Mariana Carroll and Alta van der Merwe
University of South Africa, Muckleneukrant, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
Keywords: Information Systems, Information Technology, Auditing, Information Systems Auditing, Knowledge,
Skills; Roles and responsibilities, CAATs.
Abstract: The increasing dependence upon Information Systems (IS) in the last few decades by businesses resulted in
many concerns regarding auditing. Traditional IS auditing changed from auditing ‘around the computer’ to
auditing through and with the computer. Technology is changing rapidly and so is the profession of IS
auditing. As IS auditing is dependent on Information Technology (IT), it is essential that an IS auditor
possesses IT and auditing knowledge to bridge the gap between the IT and auditing professions. In this
paper we reflect on the auditor’s profile in this changing domain, where we first define the roles and
responsibilities expected from IS auditors, describe the basic IT and audit knowledge required from IS
auditors based on the roles and responsibilities identified, describe the soft skills required from IS auditors
to successfully perform an IS audit assignment, define the main types of IS audit tools and techniques used
most often to assist IS auditors in executing IS audit roles and responsibilities and lastly propose the IS
auditor’s profile.
In the last decade, people and businesses became
more and more dependent on the use of computer
applications and technology, due to the Information
revolution and rapid development of computer
technology (Cornett, 2004). As a result new
concerns and challenges such as security
vulnerabilities, fraudulent activities and the speed of
transaction processing were experienced within
organisations. This phenomenon also influenced the
auditing field where the internal storage of data and
programs created risks such as the possibility of
unauthorised manipulations to data and programs,
and the possibility of audit trails to disappear (Watne
and Turney, 2002). On the positive side IT inspired
the reengineering of traditional business processes to
promote operations and improve communication
within the organisation and between the organisation
and its customers and suppliers (Hall and Singleton,
As stated by Ahmed (2003:20), organisations
reached the point where it was “no longer possible to
meet the expectations of users of financial and other
business performance information without using
Information Technology”.
With the increasing use of Information Systems
by most organisations a new audit challenge
emerged. Two, once independent, professions
needed to be integrated into a new emerging
impartial profession, relying on the knowledge,
skills, expertise and experience from both audit and
IT professionals (Pathak, 2004).
The integration of the two professions caused the
focus to shift from manual processes and procedure
testing to include automated application testing.
Although the objectives of an audit remain relatively
unchanged, the process an IS auditor follows in
executing the audit was immensely affected by the
change in Information Technology (Doughty and
O’Driscoll, 2002). This resulted in a specialist
group of IS auditors who deals with systems that are
technology complex and diverse. Hall and Singleton
(2005:3) elaborated that an IT audit is associated
with auditors who use technical skills and
knowledge to audit through the computer system, or
provide audit services where processes of data, or
both, are embedded in technologies.
IS auditors are therefore faced with the challenge
of being involved in the planning and organising of
IT projects, implementation of proposed solutions,
delivery and support of Information Systems and the
monitoring of the process, controls, assurance and
evaluation (Kimpton & Martin, 2001). Therefore, to
Carroll M. and van der Merwe A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 390-397
DOI: 10.5220/0002373703900397
perform the roles and responsibilities required from
IS auditors it is essential for these individuals to
possess some skills and knowledge from both the IT
and auditing professions.
In the past research focused on how IT changes
the role of IS auditors, the available tools for IS
auditors, the scope of IS auditing, the importance of
training, IT governance, IT security, General
Computer Audits, Application Control Audits,
Computer Aided Audit Techniques (CAATs) and
the inclusion of audit software in the curricula for
undergraduate and postgraduate students. IS
auditing is a relatively new field and a limited
number of studies are available on the IS auditor’s
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on an
investigation done into the components of the IS
auditor’s profile, including the level of IT
knowledge, audit knowledge, the soft skills required
from IS auditors and the IS audit tools and
techniques used to assist the IS auditor in executing
an IS audit assignment.
In section 2 we give a short overview on
supporting theoretical work within IT and auditing.
In section 3 a short description is given on the
research approach used for data gathering. Section 4
reflects on the data gathered. Section 5 follows with
a description of the IS auditor’s profile and section 6
reports on the possible use of the profile.
