A Privacy Aware and Efficient Security Infrastructure
for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Klaus Pl
oßl and Hannes Federrath
University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
Abstract. VANETs have the potential to dramatically increase road safety by
giving drivers more time to react adequately to dangerous situations. To prevent
abuse of VANETs, a security infrastructure is needed that ensures security re-
quirements like message integrity, confidentiality, and availability. After giving
more details on the requirements we propose a security infrastructure that uses
asymmetric as well as symmetric cryptography and tamper resistant hardware.
While fulfilling the requirements, our proposal is especially designed to protect
privacy of the VANET users and proves to be very efficient in terms of computa-
tional needs and bandwidth overhead.
1 Introduction
The term vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is used for a subgroup of mobile ad hoc
networks (MANETs, defined in [1]). The distinguishing property of the VANET is that
it is formed mainly by vehicles. This implies that node movement is restricted by factors
like road course, encompassing traffic and traffic regulations. Because of the restricted
node movement it is a feasible assumption that the VANET will be supported by some
fixed infrastructure that assists with some services and can provide access to station-
ary networks [2]. The fixed infrastructure will be deployed at critical locations like
slip roads, service stations, dangerous intersections or places well-known for hazardous
weather conditions.
Nodes are expected to communicate by means of North American DSRC standard
[3] that employs the IEEE 802.11p standard for wireless communication. To allow com-
munication with participants out of radio range, messages have to be forwarded by other
nodes (multi-hop communication). Vehicles are not subject to the strict energy, space
and computing capabilities restrictions normally adopted for MANETs [4]. More chal-
lenging is the potentially very high speed of the nodes (up to 250 km/h) and the large
dimensions of the VANET.
The primary VANET’s goal is to increase road safety. To achieve this, the vehicles
act as sensors and exchange warnings or more generally telematics information
(like current speed, location or ESP activity) that enables the drivers to react early to
abnormal and potentially dangerous situations like accidents, traffic jams or glaze. In
addition, authorized entities like police or firefighters should be able to send alarm sig-
nals and instructions e.g. to clear their way or stop other road users. Besides that, the
VANET should increase comfort by means of value-added services like location based
services or Internet on the road [5].
Plößl K. and Federrath H. (2007).
A Privacy Aware and Efficient Security Infrastructure for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 145-154
DOI: 10.5220/0002419901450154
These three application categories (“warnings and telematics information” (W),
“alarm signals and instructions” (A), and “value-added services” (V)) imply different
security and privacy requirements with respect to the protection goals integrity, confi-
dentiality and availability. Nevertheless, there is a common need for a security infras-
tructure establishing mutual trust and enabling cryptography. The security infrastructure
therefore includes all technical and organizational measures and facilities needed. After
defining the requirements for any such security infrastructure (section 2) we present a
new proposal (section 3) that particularly aims to protect privacy of the participants and
is designed to be very efficient in terms of computing capabilities and communication
bandwidth. Our system is evaluated in section 4. Section 5 outlines our conclusion and
future work.
2 Security Requirements
In this section we explain the requirements for a VANET security infrastructure. If nec-
essary, we distinguish between the three application categories W, A, and V as defined
in section 1. The requirements are summarized in table 1.
2.1 Integrity
The security infrastructure has to provide mechanisms that prevent or at least detect
message modification (I1). This hinders malicious nodes from modifying forwarded
messages and protects message integrity for all application categories.
Alarm signals and instructions sent from authorized nodes like police cars, fire en-
gines or ambulances have to be obeyed by the addressees. Therefore, the authenticity
and integrity of the message as well as the authorization of the sender must be prov-
able instantly without further information (I2a). In contrast, for warnings and telematics
messages plausibility checks can be conducted by means of in car sensors or messages
received from other VANET nodes. Hence no unchangeable and unique identity would
be necessary in this case. Moreover, to hamper movement profile creation it would be
preferable to cloak sender identity especially in periodically sent messages (P1). Never-
theless, ex post accountability and non-repudiation is necessary to be able to prosecute
misuse of the VANET like injection of bogus information (I2b). Therefore anonymous
participation should not be allowed, pseudonymous participation is desirable.
