Miguel Gouveia and Jorge Cardoso
Department of Mathematics and Engineering,Universaty of Madeira, Tecnopolo, Funchal, Madeira
Keywords: Information Aggregation, Data Integration, Tourism Information, Dynamic Package, Ontology and
Semantic Web.
Abstract: Aggregating related information, from different data sources, allows the creation of data repositories with
very useful information. In the tourism domain, aggregating tourism products with related tourism
attractions will add value to those products. The ability to create dynamic packages is another reason to
aggregate tourism information. Defining an ontology, composed by the concepts to aggregate, is the first
step to create tourism aggregation systems. In this paper we define the approach and the architecture that
guides to the creation of aggregated solutions that provide valued tourism information and that allow the
creation of dynamic packages.
The Web became a large repository where one can
get information of all kinds. Some enterprises
embrace this opportunity and create large data
repositories. Enterprises like ChoicePoint, Experian,
LexisNexis or Acxiom are some examples. They sell
aggregated data that can help other enterprises to
manage their business. Information aggregation like
customer preferences, product prices and market
tendencies can help enterprises manage the risk and
reward of commercial and financial decisions.
ChoicePoint, one of the top companies selling
information, sells to more than half of America’s top
1000 companies.
The idea of data aggregation has being applied to
vast business areas, we believe that it will also have
a big success in the tourism industry. The tourism
domain is characterized by a significant
heterogeneity market and information sources and
by a high volume on online transactions (Werthner
and Klein, 2004). Nowadays, there is a lot of
information about tourism products throughout the
Internet and other systems. There are systems that
offer information about a set of tourism products
types like airlines, hotels and car rental. In this group
of systems we have the Computerized Reservation
Systems (CRS) that are associated to a specific
travel supplier and the Global Distribution System
(GDS) that is a super switch connecting several
CRSs (Cardoso, 2005). From the Hotel Distribution
Systems (HDS) we can get information about hotels.
There are also the Destination Management Systems
(DMS) that provide information about tourist
regions. Besides these sets of systems, there are
many web sites that offer tourism information that
aren’t assessable through any of the enumerated
systems. Web sites about hotels that belong to small
companies, car rental, golf or information about
tourist regions are just some examples.
Besides the tourism information aggregation, one
of the big challenges in the tourism business is
ability to create dynamic packages. Dynamic
package means putting together, in real time, a
package of several major travel components, e.g., air
flight legs, hotel nights, car rental days, etc (Kabbaj,
2003). It provides a single, fully priced package,
requiring only one payment from the consumer and
hiding the pricing of individual components within
5-15 seconds (Fitzgerald, 2005).
Current dynamic package applications are
developed using a hard-coded approach. However
such an approach for integration does not comply
with the highly dynamic and decentralized nature of
the tourism industry. Most of the players are small
or medium-sized enterprises with information
systems with different scopes, technologies,
architectures and information structures. This
diversity makes the interoperability of information
systems and technologies very complex and
constitutes a major barrier for emerging e-
Gouveia M. and Cardoso J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 569-572
DOI: 10.5220/0002371705690572
marketplaces and dynamic applications that
particularly affects the smaller players (Fodor and
Werthner, 2004).
In this paper we will describe an architecture to
aggregate tourism information in order to provide
the creation of dynamic packages.
The process of information aggregation is not easy.
Currently Europe’s corporations spend over 10
billion Euros in dealing with data integration
problems (Alexiev, Breu, Bruijn, Fensel, Lara, and
Lausen, 2005). Companies are spending 10% to 30%
of their IT budgets on integrating applications and
systems internally and with their partners. The
problem with information aggregation is that the
information is not structured in the same manner.
Each data source, or application, has a different data
representation and provides different data formats
for integration. HTML, XML, flat files, relational
model are some of examples that we can find in an
aggregation problem. Another problem is the
semantic differences between data sources. We can
find the same word with different meanings. For
example, in one data source, customer can refer to
the tourists in others it can refer to the travel
To resolve the information aggregation
problem, many technologies were proposed.
Database and application server vendors offer
comprehensive data integration tools and platforms.
However, they do not provide any support for
assuring semantic coherence and consistency of the
results (Alexiev, Breu, Bruijn, Fensel, Lara, and
Lausen, 2005). Using ontologies and data mapping
technologies, is it possible to resolve the semantic
incoherence. Ontologies aim at capturing static
domain knowledge in a generic way and provide a
common agreement upon the understanding of that
domain (Chandrasekaran, Josephson, and
Benjamins, 1999).
Information aggregation can remit us for two
integration approaches. In the first approach we can
start by selecting the data sources to integrate and
then try to create an ontology, based on the metadata
from the data sources to integrate. In this approach
we can follow the Semantic Information
Management Methodology (SIM) (figure 1).
Figure 1: The SIM Methodology.
