Building Parallel Corpora from Movies
Lavecchia Caroline
, Sma
ıli Kamel
and Langlois David
LORIA, Campus Scientifique, BP239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-l
es-Nancy, France
IUFM of Lorraine
Abstract. This paper proposes to use DTW to construct parallel corpora from
difficult data. Parallel corpora are considered as raw material for machine trans-
lation (MT), frequently, MT systems use European or Canadian parliament cor-
pora. In order to achieve a realistic machine translation system, we decided to
use movie subtitles. These data could be considered difficult because they con-
tain unfamiliar expressions, abbreviations, hesitations, words which do not ex-
ist in classical dictionaries (as vulgar words), etc. The obtained parallel corpora
can constitute a rich ressource to train decoding spontaneous speech translation
system. From 40 movies, we align 43013 English subtitles with 42306 French
subtitles. This leads to 37625 aligned pairs with a precision of 92,3%.
1 Introduction
Training machine translation systems require a huge quantity of bilingual aligned cor-
pora. Even if this kind of corpora becomes increasingly available, there may be a cover-
age problem for a specific need. Building bilingual parallel corpora is an important is-
sue in machine translation. Several French-English applications use either the Canadian
Hansard corpus or corpora extracted from the proceedings of European Parliament [1].
One way to enrich the existing parallel corpora is to catch the important amount of free
available movie subtitles. Several web-sites ( provide files used
for subtitling movies. This quantity of information may enhance the existing bilingual
corpora and enlarges the nowadays-covered areas. Furthermore, subtitles corpora are
very attractive due to the used spontaneous language which contains formal, informal
and in some movies vulgar words. Our research group is involved in a speech-to-speech
translation machine project dedicated to a large community. That is why subtitles cor-
pora are very worthy.
The raw subtitle corpora can not be used without processing. In order to make these files
convenient for use, it is first necessary to align bilingual versions of the same movie at
paragraph, sentence or phrase level. Usually, subtitles are presented on two lines of 32
characters which is readable on six seconds in maximum [2], this technical constraint
makes the alignment problem more difficult.
In this paper, we present a method which automatically aligns two subtitle files.
This method is based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm. We pinpoint the
specific features of subtitles and present a measure suitable to align efficiently.
Caroline L., Kamel S. and David L. (2007).
Building Parallel Corpora from Movies.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 201-210
DOI: 10.5220/0002435202010210
2 An Outline of the Alignment Problems
Our objective is to obtain as much pairs of aligned sentences from movie subtitles as
possible. Two sentences are aligned if they are translations of one another. We get forty
subtitle files in a text format in both English and French languages from the web-site
2.1 Data Description
A subtitle file is a set of phrases or words corresponding to: a set of dialogues, a de-
scription of an event or a translation of strings on screen (in general destinated to deaf
people). A subtitle is a textual data usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. The
text is written on original version or in a foreign language and corresponds to what
is being said by an actor or what is being described. Fig. 1 shows a piece of subtitles
extracted from the movie Mission Impossible 2.
Fig.1. Source and target movie subtitles.
Each subtitle is characterized by an identifier, a time frame and finally a sequence
of words. The time frame indicates the interval time the subtitle becomes visible on the
screen. The sequence of words is the literal version of the dialogue or an event descrip-
tion. Subtitles as they are presented can not be used directly for alignment because the
French and English subtitles do not match. In the example of Fig.1, the content of the
first two subtitles mismatch, in fact the English subtitle begins with a dialogue when
the French one does not. Because the movie is American, if any informative message
is displayed on the screen, it is thus not necessary to repeat it into the English subtitle
file. In the opposite in French the translation is necessary. This kind of difference occurs
very frequently and produces gaps between the French and the English subtitles. In the
next section, we detail the mismatch cases between the source and target subtitle files.
2.2 Source of Subtitle Delay
Several reasons are at the origin of delay between the source and the target subtitles, in
the following we point out the most important of them.