This ex post identification must only be allowed in severe cases like accidents with
death results or sending bogus warnings. Automated traffic surveillance or automated
prosecution e.g. based on the sent telematics data – must not be allowed with regard to
multilateral security (P2). Multilateral security means taking the interests of all parties
involved into account. In this case, interests of law enforcement (to prosecute each vio-
lation of law with as few effort as possible) have to be balanced with interests of citizens
(not to be monitored regardless of whether a suspicion exists). It is an interesting ques-
tion how to define what such severe cases of VANET abuse are. Nevertheless, it will not
be answered here because we focus on the technical details of the security infrastruc-
ture. We assume that in-car sensor data is correct. Additionally, we expect integration of
Table 1. Requirements.
I1 Data integrity
I2a Immediate sender authentication
I2b Ex post accountability
C1 Different levels of confidentiality
C2 Protection of the security infrastructure
P1 Protection against profile generation
P2 Protection against surveillance
A1 Computational and bandwidth efficiency
correct time and position information in all messages to protect against replay and po-
sition spoofing attacks. This information is available from an infrastructure like Galileo
2.2 Confidentiality
Confidentiality requirements vary heavily between the three application categories. While
confidentiality of alarm signals is negligible in most cases, it can e.g. be crucial for ser-
vices subject to costs. The security infrastructure therefore has to provide mechanisms
that support different levels of confidentiality (C1). For example these levels could be
no confidentiality, confidentiality against outsiders and confidentiality against all except
direct communication partners.
Besides application data administrative messages like routing protocol information
or messages containing cryptographic material have to be protected against eavesdrop-
ping. Also, the cryptographic information held by participants or centralized instances
has to be protected against unauthorized access. More generally, the security infrastruc-
ture has to be protected against attacks (C2).
2.3 Availability
Because most VANET messages are related to driving conditions and road safety, real-
time processing of these messages is crucial. To be able to fulfill the above integrity and
confidentiality requirements VANET nodes have to carry out additional cryptographic
operations that extend message processing. Mechanisms to protect message integrity
increase the message length. To satisfy the given real-time constraints the mechanisms
of the security infrastructure must be as efficient as possible in terms of computational
and bandwidth needs (A1). Despite the fact that there is no feasible protection against
jamming attacks [7] actions must be taken that complicate denial-of-service attacks and
therefore increase availability.
3 Proposal
In this section we present our proposal for a VANET security infrastructure that is de-
signed to be very efficient in terms of computing capabilities and communication band-
width while fulfilling all security and privacy requirements. After a once-only initial-
ization it employs asymmetric cryptography within a public key infrastructure (PKI) for
messages influencing road safety. All other messages (especially the periodically sent
telematics messages) are protected by a system employing symmetric cryptography that
is much faster and protects privacy of the participants better than the asymmetric part.
After outlining our proposal in section 3.1 we give some more details on the once-only
initialization (3.2) and the symmetric system part (3.3). Figure 1 shows a VANET with
the different message types.
AW (fwd)
Fig.1. VANET with different message types.
3.1 Outline and Asymmetric Part
In the asymmetric part of the VANET we employ a PKI with vehicle-related identities
(VRI) in form of a private key and a corresponding certificate. The certificates are is-
sued by a certification authority (CA) in each country that should be operated by the
governmental transportation authority (GTA). We suggest a VRI issued by the GTA
because of the following reasons:
A VRI is the digital equivalent of the current situation: The license plate is a fixed
pseudonym for the owner of the vehicle and only GTA can link the pseudonym
with the real world identity of the owner. The driver is not known for sure but this
is consistent with current legislation in most countries.
The GTA is already known and somewhat trusted by the citizens.
Employing GTA as CA would at least in the EU be cost efficient because the
digital tachograph system demands that each member country has a CA issuing cer-
tificates used in the digital tachograph hardware [8]. In other words most European
GTAs already operate a CA.
Each vehicle stores its VRI and at least the root certificate of the country CA in
tamper resistant hardware (TRH). For warnings integrity and authenticity is ensured
(req. I1, I2a/b) by adding a digital signature and the sending node’s certificate (see fig.