In SIM methodology first we collect the
metadata of the existing data sources. Then, using
this metadata, a central ontology is created capturing
the meaning of the data presented in these data
sources. Finally, the disparate data schemas are
mapped to the ontology.
The second approach resides in thinking first in
the information that we want to aggregate and create
the ontology in order to create a useful knowledge
base. We call this the Ontology Based Approach
(figure 2). In this approach, the ontology is defined
not based on existing data sources metadata but,
instead, based on the solution that we want to build.
In the Ontology Based Approach, we begin with
the ontology definition. Based on the defined
ontology, we create the data schema that will be
used to integrate all the data sources. Then, the data
schema for integration is mapped to the Ontology.
Finally, we must search data sources that provide the
instances to populate the ontology.
Create Data
Mapping Data
Schema with
Search and
Add Data
Sources to the
Figure 2: Ontology Based approach.
In this section we describe our architecture for the
aggregation of information from different data
sources in the tourism domain (figure 3). The aim of
the architecture is to provide a framework that
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
allows the aggregation of tourism information
following the Ontology Based Approach. The
framework must access tourism data sources, extract
their information, combine the data from the
different sources and present it to the tourist in an
aggregated form. The architecture is composed of
four layers. Each one of these layers will be
described next.
4.1 Semantic Layer
One of the most important components of the
architecture is the ontology. It is in the ontology
where we define all the concepts to aggregate. The
ontology must be defined in OWL language (OWL,
2004). Using the ontology elements we can define
rules. The rules must be defined in the Semantic
Web Rule language (SWRL, 2004). Creating the
rules in SWRL and not including them in the
ontology adds flexibility to the rules definition. In
run time we can activate or deactivate a specific
rule. The capability of rule definition is an essential
issue to allow dynamic packaging. We can define
rules that restrict the tourism packages or that add
discounts to a specific package definition. For
example, we can define that a person who chooses to
book a room in a specific hotel has a discount in a
specific restaurant. The rules are managed by the
RACER engine and will affect the result of the
information queries. All the instances presented in
the ontology must respect the defined rules. If a
specific instance does not respect the rules, then it is
removed from it.
To query the architecture we use the nRQL
language. The nRQL language is the semantic query
language used in the RACER engine. This language
allows query information from the ontology defined
in the OWL language.
4.2 Mapping Layer
All the data provided by the data sources must be
added to the ontology defined for the architecture.
This layer is responsible to transform the syntactic
information, defined in XML, in semantic
information, defined in OWL. The transformation
process uses an XSLT document to transform XML
data in OWL data. The XSLT is created using the
JXML2OWL tool (Rodrigues, Rosa, and Cardoso,
2006). This tool provides an interface that allows the
visual mapping between XML elements and OWL
elements. As a result of the mapping we get the
correspondent XSLT document.
The tool also provides the mapping rules stored
in an XML file. The mapping rules define all the
relation between XML elements and OWL elements.
These rules are used in the query transformation
process. The query transformation process has to
transform nRQL queries in syntactic queries. In the
transformation process we have to guarantee that all
the syntactic data will be extracted in order to
execute the semantic queries with success.
Figure 3: Tourism Information Aggregation Architecture.
DataSouce 1 DataSouce 2 DataSouce n
Mapping Tool
Add Ontology Instances
Data Access
Semantic Query
Sintatic Query
XML data
Data Sources
4.3 Syntactic Layer
In this layer we integrate all the data sources. We
use the Gatherer application (Silva and Cardoso,
2006) to perform the integration. Each one of the
data sources is registered in the architecture and
mapped to a pre defined XML schema. The XML
schema is the one used in the mapping layer. It is
created based in the ontology and is used to facilitate
the data sources integration.
For each data source to integrate we have to
create an XML structure that will define the data that
will fulfil a specific item of the XML Schema. Thus,
the Gatherer application knows where to get the
information for a specific query.
4.4 External Data Sources
This layer is composed of all the data sources that
will provide information to the architecture. They
can be Data Bases, XML files, Web Services or
simple Web Pages.
Semantic technologies were already used to resolve
data aggregation problems. TDS Biological Modeler
(Teranode, 2006) is a collaborative biology analysis
application that integrates heterogeneous data
sources in order to provide aggregated information
for scientific analyses. In the healthcare domain the
CEN/ISSS eHealth Standardisation Focus Group
integrates a set of information systems to allow the
exchange of meaningful clinical information among
healthcare institutes (Bicer, Laleci, Dogal, and
Kabak, 2005). Another example of success is the
COG project (Alexiev, Breu, Bruijn, Fensel, Lara,
and Lausen, 2005). The aim of this project is the
integration of a set of applications existing in an
automobile industry.
The presented architecture can be very useful to
create solutions that integrate different data sources
to fulfil a specific ontology. In the tourism domain,
the information must be aggregated in order to allow
the creation of dynamic packages. By using our
architecture, we can think first in defining the
information concepts that we want to aggregate.
Then, search for data sources that can provide the
information to integrate with them.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems