Paulo N. M. Sampaio
, Laura M. Rodriguez Peralta
and João Pedro D. Pereira
Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC)
Laboratory of Distributed Systems and Networks (Lab-SDR)
University of Madeira (UMA), Campus da Penteada 9000-390, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Interactive Multimedia Documents, CSCW, Awareness.
Abstract: Different languages and tools have been used for the modeling and building Virtual Reality applications
which can be applied in different domains. These tools are each time more sophisticated providing means
for the author of a 3D environment to build his model intuitively. However, these languages and APIs used
for building virtual environments are still limited when it comes to integrate multimedia content inside
these applications. This paper presents a generic and extensible solution for the presentation of integrated
Interactive Multimedia Documents within Virtual Reality applications.
The integration of multimedia content inside Virtual
Environments (VEs) is a promising and interesting
trend in the development of Virtual Reality applica-
tions since interaction can be enhanced, and through
the addition of audio and video, the user´s immer-
sion inside the VE can be improved. Indeed, a mul-
timedia presentation consists in the integrated pres-
entation of different media objects (e.g., images,
text, animation, etc.) where at least one of these
objects is continuous (a video or an audio). The
definition of a multimedia presentation can be gen-
eralized by the concept of Interactive Multimedia
Documents (IMDs).
Besides Multimedia, the benefits of the Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) inside VEs
should not be neglected: Cooperation motivates and
increases productivity stimulating users to commu-
nicate with geographically dispersed participants of
a collaborative session inside a Multimedia and
Collaborative Virtual Environment (MCVE).
Many Virtual Reality (VR) systems have been
proposed in the literature as collaborative environ-
ments, which were developed within different appli-
cation domains: e-learning (Chee, 2001), (McArdle
et al., 2004), (Halvorsrud and Hagen, 2004), col-
laboration among workgroups (Bochenek and Ra-
gusa, 2003), augmented collaborative spaces (Pin-
gali and Sukaviriya, 2003), Multimodal VR applica-
tions (Carrozino et al., 2005), among others. Indeed,
the rapid prototyping, modelling and authoring of
CVEs has been a major concern to many authors, as
presented in (Rodrigues and Oliveira, 2005), (Osawa
et al., 2002), (Ficheman et al., 2005) and (Garcia et
al., 2002). Although, most of the systems propose
the development of CVEs, few of them (or none)
explore the presentation of integrated multimedia
content inside CVEs (Walczak et al., 2006).
One of our main research interests is the proposal of
a generic solution for the presentation of IMDs
within virtual environments. This paper presents one
representative effort in this direction, the develop-
ment of an API to provide the integration of a mul-
timedia player with a VE, and which can be easily
adapted and extended for the presentation of com-
plex MCVEs.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the multimedia player adopted in this pro-
ject; Section 3 presents the main aspects related to
the development of the proposed API; Section 4
discusses some lessons learned; Section 5 presents a
case study of the application of the proposed API;
Finally, Section 6 presents some conclusions.
N. M. Sampaio P., M. Rodriguez Peralta L. and Pedro D. Pereira J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 512-518
DOI: 10.5220/0001098805120518
The design and presentation of complex IMDs can
be an error-prone task since we cannot ensure that
all the synchronization constraints specified by the
author can be respected during the presentation of
the document. Some methodologies and techniques
have been proposed to support the design of consis-
tent IMDs (Courtiat and Oliveira, 1996), (Layaida et
al., 1995), (Mirbel et al., 2000), (Jourdan, 2001). In
particular, the methodology presented in (Sampaio
et al., 2007) provides the formal design (specifica-
tion, verification, scheduling and presentation) of
complex Interactive Multimedia Documents.
Figure 1: Snapshot of the TLSA Player.
A prototype for the presentation of IMDs, called
TLSA Player was implemented in this methodology.
The TLSA Player relies on the TLSA (Timed La-
beled Scheduling Automata), which is the schedul-
ing graph adopted in the previous methodology and
on the Contextual Information, which describes the
non-temporal components of the document, for
supporting the presentation of complex and consis-
tent IMDs. The TLSA Player was implemented
using JAVA (jdk 1.2) and JMF 2.0. Figure 1 illus-
trates a snapshot of the TLSA Player.
The TLSA Player was adopted in this project
since it offers a flexible and open Java-based archi-
tecture which can be easily adapted to embed mul-
timedia content inside Java3D VR environments.