Scene Description Insertion. As pointed out before some scene movies are described
by particular subtitles as illustrated by Fig. 1. The first two French subtitles situate
physically the view, whereas this description is missing in the English version. Another
example of mismatching is shown by figure 2. The English subtitles 13 to 15 describe
Fig.2. Insertion of scene description.
the scene, this description is skipped in the French version. This difference is due to
the fact that subtitle files for a same movie are not necessarily written by the same
person. One can decide to transcribe descriptions when another to let them down. Such
descriptions in subtitles files are generally written in square brackets, between # or in
upper case. Consequently, they are easily recognizable. To overcome this problem, we
decided to remove all the identifiable descriptions from the text files. This solution is
not sufficient to regulate and synchronize the source and target files.
Segmentation. Unfortunately, even when descriptions are omitted in both languages,
gaps between subtitles persist. In fact, a sentence in one language could be translated
using several subtitles whereas in the other language it might be handled by only one
subtitle. This will be entitled as a segmentation issue. A segmentation is the distribution
of a sentence into one or several subtitles. For example, in Fig. 3, the English sentence
“However we travel, I must arrive at my destination within 20 hours of departure”
is divided into two subtitles just like its corresponding French translation “Quoi qu’il
arrive, je dois y
etre dans les 20 heures qui suivent mon d
However, the segmentation is done differently in the two languages. Intuitively, the
best way to proceed is to match the English subtitle 9 with the two French subtitles
11 and 12 and the English subtitle 10 with the French subtitle 12. Indeed, “However
we travel, I must arrive at my destination” is the translation of “Quoiqu’il arrive, je
dois y
etre” and “within 20 hours of departure” corresponds to “dans les 20 heures
qui suivent mon d
epart”. Ideally, English subtitles 9 and 10 should be concatenated and
Fig.3. Example of shifted segmentation.
matched with both French subtitles 11 and 12. Later, we will explain how to solve this
Subtitle omission and insertion In addition to all the previous problems, some sub-
titles which transcript dialogues can occur in only one of the two versions. While it is
simple to identify scene description insertions, it is difficult to decide automatically if
a part of a dialogue has been omitted. In Fig. 4, we can distinguish several kinds of
Fig.4. An example of dialogue insertion.
The English subtitle 17 which should match with French subtitle 14 contains an
extra part: the phrase Look at your window. To overcome this problem, either we remove
the entire pair (17,14) and we loose information, or we keep it and we introduce noise.
A third solution could be to remove the noise from the subtitle, but this way seems
difficult because it needs a machine translation system. We can observe that English
subtitle 19 has no corresponding in the French version. It does not match with any
French subtitles. Removing it from the English script would be sufficient. The issue
is how to automatically determine if a subtitle has or not an equivalent in the other
language. We present in the next section the way we solved this problem.
To sum-up, we have seen that we can neither refer to subtitles identifiers (see Fig. 1) nor
to time frames: sometimes the delay can reach 1.5 minutes. This delay in the movie is
not regular, it grows up, it decreases, it rises again. It is difficult to find out any automatic
rule to modelize this delay even if in certain research, authors refer to the use of frame
time to align subtitles [3]. The only information in which we can focus on is the text.
An alignment by hand is time and cost consuming, that is why we propose in the next
section a method which automatically aligns subtitle pairs.
3 Alignment Solutions
The major works aiming at solving the alignment of parallel corpora are based on dy-
namic programming. These works use a distance to evaluate the closeness between cor-
pus segments. A segment can be a paragraph, a sentence or a phrase. The segmentation
may be available or calculated automatically as in [4]. Several solutions and different
options have been proposed, for more details we can refer to [5, 6, 4, 2, 7]. One can find
a comparative study about several of these methods in [8].
4 Dynamic Time Warping based on F-measure
Matching two subtitles can be considered as a classical problem of dynamic program-
ming. As shown previously English and French subtitles are asynchronous. To align
them, we utilize DTW based on F-measure. This measure is used to calculate the best
path between two subtitle files. Intuitively, two subtitles are not considered as an aligned
pair, if none or only few phrases of source and target match. This leads to guess that
two subtitles do not match if their F-measure is weak.
In Fig. 5, each node (e, f) represents a potential matching point between English and
French subtitle. A correct path begins by node (0,0) and ends at node (E,F) where E
is the number of English subtitles and F the number of French subtitles. From a node,
the following shifts are possible:
English Subtitles
French Subtitles
Fig.5. Dynamic alignment for subtitles.
vertical progress from (e, f) to (e, f + 1): the subtitle e matches with two consecu-
tive French subtitles (this case corresponds to the example given in 3)
diagonal shift from (e, f) to (e+ 1, f + 1): the subtitle e matches with the subtitle
f, then a shift towards (e+ 1,f + 1) is performed.
horizontal transition from (e, f) to (e+ 1, f): the subtitle f matches with two con-
secutive English subtitles.