Information Technology (IT) is defined by Whitten,
Bentley and Dittman (2001:8) as “… the
combination of computer technology (hardware and
software) with telecommunication technology (data,
image, and voice networks)”. Information Systems
(IS) are defined as “ …an arrangement of people,
data, processes, information presentation, and
information technology that interact to support and
improve day-to-day operations in a business as well
as to support the problem-solving and decision-
making needs of managers and users” (Whitten et
al., 2001:8).
Traditional auditing mainly focused on the
testing of IT processes and controls mitigating
identified business risks as well as the testing of
controls related to the fair representation of the
financial statements. Traditional auditing objectives
are therefore influenced by the impact of IT / IS,
where manual inputs and outputs are no longer
processed and more risks are threatening the security
of businesses, their financial statements and
fraudulent activities. Therefore, the two professions
of IT and auditing need to be integrated to execute
an effective IS audit.
Weber (1999:10) defines IS auditing as: “the
process of collecting and evaluating evidence to
determine whether a computer system safeguards
assets, maintains data integrity, and allows
organisational goals to be achieved effectively and
user resources efficiently”. Hinson (2004:5)
expands on this by stating that computer (IS)
auditing is all about, “… a branch of general
auditing concerned with governance (control) of
information and communication technologies
(computers). Computer auditors primarily study
computer systems and networks from the point of
view of examining the effectiveness of their
technical and procedural controls to minimize risks”.
According to Hall and Singleton (2005:3) an IS
audit is associated with “auditors who use technical
skills and knowledge to audit through the computer
systems, or provide audit services where processes
or data, or both, are embedded in technologies”.
Lucy (1999:44) summarises the definitions
effectively when he stated that “management utilises
Information Systems auditing as a tool for ensuring:
1) the reliability and integrity of information; 2)
compliances with IT policies and procedures; 3) the
safeguarding of IT assets; 4) the economical and
efficient use of IT resources; and 5) the
accomplishment of established IT objectives and
It can therefore be concluded that Information
Systems Auditing is the examination of an
Information System and surrounding procedures to
express an opinion as to whether or not the data
involved in processing, from the initiation of the
transaction to its inclusion in the financial
statements, is fairly represented at a specific date, to
ensure completeness, accuracy, validity and
timeliness of data and transactions and to scrutinise
the controls implemented to mitigate identified risks
as well as to provide assurance on the safeguarding
of organisational assets and resources.
The evolution in audit and Information Systems
has forced auditors from auditing around the
computer to auditing with and through the computer
by incorporating the necessary knowledge and skills
from IT specialists. IS Auditors began to understand
that Information Systems can be used to their
advantage and used as a tool rather than be seen as
an adversary. Computer Systems reached the point
where auditors were forced to use computers as the
target of their audit, since all information was
processed internally.
With emerging technologies such as e-
commerce, data mining, digital signatures, the
Internet and new legislations and statements, the
work for IS auditors keeps on increasing rapidly, as
well as the specialised knowledge and skills needed
by IS auditors.
Therefore, it can be concluded that IS auditors
need to understand the process flow of transactions
or information in Information Systems, which
include technical knowledge and an understanding
of the controls needed to ensure accuracy, validity,
timeliness and completeness of organisational
information, resources and assets. For this reason
the combination of knowledge, skills, experience
and daily roles and responsibilities of IT and
auditing professionals fall under the profession of IS
auditing. Thus, professionals coming from different
backgrounds (IT and/or auditing) are forced to learn
and develop the skills necessary to meet the
demands of IS auditing.
From the above, the question arise: What are the
IT and audit knowledge and soft skills required from
an IS auditor, given that specific auditing tools and
techniques are available to assist the auditor in
executing an IS audit assignment, in order for an IS
auditor to optimally perform his or her daily roles
and fulfil his or her professional responsibilities?
For this study a qualitative research approach was
followed, based on a combination of non-empirical
(literature survey) and empirical studies (structured
interviews). This approach was followed to firstly
establish a theoretical understanding of the work
published in this field and secondly to reflect on
practitioners experience and belief regarding the
characteristics of an IS auditor.
The qualitative research data obtained consisted
of two main sources. Firstly secondary information
was derived from the available body of knowledge
through a literature review. The purpose of the
literature review was to present the results of the
work of the existing literature regarding the IT and
auditing professions, specifically the IS auditor’s
roles and responsibilities, the required IT and audit
knowledge, soft skills and available IS audit tools.