The integration of the TLSA Player with a VR envi-
ronment is presented in the next section.
The main idea behind this project was to implement
an API that could be easily instantiated during the
creation of virtual environments to render a texture-
like presentation of Interactive Multimedia Docu-
ments (or a multimedia texture) on 3D objects.
Before building complex VEs, we first decided to
focus on the problem (the integration of multimedia
and VR) using a simple 3D object to illustrate the
solution proposed. Thus, we applied a cube to be
“wrapped around” with a multimedia texture.
However, the applied language and APIs (Java,
JMF and Java3D) do not provide means to render a
video object integrated with the rest of its related
multimedia document inside a VE. Therefore, we
decided to come up with an alternative solution that
enabled the presentation of IMDs, including video,
inside the VE. This solution consisted in extracting
the video object frame-by-frame from the presenta-
tion of the TLSA Player, and then re-integrating
these frames afterwards with the multimedia presen-
tation inside the VE.
The solution proposed can be broadly applied to
enrich virtual environments, where users can navi-
gate, visualize the presentation of integrated media,
and also interact with the presentation if they want.
The multimedia presentation inside virtual environ-
ments can be applied in different domains such as
education, virtual collaborative meetings, tourism,
health care, etc. These solution and architecture
proposed on this work can be adapted easily to any
java-based virtual reality application. The architec-
ture and some implementation details are described
on the next sections.
3.1 Architecture
The architecture for this solution describes all of its
components, their properties and the relations
among these components. The architecture proposed
is presented in Figure 2.
The architecture of this application is composed
of three different components: (i) the multimedia
presentation, (ii) the media processing, and; (iii) the
virtual reality integration component.
The multimedia presentation component is im-
plemented by the TLSA Player, and its integration
with the system aims at extracting the image and
video objects presented by the TLSA Player.
The media processing component is responsible
for extracting the image and video objects being
presented by the TLSA Player. These image and
video objects are blended afterwards and presented
into the virtual environment. This component is
composed of the: Image Extraction, Video Extrac-
tion and Image Composition modules.
The Image Extraction module aims at extracting
images from the presentation area of the TLSA
Player. These images represent all the visible multi-
media content being presented by the player with
exception of the video objects.
The Video Extraction module aims at extracting
only the video objects being presented by the TLSA
Player. When a video object starts to be presented
by the TLSA Player, a notification with the video´s
spatial position is sent to the Video Extraction mod-
ule to enable to extraction of the video frames to be
further presented inside the virtual environment.
Figure 2: Architecture of the solution.
The Image Composition Module is in charge to
blend both image objects obtained from the Image
Extraction and Video Extraction modules, and to
send the resulting image to be presented into the
virtual environment.
We should note that when there is no video pres-
entation on the TLSA Player, there is no communi-
cation between the Image Extraction and Video
Extraction modules. Thus, the image received from
Image Extraction module corresponds to the presen-
tation carried out on the virtual environment.
The Virtual Reality Integration module is respon-
sible for rendering and managing all the components
of the virtual environment. This module is com-
posed of the: Texture and Virtual World modules.
The Texture module receives continuously the
images generated by the Image Composition module
and integrates these images as textures into the vir-
tual environment. The texture mapping process is
described by “wrapping around” a 3D object with
the texture of the multimedia presentation (Figure
The Virtual World module builds and manages the
virtual environment with all the 3D objects to which
the multimedia textures are applied. This is one of
the main modules of this architecture since it is
responsible for carrying out the final integration
between the multimedia processing module and the
virtual reality integration module. Some implemen-
tation details and issues are further discussed on the
next section.
3.2 Implementation of the Prototype
Besides some technical details of implementation,
this section also focuses on the main issues that
conducted the implementation decisions to the cor-
rect presentation of IMDs inside virtual environ-
ments. These issues are discussed for each imple-
mented module on the next sections.
Multimedia Presentation Module. This module
was proposed for the presentation of Interactive
Multimedia Documents. At first, two solutions were
considered: the implementation of a multimedia
player, which would be a time consuming task, or;
the utilization of a multimedia player already devel-
oped and easily adaptable to our needs. The second
choice seemed the most reasonable. Naturally dif-
ferent players and multimedia formats were consid-
ered such RealPlayer, Flash, among others. How-
ever, these players could not be easily adapted to
cope with the prototype which was developed using
Java3D. For this reason, the TLSA Player was cho-
sen due its characteristics for the presentation of
correct SMIL documents (which can be easily au-
thored), and since its Java-based code could be eas-
ily adapted to integrate the application that would
provide the presentation of multimedia content in-
side a virtual environment.