2). The recipient can check the signature and the identity of the sender included in the
. Because warnings are sent very seldom and only distributed to a small geo-
graphical region they can not be used to generate movement profiles. Therefore digitally
signing warnings does not harm privacy of the driver in an unacceptable manner.
Data with address information Digital Signature CERT
Fig.2. Message with asymmetric protection.
People with special privileges like police officers additionally get individual-related
identities (IRI), in form of a private key and a corresponding certificate stored on a
smart card. To be able to use their special privileges the certificate of the sending vehi-
cle and the certificate of the driver have to be submitted to the CA. After checking the
two certificates, the CA issues a certificate (and corresponding key pair) that includes
attributes that grant authorization to send a defined set of alarm signals and/or instruc-
tions. This certificate is valid e.g. for eight hours (one shift) and used to add a digital
signature to alarm signals and instructions. Recipients can check message integrity and
authorization of the sender instantly and do not have to check revocation information
due to the short validity of the certificate (req. I1, I2a).
Taking into account performance (req. A1) and privacy requirements (req. P1, P2)
it is not desirable to digitally sign all messages
with the vehicles certificate. Therefore
geographically distributed trusted third parties (GTTPs) are employed which enable
pseudonymous participation in the VANET as well as message encryption and authenti-
cation within their assigned geographical regions by means of symmetric cryptography.
The participation in the symmetric protected part of the VANET requires communica-
tion with a GTTP from time to time. If a VANET node is not able to contact his GTTP
he has to use asymmetric cryptography and cannot decrypt or verify messages protected
with symmetric cryptography. We want to point out that any VANET participant is able
to participate in the asymmetric part of the VANET after the once-only initialization.
This means he can understand and send safety critical VANET messages even if he is
never able to communicate with a GTTP. We give more details on the symmetric part
after explaining the once-only initialization phase.
If the sending vehicle’s certificate was issued by another country CA, cross-certificates are
Especially the periodically sent telematics information including current position and speed
could easily be abused to create movement profiles. In addition, these so-called beacons are
sent very often (approximately every 10 to 300 ms [9, 2]) what results in a lot of computational
and bandwidth overhead.
3.2 Initialization
At production time each vehicle is equipped with TRH that cannot be removed without
being destroyed. Then the car manufacturer installs the root certificate (CERT
) of
the GTA the vehicle is sold to – e.g. CERT
for Germany – and a symmetric key.
The symmetric key is also saved on a smart card. This pre-shared key is used to encrypt
communication between TRH and the smart card (req. C2).
Vehicle manufacturer:
- Installation of TRH
- Store CERTRoot
in TRH
- Store pre-shared key in TRH
and smart card
Owner of vehicle A:
- Generation of SKTRH
- Physical deactivation of SKTRH
generation function
- Generation of SKSC
and PKSC
and transfer
to smart card
- Check and probably installation of CERTRoot
After registration:
- Installation of CERTTRH
Local admission office:
- Read PKTRH
- Check owner identity
- Verify physical deactivation of key pair generation
- Register data with GTA
Fig.3. Once-only initialization process.
After receiving his new vehicle (and the smart card) the customer connects the smart
card to the TRH and starts the initialization process. TRH checks connection to the
smart card and generates two asymmetric key pairs. One is used as VRI and is saved in
TRH (e.g. PK
and SK
for vehicle A). TRH ensures that only one key pair
can be saved and the secret key (SK
) never leaves TRH (req. C2). The second
key pair is digitally signed with the first one and saved on the smart card. This key pair
(P K
and SK
) is used to authenticate the owner. Configuration changes like
saving new or deleting old root certificates in TRH are allowed only after authentication
with the smart card. This ensures that only the owner is authorized to change the TRH
configuration. If the vehicle is sold the new owner can generate a new key pair and
delete the old one.
