When Integrating and Adopting Systems
Benneth Christiansson
Department of Systems Analysis, Karlstad University, 651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Fredrik Svensson
Redpill AB, Inova Science Park, 656 34 Karlstad, Sweden
Keywords: Open Data Standards, Systems integration.
Abstract: Governments world-wide are applying information and communication technology in order to meet a broad
range of citizen and organizational needs. When planning systems integration the choice should lead to the
software that best suits the organizational needs, taking into account price, quality, ease of use, support,
reliability, security and other characteristics considered important. This paper is based on experiences from
the KOMpiere project which aims at modifying the open source licensed ERP-system Compiere for use in
Swedish municipals. The overall goal of the project is to support and enhance the use of open source
licensed software in the Swedish public sector and thereby enable municipals to lower their IT-related costs
and gain strategic control over their own IT-environment. We discovered that at least some Swedish
municipals don’t have free access to the data they are appointed to govern and protect. The software
vendors have, by using non-open data standards, excluded the municipals from using their own data freely.
Thereby denying Swedish municipals an open market. We have in this paper suggested the creation and
usage of XML-based ODS for all systems in Swedish municipals.
Governments world-wide are applying information
and communication technology in order to meet a
broad range of citizen and organizational needs.
With a complex infrastructure of technology
solutions and vendors, it is typical that government
solutions incorporate a range of technologies from
proprietary legacy solutions, commercial off the
shelf products and open source software (OSS).
When planning systems integration the choice
should lead to the software that best suits the
organizational needs, taking into account price,
quality, ease of use, support, reliability, security and
other characteristics considered important. In
general, these decisions are the same for both
government and industry.
In recent years, the free software and open
source model has established itself as a viable
alternative to other development models. Many
popular products, such as Linux, Apache and
Samba, have been created according to open source
practices, and the number of free software
applications is increasing steadily (Michlmayr et al.,
2006; Woods & Guliani, 2005). From a broader
business perspective, several innovative business
models and new business opportunities have emer-
ged as a result of the OSS phenomenon, and many
organizations have begun to capitalize on this. In
terms of competitiveness, the OSS phenomenon has
created a new service market for commercial enter-
prises to exploit and there are several examples
whereby these companies have innovatively forged
competitive advantage. Since purchase price and
license fees are not a factor, OSS companies have to
compete predominantly in terms of customer service
(St. Laurent, 2004). Since OSS counters the trend
towards proprietary monopolies, the OSS model
inherently promotes competitiveness and an open
market (ibid.).
Open Source Software and Open Data
Standards (ODS) are getting to be more and more
Christiansson B. and Svensson F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 264-267
DOI: 10.5220/0002374602640267
accepted world wide (Drozdik et al., 2005).
Managers of both private and public sectors have
been attracted by the OSS with the promise of a
decrease of the overall expenditures. The European
Commission has published its European
Interoperability Framework, which in particular
includes a definition of ODS as "An IT standard
(whether OSS or not) is created to enable and
facilitate the exchange of documents between
different programs, program versions, operating
systems and hardware platforms." (COSPA
Consortium, 2005, p. 9). We choose to extend the
definition of document to include Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). With EDI we mean the transfer
of data between different companies using networks,
such as VANs or the Internet. As more and more
companies get connected to the Internet, EDI is
becoming increasingly important as an easy mechan-
ism for companies and governments to exchange,
buy, sell, and trade information (Burton, 2004).
ANSI has approved a set of EDI standards known as
the X12 standards.
The use of OSS does not imply that the data is
stored according to an open standard. However, OSS
implies access to the source-code. It is at least
possible to reverse engineer the method of storage
and therefore to better understand how to access the
organizational data, from the source-code. This
benefits and reduces the risk for future integrators or
exporters of that data if they wish to be able to
access, extract, extend or modify the data. This
possibility does not exist with proprietary solutions.