The construction research method was followed to
derive, analyse and present a summary from the
literature survey. According to Page and Meyers
(2003:4) the construction research method is defined
as “the structural framework linking a number of
concepts into a much more comprehensive concept,
mega-concept, of a phenomenon that is not directly
observable or measurable”.
Secondly, an IS auditor’s profile was derived
from following a survey approach, which is used to
“enable the researcher to study a population sample
in order to infer characteristics of a population
(generalise findings)” (Page & Meyers, 2003:111).
The survey approach was based on the empirical
study method, which is set based on data about
everyday objects (world 1) as the unit of analysis
(Mouton, 2005). Interview questions were based on
specific items that were asked of all participants,
with the goal of qualifying the responses. This
method is known as structured interviews according
to Page and Meyers (2003).
The structured interviews were constructed based
on a distributed sample selection. The sampling
design method, used to select the sample population,
was based upon judgmental samples. The sample
selection adhered to the following criteria: 1)
Background (IT or Auditing); 2) Years experience in
IS auditing (4 or more); 3) Level (Management or
higher); and 4) Type of audit role (External or
A sample of 10 interviewees was selected based
on the different business sectors and whether the
company performs internal or external audits. The
interview population comprised of the following
South African business industries containing IS
auditing divisions: Audit Firms; Government
Departments; Retail Industry; Banking Industry; and
Telecommunications Industry.
Our research only focused on the key, high level
characteristics identified by means of the research
methodology and approach followed. The IS
auditor’s profile therefore also only included these
key characteristics. The identified characteristics
were generalised in a South African context. These
characteristics may differ according to individual,
profession, organisation, circumstance and level of
employment and should only be regarded as a
The primary data obtained through structured
interviews was interpreted and compared to the
secondary data obtained by means of the literature
review that was conducted. The research aim was to
combine the primary and secondary data in order to
define an IS auditor’s profile.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The interpretation, comparison and combination
of the primary (interview response) and secondary
data (literature review) are presented according to
the following main characteristics and/or features: 1)
Roles and Responsibilities of IS auditors; 2)
Knowledge; 3) Soft Skills; and 4) IS Audit Tools
and Techniques. These characteristics and features
will aid in defining the IS auditor’s profile.
4.1 Roles and Responsibilities of an IS
Roles and responsibilities set the direction for the
tasks and types of IS audits to be performed. The
roles and responsibilities may vary according to the
level of responsibility. For the purpose of this study,
the roles and responsibilities were divided into three
basic responsibility levels based on the interview
responses, namely: 1) Consultant; 2) Manager; and
3) Director.
Roles and responsibilities and the audit process
set the direction for performing IS audits based on
the type of audit assignment. In order to perform an
IS audit through the defined roles and
responsibilities, IT and audit knowledge, a certain
set of soft skills and IS audit tools and techniques
are required. The roles and responsibilities defined
for the IS auditor’s profile based on the literature
study and interview responses are presented in
Figure 1.
4.2 Knowledge
Based on the literature study conducted, knowledge
is defined as the combined result of formal
education, experience and training, something
gained through listening, reading, learning and/or
observation. Based on the interview responses, the
most common entry routes into the IS auditing
profession or employment requirements were found
to be from either the IT/IS or auditing / accounting
backgrounds. The knowledge required from IS
auditors was therefore divided into IT knowledge
requirements and audit knowledge requirements.
The IT and audit knowledge requirements as per
summary from the secondary (literature) and
primary (interview responses) data, are presented in
Table 1.