Image Extraction Module. Due the limitations of
Java and the APIs applied, the multimedia presenta-
tion could not be carried out properly within the
virtual environment with the minimal level of qual-
ity expected. In fact, Java3D which is the language
used for the construction of the virtual world still is
not compatible with the API JMF, which used by the
TLSA Player for the presentation of audio and
video. For this reason, we had to propose and evalu-
ate different solutions during the development of
this module. Among these solutions, we considered:
To export all the multimedia presentation from
the TLSA Player to a file, which would be loaded
Figure 3: The texture of a 3D object.
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
afterwards by the application to be presented as a
multimedia texture on the 3D object;
To generate images associated with the multime-
dia presentation of the TLSA Player continu-
ously, and render these images as multimedia tex-
ture on the 3D object.
These solutions are discussed further on the se-
Generation of image files. The Image Extraction
module first extracted images from the presentation
area of the TLSA Player, which were saved as JPG
files to be applied afterwards for the presentation
within the virtual environment.
This solution was not useful due the huge amount
of disk space used to save the generated files. More-
over, the latency between the multimedia presenta-
tion of the TLSA Player and related multimedia
presentation inside the virtual environment could not
be neglected, most of the time leading the presenta-
tion to a deadlock.
Another disadvantage of this approach is the con-
siderable amount of images generated, for instance,
one minute presentation generated around 2000
images (with 30 fps). For these reasons, this solution
was discarded.
Generation of internal images. Another solution
considered was the generation of images from the
TLSA Player and further rendering inside the virtual
The images would be obtained by the utilization of
an API which enables to take a screenshot of the
presentation area of the TLSA Player at a given
instant. This screenshot could then be sent to the
virtual world. This API, called printAll, allows the
capture of all the graphic components being pre-
sented by the TLSA Player sending this information
to an image.
Nevertheless, the API printAll is not able to cap-
ture the video object being presented by the TLSA
Player. Figure 4 (a) illustrates the image captured
from the TLSA Player, corresponds to the dashed
Video Extraction Module. This module allows the
transformation of each frame of a video object into
an image. In order to do so, the TLSA Player pro-
vides previously the presentation position of the
video so that it can be rendered on the correct posi-
tion within the original presentation on the virtual
environment. Note that this solution can also be
applied independent of the number of video objects
presented in parallel in an IMD. The video to be
extracted is illustrated inside the dashed area in
Figure 4 (b).
Figure 4: (a), Image generated with printAll, ( b)The video
to be extracted from the TLSA Player.
Image Composition Module. This module blends
the images generated by the Image Extraction and
Video Extraction modules. As we can see in Figure
5, after capturing a video frame corresponding to a
temporal position of the TLSA Player, another im-
age is also captured corresponding to the same tem-
poral position of the multimedia presentation of the
TLSA Player. These images are blended by the
Image Composition module and sent afterwards to
the Virtual Reality Integration Module.
Texture Module. This module receives as a pa-
rameter the images sent by the Image Composition
module, and produces a multimedia texture to be
presented on a 3D object. The streaming of images
and the presentation on the 3D objects is managed
by the Virtual World module.
Figure 5: Image Composition module.
Virtual World Module. The main concern for the
implementation of this module was to propose a
solution to sequence all the images generated by the
Image Composition module and to manage their
presentation inside the virtual environment continu-
ously with minimal delay as possible.
At first, a potential solution was to apply threads
for the presentation. However, that would represent
an extra burden to the system and more latency for
the streaming of images. To solve this problem, we
applied an API called Renderer which allows the
presentation of continuous media (video, in particu-
lar) without affecting the performance of the presen-
tation. Despite, we were not handling video directly,
but images, we needed to synchronize these images
in a frame-based sequence. Indeed, Renderer made
the process of acquiring and rendering of images
much easier and faster.
Figure 6: Execution of the application.
Figure 6 illustrates the execution of the implemented
application, where we can observe the TLSA Player
presenting the IMD at the left side, and this IMD
also being presented on the virtual environment at
the right side.