For each node (e, f), we define a matching score based on the F-measure (F
) calcu-
lated as follows:
S(e, f) = max
S(e, f 1) + β
(e, f) + ε)
S(e 1, f 1) + α
(e, f) + ε)
S(e 1, f) + λ
(e, f) + ε)
, β
and λ
are parameters chosen in order to find out the best alignment.
These coefficients depend on the value of F
(see section 5.1 for more details). One
can notice that the previous formula uses a smoothed F-measure to prevent from a null
value. F
is calculated as follows:
(e, f) = 2×
R(e, f) × P(e, f)
R(e, f) + P(e, f)
R(e, f) =
match(e,tr( f))
P(e, f) =
match(e,tr( f))
N( f )
match(e,tr( f)) =
,tr( f
)) j (3)
tr( f) is a word-for-word translation of the French subtitle f. tr( f) is obtained by us-
ing a French-English dictionary. N(x) is the number of words in subtitle x. match(e,tr( f))
is the number of words which matches between the subtitles e and tr( f) and the Kro-
necker δ(x,y) is a function which is 1 if x and y are equal and 0 otherwise. An example
of matching is given in Fig. 6.
Fig.6. Illustration of e and f matching.
To make the matching more accurate, we decided to enhance the match function
when an orthographic form occurs in both English and French subtitles. This makes
proper names matching without introducing them into the dictionary.
5 Evaluation
5.1 Test Corpora
Tests have been conducted on a corpus extracted from 40 movies. From each movie,
we take out randomly around 35 English and their French corresponding subtitles. This
leads to 1353 English subtitles (corpus T
), and 1334 subtitles in French (corpus T
We aligned by hand the selected subtitles. This leads to 1364 (#A) pairs of subtitles
which constitute our reference corpus. We used a French-English dictionary extracted
from the XDXF project
. It contains 41398 entries
. For the evaluation, we conducted
the following procedure:
1. Removing from T
and T
subtitles describing events.
2. Alignment of English and French corpora.
3. Deletion of the unuseful subtitles: each matching pair for which the F-measure is
zero is removed.
4. Comparison with the reference pairs.
A first test has been conducted to study the effect of α
. We guess that if F
is not
null, we should give preference to the diagonal path.
In the following experiment, α
varies from 1 (the diagonal is not favored) to 100
and β
and λ
are set to 1. Results in terms of recall, precision and F-measure are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Performance depending on α
#C #I #Tot. Rec. Prec. Fm. α
#C #I #Tot. Rec. Prec. Fm.
1 1063 842 1905 0.779 0.558 0.650 7 1119 97 1216 0.820 0.920 0.867
2 1124 213 1337 0.824 0.841 0.832 8 1118 96 1214 0.820 0.921 0.867
3 1124 114 1238 0.824 0.908 0.864 9 1119 94 1213 0.820 0.923 0.868
4 1121 99 1220 0.822 0.919 0.868 10 1118 94 1212 0.820 0.922 0.868
5 1121 98 1219 0.822 0.920 0.868 20 1116 93 1209 0.818 0.923 0.867
6 1120 97 1217 0.821 0.920 0.868 100 1114 92 1206 0.817 0.923 0.867
#Tot. is the number of retrieved pairs. #C is the number of correct alignments. #I
indicates the wrong identified pairs. With
Precision =
Recall =
The results showed that α
parameter has a strong effect on the performance. We
can notice that F
increases with α
until 7 and then the value becomes unstable. In
order to set the different parameters we have to remind our objective. In fact, we would
like to collect as much aligned subtitles pairs as possible without introducing noise.
Table 1 shows that this objective is reached when we maximize precision rather than
Archive filename: comn
sdict05 French-English.tar.bz2
F-measure. In fact, when precision increases, the number of False Positives
Considering this objective, we decided to set α
to 9 in the following experiments. This
value leads to 82% of recall and only 94 pairs mismatch. Analyzing results shows that
the wrong identified pairs have sometimes a high F-measure. This is due to the weight
of tool words (prepositions, conjunctions, ...). Such words are uniformly present in
several subtitles which make the F-measure positive even if the French and English
sentences do not match. This is particularly more critical when subtitles are short as
illustrated on Table 2.