If there are no errors in the initialization process the possibility to generate a TRH
key pair (P K
and SK
) has to be physically destroyed (e.g. by melting a
fuse after key-pair generation). This ensures that VRI cannot be changed any more (at
least until TRH is removed; partly req. I2a/b). Demanding that the owner generates the
key pair ensures that vehicle manufacturers do not know VRIs of their vehicles (partly
req. P1).
The VRI then is registered with the GTA in the normal registration process of a new
vehicle at the local admission office. This means the local admission office has to read
and must check that key pair generation is deactivated. Then it saves VRI
within the existing GTA registers and therefore is able to link VRI to owner identity.
Then GTA issues a certificate (CERT
) that is saved in vehicle’s TRH. TRH can
check validity by means of the stored root certificate (CERT
). Communication
between the local admission office and GTA has to be protected by the usual means of
network security like firewalls, VPNs, etc. (req. C2) and shall not be discussed here.
The fact that the owner can check and store root certificates in TRH ensures that ve-
hicle manufacturers or maintenance personal is not able to operate their own certificate
hierarchy by installing own root certificates in TRH (req. C2). On the other hand, the
owner has to be made responsible for correct configuration of root certificates. Fig. 3
shows the initialization process.
3.3 Symmetric Part
As already mentioned, beacons and messages of the value-added services are protected
by means of symmetric cryptography. To be able to participate, node A uses a challenge
response protocol and CERT
to authenticate to the local GTTP. To increase avail-
ability, GTTP should be reachable via the VANET as well as via other communication
infrastructures like GSM. GTTP has to be independent from law enforcement and GTA
(see later). After authenticating itself GTTP issues a pseudonym P A and an associated
symmetric key k
that is unique to the VRI for a certain period of time and stores
the relation between VRI and P A. It also issues the symmetric keys k
and k
These are the same for all VANET users in a certain geographic region and a certain
time period. TRH ensures that the symmetric keys are kept secret (req. C2). The ex-
change of the symmetric keys has to be encrypted. The necessary encryption keys can
for example be generated by a Diffie-Hellman key exchange after mutual authentica-
tion. Varying levels of confidentiality can easily be achieved by additionally encrypting
the sent data with keys based on VRI or other service specific certificates (req. C1).
Messages are assembled inside the TRH. First P A is added after the data to be sent.
Then a message authentication code (M AC
) computed with k
is added, fol-
lowed by M AC
computed with k
. The whole message is encrypted with k
(see fig. 4). Outsiders not participating in the VANET are not able to see any identity
or data, because messages are encrypted. Profile generation and eavesdropping from
outsiders therefore is prevented (req. C1, P1). To hinder profile generation by VANET
participants GTTPs can assign a number of pseudonyms to a vehicle that are changed
frequently. Additionally, the pseudonyms are just valid for a short time interval. Af-
ter that time interval a given pseudonym could belong to another vehicle what makes
linking of pseudonyms to generate a movement or service usage profile pretty hard.
VANET participants (or more precisely their TRH) are able to decipher messages
with the help of k
and check integrity using M AC
computed with k
I1). Ex post accountability (req. I2b) is ensured by employing MAC
computed with
. Only TRH of the sending vehicle and GTTP know k
. Therefore,
(only) GTTP can confirm if a given message is really from the claimed sender by check-
ing M AC
. This only works if all computations are carried out in TRH and nobody is
Data with address information PA MAC with k MAC with k
ciphered with k
Fig.4. Message with symmetric protection.
able to get to know the symmetric keys or influence message construction. Therefore it
is crucial to design TRH with a self-destruction mechanism that is activated if anybody
is trying to manipulate the TRH (req. C2).
Req. P2 (protection against surveillance) is accomplished by employing indepen-
dent GTTPs that have to follow strict procedures before revealing the VRI associated
with a given pseudonym at a certain time. Only with this VRI law enforcement is able to
find the owner of the vehicle by using the GTA register. We want to point out that while
achieving non-repudiation privacy is protected. Trust is distributed between GTTPs and
GTA: GTTPs do not know the real identities of the vehicle owners, GTA does not know
the relationship between VRI and pseudonym.