In understanding the different concepts of IT and
audit knowledge and the relationship between them,
it can be concluded that audit knowledge should be
applied to the IT knowledge to enable an IS auditor
to successfully executes his or her daily roles and
The following example will aid in clarifying the
statement that audit knowledge should be applied to
IT knowledge: The audit knowledge concept,
“understanding of the concept of risk” should be
applied to a specific area of IT knowledge
depending on the type of audit assignment and the
scope and objectives of the audit. Therefore, the
auditing concepts of “understanding the concept of
Client Relationship Management, Quality, Practice Management, Development of staff and Control Assurance
Client Relationship Management, Quality, Control Assurance and Management of audit team, resources, time and budget
Client Relationship Management, Quality and Control Assurance
Scoping and
Planning and
Reporting and
Identify client
Engagement setup
Assist with
engagement setup
Assessment &
management of risk
Monitoring / review of
findings, conclusions
and engagement quality
Monitoring / review of
findings, conclusions
and final report to
Final assurance
and follow-up on
open items
Selling and
Client’s business
Review of audit
programs and working
Report on risk areas
Reporting & advice to
Follow-up on findings
Client satisfaction
Exit interview
Notes for future audits
Client’s business
Responsibility /
Identify risks and
Compile audit program
Perform fieldwork
Gathering of evidence
Testing of controls
Identification of risks
Reporting of control
weaknesses (findings
and recommendations
Enhancement of skills
Broadening of
technical skills
Understanding of
Figure 1: An IS auditor’s roles and responsibilities.
risk” may be applied in the IT knowledge area,
“information security” which will entail the risk
associated with information security being defined,
for example: 1) Unauthorised access to application
data and physical assets and resources (e.g. servers);
2) Unlicensed versions of software loaded on the
entity’s machines; and 3) Resources and data are
unprotected against virus attacks.
Given the reasoning of audit knowledge being
applied to IT knowledge, individuals coming from
an auditing background have an advantage, since
these individuals understand the auditing concepts
and are able to easily identify the impact of risks.
However, individuals originating from an IT
background have the advantage of understanding the
more technical and complex IT concepts and can
therefore easily identify risks and controls within the
IT knowledge areas.
The challenge of people coming from different
backgrounds presents the gap between the IT and
auditing professions. Individuals are forced to
interact with each other within the working
environment to transfer some knowledge and skills
especially if the employees are from different
professional backgrounds. Extensive additional
training is also recommended to bridge the gap.
Table 1: IT and audit knowledge.
IT knowledge
Audit knowledge
Application programs / ERP
Understanding of the
concept of risk
Basic Information Systems and
Information Technology general
Know about applicable
standards and best practices
Programming languages and
Audit planning
(understanding the objectives
of the audit, the scope of the
audit and the areas of
Computer communications and
Networks (including routers,
switches and internet)
Audit testing methods
(including compliance
testing, substantive testing
and analytical review
Data structures and database
Understanding of the
concept of control
Information security (physical
and logical access)
Understand basic accounting
Information Systems
Management / IT Governance
Business understanding
Operating Systems
Obtaining and interpreting
relevant audit evidence
System analysis, design,
development, testing,
implementation and maintenance
Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery planning
Information Systems Operations
Specialised areas
The IT and audit knowledge required from IS
auditors is considered to be the enabler for the
process of performing an IS audit.
4.3 Soft Skills
IS auditors need to adapt to the different
circumstances and client personnel or client
environments to effectively and efficiently perform
IS audit functions. Having the required IT and audit
knowledge and IS audit tools and techniques is not
sufficient for an IS auditor to successfully executes
an IS audit assignment. In order to define the IS
auditor’s profile, a basic set of soft skills needed by
IS auditors should be defined.
Based on the interview responses, soft skills are
imperative, especially to obtain supporting evidence,
to observe processes, to document conclusions and
findings and to interview staff. The soft skills
required from IS auditors may however differ
according to level of employment, personality,
circumstances, the client environment and the
specific IS audit assignment. The soft skills
preserved as most important from the interview
responses, include the following:
Table 2: Soft skills needed by an IS auditor.
Soft Skills
Analytical / systematic
People’s person / people knowledge
Communication skills (both written and verbal, including
interviewing techniques, persuading, presentation, managerial
communication and negotiating)
Managing people, resources, time and budgets (leadership)
Good listener
Passion for auditing
Understand client environment / business
Team player
Conflict resolution
Constant learning / seeking new knowledge
Decisive / Judgement
Diligence and detail
Establish rapport
See the "bigger picture"
Strength of character
To illustrate: to be able to successfully complete
step 5 (“reporting and follow-up” – Figure 1) in the
audit process, it is essential that the IS auditor
utilises the following soft skills: 1) Conflict
resolution: unresolved findings are usually a trigger
point for conflict; 2) Communication skills: both
verbal and written; 3) Understanding the client
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
business or environment: clients are quickly
annoyed by auditors when recommendations are not
practical to their business environment; and 4)
Strength of character: it sometimes takes strength of
character to stand up to the pressure from a client or
to be tenacious in completing the audit despite
distractions such as a high reliance on the client to
provide information and audit evidence.