Table 2. Illustration of mismatching due to tool words.
E1 : Wallis hold on to this E1 : Wallis hold on to this
F1 : Wallace tiens moi cela F2 : Ulrich pense
N(e) 5 5
N(f) 4 3
match1 1
Prec. 1/4 1/3
Rec. 1/5 1/5
Fm. 0.22 0.23
Two potential pairs of alignment get the same F-measure if their constituent have
the same length and the same number of matching words. The alignment (E1, F1) is
considered correct whereas the second is wrong. Unfortunately, the F-measure refutes
this fact. Indeed, the number of words matching in both pairs is the same but the corre-
spondence in (E1, F2) concerns two small words (language tool word):
a” in French
and “to” in English. It is obviously incongruous to let these small words having an
important influence on the alignment decision. We can indicate that the proper name
Wallace (Wallis) is missing from dictionary. A better dictionary coverage (including
this proper name) will achieve a F-measure of 0.44 and allows the couple (E1, F1) to
be a better alignment. To reduce the impact of tool words we modified the formula 5 as
match(e,tr( f)) =
γ× δ(e
,tr( f
)) j (5)
Where γ is smaller than one when e
or f
are tool words, otherwise γ is set to 1. As-
signing less weights to tool words unfortunately does not improve results (Table 3). The
more the weight decreases, the more F-measure, Recall and Precision fall. Naturally a
subtitle is short (between 7 and 10 words) and furthermore it is formed by several tool
words, it is henceforth difficult to do without this small words. By examining the sub-
titles pairs proposed by the automatic alignment (with α
= 9), we discover that 182
out of 1119 correct aligned pairs matched only because of tool words. By decreasing
their weight in the match function, we decreased also the F-measure. This could ex-
plain also the last line of Table 3. When we omitted tool words (γ set to 0) we noticed
that the number of proposed pairs felt considerably. We remind that in the procedure of
alignment, we remove all the pairs (e, f ) for which the F-measure is equal to 0. That is
the number of incorrect alignments
why all the pairs which matched only on tool words disappeared from the alignment,
289 subtitle pairs are concerned by this cut off.
Table 3. Impact of reducing the tool words’ weight.
γ #C #I #Tot Rec. Prec. Fm. γ #C #I #Tot. Rec. Prec. Fm.
1.0 1119 94 1213 0.820 0.923 0.868 0.4 1056 171 1227 0.774 0.861 0.815
0.9 1097 134 1231 0.804 0.891 0.845 0.3 1044 189 1233 0.765 0.847 0.804
0.8 1097 134 1231 0.804 0.891 0.845 0.2 1040 192 1232 0.762 0.844 0.801
0.7 1097 134 1231 0.804 0.891 0.845 0.1 1039 194 1233 0.762 0.843 0.800
0.6 1097 133 1230 0.804 0.892 0.846 0.0 869 55 951 0.657 0.942 0.774
0.5 1097 133 1230 0.804 0.892 0.846
By launching the developed alignment method on the total corpus (40 movies:
43013 English subtitles and 42306 French subtitles) we achieve 37625 aligned pairs.
6 Conclusion and Perspectives
Working on parallel movie corpora constitutes a good challenge to go towards realistic
translation machine applications. Indeed, movies corpora include so many common
expressions, hesitations, coarse words,...Training decoding translation system on these
corpora will lead to spontaneous speech translation machine systems. First results are
very confident and can be used in order to constitute automatic aligned corpora. Tests
have been conducted on a corpus of 40 movies, which correspond to 43013 English
subtitles and 42306 French subtitles. By setting γ to 1 and α
to 9, we obtained 37625
aligned pairs with a precision of 92, 3%. This result is competitive in accordance to
the state of art of noisy corpus alignment [8]. However, we have to pursue our efforts
in order to increase the precision which makes the parallel corpora noiseless. Several
movies are available on the Internet, the result of the automatic alignment encourage
us to boost our parallel corpus which is crucial for the decoding translation process.
This work could be considered as a first stage towards a real time subtitling machine
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