We still believe that the OSS model leads to the
creation and adoption of open standards and
increased software reuse. Proprietary software
companies tries actively to undermine OSS and the
usage of non-open data standards is one way of
doing this. When a consumer tries to change vendor
they may practically be locked-in on their current
ERP-system due to prohibitively high switching
costs that the current vendor can demand for
performing data-migration. This situation is
dangerous for Swedish municipals and can lead to a
situation in which the producer of the proprietary
ERP-system stops to compete for new consumers
and concentrates only on locked-in consumers. This
results in higher prices and reduced flexibility for
the locked-in municipal.
This paper is based on experiences from the
KOMpiere project which aims at modifying the open
source licensed ERP-system Compiere for use in
Swedish municipals. Compiere is an integrated ERP-
and CRM-system. (ComPiere, Inc., 2006). The
overall goal of the project is to support and enhance
the use of open source licensed software in the
Swedish public sector and thereby enable municipals
to lower their IT-related costs and gain strategic
control over their own IT-environment.
For this study, exploratory interviews with rep-
resentatives for four municipals in the Midwest
region of Sweden have been conducted in an
effort to generate a requirement specification of the
needed modifications to Compiere. In addition to
these interviews we also collaborated with The
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and
Regions (SALAR). The Association strives to
promote and strengthen local self-government and to
create the best possible conditions for the work of
their members (SALAR, 2006). The process we used
was iterative with several opportunities for
verification and validation of the requirements.
Based on the specification we used a specially
assigned development team that incorporated the
new requirements into a modified version of
Compiere. When problems accessing the existing
non-open data standards arose we instead aimed at
creating a prototype version to illustrate the benefits
of a modified version of Compiere, as an OSS
alternative for Swedish municipals.
Open Data Standards will be required to ensure
interoperability for the creation of eGovernment
services in Sweden. In a pan-European perspective
this work is already initiated. The COSPA (Consor-
tium for studying, evaluating, and supporting the
introduction of Open Source software and Open
Data Standards in the Public Administration) project
studies the application advantages and drawbacks of
Open Source Software and Open Data Standards in
the public sector. The COSPA project aims at intro-
ducing, analyzing, and supporting the use of open
systems for personal productivity and document
management in European Public Administrations
(Drozdik et al.). Within the COSPA project they
have documented the following characteristics for
ODS. These characteristics must be met for the
standard to be viewed as a truly open data standard.
The standard has to be adopted and maintained by a
non-profit organization. Its ongoing development
occurs on the basis of an open decision-making
procedure accessible to all interested parties (con-
sensus or majority decision etc.). The standard has to
be published and the standard specification docu-
ment should be available either freely or at a nomi-
nal charge. Permission should be granted to every-
one to copy, distribute and use it for free of charge
or at a nominal fee. The intellectual property - i.e.
any patents that may be involved - of (parts of) the
standard should be made irrevocably available on a
royalty-free basis. There should be no constraints on
the re-use of the standard.
For governments and other organizations
adopting ODS the benefits could convey optimized
communication within and between organizations,
through interoperability, simpler integration and
faster integration. This could lead to more available
resources, greater return on investment, more op-
tions for actors and users, improved vendor indep-
endence, broader vendor choice, lower vendor cost,
higher quality, greater flexibility and possibly re-
duced risk.
We suggest the use of The eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) to define the needed ODS. XML
is not only a language for communication between
humans and the Web, it is also a language for
communication between systems. Rather than
passing parameters, and already formatted raw data,
systems can pass documents from one to another,
containing not only pure data, but control
information as well. Even proprietary old legacy
systems written in ancient languages such as
COBOL and PL/I can be adapted by means of
interface reengineering to the process and to
generate XML documents (Sneed, 2002).
By providing and using XML- based ODS, for
instance, Web Services could be used for extracting
and integrating data from existing ERP-systems. It
offers significant advantages over currently available
methods and tools. These advantages have been
widely discussed in the popular Information Techno-
logy press. Because the Web Services paradigm is
based on a new set of standards (e.g., XML, SOAP,
WSDL, UDDI) (Hansen, 2001) it promises to enable
the integration and aggregation of multiple data
sources once these open standards are supported by
the underlying ERP-systems. These standards are
being widely adopted in industry as evidenced by for
example Microsoft’s .NET initiative and Sun’s Java
APIs for XML (JAX) extensions to the Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) (ibid). .