The soft skills provided is only a guideline and
only focused on the basic levels of skills required
from IS auditors.
4.4 IS Audit Tools and Techniques
IS audit tools and techniques are part of the solution
to the increasing complexity of applications,
software and networks. IS audit tools and
techniques also enable the auditor to audit through
the computer rather than auditing around the
computer (as in traditional methods).
To define an IS auditor’s profile, it is essential to
list the features which enable the IS auditor to
perform an IS audit assignment. IS audit tools and
techniques are vital in assisting the IS auditor to
evaluate and assess complex detailed transactions in
the fraction of the time of normal manual
evaluations. The following main categories of IS
audit tools and techniques are presented based on the
interpretation of the primary and secondary data: 1)
Generalised audit software: includes CAATs used
for data analysis purposes (e.g. ACL, IDEA); 2)
Specialised analysis tools: these include security
analysis tools (e.g. Sekchek) and application
analysis tools (e.g. analysis tools interrogating SAP
and Oracle applications); 3) Audit methodologies,
standards, guidelines and audit programs: assisting
the auditor in executing IS audit assignments (e.g.
COBIT, COSO framework); 4) General
Applications: these applications include document
management, planning and audit software and
enable IS auditors to create work papers, write
reports and create any other related documents (e.g.
Microsoft office, AuditPro, MyClient).
In conclusion, taking the above defined main
characteristics into account and the reasons for their
importance to the IS audit profile, a framework was
developed, illustrating an IS auditor’s profile (Figure
Audit knowledge needs to be applied to IT
knowledge. Knowledge is regarded as the enabler
for the execution of an IS audit, since an IS audit
assignment cannot be completed without the
individual having adequate knowledge. The roles
and responsibilities of an IS auditor are presented
based on the main steps performed in an IS audit per
responsibility level. Soft skills are regarded as the
drivers of the audit to ensure successful completion
and are applicable across all responsibility levels.
Soft skills though, are usually more mature at
director level than, for instance, at consultant level.
The audit tools and techniques are regarded as the
supporting functions available to assist the IS auditor
in performing IS audits (per the defined audit
It is important to note that the IS auditor’s profile
as presented in this paper, is not the only or optimum
IS auditor’s profile, since the characteristics may
differ according to person and business or
educational institution. The profile provided is only
a guideline and focused on the basic level of IT and
auditing skills, soft skills, audit tools and techniques
and roles and responsibilities.
Future studies may focus on defining the IS
auditor’s profile in more detail, or establishing more
than one or optimum profiles. Consideration could
also be given to the following questions: 1) Could
people with different profiles be successful IS
auditors? 2) Is it realistic to expect all these
characteristics from one person (depending on the
level)? 3) Given the global shortage of IS auditors,
where do we usually compromise on the ideal
By determining the roles and responsibilities and the
concepts applicable to IS auditing, the knowledge
and skills required and the IS audit tools and
techniques used in supporting the IS auditor, the
following institutions and individuals can benefit by
the established IS auditor’s profile:
Educational institutions can incorporate the
concepts presented in the IS audit profile in the
curricula of students, especially the concepts
related to IT knowledge, audit knowledge and the
IS audit tools and techniques as listed in Figure 2.
These terms or concepts can be used to establish
the minimum level of IT and audit knowledge
requirements. The IS audit tools and techniques,
especially the generalised audit software (e.g.
ACL or IDEA) could also be used as a guideline
as to what types of IS audit tools are available and
mostly utilised by organisations (according to the
interview responses);
The auditing profession should be able to utilise
the profile to assess employees and benchmark
them against their progress according to the
defined concepts. For example: according to the
responsibility matrix, it is required that an IS audit
manager reviews audit programs and work papers
during the fieldwork phase (step 3, refer to Figure
2). To enable the manager to perform a review,
the necessary audit knowledge (e.g.