4 Evaluation and Related Work
Our proposal ensures message integrity (I1) by means of digital signatures and MAC
Immediate sender authentication for alarm signals and instructions (I2a) is ensured by
using short time certificates that can be linked to a specific driver and vehicle. For all
other messages ex post accountability (I2b) is achieved by adding a digital signature
based on VRI or M AC
respectively. Protection against profile generation (P1) is en-
sured by employing changing pseudonyms for frequently sent messages and messages
of value-added services. The independent GTTPs ensure that automated surveillance
is not possible (P2). Law enforcement and GTA know the VRI and the identity of the
owner but cannot link this information to a pseudonym. Only in severe cases like acci-
dents with death results GTTP has to reveal the connection between a given pseudonym
and VRI. In addition, GTTP does not know the real identity corresponding to a given
VRI. Different levels of confidentiality (C1) can be used by encrypting message data
with VRI certificates, symmetric keys or other service specific key material. The secu-
rity infrastructure is protected (C2) by means of encrypting all key management mes-
sages and employing TRH that ensures that nobody can influence message generation
or get to know symmetric or private keys.
We now want to show the computational and bandwidth efficiency (A1) of our so-
lution. We assume a message length of 300 byte what is feasible for alarm signals,
warnings and beacons. For the asymmetric part we further assume the usage of RSA
with SHA-256 (key length 2048 bit). The symmetric part employs HMAC SHA-256
(key length 192 bit) and AES (key length 192 bit). According to [10] this ensures ade-
quate security till at least 2020. Pseudonyms are 48 bit in length.
If we assume the smallest possible (non standard) certificate consisting only of a
public key and a digital signature we get 2048bit + 2048bit = 4096bit. The digital sig-
nature is additional 2048bit. Summing this up (768byte) and adding the message length
we get 1068byte what translates in 768byte/1068byte = 72% security overhead. For
the symmetric part we get the following: P A + 2 HMAC = 48bit + 2 256bit =
70byte. In total this is 370byte and a security overhead of just 70byte/370byte = 19%.
Key management messages are negligible because they are sent very seldom (e.g. once
a day). Revocation lists are not needed because of employing short time certificates for
alarm signals and instructions as well as the possibility to check plausibility of warnings
by means of in-car sensor data and messages received by other VANET participants. Re-
call that far the most messages exchanged are beacons (approximately every 10 to 300
ms). These are protected by symmetric cryptography that is very efficient in terms of
additional security overhead compared to messages protected by asymmetric cryptog-
raphy. Using a middle class PC-system we found that the symmetric part is faster than
the asymmetric part by a factor of approximately 600.
There are only few proposals for VANET security infrastructures so far. Most re-
searchers ([2, 11, 12]) propose a PKI solution, with anonymous or pseudonymous cer-
tificates issued by the CA. This solutions add digital signatures to each message and
do not provide encryption of messages. The main drawbacks in comparison to our so-
lution are that VANET participants have to ultimately trust the CA and computational
needs and bandwidth overhead are enormous (remember the numbers above). In addi-
tion, up to date revocation information is necessary. Due to the fact that messages are
not encrypted even outsiders can eavesdrop and possibly create movement profiles. [13]
suggest a system based on symmetric cryptography. The main problem of this proposal
is that the vehicles have to contact a base station to decrypt and verify messages what is
not feasible taking into account the real-time demands and the very high mobility in the
VANET. Some other authors ([14–16]) outline security and privacy issues in VANETs
but do not present a security infrastructure.
5 Conclusion and Further Aspects
After motivating why some kind of security infrastructure is needed in a VANET, we
discussed requirements like message integrity and non-repudiation for such infrastruc-
tures. In section 3 we made a proposal how a security infrastructure could be constructed
that uses asymmetric as well as symmetric cryptography and tamper resistant hardware
to fulfill the requirements. While fulfilling all requirements our proposal is especially
designed to protect privacy of the VANET users and proved to be very efficient in terms
of computational needs and bandwidth overhead (see sec. 4).
In our future work we will refine the proposal and discuss issues like the best sched-
ule for changing the symmetric keys and pseudonyms. In addition, the best size of the
geographic regions for the GTTPs will be determined by employing simulations.
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