In the KOMpiere project we needed to modify and
integrate Compiere with the existing proprietary
systems. In order to do this we required access to at
least a few of the existing non-open data standards
used in the current proprietary systems. Early in the
project we discovered problems with this. We
discovered that the knowledge and awareness of the
different data structures used in the existing ERP-
systems was very poor in the municipals. This
information was oftentimes not even possible to
obtain and the different municipal’s representative’s
referred to the specific software vendor that
delivered the proprietary system in use. When trying
to access these data structures from the software
vendors. We discovered, not surprisingly, that they
were reluctant to provide us (or anyone else) with
this information. This is due to the simple fact that
data is vital to any organization. The importance of
data and data storage to any organization and their
ability to perform their services can not be stressed
enough. Where and how the data is stored defines
the organizations possibility to use, adopt and
integrate new systems and services. The ability to
extract data maybe needed from multiple requesting
sources, and the ability to move data from one
database to another, either at the end of the life of
the existing database or in the event of the sale of
that data to another organization is of crucial
importance. Of course this is a very valuable
commodity to the proprietary software vendor and
something they are reluctant to “give away” for free.
The question is how this “knowledge commodity”
ended up in their hands in the first place? The
business practices of preserving and leveraging
market advantages through non-open data standards
hinders interoperability and true market-forces to
apply. Government usage of open standards and
open source could have a positive influence on the
take-up of interoperability standards by the
competing software vendors. As municipals handle
not just confidential but also up to date information
of key importance, data loss due to unreliable
systems or unreliable software vendors as well as
data loss due to lack of knowledge and appreciation
of the value of the data-structures in themselves may
cause serious problems. This knowledge is too
valuable and important to be given away to the
software vendors.
We advocate the use of ODS for all public
government systems in Sweden. As a matter of fact
Swedish municipals should be crying out for low-
cost and flexible solutions to manage their ERP-
systems. The need for this is something that already
is identified in the European Community. In projects
such as Interoperable Delivery of European
eGovernment Services to public Administrations,
Business and Citizens (IDABC) they stress the
importance of interoperability through ODS
(IDABC, 2006). IDABC is an European
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Commission driven strategic project using advances
in information and communications technology to
encourage and support the delivery of integrated
cross-border public sector services to citizens and
organizations in Europe, to improve efficiency and
collaboration between European public
administrations and to contribute to making Europe
an attractive place to live, work and invest. IDABC
is a Community programme managed by the
European Commission's Enterprise and Industry
Directorate General. To achieve its objectives,
IDABC issues recommenddations, develop solutions
and provide services that enable national and
European administrations to communicate electroni-
cally and offer modern public services to
organizations and citizens in Europe (IDABC,
2006). The COSPA-project mentioned earlier is
another advocator for this. Within COSPA a study of
Dutch municipals documented by Nagler (2005, p.
1) stated that (“Open Standards are the
presupposition for collaboration with other
municipalitys in the future. Common projects can be
realised by the use of open standards.”. This is
quotation we find very relevant and expresses
something that we believe needs to be recognized
and acted upon in Swedish municipals with urgency.
The KOMpiere project started out as a project aimed
at providing the public sector in Sweden with an
open source licensed ERP-system as an alternative
to the predominant propriety systems used today.
We believe we “stumbled” on a much bigger issue,
where we discovered that at least some Swedish
municipals don’t have free access to the data they
are appointed to use, govern and protect. The
software vendors have, by using non-open data
standards, excluded the municipals from using their
own data freely. This is an alarming situation that
needs to get attention and hopefully be remedied.
We have in this paper suggested the creation and
usage of XML-based ODS for all systems used in
the public sector in Sweden. To be able to fully
provide the soon mandatory eGovernment services,
the need for this is of crucial importance.
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