“Understanding of the concept of risk”; “Audit
testing methods used”; “Business understanding”;
“Know about application standards and best
practise”; “Understand the concept of control”;
and “Relevant audit evidence”) should be applied
to the relevant IT knowledge area (as per the
scope and objective of the audit defined in the
planning phase (steps 1 & 2) (e.g. “Application
programs / ERP systems”). The following IS
audit tools and techniques are applicable for step
3 (review of work papers by manager): 1)
Generalised audit software (since it is an
application review, ACL, IDEA or SQL queries
can be used to perform data analysis which the
manager should review); 2) Audit methodologies,
standards, guidelines and best practise (the
manager should ensure that the work performed
adheres to audit methodologies and meets all audit
objectives. Findings can also be compared to best
practise to identify weaknesses (e.g. Password
settings should be 6 characters or more); and 3)
General application (document management
applications (ensure version control of working
papers) and Microsoft office (Word and Excel) for
work paper documentation). The soft skills (e.g.
“Communication skills” (verbal and written);
“Managing people” (audit team); “Diligence and
detail” (to ensure accuracy, completeness, validity
and timeliness of work papers); “See the bigger
picture” (see audit as a whole and not as isolated
parts per working papers); and “Decisive /
Judgment” (decide and make judgment calls on
weaknesses or risks identified and reporting to
management) drive the manager to successfully
complete step 3 in the audit process;
Professional institutions should also be able to use
the IS auditor’s profile to recruit employees based
on the required level of knowledge and skills.
They can also use the roles and responsibilities
illustrated to define the job descriptions of
employees at the different responsibility levels;
Individuals in the IS auditing profession can
define their roles and responsibilities to
successfully execute audit assignments and
benchmark themselves in the IS auditing
profession (refer to the example above). They can
use the knowledge and skills base to evaluate their
IS auditor’s Profile
Understanding of the concept of risk
Audit testing m ethods
Business understanding
Know about applicable standards and best practices
Understanding of the concept of control
Relevant Audit evidence
Audit planning
Understand basic accounting principles
Independence concepts
Audit K now ledge
IT Knowledge
Application programs / ERP systems
Information security (physical and logical access)
Basic Inform ation sy stem s and Inform ation
Technology general concepts
Information system m anagem ent / IT governance
Programming languages and procedures
Operating Systems
Computer Comm unications and Networks
Specialized areas
Inform ation System s O p eratio ns
Data structures and database
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning
IS audit tools & techniques
Generalized audit software
Specia lised analy sis tools
Audit Methodologies, standards, guidelines and audit programs
General Applications
Roles & Responsibilities
Analytical / systematic
Conflict resolution
Good listener
People’s person / people know ledge
Constant learning / seeking new knowledge
Passion for auditing
Communication skills
Managing people, resources, time and budgets (leadership)
Understand client environment / business
Diligence and detail
Team player
Establish rapport
See the "bigger picture"
Strength of character
Decisive / Judgment
Soft Skills
Client Relationship M anagem ent, Quality, Practice Managem ent, Developm ent of staff and C ontrol Assurance
Client Relationship Management, Quality, Control Assurance and Managem ent of audit team, resources, time and budget
Client Relationship Management, Quality and Control Assurance
Scoping and
Planning and
Reporting and
follow -up
Identify client
Assist with
Assessment &
management of risk
Monitoring / review of
findings, conclusions
and engagement
Monitoring / review of
findings, conclusions
and final report to
Final assurance
and follow-up on
open items
Selling and
Client’s business
Review of audit
programs and working
Report on risk areas
Reporting & A dvice to
Follow-up on findings
Client satisfaction
Exist interview
Notes for future
Client’s business
Responsibility /
Identify risks and
Compile audit program
Perform fieldw ork
Gathering of evidence
Testing of controls
Identificatio n of risk s
Reporting of control
weaknesses (findings
and recom m endations
Enhancement of
Broadening of
technical skills
Understanding of
Figure 2: An IS auditor’s profile.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
current knowledge and skills, identify gaps and
work towards the desired level.
In this paper we reflected on a qualitative study done
where we defined the IS auditor’s profile according
to the roles and responsibilities, knowledge, skills
and IS audit tools and techniques needed by IS
auditor’s to successfully execute an IS audit
This reflection on the auditor’s profile
contributes to the existing body of knowledge by
means of enhancing the definitions related to the
roles and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and IS
audit tools and techniques available and through
insights into the relationship between these concepts
as illustrated by the IS auditor’s profile.
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