive or deductive), we
have to follow the principles of the interface design
(Wright, 2005). The time matter for memorizing
depends mainly on the application execution.
The need of profiling for the individual user and
adapting the tutoring process for particular abilities
and preferences, induces the problem of identifying
each profile and applying it into the system.
In the adaptive approach to the user profiling in the
tutoring systems, we concentrate on the aspect of the
flexibility towards student, especially by using their
learning predispositions to achieve best effectiveness
results. The interaction process between human and
computer using intelligent solutions helps with the
adjusting program to the user abilities, but without
the need of any psychological knowledge of their
individual predispositions.
4.1 Premises of Intelligent Tutoring
An intelligent system application supporting fully
the predisposition-based tutoring program comes up
with the following elements:
Creating tutoring program,
User profile modelling,
Building tutoring methodological apparatus,
Designing interface class.
Tutoring program is the process of instruction,
created accordingly to specified teaching methods.
The user profile is a complex characteristic of a
student, that is based on his/her individual learning
predispositions. Methodology apparatus is the tool
for instructing, adaptive to the user profile.
Interface is the class of the possible instruction
scenarios. Each of them depends on the user profile
and the dedicated tutoring program (Powers, 2006).
Intelligent system is based on the expertise due
to evaluating user potential and adapting the most
suitable training program.
4.2 Model of Intelligent
Predisposition-driven Tutoring
Model of an intelligent predisposition-based tutoring
system is presented on figure 3.
In the model we have two inference engines. One is
responsible for the expert subsystem, assigned to
profiling, and the other for the method importing.
Profiling expert module is dedicated to acquiring
predisposition pattern from the base and comparing
with user predisposition, received through enquiring
process. Inference engine generates the user profile,
which is then used for creating the tutoring program.
Tutoring method expert subsystem is dedicated
to instruction program applying. Inference engine
Method Base
Instruction Base
uses the method base and adapts collected matrix of
methods to previously received user profile.
Instruction base is the collection of information
that is designed for the tutoring program. Inference
engine transforms tutoring data into the teaching
program. Tutoring program is based on the suitable
methodology adjusted to user profile and generates
adaptive individual interface for the particular user.
4.3 Practical View on Adaptive User
Profiling in Tutoring Systems
Tutoring program ought to be designed according to
the object-oriented paradigm, as well as the base of
instructions. It gives the opportunity to implement
any data to the previously defined methods and to
present it in a suitable to the user profile form.
We can also use a dynamic, content-based web
environment for the predisposition-based tutoring.
Every student has his or her own profile, despite the
same material of knowledge to acquire.
There is also an interesting possibility of sharing
different user profiles in order to compare the results
and selected ways of learning. Different learning
predispositions allow for comparing various kind of
information presentations, that has been already
learned. It might be also a good issue for knowledge
sharing and exploring new areas of perception.
As the HCI concept provides a wide area of possible
solutions, that ensues from many various domains of
interests, we cannot treat it separately. For the best
adaptation to the user, the holistic perspective should
be considered with all of the HCI aspects.
Presented model does not include description of
the semiotic premises for engineering process, and
requires some sort of additional combining with the
defined predisposition determinants. Ethnographic
and language problems may appear while modelling
the predisposition base, and, therefore, should be
considered as a separate research issue.
The implementation difficulties for intelligent
tutoring system based on user’s predispositions may
be caused by insufficient psychological and social
expert background. The background constitutes the
foundation for the adaptive user profiling as much as
for technological advance and system integration.
Electronic teaching can achieve the advantage over
the traditional methods, mainly because of the
possibility to simultaneously use the different types
of media. Model of intelligent predisposition-based
tutoring system, presented in this paper, gives the
opportunity to provide individual and user-oriented
instructions with the support of the technology.
Psychological approach offers pedagogic ground,
which is the crutial element in the learning process,
and is being so often passed over by the electronic
teaching systems designers. The authors believe that
the proposed solution is universal and can be applied
in almost every kind of education scenarios.
Matrix of predisposition-based tutoring methods
is an illustration model, presenting our approach to
the problem. The matrix can be freely extended of
additional determinants or tutoring instruments. It
can give more complex method apparatus that might
give more accurate tutoring programs in the end.
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