The efficacy of the solution proposed for the presen-
tation of IMDs within virtual environments can be
guaranteed by the perfect integration among the
multimedia player (TLSA Player), the Media Proc-
essing and Virtual Reality Integration modules.
Different IMDs were created and tested within the
virtual environment with the application developed,
and some conclusions can be taken from these tests:
Utilization of a multimedia player that can be
easily adapted for the presentation inside virtual
environments: Our research group had already
previous experience with the TLSA Player, and
besides promoting the presentation of correct
documents, this tool has a java-based code which
could be adapted straightforward to needs of the
application being developed;
Possibility of choosing the document to be pre-
sented: The presentation of the IMD can be natu-
rally configured on the TLSA Player, and this
presentation will be carried out on the virtual en-
Extensibility: The application developed can be
extended to support the rendering of the multi-
media texture on any surface inside a virtual
reality application;
Performance of the presentation: The application
was developed to support the continuous presen-
tation of IMDs within virtual environments.
However, some minor failures and delay of milli-
seconds still can take place without affecting the
global quality of the presentation.
The occurrence of failures is due the huge re-
source utilization by the application, and the la-
tency is due the different operations that must be
carried from the acquisition of images, integration
of the video and the multimedia presentation and
the composition of multimedia textures inside vir-
tual environments.
Different applications were developed, and they had
a reasonable performance with the proposed solu-
tion. One of these applications aimed at implement-
ing a virtual meeting room which would provide
information about the members of a collaborative
session, and about their collaborative work, as an
awareness tool, as described on the next section.
One of the problems initially presented in CSCW is
the absence of context among the participants of a
collaborative session, which occurs when a team
group does not know what a particular member is
doing, the global situation of the work and where a
particular activity integrates on the entire system
(Schmidt, 2002). According to (Gutwin and Green-
berg, 2002), the term “awareness” is used as a label
designating various, more or less specified, practices
through which cooperating actors, while engaged in
their respective individual activities and dealing
with their own local urgencies and troubles, manage
to understand what their colleagues are doing (or not
doing) and to adjust their own activities.
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
After authentication, the proposed awareness tool
provides the visualization of all the events or actions
during an active session (on-line) in a virtual meet-
ing room . This application was integrated with the
developed prototype for the presentation of multi-
media content inside the VE. The prototype was
validated by a Distributed System Engineering
(DSE, contract IST-1999-10302) project scenario:
the collaboration revision phase in a space engineer-
ing system program. Figure 7 (a) illustrates some of
the DSE collaborative tools.
The developed awareness tool provides the online
session state description in a virtual world which can
be visualized by a generic web browser. This
browser can be integrated to the online session man-
ager system without developing extra software for
viewing the current online session state. This visu-
alization is very helpful to maintain the current ses-
sion state awareness for all the connected users. As a
consequence, users are able to coordinate their
common tasks easier through the active tools during
a synchronous session.
Figure 7: (a) DSE collaborative tools; (b) Displaying
information about the profile of a participant.
In this tool, the participants are represented by 3D
avatars and other information related to their profile
(such as: name, email, organization, role, IP, etc.) is
represented by multimedia objects (image, text,
audio and video) in a virtual meeting room. Also,
the proposed awareness tool provides a description
of the tools that the participants are working on and
The virtual meeting room is composed of a set of
chairs, a table, a board (where a multimedia texture
created by the Texture module is rendered in real
time). This tool allows the user to navigate in the
meeting room, through the X, Y or Z axis, using the
mouse and the keyboard.
Some of the possible interactions inside the vir-
tual Meeting Room are: clicking on a particular
participant, all the information about his profile is
displayed on a window or on the whiteboard (Figure
7 (b)); clicking on one of the ten buttons on the
table, which are next to the participants, the infor-
mation about the tools he is using is displayed. This
information about a session is presented in real time
after a user interaction.
The development of this prototype allowed the
proper presentation of multimedia content inside
virtual environments, as proposed initially. Unfortu-
nately, the platforms and languages available for
building virtual worlds still do not support the pres-
entation of integrated presentation of IMDs. For this
reason, alternative solutions had to be proposed
according to the needs and capabilities of the plat-
form used to build the 3D environment. Besides
presenting the multimedia content inside VEs, the
API developed in this work can still be extended and
applied in complex VR applications.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications