A Machine-learning based Technique to Analyze the
Dynamic Information for Visual Perception of
Wai Chee Yau
, Dinesh Kant Kumar
and Hans Weghorn
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria 3001,Australia
Information Technology, BA-University of Cooperative Education
Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract. This paper proposes a machine-learning based technique to investi-
gate the significance of the dynamic information for visual perception of conso-
nants. The visual speech information can be described using static (facial appear-
ance) or dynamic (movement) features. The aim of this research is to determine
the saliency of dynamic information represented by the lowerfacial movement for
visual speech perception. The experimental results indicate that the facial move-
ment is distinguishable for nine English consonants with a success rate of 85%
using the proposed approach. The results suggest that time-varying information
of visual speech contained in lower facial movements is useful for machine recog-
nition of consonants and may be an essential cue for human perception of visual
1 Introduction
The advancements in computer-based speech recognition models in the past decades
have provided new insights into the understanding of human speech perception. Human
speech perception is bimodal and consists of the acoustic and visual modality [5]. The
bimodal nature of human speech perception is clearly proven by the McGurk effect,
which demonstrates that when a person is presented with conflicting visual and audio
speech information, the perception of the sound maybe different from both modalities
[12]. An example is when a person hears a sound of /ba/ but sees a lip movement of
/ga/, the sound /da/ is perceived.
The acoustic domain is characterized by speech sounds whereas the visual com-
ponent is described using visual speech signals. The visual speech data refers to the
movements of the speech articulators such as lips, facial muscles, tongue and teeth. The
visual information from a speaker’s face is long known to influence the perception and
understanding of spoken language by humans with normal hearing [19,20]. The ability
of people with hearing impairment to comprehend speech by looking at the face of the
speaker is yet another clear demonstration of the significance of the visual information
in speech perception.
Chee Yau W., Kant Kumar D. and Weghorn H. (2007).
A Machine-learning based Technique to Analyze the Dynamic Information for Visual Perception of Consonants.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 119-128
DOI: 10.5220/0002424801190128
The visual analysis of speech by computers are useful in improving the under-
standing of human speechreading skills. The insights gained regarding the nature of
visual speech signals may be beneficial for understanding humans’ cognitive abilities in
speech perception which encompasses modalities with different temporal, spatial and
sensing characteristics. Such machine-based analysis might be able to suggest which
visual aspects of speech events are significant in classification of utterances [4]. The
results of machine-vision analysis of speech are also useful for applications such as
automatic speech recognition in noisy environments.
The visual speech information can be dichotomized into the static and the dynamic
components. Campbell [3] reports that the static features are important for visual speech
perception where observers are able to recognize phonemes from pictures of faces.
Some of the machine-based visual speech recognition approaches proposed in the lit-
erature [13, 18] are based on static visual speech features extracted from mouth im-
ages. Nevertheless, the dynamic information is demonstrated to be important in human
visual speech perception by Rosenblum et. al. [17] (through experiments using point-
light display where dots are placed on the lips, cheeks, chin , teeth and tongue tip of the
speaker). This paper provides a different view point to the time-varying aspect of visual
speech perception through machine analysis. This paper investigates the significance
of dynamic, visual speech information - lower facial movements for perceiving conso-
nants. This paper uses only the lower facial movement and not the head movement of
the speaker because the most prominent visual speech information lies within the lower
face region [15]. A video processing technique is adopted to analyze the mouth video
and extract the lower facial movement for machine classification of the consonants. The
lower facial movements comprise of the movements of the jaw, lips and teeth. The goal
of this research is to use a computer-vision based technique to evaluate the significance
of dynamic information encoded in the visible facial movements for visual perception
of consonants.
2 An Overview of The Proposed Technique
Spoken language consists of successions of sounds produced by the movements of the
speech articulators such as tongue, teeth, lips, velum and glottis in altering the shape of
the vocal tract. Figure 1 shows the organs in human speech production system [24]. The
smallest units of speech sounds are known as phonemes. Phonemes can be categorized
into vowels or consonants depending on the relative sonority of the sounds [7]. The
articulation of each phoneme is associated with particular movements of the speech
articulators. Nonetheless, the movements of certain speech organs such as velum and
glottis are not visible from the frontal view of the speaker [6]. The speech articulators’
movements that can be modelled using vision-based system are limited to mostly lips,
jaw and teeth motions.
This paper focuses on recognition of consonants due to the fact that consonants
are easier to see’ and harder to ’hear’ than vowels [8]. The articulations of vowels
are produced with an open vocal tract whereas the productions of consonants involve
constrictions at certain part of the vocal tract by the speech articulators. Thus, the facial
movements involved in pronunciation of consonants are more discernible. The visual
Fig.1. Diagram of Human Speech Production System.
information is crucial in disambiguating the consonants, especially in conditions where
the speech sounds are weak or in noisy environments.
The visible, facial movements associated with the articulations of different speech
sounds maybe identical for certain consonants such as /p/ and /b/. Thus, the mapping of
speech sounds to facial movements is many-to-one. Table 1 show a mapping of speech
sounds to visual movements based on an international audiovisual object-based video
representation standard known as MPEG-4.
This paper proposes a machine vision model to analyze the facial movements. The
proposed model consist of three stages, which are shown in Figure 2.
2.1 Segmentation of the Lower Facial Movements from Video
This paper proposes to segment the lower facial movements from the video data using
a spatio-temporal templates(STT) technique [2]. STT are grayscale images that show
where and when facial movements occur in the video. The pixel locations indicate the
place where movements occur and the intensity values of the pixels of the STT varies
linearly with the recency of the motion. STT are generated using accumulative image
difference approach.
Accumulative image difference is applied on the video of the speaker by subtracting
the intensity values between successive frames to generate the difference of frames
(DOF). DOF of the t
frame is defined as
(x, y) = |I
(x, y) I
(x, y)| (1)
where I
(x, y) represents the intensity value of pixel location with coordinate (x, y) of
the t
frame. a is the fixed threshold for binarisation of the DOF. B
(x, y) represents
Fig.2. Block diagram of the proposed technique.
the binarised version of the DOF and is given by
(x, y) =
1 if DOF
(x, y) a,
0 otherwise
The intensity value of the STT at pixel location (x, y) of t
frame is defined by
(x, y) = max
N 1
(x, y) × t (3)
where N is the total number of frames used to capture the lower facial movements. In
Eq. (3), the binarised version of the DOF is multiplied with a linear ramp of time to
implicitly encode the temporal information of the motion into the STT. By computing
the STT values for all the pixels coordinates (x, y) of the image sequence using Eq. (3)
will produce a grayscale image (STT) that contains the spatial and temporal information
of the facial movements [23]. Figure 3 illustrates the STTs of nine consonants used in
the experiments.
This paper proposes the use of STT because STT is able to remove static elements
from the sequence of images and preserve the short duration facial movements. STT
is also invariant to the skin color of the speakers due to the image subtraction process
involved in the generation of STT.
The speed of phonation of the speaker might vary for each pronunciation of a phone.
The variation in the speed of utterance results in the variation of the overall duration and
there maybe variation in the micro phases of the utterances. The modelling of the details
of such variations is very challenging. This paper suggests a model to approximate
such variations by normalizing the overall duration of the utterance. This is achieved
by normalizing the intensity values of the STT to in between 0 and 1 to minimize the
differences in STTs produced from different video recordings of similar phone.
Fig.3. Spatio-temporal templates of nine consonants that represent the different patterns of facial
The proposed technique uses the discrete stationary wavelet transform (SWT) to
reduce the small variations of the facial movements of the same consonant. While the
classical discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is suitable for this, DWT results in transla-
tion variance [11] where a small shift of the image in the space domain will yield very
different wavelet coefficients. The translation sensitivity of DWT is caused by the alias-
ing effect that occurs due to the downsampling of the image along rows and columns
[16]. SWT restores the translation invariance of the signal by omitting the downsam-
pling process of DWT, and results in redundancies.
2.2 Feature Extraction
This paper adopts Zernike moments as the rotation invariant features to represent the
SWT approximation of the STT. Zernike moments have been demonstrated to outper-
formed other image moments such as geometric moments and Legendre moments in
terms of sensitivity to noise, information redundancy and capability for image repre-
sentation [21]. Zernike moments are computed by projecting the image function onto
the orthogonal Zernike polynomial defined within a unit circle. The main advantage of
Zernike moments is the simple rotational property of the features. Rotational changes
of the speaker’s mouth in the image results in a phase shift on the Zernike moments
[22]. The absolute value of the Zernike moments are invariant to rotational changes [9,
23]. This paper proposes to use the absolute value of the Zernike moments as rotation
invariant features to represent the SWT approximate image of STT.
2.3 Supervised Classifier - Artificial Neural Network
A number of possible classifiers maybe suitable for such a machine speech recognition
model. The selection of the appropriate classifier would require statistical analysis of the
data that would also identify the features that are irrelevant. Supervised artificial neural
network (ANN) approach lends itself for identifying the separability of data even when
the statistical properties and the types of separability (linear or nonlinear) is not known.
While it may be suboptimum, it is an easy tool to implement as a first step.
This paper presents the use of ANN to classify the features into one of the con-
sonants. ANN has been selected because it can solve complicated problems where the
description for the data is not easy to compute. The other advantage of the use of ANN
is its fault tolerance and high computation rate due to the massive parallelism of its
structure [10]. A feedforward multilayer perceptron (MLP) ANN classifier with back
propagation (BP) learning algorithm is used in the proposed approach. MLP ANN was
selected due to its ability to work with complex data compared with a single layer net-
work. Due to the multilayer construction, such a network can be used to approximate
any continuous functional mapping [1]. The advantage of using BP learning algorithm
is that the inputs are augmented with hidden context units to give feedback to the hidden
layer and extract features of the data from the training events.
3 Methodology
Experiments were conducted to test the repeatability of facial movement features during
articulations of consonants. The experiments were approved by the Human Experiments
Ethics Committee. Nine consonants highlighted in bold font in Table 1 were used in the
experiments. Each consonant represents one pattern of facial movement. The speaker
pronounces each consonant in isolation.
Table 1. Visual model of English consonants based on the MPEG-4 standard.
Cluster Number Phonemes
1 /p/,/b/,/m/
2 /f/,/v/
3 /T/,/D/
4 /t/,/d/
5 /k/,/g/
6 /S/, /dZ/, /tS/
7 /s/,/z/
8 /n/,/l/
9 /r/
The video data used in the experiments was recorded from a speaker using a cam-
era that focused on the mouth region of the speaker. The camera was kept stationary
throughout the experiments. The window size and view angle of the camera, back-
ground and illumination were kept constant during the recording. The video data was
stored as true color (.AVI) files with a frame rate of 30 frames per second. 180 video
clips were recorded and one STT was generated from each AVI file. Examples of the
STT are shown in Figure 3.
SWT at level-1 using Haar wavelet was applied on the STTs and the approximate
images was used for analysis. 49 Zernike moments were used as features to represent
the SWT approximate image of the STTs. For further data analysis, k-means clustering
algorithm was applied to the moments feature to partition the feature space into nine
exclusive clusters using squared Euclidean distance. Figure 4 shows the silhouette plot
of the nine clusters representing the nine consonants.
Fig.4. Silhouette plot of the nine clusters generated using K-means algorithm.
The next step of the experiments was to classify the facial movement features using
artificial neural network (ANN). The facial movement features were fed to ANN to
classify the features into one of the consonants. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) ANN with
backpropagation (BP) learning algorithm was used in the experiments. The architecture
of the ANN consisted of two hidden layers. In the experiments, features of 90 STTs
were used to train the ANN. The remaining 90 STTs that were not used in training
were presented to the ANN to test the ability of the trained ANN to recognize the facial
movement patterns. The experiments were repeated 10 times with different set of testing
and training data through random sub sampling of the data. The mean and variance of
the recognition rates for the 10 repetitions of the experiment were computed.
4 Results and Discussions
The accuracies of the neural network in recognizing the facial movement features of the
nine consonants are tabulated in Table 2. The mean classification rate of the experiments
is 84.7% with a standard deviation of 2.8%.
The results demonstrate that the patterns of facial movements during articulation
of English consonants are highly consistent. 100% success rate is achieved using the
visual system to identify the consonant /m/ due to the distinct bilabial movements while
pronouncing /m/. The results suggest that facial movements can be useful as dynamic
cues for machine recognition of utterances.
Table 2. Mean Classification Accuracies for nine English Consonants.
Viseme Recognition Rate
/m/ 100%
/v/ 87%
/T/ 65%
/t/ 74%
/g/ 85%
/tS/ 91%
/s/ 93%
/n/ 74%
/r/ 93%
Figure 4 shows that clusters 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9 formed through k-means cluster
analysis contain low or negative silhouette values. The low or negative silhouette values
indicate that the facial movement features are not distinctly grouped in one cluster, or
are assigned to the wrong clusters. The poor clustering results suggest that the features
might not be linearly separable. Based on the preliminary data analysis using clustering
algorithm, this paper proposes to use a nonlinear classifier - the multilayer perceptron
(MLP) artificial neural network (ANN) to classify the facial movement features. The
satisfactory classification accuracies of the ANN demonstrate the ability of the ANN to
adapt and learn the patterns of the facial movements and achieve non-linear separation
of features.
The classification errors can be attributed to the inability of vision-based techniques
to capture the occluded movements of speech articulators such as glottis, velum and
tongue. For example, the tongue movement in the mouth cavity is either partially or
completely not visible (occluded by the teeth) in the video data during the pronunciation
of alveolar and dental sounds such as /t/, /n/ and /T/. The STTs of /t/, /n/ and /T/ do not
contain the information of the occluded tongue movements. This is a possible reason
for the higher error rates of 26% and 35% for these three consonants as compare to
the average error rate of 15% for all consonants. The results suggest that the facial
movements of /t/, /n/ and /T/ are less distinguishable compared with other consonants.
The human perceptual analysis on visual speech using point-light displays reported
in [17] clearly indicates that the dynamic component of visual speech may be the most
salient informational form (versus the static face information). Our experimental results
using computer-based analysis present an evidence to support the significance of time-
varying information for visual perception of consonants. Our results indicate that the
dynamic information in the lower face region of the speaker is useful in perceiving con-
sonants. Nevertheless, the authors would like to point out that the proposed technique
has only been tested using discrete consonants. Speech sounds are often perceived in
context and not in isolation by humans. The future direction of this research is to exam-
ine the feasibility of using dynamic visual speech information to identify speech sounds
that are embedded in words.
5 Conclusion
This paper analyzes the significance of dynamic information of the lower facial move-
ments in the visual perception of consonants using a machine-learning based technique.
The proposed visual technique has been used to validate the results of perceptual analy-
sis that shows that time-varying information is important in human perception of visual
speech [17]. The outcome of the analysis using the proposed machine-learning tech-
nique indicate that dynamic speech information contained in the lower facial move-
ments are useful in disambiguating consonants thereby supporting the findings of the
study reported in [17].
The experimental results indicate that different patterns of facial movements can be
used to differentiate nine consonants with accuracies of 84.7%. These results demon-
strate that facial movements are reliable in representing consonants and can be useful
in machine speech recognition. The proposed machine analysis provides better under-
standing of the cognitive process involved in human speech perception by validating
the saliency of the dynamic visual speech information.
For future work, the authors intend to evaluate the reliability of facial movements
in other commonly spoken languages such as German and Mandarin. Also, the authors
intend to test on a larger vocabulary set covering words and phrases. Potential applica-
tions for the proposed technique include automated systems such as interfaces for users
with speech impairment to control computers and control of heavy machineries in noisy
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